The best smart, funny and cool phrases, quotes, statuses about alcohol: selection

The best smart, funny and cool phrases, quotes, statuses about alcohol: selection

If you want to shine with the mind in the company of friends during the celebration, then learn phrases about alcohol. The article has a selection of funny and cool quotes.

Humor and libations are connected in the most direct way. After all, it is in a state of strong reflection that a person is capable of reckless actions and actions. Of course, the next morning he realizes his behavior, will be ashamed and pity. But it will be later, after the holiday.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "How to cook an alcoholic and non -alcoholic GOG". You will find the best step -by -step recipes.

There are many different statements and quotes about alcohol. Someone likes to set statuses in social networks related to this topic, others are looking for phrases for presentations and reports. Below we present a good selection of different quotes related to alcohol. Choose what you need. Read further.

What are funny and cool phrases about alcohol: a selection

While the holiday continues, the fun itself lasts. There are toasts, quotes, humor. After all, all this is closely connected with the feast and drinking of strong drinks. What funny and cool phrases about alcohol and its use exist among the people? Here is some of them:

  • Of course, he was not an eagle, but he flew quickly behind beer.
  • You know more - you drink stronger.
  • A can of beer decomposes for 100 years, but, the body of the car rot in 1-2 years!
  • The title "Psychologist of the Year" once again won vodka.
  • Every day I buy vodka. Am I a shopaholic?

Of course, this is a kind of “laughter through tears”. After all, alcohol harms people more than helps. But a fact is a fact - many people cannot abandon its frequent use. Although, at the same time, they perfectly understand that it is a drink that is the cause of shame, crimes and many diseases that overtake a person closer to old age.

  • A good interlocutor not only listens carefully, but also pours on time.
  • Vodka "Avatar" - learn to control the blue body.
  • He said no! Alcohol ... It turned out that she did not hear cognac.

Of course, if you can’t refuse alcohol in general, you should at least know in it the measure. Otherwise, life can be fun, but short -term.

If you still need funny and cool phrases about alcohol, then here is a selection:

Funny and cool phrases about alcohol
Funny and cool phrases about alcohol
Funny and cool phrases about alcohol
Funny and cool phrases about alcohol
Funny and cool phrases about alcohol
Funny and cool phrases about alcohol
Funny and cool phrases about alcohol
Funny and cool phrases about alcohol

Winged phrases from Soviet and modern films about alcohol: A selection

Winged phrase
Winged phrase

Directors always strive to make a movie like life. That is why the main and secondary heroes, just like real people, smoke and drink alcohol. In almost every example of Soviet and modern cinema, you can find "alcohol" aphorisms. Here is a selection of winged phrases from Soviet and modern films about alcohol:

  • Lelik! How to bring it to condition? He is low. - Even the teetotalers and ulcers ("Diamond hand") drink at someone else's expense)
  • In the morning, only aristocrats or degenerates ("Diamond hand") drink champagne in the morning.
  • “And who does not drink? No, tell me, I'm waiting! " ("The Pokrovsky Gate").
  • I don't drink. And what is there to drink? ("Caucasian captive").
  • What alcohol? First with the needs - then for the girls! - Well done! ("Brigade").
  • Now I will drink it - and I will quit ("The White Sun of the Desert").
  • “The word rum and the word death is now the same for you” (“Treasure Island”).
  • Glebka! Are you thumping all night again and did not spend the night at home? Offend, Andrei Evgenievich. I was at home! In pure consciousness and sober memory. - I believe, Murzik, I believe ("Interns").

Here are a few more famous phrases:

Winged phrases from Soviet and modern films about alcohol
Winged phrases from Soviet and modern films about alcohol

Phrases about alcohol with meaning: a selection

Since the time of ancient philosophers, people were divided into 2 categories-some tried to somehow justify their drunkenness and said that the truth was in fault, while others sought to prove to the whole world that drinking was a slow suicide and prolonged self-destruction.

In fact, each person himself chooses his lifestyle and decides for himself what is good for him and what is bad. The only trouble is that often people do not control their measure. And this is the reason for the large number of human troubles. Here is a selection of phrases about alcohol with meaning:

  • “I envy people who drink - at least they know what to blame everything for,” - actor Oscar Levant.
  • “I am sitting on whiskey diet. I have already lost three days, ” - comedian Tommy Cooper.
  • One of the reasons why I do not drink is that I want to know for sure when I spend my time well - Nancy Astor politician.
  • “I drink wine while I cook, and sometimes add it to food,” - comedian W.K. Fields.
Phrases about alcohol with meaning
Phrases about alcohol with meaning

Naturally, the use of alcohol in itself is a sign of weakness of human will. A person intentionally and methodically poisons himself, thinking that he smooths out the corners, solves his psychological problems and finds an effective source of fun. In fact, clouding his consciousness, he only delayed the problems that had to be solved.

Short phrases about alcohol: a selection

It is believed that the shorter the statement, the more brilliant. However, not everyone knows how to sparkle and witty expressing their thought. Here are a few rather short, but interesting phrases about alcohol - a selection:

  • If you decide to carry nonsense, at least drink! (Mikhail Guskov).
  • Each alcoholic in childhood was a dairy.
  • “Sweets are good, but the liquor acts faster,” the poet Ogden Nash.
  • “Better stomach will burst than a good liquor will disappear,” the writer Jonathan Swift.
  • “I'm not going to die sober!”, Jordan Belfort “Wolf with Wall Street”.
  • “It’s easier to manage a drunken people,” said Catherine II.

Today, for many, alcohol (like smoking cigarettes) is considered a relic of the past, and many people (including young ones) are actively abandoning it. That is why this selection is designed not to popularize the use of alcohol, but to cause a good nostalgic smile.

Short phrases about alcohol
Short phrases about alcohol

Beautiful phrases about alcohol: a selection

Beautiful phrases about alcohol
Beautiful phrases about alcohol

In all centuries, people understood that drinking was bad. In addition to the fact that alcohol ruins the body, it makes a person asocial, contributes to bad behavior and crime. However, all these decades and even centuries, few could deny themselves a glass. It is believed that you need to know the measure. But it is violated too often.

Here is a selection of beautiful phrases about alcohol:

  • The reason for many misfortunes lies at the bottom of the wine glass. (I. VAZ)
  • Fishing is the best excuse for drinking on the early morning. (Jimmy Cannon)
  • The wine is mocking, but drunkenness is violent. (Evagriy Pontic)
  • Drinking is an exercise in madness. (Pythagoras)
  • Alcohol-incinerating moisture, water-werewolf. (Ravil Aleev)
  • Truth was drowned more than once. (Pliny Senior)
  • Those are more reckless by cattle who quench their thirst not with water, but with wine. (Diogen)
  • Intoxication is voluntary craziness. (Aristotle)
  • Drinking does not give birth to vices: it discovers them. (Socrates)
  • You need to be able to drink. It is important not only to know what to drink. But when, how. And what to say (Professor Preobrazhensky, "Dog heart")
Beautiful phrases about alcohol
Beautiful phrases about alcohol

In fact, drinking beautifully (that is, having a culture of drinking) is better than getting drunk before a pig’s squeal. Well, to lead a sober lifestyle is even better. It is a pity that few people understand this.

Churchill's phrases about alcohol

The life of this policy is a kaleidoscope of bright events. Without a doubt, Churchill He was a smart man. However, he could not resist bad habits. Or rather, he adored his cigars and a strong drink. But it is thanks to its drunkenness Churchill And he managed to fully express his charisma and remained in history as the author of the most witty quotes. Here are his famous phrases about alcohol:

  • “I cannot live without champagne. When I win, I deserve it when I lose - I need it " - It is also believed that this is the phrase of Napoleon. But there are no direct and accurate evidence to someone who really, the author is Churchill or Bonaparte. The author is called both.
  • “Darling, and you are ugly, but I will sober up tomorrow, and you will remain ugly” - The phrase of Churchill. Rumor has it that one woman saw him on the street in an indecent form, as a result of which she made him a remark. The politician answered her lunge in his style.
  • “Remember, gentlemen, we are not fighting for France. We are fighting for champagne! ”
  • “When I was younger, I had a rule not to drink before lunch. Now I have a rule not to drink before breakfast. ”
  • "If you were my wife, I would drink you" - said Churchill, when at one of the tricks the lady tried to persuade him to accept the stronger. Amazing, because the politician never refused to drink. Probably, this glass of whiskey simply did not climb into it. And if Churchill obeyed the lady, then the whole treat would climb out. Therefore, he refused.

Naturally, Churchill’s quotes should be perceived as humor, and not blindly follow his “instructions”. After all, even great people are not without flaws. Therefore, if there is a desire to become great, it is better to follow Churchill's example in something else.

Smart phrases about alcohol: selection

It is believed that alcohol is a catalyst for human philosophy. Below you will find some "pearls of wisdom" from famous drunkards. Naturally, each of them has its own rational grain. It remains only to extract him. Here is a selection of smart phrases about alcohol:

  • There is wisdom in wine, there is freedom in beer, there are bacteria in water. Benjamin Franklin
  • I drink so that people around me become more interesting. George Jean Nathan
  • If you notice a person who is trying to drown his sorrows in a glass, tell him that they can swim sorrow. Pittakus ENT
  • Alcohol is possibly a dangerous enemy of man, but the Bible says: love his enemy. Frank Sinatra
  • I was somehow asked if my hangover is tormented. No, because in order for a hangover to happen, you need to stop drinking. Lemmy Kilmister

In fact, stronger does not give a person wisdom. It only makes his behavior more liberated. Wisdom in a person is either or not. And it is important to remember. Of course, wisdom draws from books and life experience, and not from a bottle.

Quotes about alcohol: selection

Quotes about alcohol
Quotes about alcohol

Many poets and musicians reflected human being in their creations. They also mentioned alcohol - sometimes obviously, and sometimes veiled. It's a shame that most of them died from alcohol. However, all creative people are very vulnerable - therefore, it is quite possible that it was alcohol that helped them fight the vicissitudes of the world.

Here is a selection of quotes about alcohol:

  • “The sun is on the bottom of the bottle, penny in a piggy bank, everything is closer, an angel in the sky, the door outside the door, sleep in a dream ...”. (Egor Letov).
  • "Do not drink alcohol drinking - poison, surrounding - torture." (V. Mayakovsky).
  • "The wine is scotch and star of man, burns him and distracts him from bright thoughts, stupid him." (F. Dostoevsky).
  • "Alcohol is anesthesia that allows you to transfer an operation called Life". (George Bernard show)
  • “All our intoxicating drinks that excites alcohol are only a weak reflection of that single, not yet open toxin that intoxication of love.” (Sigmund Freud)
  • “People-idiots + alcohol. Here you have a recipe for any brawl. ” (Jason Statham)
  • "Alcohol is a completely reliable tool when it is required to decide the mind." (Vasily Yakovlevich Danilevsky)
  • "There is no better way to create idiots than alcohol with its prolonged use". (Emil Condellin)
  • "Any type of addiction is bad, whether it is dependence on alcohol, drugs or idealism". (Karl Gustav Jung)

However, the singers and writers, as they popularized a drink with their example, showed how much trouble can be if there are too many alcohols on the table. For example, the reason for the death of the same leader of the Civil Defense group is in a stop of breathing in a dream due to ethanol poisoning. He spoiled his health with alcohol and Lemmy Kilmister, who literally lived with a bottle in an embrace. Although, of course, drinking or not drinking and what to do with their lives is everyone’s personal business.

Statuses for social networks about alcohol: a selection

The modern Internet user is postponing information about absolutely everything. And that is why it is known when someone eats, and when he drinks. A selection of quotes will help to configure your friends to a “fun wave”. Here is a selection of statuses for social networks about alcohol:

  • She flew over to the cocktail, but promised to return.
  • Of course, I am not a master. But today I will be 2 Margarites.
  • On the "Sun at the bottom of the bottle" (donate line).
  • You are without Yager (Yagermeister) - Meger, but with the "Jager" - nothing.
  • I left, I’ll be late, drunk and with a lady - Seryozha, you are already 40 years old. Thank you for giving me at least some chance for my grandchildren.
  • Bury me behind the plinth - we are with beer and we will get you there.
  • If hot is evil, then I wish to burn in hell.

Here are a few more lines:

Statuses for social networks about alcohol
Statuses for social networks about alcohol
Statuses for social networks about alcohol
Statuses for social networks about alcohol
Statuses for social networks about alcohol
Statuses for social networks about alcohol

Of course, everyone understands that the less often drinks from this category are used - the better. Therefore, their use should not boast - especially if it is frequent. It is much better to write statuses about creativity and training on a social network. But, if you still want to declare your mood the whole world, then go ahead. Put statuses, shine with original phrases. Your friends will definitely appreciate it!

Video: Aphorisms about alcohol. Wise thoughts about alcohol.

Video: Statuses and quotes. Self -medication alcohol

Video: Statements of great people about alcohol

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