Aliexpress customer support service: online chat, help. How to contact the support service, with the Aliexpress administration and write a letter to e -mail? Is there a hot line on Aliexpress, how to call there?

Aliexpress customer support service: online chat, help. How to contact the support service, with the Aliexpress administration and write a letter to e -mail? Is there a hot line on Aliexpress, how to call there?

If you have questions on order, write on Aliexpress Chat online.

Aliexpress - Popular trading platform in shopping circles. Here are low prices, a convenient site interface, selection and ordering of goods. Like shopaholics and a huge assortment of goods, because on this trading platform you can buy everything you need for yourself, at home, work.

  • Naturally, as in online stores, on Aliexpress Not every purchase can be successful.
  • What to do in this case? How to contact the support service? What email address to write a letter to? You will find answers to these and other questions in the article below.
  • If you are just going to register on the site, then it will be easier for you to do it after reading the article on our website. You can also learn video instructions And register on them.

Aliexpress support service - help: frequently asked questions

The buyer may need help at any stage of the order. In the event of any questions or disputed situations, contact the support service Aliexpress. Here you can find answers to the frequently asked questions. Read the entire list of questions, and perhaps you will find a solution to your problem. Click on the question, and the answer will appear before you.

Advice: Do not write to the support service for any reason. This will load the work of specialists, and therefore the response time can be long.

You can read the frequently asked questions and answers to them if you switch to the tab " Help»On the main page of the site.

Aliexpress support service - Help: Frequently asked questions
Aliexpress support service - Help: Frequently asked questions in the Assistance section

Here is a list of questions that buyers most often ask for Aliexpress. The answers to them have already been published in each active link of the issue, so most of the emerging problems can be solved instantly.

Aliexpress support service - Help: Frequently asked questions
Aliexpress support service - help: frequently asked questions

Aliexpress customer support service-Administration: online chat in Russian

You can write the administration in an online chat. A virtual specialist is ready to help from 7 a.m. to 1 a.m. Moscow time. If you need to contact urgently at another time, then it is better to do this through an English -speaking service or email. To contact the customer support service Aliexpress in Russian:

Click on the section " Help»On the main page of the site. Go in the drop -down menu to the tab " Help Center».

Aliexpress customer support service - Administration: online chat in Russian
Aliexpress customer support service-Administration: online chat in Russian

Then, on the opening page on the left, you will see a window with a chat in Russian. Press the button " Online chat».

Aliexpress customer support service - online chat in Russian
Aliexpress customer support service-online chat in Russian

You will open a window in which an administration employee will turn to you, and ask you to describe the problem.

Support Service Aliexpress - Administration: online chat in Russian
Support Service Aliexpress-Administration: online chat in Russian

Ask what you are interested in and instantly get a solution to the problem. After talking with the operator, the service will offer to evaluate the quality of the service. You will need to click on the corresponding button.

Aliexpress customer support service - Assessment of the quality of work
Aliexpress customer support service - Assessment of the quality of work

Your rating will help make the service even better.

Aliexpress support service: How to contact Eve through a robot?

Get an answer to your question to Aliexpress You can through the robot Eve. This robot helps well if you need to get a certificate on frequently asked questions. But, if you have a more complicated problem associated with a personal order, then it is better to write to the support service. Eve answers only in English. How to turn through a robot Eve?

In the same section " Help", As described above, go to the" Center for Assistance "tab. There is a window with a virtual assistant to the bottom right. Press " Ask a Question».

Aliexpress support service: How to contact Eve through a robot?
Aliexpress support service: How to contact Eve through a robot?

Write requests in English. The Robot Eve answers instantly - conveniently and quickly.

How to find out the email address of Aliexpress and write a letter?

It is easier for many people to write a letter in electronic form than to communicate in the chat. How to find out an email address Aliexpress And write a letter? You can find out the email address in the tab " Guide to customers» by this link.

At the bottom of the page, find an active link " Support". Click on it and you will fall on the page on which there are email addresses Aliexpress.

How to find out the email address of Aliexpress and write a letter?
How to find out the email address of Aliexpress and write a letter?

Write in Aliexpress You can at such email addresses:

How to write a letter to Aliexpress?
How to write a letter to Aliexpress?

Write a letter in English. It is worth noting that this form is used by buyers in extreme cases, it is more convenient to write in a chat. You can wait a month and even longer an answer to the letter.

Is there a hot line on Aliexpress and how to call there?

Is there a hot line on Aliexpress and how to call there?
Is there a hot line on Aliexpress and how to call there?

The hotline phone is the most convenient way to ask an interest in the question. On the Aliexpress There is a hotline phone, but you can call only in roaming. Therefore, replenish the phone’s account in advance so that you have enough money to talk. It is necessary to use this method to solve problems only in extreme cases, when high -quality consultation is needed.

How to call? You will have to contact by phone indicated on the Alibab website, since Aliexpress There are no hot lines. Go away by this linkto make an online call.

Advice: Get ready to talk to the operator in English.

Ways to contact specialists Aliexpress a lot of. If a problem arises, choose a more convenient method of communication with the administration, and solve all the issues that have arisen.

Video: How to contact the site administration on AliExpress?

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