Quotes of smart people - meaning, short, beautiful, about life, love, people

Quotes of smart people - meaning, short, beautiful, about life, love, people

A large collection of quotes of smart people of various topics - about life, love, relationship, happiness, indifference.

Quotes of smart people with meaning

Quotes of smart people with meaning
Quotes of smart people with meaning Quotes of smart people with meaning

Quotes of smart people with meaning:

  • "Happiness is not life without worries and sorrows, happiness is a state of mind." Dzerzhinsky F.
  • “People are not baking about happiness, they strive to enjoy. They strive to enjoy even contrary to their interests, contrary to their beliefs and their faith, contrary to their happiness. " Sederberg Ya.
  • "Everyone is happy as much as he knows how to be happy." Dean D.
  • "Whoever sees happiness in gaining material goods, they will never be able to become truly happy." Apsheroni A.
  • “Happiness visits us in different types and almost elusive, but I often saw it among young children, at home and in village houses than in other places.” Smith A.
  • “To be happy is not a goal and a good blessing. This is the decision. " Santana K.
  • “How to become happy? A behave as if you are already happy, and you really will become happier. "
  • “The greatest happiness in life is the confidence that they love us, love for what we are, or despite the fact that we are what we are.” Hugo V.
  • “If someday, chasing happiness, you will find him, then, like an old woman who was looking for his glasses, you will find that happiness was on your nose all the time.” Show B.
  • "True happiness - minutes of enthusiasm." Wulf L.
  • “Remember that happiness does not depend on who you are and what you have; It depends solely on what you think. "
  • “If you want to find happiness, stop thinking about gratitude and ingratitude and indulge in the inner joy that the dedication itself brings.” Dale Carnegie
  • "Happiness is on the side of the one who is satisfied." Aristotle
  • “Learn to rejoice at what you have. And then you will reach such a state that even on the very edge of the underworld you will stand, crossing your hands, and smile, feeling like a happiest person. ” Martel I.
  • “The only true happiness in life is to live for others. "Tolstoy L.
  • “Happiness is like a butterfly. The more you catch it, the more it slips away. But if you transfer your attention to other things, it will come and quietly sit on your shoulder. ” Frankl V.
  • "A great obstacle to happiness is the expectation of too much happiness." Bernard F.
  • "There is only one happiness in life - to love and be loved." Sand J.
  • "Happiness lies in the joy of achieving the goal and acute sensations of creative effort." Roosevelt F.
  • "General happiness is inexpensive: if you have to pay a high price for it, then this is a fake." Coco Chanel
  • "Happiness is not in happiness, but only in its achievement." Dostoevsky F.
    "Clogant happiness can bother, in life it is impossible to do without tides and castings." Moliere
  • "Human happiness has two enemies - pain and boredom." Schopenhauer A.
    "The happiest person is one who gives happiness to the greatest number of people." Didro D.
    "In the building of human happiness, friendship builds walls, and love forms a dome." Prutkov K.
  • "The main components of happiness in this life are as follows: a person should work on something, love someone and hope for something."
  • "True happiness in nature loves solitude: it is an enemy of noise and luxury and is born mainly out of love for himself."
    (Addison Joseph (1672 - 1719), English writer, poet, politician)

  • "Most people are as happy as they decided to be happy."
    (Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865), 16th US President)

  • “For some, happiness is something visual and obvious, say, pleasure, wealth and honor - different people have different people; And often, even for one person, happiness is one, then another: after all, sick, people see happiness in their health, falling into need - in wealth, and knowing ignorance, they admire those who talk about something great and exceeding them understanding."
  • "Freely apply your talent is genuine happiness."
  • "Human happiness is in the unhindered application of his predominant ability."
  • “Happiness is the joint fullness of three benefits: first, sincere, secondly, bodily, what are health, strength, beauty and other similar; Thirdly, external, what are wealth, nobility, glory and similar to them. Virtues are not enough for happiness - both bodily and external are also required, because the sage will be unhappy in poverty, in flour and other things. ”
  • "Happiness is on the side of the one who is satisfied."
    (Aristotle (384–322 BC), ancient Greek scientist, philosopher)

  • "Happiness is a pleasant sensation caused by the contemplation of other people's suffering."
    (Ambrose Gwinnet Birs (1842 - 1913), American writer, journalist)

  • "Actions do not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action."
    (Benjamin Dizraeli (1804 - 1881), English statesman, writer)

  • "Those who strive for happiness must go to him even through the fire and swords."
  • "True happiness is that the mind and soul always be in peace and fun."
    (Diogenes Sinop (around 412 BC - 323 BC), ancient Greek philosopher)

  • “Happiness is nothing if there is no one to divide it with, and very little if it does not cause envy.”
    (Samuel Johnson (1709 - 1784), English critic, poet)

  • "The desire for joy, fortunately, is persistently, indestructible, it took deep roots in our souls."
    (Guy de Maupassant (1850 - 1893), French writer)

  • "There is no one, happy in every way."
  • "A person is always dissatisfied with his fate, considering others happy."
    (Horace (65 BC - 8 BC), Roman poet)

  • “The possession of all kinds of benefits is not all. To receive pleasure from possessing them - this is the happiness. "
    (Pierre Augusten Karon de Bomarsche (1732 - 1799), French playwright, publicist)

  • "If a person gets out of the way, he leaves with happiness, the further the more he is fond of the chase behind him."
  • "Do not consider happy one who depends on happiness."
    (Seneca (around 4 AD - 65 AD), Roman philosopher, poet)

  • "No one is quite happy if he has no witnesses of his happiness."
  • "The only art of being happy is to realize that happiness is in your hands."
    "The thirst for happiness never runs out in the heart of a person."
  • "If we look for happiness, not knowing where it is, we risk it to disperse with him."
    (Jean Jacques Russo (1712 - 1778), French writer, thinker)

  • "The ability to be always in the good mood of the Spirit is the most durable foundation of happiness in the subwine world."
  • "Only work can make a person happy, bringing his soul into clarity, harmony and contentment by himself."
  • “If the whole goal of our life was in our personal happiness, and our personal happiness would be only in one love, then life would be a really gloomy desert ... But praising eternal mind, praise of the careful fishing! There is a great world of life for man, except for the inner world of the heart, the world of historical contemplation and social activity. ”
    (V. G. Belinsky (1811 - 1848), Russian writer, critic, publicist)

  • "Numerous definitions of happiness only prove that it is unfamiliar to us."
  • "Rather, to achieve happiness, waiting for it at home than a spray." "True happiness for us is a negative thing: it consists in the absence of disasters."
  • "Happiness is a ball that we chase while he is rolling, and which we pushing his foot when he stops."
  • "Life is nothing more than a long series of efforts to deliver happiness."
  • "Virtue is an integral part of happiness."
    (Pierre Claude Victoire Buast (1765 - 1824), French lexicographer, philosopher)

Quote of smart people about life

Quote of smart people about life
Quote of smart people about life
Quote of smart people about life
Quote of smart people about life
Quote of smart people about life
Quote of smart people about life

Quote of smart people about life:

  • “The greatest happiness in life is the confidence that they love us for what we are, which we are, or despite the fact that we are what we are” (V. Hugo).
  • “If everything did not work out as you expected, do not be discouraged. God's plans are always better than ours ”(I.V. Goethe).
  • “Never blame a person until you go a long way in his boots” (Lao Tzu).
  • “Everything affects everything. In this universe, when one thing changes, everything changes. Hence the great power of man to change the world, changing himself ”(Sh.N. Maharaj).
  • “Our life is a journey, an idea is a guide. There is no guide, and everything stops. The goal has been lost, and forces as unprecedented ”(V.M. Hugo).
  • “The pessimist sees difficulties at every opportunity; The optimist in every difficulty sees opportunities ”(W. Churchill).
  • “The picture that you see in your mind will become your life over time” (A. Schopenhauer).
  • “Who is full of desires and hopes, he already lives in the future” (L. Sheffer).
  • “If you really want something, the whole universe will help your desire come true” (P. Coelho).
  • “Whoever wants to do is looking for a method, who does not want - looking for a reason” (Socrates).
  • “A person who rejoices at the happiness of other people will always be happy himself” (G.D. Tinley).
  • “The one who has the sun shines in the soul will see the sun even on the most gloomy day” (Confucius).
  • “One will not figure out what roses smell of. Another of bitter herbs will get honey. I will give a trifle to someone, he will remember forever. You will give life to someone, but he will not understand ”(O. Hayam).
  • "Not the great one who never fell, but he is great - who fell and got up!" (Confucius).
  • “There are no errors. Events that invade our lives, no matter how unpleasant for us they are, are necessary for us to learn what we must learn ”(R. Bach).
  • “The weak never forgive. The ability to forgive is the property of the strong ”(M. Gandhi).
  • “There must be pauses in life. Such pauses, when nothing happens to you, when you just sit and look at the world, and the world looks at you ”(K. Renz).
  • “What difference does it make, who is stronger, who is smarter, who is more beautiful, who is richer? After all, in the end, it only matters whether you are a happy person or not? ” (Osho).
  • “Not for that I live to eat, but eat in order to live” (Quintilian).
  • “Lack of sleep is not a problem. The problem is when you do not know why you wake up in the morning! ” (A. Einstein).
  • “Strive not to succeed, but to ensure that your life makes sense” (A. Einstein).
  • “There are no hopeless situations in life, there are only unusual decisions” (O. Roy).
  • “People who are dissatisfied with their lives always repeat the flight, but not many are running. It’s much easier to just close your eyes, as if you are all right ”(P. Jane).
  • “It is enough for a person to give a goal in life, and he will be able to lay out completely in any situation” (I.-V. Gette).
  • “Before pouring the soul, make sure that the“ vessel ”does not proceed” (D.B. Show)
  • “How easy it is to offend a person! He took and threw the phrase angrier than pepper. And then sometimes there is not enough century. To return the offended heart ”(E. Asadov).
  • “People are alone, because instead of bridges they build walls” (S.E. Lets)
  • "Know how to appreciate the one who cannot without you, and do not chase for those who are happy without you!" (G.G. Marquez).
  • “When you appreciate what you have, and not live in the search for ideals, then you will really become happy” (F. Nietzsche).
  • “The world exists here and now, in us the most and in everything that we see and do” (Titus Nat Khan).
  • “You never know how the next story will end in your life, but while it lasts, appreciate every moment, every second, every moment” (J. de Labruyer).
  • “I still do not regret anything - if only because it is pointless” (E. Safarli).
  • “Only one who does not try anything new makes mistakes in life” (A. Einstein).
  • “Trying to forget someone means remembering him all the time” (J. de Labruyer).
  • “Do not be afraid to lose someone. You will not lose the one you need in life. Those who are sent to you for experience are lost. There are those who are sent to you by fate ”(F. Nietzsche).
  • “If a person has betrayed someone because of you, you should not associate life with him, sooner or later he will betray you because of someone” (A. de Saint-Exupery).
  • “A loving person lives in a loving world. A hostile person lives in a hostile world. All you meet is your mirror ”(K. Kizi).
  • “Happy is the one who is happy at home” (L.N. Tolstoy).
  • “We pronounce the most important words in our life in silence” (T. Royans).
  • “Good people will bring you happiness, bad people will reward you with experience. The worst - they will give you a lesson, and the best will give memories ”(W. Smith).
  • “If you want someone to stay in your life, never treat him indifferently!” (R. Bach).
  • “Respect is deserved by those people who, regardless of the situation, time and place, remain the same as they really are” (M.Yu. Lermontov).
  • “Everyone in life has someone who will never let you go, and someone you will never let go” (Ch. Palanik).
  • “Love is the best way to get along with others” (J. Murphy).
  • “When you completely and unconditionally trust a person, as a result you get one of two: either a person for life, or a lesson for life” (T. Adorno).
  • “Do not complain about life-someone dreams of such a life as you live” (O. de Balzac).
  • “If you want life to smile at you, give her your good mood first” (B. Spinoza).
  • “Turn yourself only to those people who will pull you above. It's just that life is already full of those who want to pull you down ”(D. Clooney).
  • “No matter what circumstances of life you get in, you should not blame the people around you in this, and even more so to lose heart. It is important to realize not why, but for what you find yourself in this situation, and it will certainly serve you for the benefit ”(Mark Twain).
  • “At the moment when you think that there is no way out, remember that you are a producer of your life” (George Karlin).
  • “Every day it cannot be good, it is only important to remember the good in every day” (E. M. Earl).
  • “Upon closer examination, it becomes clear to me that those changes that seem to come with the course of time, in fact, no change: only my view of things changes” (F. Kafka).

Quotes of smart people about love

Quotes of smart people about love
Quotes of smart people about love
Quotes of smart people about love
Quotes of smart people about love
Quotes of smart people about love

Quotes of smart people about love:

  • Love, not German philosophy serves as an explanation of this world. Oscar Wilde
  • To love is to stop comparing. Bernard Grasse
  • To love is not looking at each other, but together, in one direction. Antoine de Saint-Exupery
  • To love is to look in one direction? Perhaps, but only if he and she do not watch TV. Gilber Cesman
  • We can get rid of the disease with the help of drugs, but the only cure for loneliness, despair and hopelessness is love. There are many people in the world who die of hunger, but even more those who die that they lack love. Mother Teresa
  • The most true way to win the love of others is to give them their love. Jean-Jacques Russo
  • To love is to find your own happiness in the happiness of another. Gottfried Leibniz
  • Love runs from those who are chasing it. And to those who run away, rushes around the neck. William Shakespeare
  • Unrequited love is as different from mutual love as a misconception from truth. Georges Sand
  • Love never asks, it always gives. Swami Vivekananda
  • The demand of a person to love him is the greatest of all the conceit. Friedrich Nietzsche
  • Love is more honest with trust, and a deceived lover deserves not regret, but surprise and respect. Andrey Platonov
  • Unrequited love does not humiliate a person, but elevates him. Alexander Pushkin
  • Ultimately, love is nothing more than a reflection in people of a person’s own merits. Ralph Emerson
  • You need to have something in common in order to understand each other, and something to differ in order to love each other. Paul Geraldi
  • In one hour of love - a whole life. Honore de Balzac
  • If you start with self -sacrifice for the sake of those whom you love, then end with hatred for those who sacrifice themselves. Bernard Show
  • Love for the neighbor is limited to how everyone loves himself. Aurelius Augustine
  • Love is one, but thousands are fakes for it. Francois Laroshfuko
  • Once I met a beggar in love on the street. There was an old hat on it, a coat rubbed on his elbows, his shoes flowed, and stars shone in his soul. Victor Hugo
  • Love is the only passion that does not endure either the past or the future. Honore de Balzac
  • Love, which not every moment is born, always dies. Halil Jebrah
  • Love costs exactly as much as the person who experiences it costs. Romain Rollan
  • When it seems to us that we know the other, this every time means the end of love. Max Frish
  • All love, which causes not freedom of spirit, but something else, easily becomes hatred. Benedict Spinoza
  • Love is more than the one who loves. Joseph Brodsky
  • True love always creates and never destroys. And this is the only hope of a person. Leonardo Buskalya
  • Only one great love in its entire life justifies the causeless attacks of despair that we are subject to. Albert Camus
  • Only I will see you - I am not able to utter my word. But the tongue is numb, under the skin it quickly runs out with a light heat, they look, seeing nothing, eyes, but in the ears - a continuous ringing. Then, I doused the hot, trembling dicks are all covered, the grass becomes greener, and as if I would forgive my life. Safo
  • It is better to be a slave to your beloved than free in the unloved. Eric Bern
  • To love is to see a miracle invisible to others. Francois Moriak
  • Love is a child of illusion and at the same time a mother of disappointment. Miguel de Unamuno
  • I never liked the men in whom I was in love, and I have never been in love with men that I liked. Fanny Bryce
  • We achieve the love of others in order to have an extra reason to love ourselves. Denis Didro
  • There is no pain more than the one that lovers cause to each other. Cyril Konnolly
  • Each of us is the half of a man dissected into two parts, and therefore everyone always searches for half of him. Therefore, love is a thirst for integrity and desire for it. Plato
  • Love is all. And that's all we know about her. Emily Dikinson
  • To be loved, it is best to be beautiful. But to be beautiful, you need to be loved. Francoise Sagan
  • I always said that a woman should be like a good horror film: the more space the imagination remains, the better. Alfred Hitchcock
  • Nothing interferes with the novel as a sense of humor in a woman or a man in a man. Oscar Wilde

Smart people quotes about stupidity

Smart people quotes about stupidity
Smart people quotes about stupidity
Smart people quotes about stupidity
Smart people quotes about stupidity

Quotes of smart people about stupidity:

  • "Each person tends to make mistakes, but no one, except for a fool, is characterized by perseverance in a mistake." (Aristotle (384 - 322 BC), ancient Greek scientist)
  • "Stupidity is a drawback against which there is no medicine." (Immanuel Kant (1724 - 1804), German philosopher)
  • "A fool cannot be kind: for this he has too few brains."
  • "There are fools who are aware of their stupidity and deftly use it."
    "There are no fools more unbearable than those who are not completely devoid of mind." (Francois de Laroshfuko (1613 - 1680), French writer)
  • "There is a stupidity of two births: silent and talkative."
  • “Stupidity is so impassable that it cannot be explored to the bottom, no echo is born in it, it absorbs everything without a return.”
  • "When a person boasts that he will not change his beliefs, he undertakes to go all the time in a straight line - this is a boob, confident in his infallibility."
  • "You can be a great person and villain, just as you can be a fool and at the same time inspired lover."
  • "Perfect beauty is almost always marked by coldness or stupidity."
  • "Perseverance of opinion, as well as ardor, is the most sure sign of stupidity." (Honore de Balzac (1799 - 1850), French writer)
  • "Stupidity is the most expensive luxury that only rich people can afford." (V.O. Klyuchevsky (1841 - 1911), Russian historian)
  • "There are more fools in the world than scammers, otherwise fraudsters would have nothing to live." (Samuel Butler (1835 - 1902), English writer science fiction writer
  • "There is nothing more brave in the world." (Menander (343–291 BC), ancient Greek poet, playwright)
  • "The greatest weakness of the mind lies in incredulity to the forces of the mind." (V. G. Belinsky (1811 - 1848), Russian writer, critic)
  • "Sundance and slander would not have such a power if stupidity had not poured their ways." (Alexander Duma-father (1802-1870), French writer, playwright)
  • "At times, the idea is upset that there are borders for genius, but for stupidity - no." (Alexander Dumas-Sin (1824-1895), French playwright)
  • “Stupidity and ignoramus have five signs: they are angry for no reason, they say for no need, change it is unknown for what, intervenes that they do not concern them at all, and do not know how to distinguish who wishes them good and who is evil.” (Thomas Carleil (1795–1881), British writer, philosopher, historian)
  • "A smart person will not only never say anything stupid, but even never hear anything stupid." (Karl Ludwig Bern (1786 - 1837), German writer, publicist)
  • "Stupidity has no right to control the world."
  • "No one suffers from the fact that he is more stupid than a neighbor." (Joseph Ernest Renan (1823 - 1892), French writer, historian, philologist)
  • "Everyone has the right to be stupid." (Henry Heine (12/13/1797–17.02.1856), German poet, publicist)
  • "The conversations of the hairdressers are irrefutably prove that their heads exist in order for their hair to grow."
  • "A woman should look so smart that her stupidity is a pleasant surprise." (Karl Kraus (1874–1936), Austrian writer)
  • "Education is that which opens the wise, and from the stupid hides the lack of his knowledge." (Ambrose Gwinnet Birs (1842 - 1913), American writer, journalist)
  • “A fool can be learned from two signs: he talks a lot about things, for him useless, and speaks out about what they are not asking about him.” (Plato (about 428 - about 348 BC), an ancient Greek philosopher)
  • "Stupidity and vanity forever go hand in hand." (Pierre Augusten Karon de Bomarsche (1732 - 1799), French playwright, publicist)
  • "Helping is one of the most shameful species of stupidity." (Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (1742–1799), German scientist, publicist)
  • “Stupidity always wants to speak, but never has something to say, that is why it is verbose. (Claude Adrian Helvetius (1715 - 1771), French writer, philosopher)
  • "Stupidity is the fairy -tale whale on which the world stands." (MV Lomonosov (1711 - 1765), outstanding Russian scientist)
  • "At all times and everywhere, different quackery taxed ignorance, fear and gully."
  • "You should put up with ignorance and with stupidity as with enemies exceeding numerically." (Pierre Claude Victoire Buast (1765–1824), French lexicographer, philosopher)
  • "Whatever stupidity you come up with, there will always be a person who will make this stupidity." (Alexander Herzen (1812 - 1870), writer, philosopher)
  • "The right to stupidity is one of the guarantees of the free development of the individual." (Mark Twain (1835 - 1910), American writer)
  • "The stupidity of one person is luck for another."
  • "The most common external reason for the happiness of one person is the stupidity of another, for there is no other way to suddenly succeed as using the mistakes of other people." (Francis Bacon (1561 - 1626), English philosopher, historian, politician)
  • "If you want to express serious thoughts, get touched first to chat nonsense."
  • “I am conducting a very serious difference between nonsense and madness: mediocrity may not create madness, but certainly does a lot of nonsense.” (Luke de Clapier de Venarg (1715 - 1747), French writer)
  • "Most people are stupid, and everyone is fooling around in their own way."
  • "In the stupidity of a woman - the highest bliss of a man."
  • "Only one fools were given the ability to tell the truth without insulting anyone." (Rotterdam erazm (1469 - 1536), Dutch scientist)
  • “Stupidity is a special charm of a pretty woman. At least I knew many husbands who are delighted with the stupidity of their wives and see in it all the signs of infant innocence. ” (Nikolai Gogol (1809 - 1852), writer, playwright)
  • "Disorders, when a person does not have enough intelligence to say well, or common sense to carefully keep silent."
  • "Fucking smaller simpletons in the world, there would be fewer those who are called sly and dodgers."
  • “A fool is always funny: this is his distinctive feature; A person who is not devoid of mind is also ridiculous, but not for long. "
  • "A fool is a person who does not have enough mind even to be narcissistic."
  • “There are few people completely stupid and stupid, remarkable and brilliant - even less. The degree of giftedness of most people fluctuates between these two extremes. " (Jean de Labruyer (1645 - 1696), French writer)
  • "When nature leaves a slot in someone’s mind, it usually covers it with a thick layer of complacency." (Henry Wadsworth Longfello (1807–1882), American poet)

Smart people's statements quotes

Short quotes of smart people

Short quotes of smart people
Short quotes of smart people
Short quotes of smart people
Short quotes of smart people
Short quotes of smart people
Short quotes of smart people

Short quotes of smart people:

  • People are the masters of their fate. (W. Shakespeare)
  • In their disasters, people tend to blame fate, gods and anything, but not themselves. (Plato)
  • If we do not realize what is happening inside us, then from outside it seems to us that this is fate. (K. Jung)
  • Fate leads to go, does not want to - he ougates ... (L. Seneca)
  • It is much more important how a person relates to fate than what it is in itself. (V. Humboldt)
  • We are people, and our fate is to study and be involved in impassable new worlds. (K. Castaneda)
  • Fate has no reason for without a reason to reduce outsiders. (K. Chanel)
  • Fate is melting cards, and we play. (A. Schopenhauer)
  • Until fate conquered us, it is necessary to drive her by the hand, like a child, and shatt her; But if she conquered us, then you need to try to love her. (F. Nietzsche)
  • What a strange fate that we are only sinful just when we are too beneficial to others. (W. Shakespeare)
  • Sit a habit - you will reward your character, sow character - and you will reap fate. (W. Tekikeri)
  • For every bright moment or a sweet moment with tears and a prayer you will pay fate. (M. Lermontov)
  • People without firmness in character like to compose “fate” for themselves; This eliminates them from the need to have their own will - and from responsibility to themselves. (I. Turgenev)
  • We stand blindly before fate, not for us to tear the cover from her ... (F. Tyutchev)
  • Fate runs, runs, and woe to the one who, by laziness or stupidity, lags behind her magical running. You cannot catch up with it. (A. Kuprin)
  • Always say what you feel and do what you think! Silence breaks fate. (P. Coelho)
  • After all, there are people who are lining smoothly all his life, and others are blocked. And they say - his fate depends on a person. Nothing from him. (A. Solzhenitsyn)
  • The first need of a person, whether it is a leper or a convict, a rejoicing or anesty, to find a friend in fate. Thirsty to quench this feeling, a person is discharged all his strength, all his power, all the ardor of the soul. (E. Fromm)
  • There is no more dangerous person who is human, who is indifferent to the fate of his native country, to the fate of his neighbor, to everything except the fate of Altyn put into circulation. (M. Saltykov-Shchedrin)
  • In power, money, with a crown ... The fate of people throws like kittens. (V. Vysotsky)
    Anatomy is fate. (Z. Freud)
  • Every person himself is a wheel of fortune and trades from a snuffbox, the only and unique cause of his own troubles. It only foolishly seems like the world is full of evil, in all of guilty people. He may be full, but it is insignificant. (M. Fry)
  • Fate is your thoughts, intentions, steps. You yourself are both a talisman and a bad sign. (E. Safarli)
  • You need to choose your fate freely and also transfer and implement. (G. Hegel)
    Who is appointed, sir, do not avoid fate. (A. Griboedov)
  • Fate is most beneficial to those to enterprises where success depends exclusively on us. (M. Montain)
  • Fate made me move from one king to another, although I idolized freedom. (Voltaire)
  • And if there is definitely a predestination, then why should we have a will, reason? (M. Lermontov)
    Man is the master of his own fate in the sense that he has freedom to dispose of his freedom. But what this will lead to is unknown to a person. (M. Gandhi)
  • Everyone who was thinking about the art of managing people is convinced that the fate of empires depend on the education of youth. (Aristotle)
  • One minute decides the outcome of the battle; One hour is the success of the campaign; One day is the fate of the empire. (A. Suvorov)
  • The closest to the natural state of all those classes that are able to ensure the existence of man is the work of his hands. Of all the public provisions, the most independent of fate and from people is the position of the artisan. (J.-J. Russo)
  • The French revolution is one of those events that determine the fate of people for many subsequent centuries. The new era begins: I see it. (N. Karamzin)
  • It was necessary to change everything. Not one life and not two lives, not one fate, and not two destinies - each screw of this stench world had to be changed. (A. and B. Strugatsky)
  • Every life creates his own fate. (A. Amiel)
  • Adapt to the environment in which you are intended to live, and show a true love for your brothers, with whom fate surrounded you. (M. Aurelius)
  • What different ways are our desires and fate. (W. Shakespeare)
  • Throughout my life, changeable and complete exceptional vicissitudes of fate, often remaining without a refuge and without a piece of bread, I always looked the same at wealth and poverty. (J.Zh. Rousseau)
  • Life does not give anything for free, and everything that is presented by fate is secretly determined its own price. (S. Zweig)
  • Fate, Hamka Tram, prefers not to deprive the life of the effect of surprise. It presents either that which is better than the alleged, or by an order of magnitude worse. (E. Safarli)

The best quotes of smart people

The best quotes of smart people
The best quotes of smart people
The best quotes of smart people
The best quotes of smart people
The best quotes of smart people
The best quotes of smart people

The best quotes of smart people:

  • Family - mutual carrying out the hardships and school of sacrifice. Nikolai Berdyaev
  • Love your family. Spend time together, be kind and serve each other. Do not leave a place for regrets. Since tomorrow's day is not promised to us, but today's short.
  • Family is the primary environment where a person should learn to do good. Vasily Sukhomlinsky
  • In every dispute between the parent and the child, both cannot be right, they, as a rule, may make mistakes. It is this situation that gives family life its peculiar hysterical charm. Isaac Rosenfeld
  • Happy is the one who is happy at home. Lev Tolstoy
  • No matter what you have done for yourself or for humanity, but if you cannot look back at the manifested love and attention to your family, then you actually did nothing. Elbert Hubbard
  • Family is the most important thing in the world. If you do not have a family, consider that you have nothing.
  • Family is the most durable bonds of your whole life. Johnny Depp
  • When everything flies to hell, people who stand next to you, without trembling, is your family. Jim Butcher
  • To create a family, enough to love. And to save - you need to learn how to endure and forgive. Mother Teresa
  • At the end of the day, a loving family should find a reason for universal forgiveness. Mark V. Olsen
    All happy families are similar to each other, every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. Tolstoy L. N.
  • Once you will do everything you hate for me. This is what it means to be a family. Jonathan Safran Four
  • The purpose of lunch is nutrition and the goal of marriage is a family. Tolstoy L. N.
  • The family circle should be our safe harbor. But very often this is a place where we find the deepest heart pain. Ianla Vanzant
  • The family is not the most important thing. It all depends on the quality of life and balance between work, friends and family. Information means release. Education is a prerequisite for progress in each society in every family. Kofi Annan
  • This is what the members of the relatives who love you do. They hug you and love you when you are not so attractive. Deb Caletti
  • Happiness is to have a large, loving guardian in another city. ” George Bern
    I think that the family is a place where the funniest and least respectable things in the world occur. Hugo Betty
  • An essential link from a genuine family is not blood, but the respect and joy of the life of each of its member. Richard Bach
  • The family should work in the team, supporting individual goals and aspirations of each other. Buzz Aldrin
  • Whatever method of family education you take, you need to find a measure, and therefore you need to educate a sense of proportion in yourself. A.S. Makarenko
  • Rejoice in your family is the most beautiful that is on Earth. My family means everything for me. Ronaldinho
  • There is never punishment in a good family, and this is the most correct way of family education. A.S. Makarenko
  • You leave the house to look for your condition, and when you get it, you go home and share it with your family. Anita Baker
  • Any social doctrine trying to destroy the family is indispensable and, in addition, is not applicable. Family is a crystal of society. Hugo V.
  • God created a family to provide a person with maximum love, support and morality. This is the best example that you can imagine. Jerry Fallwell
  • I have a wonderful shelter that is my family. I have a great relationship with my brother and sister, they always make me feel that they know who they belong to. Jose Carreras
  • Family is not just an important thing, that's all. Michael J. Fox
  • Family is my strength and my weakness. Aishwaria Bad Bachchan
  • Culture is transmitted through the family and when this institution ceases to function properly, the result is a deterioration in culture. Mario Vargas Less
  • The family is similar to chocolate - much tastier than nuts.
  • A family can develop only with a loving woman as her center. Karl Wilhelm Friedrich
  • Our family is a circle of strong love that grows with every birth and marriage.
  • Family life cannot be preserved by the spirit of justice. Rather, it is supported by the spirit of love, which goes beyond justice. Reinhold Nibr

Beautiful quotes of smart people

Beautiful quotes of smart people
Beautiful quotes of smart people
Beautiful quotes of smart people
Beautiful quotes of smart people

Beautiful quotes of smart people:

  • The hottest corners in hell are left for those who, during the great moral fractures, retained neutrality. (Dante Aligieri)
  • It’s easy to get into the executioners: say silence, say silence, say nothing! (Alexander Galich)
  • It is better to be broken and spat on than indifferently standing on the sidelines, vividly looking at your well -groomed nails and cowardly biting your alleged burr. (Vasily Repin)
  • Indifference is the worst of human vices.
  • Indifference is not evil, as is commonly believed. Dampness in itself is not yet rotting, it only contributes to the propagation of putrefactive bacteria. That's why, where it is damp, it rot there.
  • Indifference multiplies evil, it is his soil, its nutritious environment. With indifference, disasters inevitably grow, with indifference the life is rotting! (Vladimir Tendryakov)
  • Our civilization may well die of indifference before falling a victim of an external attack. (Frank Herbert)
  • We live in a world where callousness and indifference are increasingly becoming the norm of human relations, and our souls, like a shell, are covered with scabs of dried suffering and resentments. (Robert James Waller)
  • Indifference is the paralysis of the soul, premature death. (Anton Pavlovich Chekhov)
  • Do not be indifferent - this is the main thing that you can do in life. Audrey Hepburn
  • Maybe evil is called what plunges a person into indifference? (Yukio Mishima)
  • Indifference is worse than hatred. (Muriel Barberi)
  • Most people are not in a rich imagination. What happens somewhere far away does not hurt their feelings, as soon as it touches them; But it is worth even an insignificant incident to happen in front of their eyes, significantly close, as passions flare up. In such cases, people, as it were, compensate for their usual indifference to unbridled and excessive ardor. (Stefan Zweig)
  • Our reality and our history are generated only by an indifferent part of ourselves. (Robert Musil)
  • A person who can wave his hand, just a monkey, no more. (Stephen King)
  • The worst crime that we can commit in relation to people is not to hate them, but to treat them indifferently; This is the essence of inhumanity. (George Bernard show)
  • Do not be indifferent, because the indifference is deadly for the human soul. (Alexey Maksimovich Gorky)

Smart quotes of famous people

Smart quotes of famous people
Smart quotes of famous people
Smart quotes of famous people
Smart quotes of famous people

Smart quotes of famous people:

  • Too many people spend money that they have hard to earn, on things that they do not need to impress people they do not like. Will Rogers
  • A wise person holds money in his head, but not in his heart. Jonathan Swift
  • Wealth brings not a great fortune, but modest needs. Epictete
  • Sometimes the money is too expensive for us. Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • Each of our days is an account with a bank, and money on it is our time. There are no poor and rich, everyone has 24 hours. Christopher Rice
  • The way you meet the defeat determines your success. David Fegerty
  • Modelity is already wealth. Cicero (
  • Excuses make a person poor. Robert Kiyosak
  • The best investments are in knowledge. Benjamin Franklin
  • I will tell you how to get rich on Wall Street: be careful when others are greedy. Be greedy when others are careful. Warren Buffett
  • Annual income of 20 pounds at a consumption of 19 pounds 96 pence is happiness. Annual income of 20 pounds with a consumption of 20 pounds 6 pence is a poverty. Charles Dickens
  • Most people miss their capabilities. Because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. Thomas Edison
  • We really are drawn to do what is destined for us. And when we begin to do this, money is immediately located, the right doors open, we feel useful, and the work seems to be a game. Julia Cameron (
  • I'm never trying to make money on the exchange itself. I buy shares, hoping that they can close the exchange the next day and then not open it over the next ten years.
    Warren Buffett
  • Money never made a person happier, and never do it. The more a person has, the more he wants. But instead of filling out a vacuum, he creates it for himself.
    Benjamin Franklin
  • Many people do not think about money until they end. Others also behave over time. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
  • Education will help to survive. Self -education will lead you to success. Jim Ron (
  • Money is just a remedy. They will lead you to any goal, but will not replace you at the helm. Ain Rand
  • Wealth is not an accumulation of material values. This is the ability to spend less than you earn, the ability to postpone and invest. You will not get rich until you learn it.
    Dave Ramsey
  • The poor is not the one who has little, but one who is always not enough of this. Seneca
  • The salary is not paid by the employer - he only disposes of money. The customer pays the salary.
    Henry Ford
  • Anyone who loses money loses a lot; Anyone who loses his friend loses much more; Anyone who loses faith loses everything. Eleanor Roosevelt
  • Happiness does not come down to having money; It consists in the joy of labor and achievements.
    Franklin Roosevelt
  • Empty pockets will never stop us from becoming those who we want to be. Only empty heads and empty hearts can interfere with this. Norman drank
  • It is good to have money and have things that you can buy for money. But at the same time, it is also good to check yourself from time to time and make sure that you have not lost those things that you can’t buy for money. George Horaz Lorimer
  • Do not set money for yourself as a goal. You can achieve success only in the case that you love. Go to this life to those things that you love, and do it so well that others can not take your eyes away from you. Maya Angela
  • Buy when the rest are sold and hold until someone wants to buy it. This is not just a slogan. This is the essence of successful investment. Paul Getty
  • If money is your hope for independence, you will never become independent. The only real guarantee that a person can receive in this world is the stock of his knowledge, experience and capabilities. Henry Ford
  • Even if all economists are tied to each other, they will never come to an agreement anyway. Bernard Show
  • How many millionaires do you know who built their condition on a percentage of a deposit? Here I am about the same. Robert Allen
  • I got rich in a rather old -fashioned way: I was sweet with a rich relative right before his death. Malcolm Forbes
  • Innovation distinguishes a leader from a follower. Steve Jobs
  • The real indicator of your wealth is what you will cost if you lose all your money. Unknown author
  • Money is a good servant, but a bad gentleman. Fineas Taylor Barnum
  • Learn to save while you earn a little. You can do this when you start earning more. Jack Benny
  • Wealth is the ability to fully feel life. Henry David Toro
  • The investor should always act as an investor, and not as a speculator. Benjamin Graham
  • I firmly believe in good luck. And I noticed that the more I work, the more she smiles at me.
    Thomas Jefferson
  • Either you will manage your money, or their absence will manage you. Dave Ramsey
  • Investing should be similar to observing drying paint or growing grass. And if you want speakers, take $ 800 and go to Las Vegas. Paul Samuelson
  • Every time you borrow, you steal a piece of your future. Nathan Morris
  • Rich people have small TVs and large libraries, and the poor have small libraries and large TVs. Sig Siglar
  • Never waste money before you earn it. Thomas Jefferson
  • The stock market is full of people who know the price, but have no idea about value. Philip Fisher
  • Wealth does not belong to the one who owns it, but to the one who knows how to enjoy him.
    Benjamin Franklin
  • If you do not value your time, others will not do this. Stop waste your time and abilities. Start appreciate them and take money for them. Kim Garst
  • It is important not how much money you earn, but how much money you have, how they work for you, and how many generations you can provide them. Robert Kiyosaki

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