Critical days twice a month are the norm, why do symptoms arise that can be called the norm for the body? Pathological reasons that lead to the fact that menstruation goes twice a month. Methods for treating menstruation repeated twice a month

Critical days twice a month are the norm, why do symptoms arise that can be called the norm for the body? Pathological reasons that lead to the fact that menstruation goes twice a month. Methods for treating menstruation repeated twice a month

Women's health is very important, and a significant signal of violation in the body is female bleeding for one month with menstruation. Let's deal with the reasons.

Every girl or woman wants to be healthy because the timeliness of puberty depends on her health. Every month in the body of any woman is the process of developing eggs in the ovaries. After fertilization, the egg is attached to the wall of the uterus, the unexplored egg leaves the woman’s body.

If the pregnancy does not occur, the mucosa is rejected, the result of which are bloody discharge in the form of menstruation. If the period of menstruation is repeated several times a month, then this may be the norm, but it can also be the cause of serious disorders in the body. When such a violation of the cycle occurs, this requires not only medical treatment, but also constant observation by a doctor.

Critical days twice a month is the norm?

There are two phases of the menstrual cycle:

  • Follicular. This phase is accompanied by the development of the egg and as a result of this, its exit from the follicle. This period is also called ovulation. It is associated with the beginning of the monthly cycle.
  • Lutein. The second phase occurs when the egg comes out of the follicle and a yellow body occurs in its place. It is responsible for the release of hormones.

The activity of hormones establishes the work of internal organs.


During pregnancy in the body, such metamorphoses can be observed:

  • The follicle completely slows down its development.
  • The mucous membrane of the uterus increases so that an egg is attached to it, which was previously fertilized. The development of blood vessels is being developed.
  • The channels going to the mammary glands are increasing.
  • The protective reaction inside the body decreases, immunity is reduced so that the egg can gain a well and does not tear it off.

If fertilization does not occur, then the iron that is responsible for the release of hormones dies and the periods, the beginning of the new cycle die. The norm is considered to be a cycle that lasts 27-32 days. The pathology does not consider the cycle that lasts 21-35 days. If menstruation occurs on the 21st day, then they will go 2 times a month, at the beginning of the month and at the end.

Why are symptoms that can be called the norm for the body?

When the cycle lasts from 21-26 days, then menstruation occurs 2 times a month.

The consequence of this may be the following reasons:

  1. Changing the cycle can change if a woman began to take hormones -based tablets to prevent an undesirable pregnancy. This is a kind of reaction of the body to replace the hormonal background. Such disorders can last no longer than 2-4 cycles. When the hormonal background is normalized, the cycle will work out.
  2. Inflammation arising in the uterus or ovaries. It leads to a decrease in the hormone of progesterone, the result of this will be a violation of endometrial growth.
  3. Violations associated with changes in the hormonal background after the birth of a child or abortion. The consequence of this will be the appearance of menstruation 2-3 times a month.

The normalization of the cycle after the birth of a child can take up to six months, depending on the condition of the body and the age of the woman. The first couple of months after childbirth is the restoration of the uterus from the remnants of bloody clots. Bloody discharge is less and less every day.

For those who refused for any reason to breastfeeding, the restoration of the cycle occurs much faster, in about 5-6 weeks. For those who breastfeed, critical days normalize much later and can be interrupted. This feature is observed both in women who gave birth themselves and in those who were made a cesarean section.

  1. Hormonal background changes during puberty. The appearance of the first blood discharge in girls means that she is ready to bear a child and pregnancy. Due to the instability of the cycle, critical days can occur a couple of times a month. For several months, the cycle will work out and everything will return to normal. Such changes in the body are normal, and are not the presence of any diseases.
  2. Also, changes appear during the occasion of menopause. This is accompanied by a wilting of the reproductive properties of the body. The level of the hormone of progesterone is reduced and the mechanisms associated with reproduction slows down. This process lasts in each woman differently and is addictive from two to nine years old. When the production of estrogen ends, the process ends.
  3. When a fertilized egg is attached to the uterus, this may be accompanied by small bloody brown discharge. Many take them for menstruation. Selection is a consequence of damage to endometrial capillaries. This process is quite normal and there is no need to consult a doctor.
  4. Installation of a spiral that blocks the appearance of pregnancy. One of the methods of contraception, which affects changes in the cycle. If the change of the cycle is observed more than once and the bloody discharge is strong, then you should immediately consult your doctor and extract a spiral in order to avoid more serious problems. Also, a spiral can only be set after a complete and thorough examination of the body and passing all tests.
Can be more often
Can be more often

Also, strong emotional anxiety, active sports, can lead to changes in the cycle.

Pathological reasons that lead to meal twice a month

To establish whether menstruation is a deviation from the norm, it is necessary to undergo a full examination and diagnose the causes. After setting the reasons, doctors prescribe appropriate treatment.

  • Inflammatory processes of the uterus and ovaries. Inflammatory processes can be the cause of bloody discharge. These disorders can lead to repeated monthly and violation of the production of the necessary hormones. This process affects the endocrine system, it is also called adenomyosis.
  • Cervical erosion. It can come after childbirth, regardless of age. This is an infection that occurs in the internal organs of the body. It occurs as a result of damage to small vessels. In this case, you must consult a doctor in order to avoid anemia.
  • Tumor of the uterus (myoma). A benign or malignant tumor may form in the uterus. With the slightest watery discharge, you must contact the clinic and undergo a full examination of the body.
  • The growth of the endometrium (hyperplasia). The process takes place in the uterus itself. The endometrium is excreted from the body in the form of blood clots.
There may be a serious disease
There may be a serious disease
  • Miscarriage. The egg cell, which for some reason could not resist the walls of the uterus. The woman’s body repels her and bleeding begins, which is not associated with menstruation.
  • Pregnancy outside the uterus. Blood may pass if the fertilized egg was attached not in the uterus, but in the fallopian tube. This violation can lead to serious problems in the body of a woman. It is recommended to immediately consult a doctor. Surgical intervention is necessary.
  • Violation of the blood coagulation process. This is also the cause of bloody discharge, regardless of the menstrual cycle.
  • Psychological condition.Each girl should understand that any bloody discharge that occurs not during menstruation is bleeding. Often changes in the cycle can occur in stressful situations that are very often unusual for the body. Emotions affect the hormonal background, and as a result, bloody discharge appears.
  • Sharp change in weather conditions, often leads to repeated discharge. This can happen during the travel period, and a sharp change in climatic conditions.
  • Infectious diseases.It is believed that the most common cause of repeated menstruation is infections. The first thing to do is to undergo diagnostics and identify the presence of chlamydia, parasites, trichomonas, mycoplasmas and other bacteria that affect inflammatory processes. In this case, it is necessary to normalize the microflora with vaginal suppositories or tablets. They can be in the form of candles (mistol, lactovag or others). Have an antiseptic and antimicrobial effect. After the course of taking the drugs prescribed by the doctor, you need to undergo an examination again. If the monthly cycle has not resumed, then the current situations do not relate to infectious diseases.
Infections are not excluded
Infections are not excluded
  • Changes in the hormonal background.Hormones are responsible for the monthly cycle and its frequency. When the failure occurs, the discharge either stops altogether, or can go a couple of times a month. With the help of diagnosis, the cause of the current changes should be understood. The reasons can be different: a change in climatic conditions, strong stressful situations, the effect of toxic substances on the body, abuse of alcohol, medical drugs or drug addiction. The most powerful effect is exerted by hormones and oral contraceptives.

Methods for treating menstruation repeated twice a month

Before starting treatment, you need to identify the cause. When the cause is detected, we proceed to treatment under the supervision of a doctor.

  • Infections associated with urinary tract must be treated etiotropic antibacterial therapy.
  • For treatment, hormones -based drugs are prescribed. Each drug must be selected individually, after passing all the necessary tests. The effect of hormone use is more noticeable only at the age when menopause is approaching and restructuring in the body of a woman occur naturally.

It is important to reduce the cause and treatment during the identification of:

  • Intake of alcohol and smoking (these negative habits are better to get rid of at all)
  • Stressful situations.
  • Active rhythm of life.
  • The amount of food.
Visit a doctor
Visit a doctor

In order to minimize the possible causes associated with bloody discharge, it is necessary:

  • Try not to take small problems to heart.
  • Avoid a sharp change in mood, which is associated with strong emotional upheavals.
  • Carefully read the instructions of the drugs that you take.
  • Keep the hormonal background under control.
  • Timely undergo a medical examination from a gynecologist and take tests. Inspection must be carried out once a year. Take smears that show the presence of infectious diseases.
  • Take a blood test to identify changes in a hormonal background.
  • Pass ultrasound of internal organs.
  • Undergo an examination of the brain and do magnetic resonance tomography. These examinations are needed only in rare cases when the above methods did not give any results.

All the above medical procedures should be carried out once a year, the latter, in the case when it is impossible to identify the cause of changes in the menstrual cycle. Timely diagnosis of the body can prevent changes that occur outside the norm.

Therefore, when critical days are repeated a couple of times a month, a woman should not make a diagnosis herself, but immediately go to a gynecologist and undergo complete diagnosis and treatment. Indeed, at an early stage, the disease is treated faster and without negative consequences for the body.

Video: reasons for repeated menstruation

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