Quotes and statements of famous writers about the Russian language: A selection

Quotes and statements of famous writers about the Russian language: A selection

This article contains quotes of famous writers about the Russian language.

Russian language It is not in vain called "great and powerful." He combines the entire many years of experience of the people and is a common property.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "30 incredibly beautiful and wise quotes and aphorisms that are useful to remember".

Foreigners consider the Russian language very complicated, but interesting. As for the geniuses - Russian writers, their phrases are also known to the whole world. What did the classics say about Russian? Read further.

What was said and wrote about the Russian language Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev: statements

The leitmotif of creativity Turgenev is the image of the Russian people. The writer not only seeks to illuminate the life of people and cultural traditions. He shows the nature of the average Russian, his attitude to life and the state. But, at the same time, descriptions of Russian nature occupy a significant place. Turgenev He was the first Russian writer to recognize abroad. "Fathers and Children", "Notes of the Hunter", "Asya" - All these creations forever entered the treasury of world literature.

Says Ivan Sergeevich and about the greatness of the Russian language. In his understanding, language is something living, spiritualized. This is the property transferred by the ancestors, which should be stored and cherished until the end of their days. Also, in understanding writer, should be treated with caution. What he said and wrote about Russian Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev? Here are his statements:

  • Take care of our language, our beautiful Russian language, is a treasure, this is the property transferred to us by our predecessors! Take a respectfully with this powerful tool. I. S. Turgenev
Statement about the Russian language Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev
Statement about the Russian language Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev
Statement about the Russian language Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev
Statement about the Russian language Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev
Statement about the Russian language Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev
Statement about the Russian language Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev

Language for Turgenev - This is a powerful tool, through which you can not only communicate with each other, but convey your thoughts and eternal truths to descendants. However, the writer calls on to treat the language responsibly and carefully.

Words about the Russian language of Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin

Kuprin It is considered a landscape master. "Duel", "Pomegranate Bracelet", "Moloch" - Each of the works really amazes and inspires. The writer is always attentive to details - he carefully develops each character. But, in fact, nature serves his literary hero. Creations Kuprina Large. Quite often, he meets radical, opposite concepts: strength - weakness, love - hatred. The writer plays in contrast.

Any trifle at Alexandra Ivanovich Able to develop into something significant. This is what his creations are interesting. In one hero can be combined radically opposite qualities. This gives rise to a certain duality.

Kuprin He claims that the Russian language is a great power that needs to be able to use. Here are his words:

  • Russian language in skillful hands and experienced lips - beautiful, singing, expressive, flexible, obedient, dexterous and roomy. A.I. Kuprin
Words about the Russian language of Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin
Words about the Russian language of Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin

It follows from this that it is best to speak in a beautiful, melodic and grammatically correct Russian language, without distorting it with slang and obscene abuse. After all, based on the theory Kuprina, in the hands of the inept Russian, the Russian language can lose its beauty, become unpleasant and even disgusting.

Quotes of the famous writer about the Russian language Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol

Some critics think Gogol The founder of a certain "natural school". Also creations Nikolai Vasilyevich The works of authors such as Chernyshevsky, Nekrasov, Saltykov-Shchedrin influenced. Others consider Gogol the founder of the Russian horror in literature. Anyway, "Dead Souls", "Overcoat", "Examiner", and other works Gogol, cannot leave anyone indifferent.

Despite the fact that the writer in itself gravitates to mysticism, after Pushkin he turns to the theme of the Russian language. Gogol was interested in the purity of the syllable, the goodness and value of the Russian language. The writer also emphasizes the complexity of Russian in comparison with other European languages. Here are the quotes of this famous writer about the Russian language:

  • You are divorced by the jewelry of our language: no matter what sound, then the gift is everything granular, large, like the pearls itself, and, right, another name is even more precious than the thing itself. N.V. Gogol
Quote of the famous writer about Russian Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol
Quote of the famous writer about Russian Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol

Russian language for Gogol - This is a certain magic and a kind of shrine, which in no case should be desecrated.

The words of Vissarion Grigoryevich Belinsky: short quotes

Regarding this person, there are many opposite opinions. Some consider him a writer, others - a literary critic. Anyway, Belinsky - outstanding personality with some revolutionary orientation. For him, not so much the hill of literature was important as - its proximity to existing popular realities.

Belinsky divides literature into “ideal” and “real”. Ideal literature in his understanding is beautiful fairy tales that have nothing to do with life in Russia. As for real literature - this is our being, our pain and reality. These are those works that very accurately reflect life in the country.

Often Belinsky I admired Gogol and Pushkin. The Russian language for Belinsky is a self -sufficient thing, which does not tolerate any substitutions and analogues. Belinsky also says that the Russian language is the richest in the world. Here are the words of Vissarion Grigoryevich Belinsky - short quotes:

  • Russian is one of the richest languages \u200b\u200bin the world, there is no doubt about it. V. G. Belinsky
The words of Vissarion Grigoryevich Belinsky
The words of Vissarion Grigoryevich Belinsky
The words of Vissarion Grigoryevich Belinsky
The words of Vissarion Grigoryevich Belinsky
The words of Vissarion Grigoryevich Belinsky
The words of Vissarion Grigoryevich Belinsky
The words of Vissarion Grigoryevich Belinsky
The words of Vissarion Grigoryevich Belinsky

Statements about the Russian language of Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov: A selection

This person played a significant role in the development of Russian linguistics and rhetoric. Exactly Lomonosov was created "Russian grammar"in which such concepts as "Transcription", "spelling", "speech". Also Lomonosov - One of those who first thought about the artistic expressiveness of literature.

Creation Lomonosov gave prerequisites for the development of scientific terminology in Russia. The Russian language delights and excites the consciousness of Lomonosov, he feels his uniqueness. It is precisely this great man that comes to the fact that secular and church speech should be distinguished. Lomonosov He also studied various dialects that exist in certain areas of our vast Motherland. Here are his statements about the Russian language - a selection:

  • The language with which the Russian power of the great part of the world commands is powerful in its power, beauty and strength, which is not inferior to a single European language. And for that there is no doubt that the Russian word could not be brought into such perfection as we are surprised in others. M.V. Lomonosov.
  • Take care of our language, our beautiful Russian language is a treasure, this is the property transferred to us by our predecessors! Take a respectfully with this powerful tool; In the hands of skilled, it is able to perform miracles. M.V. Lomonosov.

Lomonosov said that in the Russian language there is beauty and potential. And if people are tirelessly studying and modernizing it, then it will become the most beautiful and multifaceted language of Europe.

Quotes about the Russian language of the poet Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin

Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin They call "the sun of Russian poetry." This is a key figure in Russian versification and literature. Pushkin He sees the features of each era and nation, he always selects the correct epithets and metaphors to present his thoughts. Moreover, Pushkin knew how to say a difficult and beautiful language about the complex. But, at the same time, the syllable of Pushkin is beautiful and delighted.

Author "Baryshni-peasant", "gypsy", "station caretaker"and "Dubrovsky", He knew how to see the beauty and greatness of the Russian language. But, at the same time, he spoke freely in French. However, only Russian Pushkin He called the most vast and multifaceted. Here's what he said - the poet's quotes:

Quote about the Russian language of the poet Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin
Quote about the Russian language of the poet Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin
Quote about the Russian language of the poet Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin
Quote about the Russian language of the poet Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin

The height of literary turnover speaks of the experience of the writer. A. S. Pushkin can be called the legislator of Russian poetry, as well as the inspirer of many other writers around the world. Most of his works have become real masterpieces.  

Words about the Russian language Maxim Gorky

Words about the Russian language Maxim Gorky
Words about the Russian language Maxim Gorky

Particularly attractive can be called creativity Maxim Gorky In the revolutionary years. The writer was able to understand and fully convey both the nature of the proletarians and the need for radical social changes. Gorky also owns the “New Children's Literature”, designed to educate people of erudite and strong -willed.

The writer also speaks respectfully about the Russian language. Gorky indicates that Russian is extremely important for the formation of a worldview. It helps to prioritize. Also Bitter Respeses the Russian language for conciseness - after all, with its help, one can reflect the whole essence of phenomena and processes. Here are the words about the Russian language:

  • "Our speech is predominantly aphoristic, is distinguished by its compression, fortress".

In understanding Gorky The Russian language is dynamic, has an extremely flexible structure that is constantly changing.

  • "The Russian language is inexhaustible and everything is enriched with the speed of the amazing."

Also Bitter - A car of very important notes about the significance of speech in human life.

Short quotes by Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky

Paustovsky Almost always looks at life from a lyrical point of view. Ideals, in this case, are quite high. He thinks about friendship, love, fidelity. Also Konstantin Georgievich Very appreciates the nature of Russia, creates a unique atmosphere. He notes the organicity of the language and its diversity. Here are the short quotes of this writer:

  • We are given the possession of the richest, well -aimed, mighty and truly magical Russian language. K. G. Paustovsky.
Short quotes by Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky
Short quotes by Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky
Short quotes by Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky
Short quotes by Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky
Short quotes by Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky
Short quotes by Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky
Short quotes by Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky
Short quotes by Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky
Short quotes by Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky
Short quotes by Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky

Paustovsky tried himself as a children's author. It is thanks to the beauty of the Russian language that he fully manages to convey the magnificence of the world.

Statements about the Russian language Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

He could well become a doctor, but became a writer. The talent was found in the first year. However, the “medical past” is reflected in almost every creation of the writer - many of his heroes are related to medicine. Also Anton Pavlovich Chekhov - Master of description of universal problems and values. In his creations there are tragedy and realism. Chekhov - Great playwright. He is an EMOC, but concise.

Author "Seagulls", "chambers No. 6", And he did not meet other literary and dramatic works that he did not meet a more aristocratic and elevated language. In the Russian language, in its understanding, grace and simplicity are combined. Here are the statements of this writer:

  • “Beware of the exquisite language. The language should be simple and elegant. ”
  • “Unscrewing, dissonant words should be avoided. I do not like words with an abundance of hissing and whistling sounds, I avoid them. ”
Statements about the Russian language Anton Pavlovich Chekhov
Statements about the Russian language Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

Despite the fact that creations Chekhov It is clear to everyone, they always leave some aftertaste, as well as reasons to think about reality.

Words and statements about the Russian language Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

The writer was seen by a convinced realist. He describes the life of a “little man” in conditions of unfair and even cruel reality. The latter seem to strangle the hero, does not allow him to live a normal life. “Crime and punishment”, “poor people”, “idiot”, “teenager”, “brothers Karamazov” “Demons” - Creations Dostoevsky Not so positive. But instructive. Dostoevsky He believes that it is possible to study foreign languages \u200b\u200bonly when a person is fluent in his native language. Here are the words and statements about the Russian language of Fedor Mikhailovich:

  • "In our still unsettled and young language, we can transmit deep forms of spirit."
Words and statements about the Russian language Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky
Words and statements about the Russian language Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky
Words and statements about the Russian language Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky
Words and statements about the Russian language Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky
Words and statements about the Russian language Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky
Words and statements about the Russian language Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

As you can see all the great writers and poets converged in the opinion that the Russian language is a significant and powerful tool for those who can understand its charm, appreciate it and learn to use it.

Video: Statements of great people about Russian

Video: Foreigners about Russian! What did the great people say about Russian? Veliky quotes!

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