What is menstruation or critical days in girls and women: biology, scheme. How to explain to the child what is menstruation: cartoon

What is menstruation or critical days in girls and women: biology, scheme. How to explain to the child what is menstruation: cartoon

Read the article what is menstruation and why they need a woman.

Each girl during puberty begins “these days”. Despite the fact that in the modern world previously forbidden topics began to openly discuss, not everyone is ready to discuss the topic of menstruation at all. In this article we will try to explain that this is a normal physiological process that should not be afraid. Read further.

What is menstruation for girls and women and why they are needed: biology

Monthly in girls and women are needed to ensure reproductive function
Monthly in girls and women are needed to ensure reproductive function

From the point of view of biology, there is such a thing as “menstruation” or “menstruation”. What is menstruation for girls and women and why are they needed? Here's the answer:

  • Monthry is a normal physiological process in which the layer of the uterine mucosa is rejected and goes out through the vagina.
  • It is called menstrual liquid.
  • It often happens that women complain on their critical days. Speaking differently, premenstrual syndrome. All this is not in vain, because not only the mood, but also on physical condition is a strong effect on the menstrual cycle.

Few people know that critical days in nature are quite rare. Not all mammals have menstruation, but only in the so -called higher primates (scolders and jumpers). A reasonable question arises: how did it happen that not all female animals go to menstruation? Answer:

  • The fact is that mammals are divided into two types: First -time and real animals.
  • The first includes those who lay eggs, and the second those who give birth to children.
  • Of course, the cubs are more developed if they are born immediately, and not hatch from the shell. However, this is not all branching.
  • Real animals are divided into marsupial and placental. The second type includes people.
  • In turn, the placental are living creatures with the menstrual cycle and with the pop cycle.

Monthly update the epithelium of the uterus, which should go out as unnecessary. Thanks to this process, the uterus can be updated and prepared for pregnancy next month. Thus, menstruation also act as reinsurance. If fertilization did not occur, then the body gets rid of the endometrium and all that has accumulated in the cycle. So you should not be afraid of critical days. They help the body get rid of unnecessary substances that can harm health.

What is a period of menstruation: scheme

The menstrual cycle or period of menstruation is an intermediate time from the first day of the last menstruation to the first day next. As a rule, the cycle begins to count from the day when menstruation began. Usually the cycle lasts from 21 to 35 days. If critical days do not fit into this schedule, then this is already abnormal and you should consult a doctor. Here is the scheme of the menstrual cycle:

Scheme of the cycle of menstruation
Scheme of the cycle of menstruation

The menstrual cycle especially helps women who want to get pregnant. According to the calendar of menstruation, they can calculate the days favorable for conception. This period is called the medical term - ovulation. During this period, pregnancy occurs with a high degree of probability compared to other days of the cycle.

It should be remembered: You can adhere to such a scheme if you have a regular cycle. If you have deviations, then calculating ovulation days is much more difficult.

Monthly failure can be normal only in the following situations:

  • When a teenage girl has just started menstruation
  • After childbirth
  • With menopause

In all other cases, the cycle failure is negative and can be a sign of a serious disease.

How to explain to the child what periods are, critical days: Cartoon

It is necessary to explain to the child what menstruation is, critical days
It is necessary to explain to the child what menstruation is, critical days

Many parents think about whether it is worth starting a conversation with their daughter on the topic of menstruation. Psychologists and gynecologists adhere to a definite answer: "Yes!". Of course, the child needs to be devoted to all the subtleties. The girl herself does not understand what is happening to her. Until recently, cartoons and toys were interested in it, and now she has hair on her body, her breasts are increasing and her mood is constantly jumping. Who like a parent will tell about the new period in the life of the child. How to explain to the child what monthly, critical days are? Here are some tips:

  • It is important to choose the moment when you should tell your daughter about a "piquant" topic.
  • Maybe the child already shows interest in such topics or his age is suitable for menstruation. In this case, it is worth starting the conversation immediately.
  • Preparing for it is not particularly worth it. This is not a celebration. True, not everyone is ready to talk on such frank topics.
  • Such parents should choose special literature, which will be written by a simple and understandable language for the child, and then, on occasion, hand over the book to their child.
  • You can look for a suitable video material. The visual example will be even more understandable.
  • You can see a cartoon with your daughter on this topic, and answer her questions in the course of viewing.

If the parents tuned in the conversation, then it is best to build it in the following sequence:

  • It is worth telling the girl that the years will pass, and she will turn into a real woman, after which to her mother.
  • All women have a children's organ that helps to take out a child (uterus and ovaries).
  • The girl has the same organs, only they are still small and only begin to grow and develop.
  • When a certain age occurs (as a rule, this 11-14 years), the body begins to rebuild and prepare the girl for a new stage - future motherhood. At this time, menstruation begins.
  • I must say that blood discharge is an integral part of the process, so there is nothing terrible and shameful in this.
  • It is also worth mentioning personal hygiene. It must be especially carefully carried out on critical days.
  • Be sure to warn the girl about the PMS. She should know that mood swings, the desire to cry and laugh for no reason is only the consequences of menstruation and will soon pass.

If you correctly tune in to the dialogue and behave friendly, then the conversation on an intimate topic will be held in a pleasant environment and will not put anyone in uncomfortable conditions. Here is a video with a cartoon, thanks to which your daughter will understand what periods are.

Video: Cartoon for girls

How to explain to the guy what is menstruation: options

Just explain to the guy what is menstruation
Just explain to the guy what is menstruation

Despite the fact that in the modern world youth is sexually more liberated, it is still not comfortable for some young people to talk about menstruation. There are so shy girls who even be afraid to say that they had critical days. However, it should be understood that there is nothing shameful in this. This physiological process is laid down by nature, and it is simply necessary for the normal functioning of the female body. It is only important to choose the right words. How to explain to the guy, what is menstruation? Below are the options.

Usually a conversation about this situation arises when the guy hints at sexual contact. We can say directly or veil everything with two words "critical days". If the guy is understanding, then he will not insist on the continuation. However, if the couple in love is still young and they did not have sexual contact, then it is not necessary to devote to details of the menstrual cycle.

If the situation has come to the fact that it is simply impossible not to talk about menstruation, then there are some tips that will help to explain everything clearly and affordable:

  • If the boy is a teenager, then the conversation should approach with particular caution. During this period, he may not quite accurately understand the words, and indeed it is bad to react.
  • If the guy is older, then this is much better. He is already emotionally strong and matured to obtain such information.
  • No matter how many years the guy should speak with him gently and accurately. No need to be rough and annoying. Also, do not feel guilty or some kind of not like that.
  • If you can’t get rid of constraint, then you should use veiled words. For example, instead of "I am having a period" You can say "I have critical days".

If the guy really values \u200b\u200bhis girlfriend, then he will try to understand and accept everything.

What is scarce and abundant menstruation: what does the reasons indicate

Sad and abundant menstruation are with pathologies
Sad and abundant menstruation are with pathologies

It is considered normal if a woman does not experience any discomfort during menstruation. However, this does not always happen. Many often faced the fact that instead of menstruation, ointing discharge came or in general the very discharge began to appear in large volume. All this indicates a pathology with the body. It is important to figure out what happened wrong. But first, let's figure it out:

What are meager menstruation:

  • The medical term such a process is called hypomenorrhea.
  • This is a reduced amount of bloody discharge during menstruation - 50 ml and less.

May indicate such factors:

  • Stress
  • Large physical activity
  • Infection
  • Disease of the genitals
  • Age -related changes
  • Weight drops
  • In some cases, even pregnancy

Abundant menstruation:

  • This is regular menstrual bleeding. They can proceed 1 time in 2-4 weeks.
  • They are accompanied by large blood loss and often provoke the development of anemia.

As a rule, they go only for one reason:

  • The body has pathologiesassociated with the female genital organs and not only.

Whatever it is, in any case, you should visit a doctor. It should be understood that menstruation should not bring pain and discomfort, increase or lower the norm of discharge, change color and smell. Any changes in the menstrual cycle can be a signal of a serious disease that only an experienced doctor can diagnose.

What is the duration of the cycle of menstruation?

The duration of the cycle of menstruation
The duration of the cycle of menstruation

The duration of the cycle of menstruation is the days from the beginning of menstruation to the following. In the first year after the start of the period of the girl, the cycle can be from 20 to 50 days. Four years later, it is already from 21 to 35 days.

At the premensional age, the cycle usually lengthens up to 50 and even 60 days. The duration of the menstrual cycle is an indicator of whether the female body is normal or there are problems in it.

What is a regular and irregular cycle of menstruation?

There is a regular and irregular cycle of menstruation
There is a regular and irregular cycle of menstruation

A regular cycle of menstruation is when bleeding goes through a certain number of days or slightly different. This is a completely normal phenomenon, which indicates that everything is in order with the work of the body.

If there is too little or too much time between menstruation, in different months, then such a case is called an irregular cycle. It can indicate the following symptoms of diseases:

  • Polycystic ovary syndrome
  • Hyperprolactinemia
  • Thyroid problems
  • The disease of the adrenal glands
  • Stress or sharp weight loss

If the deviation in the cycle occurs once, then this may be the norm. If such problems are repeated from month to month, then a girl or woman urgently needs to consult a doctor for advice.

What is a daub with menstruation: as indicated, the reasons

Dream with menstruation happens for various reasons
Dream with menstruation happens for various reasons

If the nature of menstruation changes, then this can be the body’s response to an adverse effect. Dreams with menstruation are blood discharge in small quantities. Can be brown or with a share of watery. It is worth knowing:

  • At a young age, when the menstruation has just begun, the oozing discharge is the norm, since the body has not yet been completely rebuilt.
  • The daub is also normal after 40 yearsWhen the childbearing function gradually fades away.
  • In other cases, this may indicate problems with the body.

The reasons for the abdomen - These are pathologies and various other problems with the body:

  • Anemia
  • Avitaminosis
  • Endocrine system problems
  • Diseases of the circulatory system and cardiovascular
  • Metabolism problems
  • Liver and gall bladder diseases
  • Infection or sexually transmitted disease
  • Mental instability
  • Inflammation or oncological disease of the genital organs
  • Gynecological pathology that prevents me to retreat to menstrual discharge

Symptomsto which you should pay attention to the smearing discharge:

  • The pain in the lower abdomen, which gives to the lower back
  • Improving body temperature
  • Itching or burning vagina
  • The discharge lasts more than 10 days

All this can indicate serious diseases, so you should consult a doctor.

What is a delay in menstruation: as indicated, the reasons

The delay in menstruation indicates not only pregnancy
The delay in menstruation indicates not only pregnancy

Delay of menstruation - this is a violation of menstrual function, manifested by the absence of cyclic bleeding over 35 days. Each girl knows the duration of her normal cycle and monitors whether menstruation comes in time. However, it happens that menstruation may not appear at all. This can be either a normal reaction of the body or not.

  • With a delay in menstruation, do not worry about teenage girls 12-16 years, since at this age the menstrual cycle has not yet tuned in.
  • The norm is considered to be a violation of the menstrual cycle after 49 yearsas menopause comes. During the period from 16 to 49 years old The delay can signal the onset of pregnancy.

There are physiological reasons for the delay of menstruation:

  • Changing of the climate
  • Hormonal restructuring of the body
  • The abolition of hormonal contraceptives
  • After childbirth

Adverse situations in violation of menstruation:

  • Strong emotional shock
  • Physical exercise
  • Improper nutrition
  • Sharp weight loss
  • Diseases of the reproductive system
  • Ovarian cyst
  • Ovarian polycystic syndrome
  • Tumor
  • Hormonal imbalance

Important: only an experienced doctor can find out the reason for the delay.

Delayed menstruation during pregnancy: why is this considered the norm?

Delayed menstruation during pregnancy is considered the norm
Delayed menstruation during pregnancy is considered the norm

As mentioned above, menstruation occurs due to the fact that the epithelium of the uterus is rejected from her body as unnecessary. The delay in menstruation during pregnancy is considered the norm, since the uterus is prepared for the physiological process - the bearing and development of the fetus. A placenta, umbilical cord and other necessary parts for the baby’s life appear in the uterus.

When a woman became pregnant, her baby receives nutrients through the umbilical cord, which is connected to the placenta. In nature, in most animals, the placenta is separated from blood flow by a barrier. People and primates are united by the fact that the placenta is in contact with blood flow, although it is considered a foreign body. Interesting to know:

  • The immunological conflict of the fetus with the body can occur during any pregnancy. For example, when a blood type does not coincide. In addition, the embryo can affect the level of hormones and blood sugar.
  • If the dog’s female, for example, will be able to reject the fruit without problems, then in a woman this will not pass without a trace, since the embryo is associated with blood flow. Therefore, her health will be at risk.
  • That is why nature made so that the body does not fight for each embryo, but only selects the strongest.
  • But even getting pregnant, sometimes, is not easy. This is a real “quest”. The sperm at first needs to fertilize the egg so that it can attach to the walls of the uterus. This is called implantation.

If everything went well, then the woman will become pregnant. If not, then there may be a different outcome of events. The most painful is an ectopic pregnancy. And the most frequent is the decomposition of the embryo, which is why the hormonal background can be lost and inflammation with bleeding can begin.

As you can see, menstruation is a normal physiological process of every woman. The delay in this cycle may indicate a pregnancy or the presence of pathology. Frequent menstruation, more 1 time per month - This is also not a normal phenomenon. With any deviation, you must contact the doctor for advice. Good luck!

Video: Why do women need menstruation - scientific

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