Quotes Omar Khayyam - Aphorisms, short, with meaning, wise: Best selection

Quotes Omar Khayyam - Aphorisms, short, with meaning, wise: Best selection

A selection of wise quotes of Omar Khayyam.

Omar Hayyam - quotes and aphorisms

Omar Hayyam - quotes and aphorisms
Omar Hayyam - quotes and aphorisms

Omar Hayyam - quotes and aphorisms:

  • Whoever beats with life will achieve more. Pood salt, who eaten above appreciates honey. Whoever poured tears is laughing sincerely. Whoever was dying knows that he lives!
  • Communicating with a fool, you will not get a shame. Therefore, you listen to the advice of Khayyama: poison, the wise man is offered to you, take it from the hands of the fool do not take the balm.
  • How often, in life mistaken in life, we lose those who we value. Alien to like, trying to run away from the neighbor. We offer those who are not worth us, but we betray the most faithful. Who loves us so much, offend us, and we are waiting for apologies.
  • We change rivers, countries, cities. Other doors. New years. And we can’t get away from ourselves anywhere, and if we get away, only nowhere.
  • We won’t get into this world forever, we will not meet with friends at the table forever. Catch every flying moment - it will never be aware of it later.
  • You have not shared your secret with people, because you do not know which of them to pour. How you yourself do with God's creature, wait for yourself and from people.
  • I know the world: in it a thief sits on a thief. The sage always loses in a dispute, with a fool. Dishonest - honestly shame. And a drop of happiness drowns in the sea of \u200b\u200bgrief ...
  • In order to wisely live a life, you need to know a lot. Remember two important rules for starters: you are better to starve than what happened and better be one than with anyone.
    I have never repelled a person’s poverty, another thing if his soul and thoughts are poor.
  • You can seduce a man who has a wife, you can seduce a man who has a mistress, but you cannot seduce a man who has a beloved woman.
  • Hell and Paradise in heaven are affirmed by the Hanji; I looked into myself - I was convinced of a lie. Hell and Paradise are not circles in the palace of the universe; Hell and Paradise are two halves of the soul.
  • Spikes of lovely roses - the price of fragrance. The price of hoped feasts - hangover suffering. For a fiery passion for your only one, you must pay years of waiting.
  • The bee, sticking the steel sting, does not know that she was stolen. So fools, letting the poison do not know what they are doing.
  • About grief, grief to the heart, where there is no burning passion. Where there is no love of torment, where there is no dream about happiness. A day without love - lost: dull and Serge, than this day is barren, and there is no bad day.
  • Do not hold on what leaves, and do not push off what comes. And then happiness will find you itself.
  • In a loved one, even disadvantages like, and even advantages are annoyed in unloved.
  • Who was beaten, he will achieve more. A pood of salt has eaten, it appreciates honey above. Whoever poured tears is laughing sincerely. Whoever was dying knows that he lives.
  • It’s better to live a short life without praying, it’s better to live a short life. It’s better not than to drink wine with a beauty in the middle of this pile of ruins, we collapse on the grass!
  • We come sinless - and sin, we come funny - and grieve. We burn the heart with bitter tears. And we go to dust, dispelling life like smoke.
  • Have fewer friends, do not expand their circle. And remember: better close, in the distance a living friend.
  • Okin with a calm gaze of everyone who is sitting around. In whom you saw a support, you will suddenly see the enemy.
  • Do not envy the one who is strong and rich. At dawn, there is always a sunset. With this life is short, as well as a sigh, turn like rent to you!
  • You are not very hard for people with the current heart, it is better to be better from people these days. Open the eyes of your soul to the closest - you will see with horror: they are enemies.
  • Do not say that the man is a womanizer! If he were monogamous, then the turn would not have reached you.
  • I have never repelled a person’s poverty, another thing if his soul and thoughts are poor.
  • Good does not put on a mask of evil, but often evil under the mask of good, does his crazy things.
  • Being beautiful does not mean to be born to them, because we can learn beauty. When a person is handsome, what kind of appearance can be compared with her?
  • There will be no forgiveness to anyone who did not sin.
  • You are a mine, if you go to search for a ruby, you love, if you live a date with hope. Drink into the essence of these words - both simple and wise: you will certainly find everything that you seek in yourself!

Wise quotes of Omara Khayyam

Wise quotes of Omara Khayyam
Wise quotes of Omara Khayyam

The wise quotes of Omara Khayyama:

  • To wisely live life, you need to know a lot, remember two important rules for starters: you better starve than something to eat, and better be one than with anyone.
  • There are no goals where its secret would not have matured, my heart lives with feeling, without melting anything. Every tribe is going on on his road ... But love is a hurricane on the ways of being!
  • The fact that God once measured us, friends cannot be increased and cannot be reduced. We will try to really spent cash, without charging, not asking for loan.
  • Giving yourself does not mean selling. And to sleep nearby does not mean to sleep. Do not take revenge - does not mean to forgive everything. Not nearby - does not mean not to love!
  • Only those who are worse than us, and those who are better than us ... are simply not up to us, think about us.
  • You will say this life is one moment. Appreciate her, scoop in her inspiration. As you spend it, it will pass, do not forget: she is your creation.
  • You will say this life is one moment. Appreciate her, scoop in her inspiration. As you spend it, it will pass, do not forget: she is your creation.
  • Do not envy the one who is strong and rich. At dawn, there is always a sunset. With this life is short, as well as a sigh, turn like rent to you!
  • You can only show the sighted. To sing a song is only to those who hear. Give yourself to someone who will be grateful, who understands, loves and appreciates.
  • Love at the beginning is always affectionate. In memories - affection is always. And you love - pain! And with each other's greed. We torment and torment - always.
  • You can only show the sighted. To sing a song is only to those who hear. Give yourself to someone who will be grateful, who understands, loves and appreciates.
  • In this world, not be a fool: do not try to rely on those who are around. A hard eye, take a look at the closest friend, a day, perhaps, it will turn out to be the worst enemy.
  • Have a smaller friends, do not expand their circle and remember: better than loved ones, in the distance a living friend.
  • Okin with a calm gaze of everyone who is sitting around. In whom you saw a support, you will suddenly see the enemy.
  • Do not put you a fool of a hungry to protect himself from a feeling of disgust: having drunk, he won’t give you a scream, and get tired in the morning, asking for forgiveness.
  • Communicating with a fool, you won’t get a shame, so you listen to the advice of Khayyama: poison, the wise man is offered to you, accept, do not take the balm from the hands of the fool.
  • Not the evil of others and they themselves are not angry. We are guests in this mortal world, and what is wrong, then you humble yourself.
    Think your head coldly. After all, everything is logical in the world: the evil emitted by you will certainly return to you!
  • You have not shared your secret with people, because you do not know which of them to pour. How you yourself do with God's creature, wait for yourself and from people.
  • Be easier for people. If you want to be wise - do not hurt your wisdom.
  • To blind your life from the most intelligent deeds. I didn’t think of it, I couldn’t at all. But time - here we have a quick teacher! As a slap will give, you have a little wiser.
  • The lower man soul, the higher nose up. He stretches his nose to where he has not grown with his soul.
    And with a friend and the enemy you must be good! Who is kind by nature, you will not find anger.
  • You offend a friend - you will make an enemy, you will hug the enemy - you will find a friend.
  • One will not figure out what roses smell of. Another of bitter herbs will get honey. I will give a trifle to someone, he will remember forever. You will give life to someone, but he will not understand.
  • Have fewer friends, do not expand their circle. And remember: better than loved ones, in the distance the living friend Okin with a calm gaze of everyone who is sitting around. In whom you saw a support, you will suddenly see the enemy.
  • Two looked at one window. One saw rain and dirt. The other is green foliage, spring and sky is blue.
  • You got out of the mud to the riches, but quickly becoming a prince ... Do not forget not to jinx ..., the bunches are not eternal - mud is eternal.
  • We are a source of fun and sorrow mine. We are the container of filth and a pure spring. Man, as if in the mirror, the world is a diverse. He is insignificant, and he is immensely great!
  • It is better to fall into poverty, starve or steal than to get into the number of dishwashers. It is better to swallow bones than sought with sweets. At the table among the bastards with power.

Great quotes of Omara Khayyam

Great quotes of Omara Khayyam
Great quotes of Omara Khayyam

Great quotes of Omar Khayyama:

  • Do not be afraid of the intrigues of the running time, our troubles are not eternal in the circle of being.
  • You can only show the sighted, sing a song - only to those who hear.
  • Life is a desert, on it we rave naked. Mortal, full of pride, you are just funny!
  • And it’s not scary when black bread is scary when the black soul ...
  • The drop began to cry that she broke up with the sea, the sea laughed at a naive grief.
  • You are better to starve than something to eat, and it is better to be alone than with anyone.
  • The days of life are even bitter, because they also leave forever.
  • It is better to swallow bones than to seduce sweets at the table among the bastards with power.
  • A careless wind in the eternal book of life could move the wrong page!
  • Passion cannot be friends with deep love, if he can, then they do not be long.
  • We will not come to this world a second time, we will not find our friends a second time.
  • Life is ashamed of those who are sitting and mourning, who do not remember the comfort, do not forgive offense ...
  • Be happy at that moment. This moment is your life.
  • Appreciate today, even though it is not enough. Yesterday - passed, and tomorrow - it did not come
  • Do not say that the man is a womanizer. If he had been a single man, then the turn would not have reached you.
  • We will leave without a trace - neither names nor signs. This world will stand for another thousands of years.
  • Is it funny for the whole century to save a penny, if you still can’t buy eternal life?
  • In one temptation young - feel everything! In one shoulder string - listen to everything!
  • What is life? Bazaar ... do not look for a friend there. What is life? Bruise ... do not look for medicines. Do not change yourself.
  • Smile people. But people have smiles - do not look.
  • We will leave without a trace - neither names nor signs. This world will stand for another thousands of years.
  • Life is bitter and drunk wine!
  • Your arrival and care does not matter. Just a fly flew out the window for a moment ...
  • Do not go into the darkening Dali - live in a short bright strip.
  • You will say this life is one moment. Value her, scoop in her inspiration
  • We won’t get into this world forever, we will not meet with friends at the table forever. Catch every flying moment - it will never be aware of it later.
  • I would compare the world with a chessboard day, then night, and you and I have pawns.
  • Days - waves of rivers in minute silver, sand of the desert in a melting game.
  • Live today. And yesterday and tomorrow - not so needed in the earth's calendar.
  • Close the Qur'an. Look freely and think for yourself. Good - always disappeared. Evil - never remember. And in order to rise in heart - to the fallen to the fallen.
    They are unlikely to indicate the path that did not seek the path - knock - and the doors will open to fate!
  • How much to live, how much to drink - they measure out by eye, and even then they strive not to add every time.
  • I have never repelled a person’s poverty, another thing if his soul and thoughts are poor.
  • Generation of despondency in the soul is a crime.
  • As you spend it, it will pass, do not forget: she is your creation.
  • I think that it is better to be lonely than to give the heat of the soul “someone” to give.
  • Know: In the love heat - you must be ice. At the dignity of the feast - you need to be non -melly.

Short quotes Omar Khayyama

Short quotes Omar Khayyama
Short quotes Omar Khayyama

Short quotes Omar Khayyama:

  • The thoughtful soul is inclined to loneliness.
  • After all, it doesn’t matter what you die from, because it is more important - why it was born.
  • The most important thing is to restore order in the soul. We observe three “not”: we do not complain, we do not blame do not justify.
  • Water ... I drank it once. She does not quench thirst.
  • Do not believe the one who speaks beautifully, in his words there is always a game. Believe the one who is silently doing beautiful things.
  • In this world, not be a fool: a wine, a bottomless jug, prepare!
  • The lower man soul, the higher nose up. He stretches his nose to where he has not grown with his soul.
  • What is the use of interpreting someone who is stupid!
  • In this dark world, consider only spiritual wealth true, for it will never depreciate.
  • A true friend is a person who will express everything that he thinks of you, and he will tell everyone that you are a wonderful person.
  • Be happy at that moment. This moment is your life.
  • Who drank - left, who drinks - will leave! But is that eternal - who does not drink anything?
  • The wind of life is sometimes ferocious. In general, life, however, is good and not scary when black bread is scary when a black soul ...
  • The hungry lion will rather refuse food than a woman from meanness and lies.
  • If you wait for goodness for goodness, you do not give good, you sell it.
  • The struggle gives the taste of life.
  • You should never explain anything to anyone. Anyone who does not want to listen, will not hear and will not believe, and the one who believes and understands does not need explanations.
  • Do not hold on what leaves, and do not push off what comes. And then happiness will find you itself.
  • The world was spinning without us, it will spin without us.
  • In the temporary world, the essence of which is permission, do not give up to things that are insignificant.
  • Our greatest power lies in the kindness and tenderness of our heart.
  • The universe does not care, and it hurts only to us.
  • Brother, do not demand wealth - they will not be enough for everyone.
  • If a vile medicine pours you - pour! If the wise poured you poison, take it!
  • Love can do without reciprocity, but friendship never.
  • Be happy at that moment. This moment is your life
  • What is the meaning of our life? He is incomprehensible to us!
  • The fallen spirit perishes ahead of schedule.
  • When you leave for five minutes, do not forget to leave heat in your palms. In the palms of those who are waiting for you in the palms of those who remember you ...
  • Being beautiful does not mean to be born to them, because we can learn beauty.
  • I’m afraid that we will not get into this world again, and there we will not find our friends - behind the coffin.
  • Do not envy the one who is strong and rich, during dawn there is always a sunset. With this life is a short, equal to the breath, turn like rent to you.
  • Tomorrow’s day you can’t look today, only the thought of him is constrained by flour breasts.
  • Be softer to people! Do you want to be wise? - Do not hurt your wisdom. Fight with the offender, be bold. But swear not to offend people yourself!
  • The days of life are even bitter, because they also leave forever.
  • Be free! Remember our vow: "Saint - narrow, hypocrite - cruel." Haiyama sounds stubbornly: "Break down, but be wide with your heart!"
  • Love at first is always affectionate. In memories - affection is always. And you love - pain! And we torment each other with greed and torment - always.
  • Do not be afraid of the intrigues of the running time, our troubles are not eternal in the circle of being.

The best quotes of Omar Khayyam about death, the human soul

The best quotes of Omar Khayyam 0 death, the human soul
The best quotes of Omar Khayyam about death, the human soul

The best quotes of Omar Khayyam about death, the human soul:

He is too zealous, shouts: "This is me!"
In a wallet a gold brings: "This is me!"
But as soon as he will have time to establish divisions,
Death in the window to the bracket knocks: "This is me!"

* * *

Since your own death cannot be delayed,
Since the murmur is indicated from above,
Since eternal things you can’t blind from wax -
Then you should not cry about it, friends!

* * *

Now you get dominated, your throne is high,
And the beggar - in disaster, in the need for cruel.
But soon - there, behind the arch of mortal gates,
You are not distinguished from the beggar.

* * *

The world has no beginning, he has no end,
We will leave forever - neither names nor signs.
This world was before us and will forever be,
After us, it will stand for another thousand years.

* * *

We did not need food and sleep at all,
Until from the four elements we were blinded.
But everything that they gave us will certainly be taken away
And we will again become a pinch of gray dust.

* * *

Life is a desert, on it we take Nagish.
Mortal, full of pride, you are just funny!
You find the reason for every step -
Meanwhile, he has long been a foregone conclusion in heaven.

* * *

Do not mourn, mortal, yesterday's losses,
The affairs of today's tomorrow's measure do not measure
Neither the former nor the coming minute believe
Believe the minute of the current - be happy now!

* * *

Life is ashamed of those who are sitting and mourning
Who does not remember the plenipotentiary, does not forgive grief.
Sing, as long as Chang did not burst the strings!
Drink, as long as the vessel is not broken about the stone!

* * *

We come sinless - and sin,
We come funny - and grieve.
Burn the heart with bitter tears
And we go to dust, dispelling life like smoke.

* * *

Being beautiful does not mean to be born to them,
After all, we can learn beauty.
When a beautiful person is beautiful -
What appearance can be compared with it?

* * *

“Hell and Paradise are in heaven,” the Hanji say.
I, having looked into myself, became convinced of the lie:
Hell and Paradise are not circles in the palace of the universe,
Hell and Paradise are two halves of the soul.

* * *

Not a man who is used to having their appearance,
Who seeks to like every moment.
Be courageous everywhere, decorate your soul,
For a woman is a husband decorating a face!

* * *

The wind of life is sometimes ferocious.
In general, life, however, is good
And it’s not scary when black bread
It's scary when the black soul ...

* * *

Oh sky, your hand is generous to the scoundrels,
They are baths, mills and water of the Aryka,
And whoever is clean in soul is only a crust of bread.
Such a sky is ugh! - Do not spit either.

* * *

We are a source of fun - and sorrows mine.
We are the container of the filth - and a pure spring.
A man, as if in the mirror, the world is a diverse.
He is insignificant - and he is immensely great!

Hayyam's quotes about women

Hayyam quotes about women:

  • A torn flower should be presented, the poem begun is completed, and the beloved woman is happy, otherwise it was not worth taking on the fact that you can’t do it.
  • You can seduce a man who has a wife, you can seduce a man who has a mistress, but you cannot seduce a man who has a beloved woman!
  • Being a wife and a beloved woman is not always the same.
  • Many women in brocade, pearls dressed,
    But I could not find an ideal among them.
  • I asked the sage: - What is perfection?
    - The one is next to you! - He told me.

Omar Hayam Quotes about love

Omar Hayam Quotes about love
Omar Hayam Quotes about love

Omar Hayam Quotes about love:

I think it's better to be lonely,
Than the heat of the soul "someone" to give
A priceless gift by giving anyone to
Having met your dear, you can’t love.

* * *

Woe to the heart, which is cold,
Does not burn with love, does not know about her,
And for the heart of a lover - a day spent
Without lover, - the most missing from days!

* * *

Not in poverty, I forgot about wine,
Not out of fear completely sank to the bottom.
I drank wine to fill my heart with fun,
And now my heart is full.

* * *
I love wine, I catch fun miles.
Neither a believer, nor a heretic.
"The bride is life, any ransom?"
- "From the heart beating the joy of the spring."

* * *

Who did not escape her, from now on, he knows happiness,
Those who lay down at cute legs, with his soul, absorbs happiness.
It will torment, he will offend, but you don't be offended:
All that such a moon sends us is happiness!

* * *

You’ll take us to reproach us, you are bad a hanki,
For the fact that we burn with love faithful for a tavern?
We are pleased with wine and dear, and you
It is entangled with rosary and a hypocritical lie.

* * *

Do not call a hundred beauties - I don’t need them,
I just need it that the nicer than others.

* * *

I asked the wisest: “What did you learn
From their manuscripts? " The wisest said:
“Happy is the one who is in the arms of the beauty of the tender
At night from the wisdom of the book far! ”

* * *

Passion cannot be friends with deep love,
If you can, then it is not for them to be long.

* * *

Love at first is always affectionate.
In the memories of Laskov, always.
And you love - pain. And with each other's greed
We torment and torment. Is always.

* * *

You, whom I have chosen, are all miles for me.
The heart is ardent, the light of eyes is for me.
Is there any life more expensive in life?
You are more expensive than mine for me.

* * *

In this world, love is a decoration of people,
To be devoid of love is to be without friends.
The one whose heart did not cling to the drink of love,
He is a donkey, although it does not wear donkey ears.

* * *

They say that there is hell.
In it, resin and flame, they say.
But since all the lovers are in hell
So, paradise is empty.

* * *

Noble people, loving each other,
They see grief of others, forget themselves.
If you wish you honor and shine, -
Do not envy others - and will love you.

* * *

Places where there is no fault in the thickets of purple,
Where there is no beauty, which is gentle and slim, -
Avoid, even if there are paradise there, -
Here is the advice. And in the words of these wisdom.

* * *

The world of love cannot be found without torment,
The path of love cannot be diverted by desired.
And until you become bent from suffering,
It is impossible to convey it to consciousness!

* * *

I have no hopes for a date with you,
There is no patience for a moment - what to do with yourself!
There is no courage in the heart to tell about grief ...
What a marvelous passion is awarded to me by fate!

* * *

A drop with the sea said goodbye - all in tears!
The sea laughed freely - all in the rays!
“Take it to heaven, fall to the ground -
The end is one: again in my waves. "

* * *

Loving you, I will demolish all reproaches
And eternal fidelity I give the nurses in vain.
Since I will always live, ready until the day of the trial
D in a dutifully, he is heavy and cruel.

* * *

Loving you, I will demolish all reproaches
And eternal fidelity I give the nurses in vain.
Since I will always live, ready until the day of the trial
D in a dutifully, he is heavy and cruel.

* * *

Oh, ignorant of the secrets of love! Know that the main source of being is love.

* * *

That is not love who does not languish with a riot
In that twig of the reserved smoke
Love is a fire, flaming, sleepless ...
The in love was wounded. He is inexhaustible!

* * *

May the whole world in front of the shah of the humble lies,
Hell is bad, the paradise belongs to the righteous.
Rosary - to angels, freshness with sky -high pieces,
We are loved and their souls should be given.

* * *

The light of eyes, inspiration of our hearts!
Our destiny is only the torment of our hearts!
From separation, the soul suddenly approached my lips,
The meeting is only - the healing of our hearts!

Quotes Omar Khayyam about life

Quotes Omar Khayyam about life
Quotes Omar Khayyam about life

Quotes Omar Khayyam about life:

Not to the evil of others and did not get angry themselves,
We are guests in this mortal world.
And, if something is wrong, humble yourself!
Be smarter and smile.
Think your head coldly.
After all, everything is natural in the world:
Evil, emitted by you
He will certainly return to you.

* * *

Never go back. There is no sense in returning. Even if there are the same eyes in which thoughts were drowning. Even if you pull to where everything was so nice, you never go there, forget it forever that it happened. The same people live in the past, which they always promised to love.

* * *

If you remembered this - forget it, do not go there never. Do not believe them, they are strangers. After all, they once left you. They killed faith in their souls, in love, in people and in themselves. Live just because you live and at least life looks like hell, look only forward, never go back.

* * *

The wind of life is sometimes ferocious.
In general, life, however, is good.
And it’s not scary when black bread
It's scary when the black soul ...

* * *

Life is ashamed of those who are sitting and mourning
Who does not remember the plenipation, does not forgive offense ...

* * *

Life will always give us a chance:
Who to love, whom we can hate together.
And, most importantly, believe me - not to confuse curtsy,
In order not to bow to someone who does not need.

* * *

We can hardly get into this world again
We will not find our friends a second time.
Catch a moment! After all, he will not happen again
As you yourself will not repeat in it.

* * *

To wisely live life, you need to know a lot.
Remember two important rules for starters:
It’s better to starve than something.
And one is better than one than with anyone.

* * *

Above all teachings and rules, how to live correctly,
I preferred to affirm the two basics of dignity:
It’s better not to eat anything at all that there is something;
It is better to be alone than anyone was friends with.

* * *

The ocean consisting of drops is great.
The mainland is composed of dust.
Your arrival and care has no knowledge.
Just a fly flew out the window for a moment ...

* * *
From godless to God - one moment!
From zero to the result - one moment.
Take care of a precious moment:
Life - no less - a moment one moment!

* * *

What to grieve about? I swear with breath, there are two insignificant days in life: a day has become a memory of me, and not yet come for me.

* * *

You are not in power today on tomorrow,
Your plans will be scattered tomorrow!
You live today if you are not insane.
You are not eternal, like everyone else in this world.

* * *

There is no sense in constantly getting bother,
To earn grace here on Earth,
What is intended for you, then you will get
And no more, no less. And there is nothing to wait.

* * *

I would compare the world with the chessboard -
Then day, then night. And the pawns? We are with you.
They move, grind and - beat.
And in a dark box they are put to rest.

* * *

Life will fly like one moment,
Appreciate her, scoop up in her.
How to spend it - it will pass,
Do not forget: she is your creation.

* * *

We come sinless - and sin,
We come funny - and grieve.
Burn the heart with bitter tears
And we go to dust, dispelling life like smoke.

* * *

You, whom I have chosen, are all miles for me.
The heart is ardent, the light of eyes is for me.
Is there any life more expensive in life?
You are more expensive than mine for me.

* * *

Be fun! Your time is not forever -
It will pass today, as passed yesterday.

* * *

With this life short, as an elabox,
Turn to the rent given to you.

* * *

Live today, and yesterday and tomorrow they are not so important in the earthly calendar.

* * *

Some people are seduced by the life of the earth,
Part - in dreams turns to another life.
Death is the wall. And during life no one will know
The highest truth hidden behind this wall.

* * *

Who is easy? Inexperienced hearts.
And in words - deep sages.
And I looked into the eyes of terrible secrets,
And he went into the shadow, envious of the blind.

* * *
There is no other paradise except paradise - to live
Fun and idly, sing, love and drink.
Life contacted the life of one moment,
And the moment itself is only a dream.

* * *
There is no other paradise except paradise to live!
So know, people, to love this paradise!

* * *

I'll tell you only about my own:
That there are many different things in life, and in it
We must see all the colors of being and everyday life,
So as not to stay with a broken trough.

Omar Hayyam - Quotes about friendship

Omar Hayyam - Quotes about friendship
Omar Hayyam - Quotes about friendship

Omar Hayyam - quotes about friendship:

  • A lot of evil and treachery lurks around, you will not find friends in this herd of human. Every person he met appearates to you, wait: he will be a fierce enemy.
  • Rejoice with friends, while you are young, spring: in the jug do not leave anything at the bottom! After all, was this world with water, when he was flooded, so why shouldn't we drown in wine?
  • Friends have long been behind the fatal line, we drank everything from the gold bowl. Two to three circles earlier, they were drowned, fell silent before me over the bowl of that one.
  • Be wise and a miserable way of a fool, do not choose yourself. Kohl is generous with a friend, do not choose a buyer for yourself. The hearts of people are open to those who are clean with thoughts, give everyone good, but do not choose a flatterer for yourself.
  • If you are my friend, leave the verbal game. And I pour the fault; When I die, by blinding my brick from my dust, you demolish it into a tavern and shut a hole in the wall there.
  • It was as if you were friends with me at first, but then you suddenly decided to enmity with me, I did not despair that fate turned away: suddenly, you would still become sweet with me?
  • And with a friend and the enemy you must be good! Who is kind by nature, you will not find anger.
  • I will compare responsive people with mirrors. What a pity that mirrors do not see themselves! In order to clearly see yourself in your friends, at first, represent the mirror in front of friends.
  • The sky, perhaps, is baking to us, God will give, the intractable will become accommodating rock, but, alas, dear friends will not be resurrected. Life has passed - - who will turn our flow to us?
  • Less friends these days have friends, simple, be a stingy for confessions, do not listen to the flattering Vorah. And look wisely - and you will see right away: the one to whom you believed - he is your traitor, enemy!
  • You are not very hard for people with the current heart, it is better to be better from people these days. Open your soul's eyes on the closest, you will see with horror: they are enemies.
  • A true friend is a person who will express everything that he thinks of you, and he will tell everyone that you are a wonderful person.
  • Friend, know how to distinguish from an empty bustle of what you can give people to people. It is better to do something good to the neighbor than to save the whole world from the collapse of the world.
  • By the ways of searches, you, my mind, go and you don’t get tired of repeating a hundred times a day: “Appreciate a moment of communication with friends! You are a meadow, but mowed, you won’t germinate again! ”
  • Nobleness with suffering, friend, born, become a pearl - is it given every drop? You can lose everything, save only your soul - the bowl will fill again, it would be wine.
  • As a child, about the heart, for a small age - there is a burning of desires, but there is no courage. Where to get friendship without the pain of separation is full, not having seen the temptation burning light.
  • Oh, idol! Why did you interrupt friendship? Where was your loyalty at this time? I wanted to grab your shalvars - you tore my patience!
  • Since the truth always goes out of hand, do not try to understand the incomprehensible, friend. Take the bowl in your hands, remain an ignoramus, there is no sense, believe me, in the study of sciences.
  • You are exhausted, my friend, fussing, and you will have enough worries for a thousand years. Do not grieve about the past - but will not return, do not guess about the future - there is no joy in it.
  • If you want - drink, but don’t lose your mind, a sense of proportion, old man, do not lose, beware of offending the noblemen with a noble, do not lose the friendship of the wise with a cup of wine.
  • Everything will pass - and the hopes of the grain will not rise. Everything that you have accumulated, neither a penny will disappear. If you do not share with a friend in time - all your property will move to the enemy.
  • God sees: it is difficult to tear out a friend from the heart, it is easy to expel self -interest, reject the vanity. I want to be like a closed bud: in the garden, in the circle of friends, I in an instant flourishing.
  • What will I compare in the universe with old wine, with this bowl with old wine? What else is appropriate to a respectable husband, except for friendship of a respectable with old wine?
  • Have fewer friends, do not expand their circle. And remember: better close, in the distance a living friend. Okin with a calm gaze of everyone who is sitting around. In whom you saw a support, you will suddenly see the enemy.
  • I thought that Kaziy and Mufti would be able to help me to find the right way, overcome sorrow, but, having lived, I was convinced that all these skills knew, my friend, like me, is just as much - in - at a thousand.
  • Listen, young man, what the elder says - he only asks you alone to comprehend: you should not be friends with an illiterate ignorant, the work should not believe that it does not bring benefits.

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