What is PMS in girls, women: decryption. How many days before menstruation do PMS begin and how to deal with it?

What is PMS in girls, women: decryption. How many days before menstruation do PMS begin and how to deal with it?

Premenstrual syndrome: causes. How to prevent and treat the disease with different methods?

PMS or premenstrual syndrome is an emotional and physiological “explosion”, which leads the female body to conflict with oneself and the world around him. How to avoid or minimize psychological and physical malfunctions before approaching menstruation?

What is PMS in girls, women: decryption

The abbreviation of the PMS not so long ago appeared in the vocabulary of gynecologists, in the texts popular articles on female health, in household communication. The premenstrual syndrome or PMS characterizes changes in the psychological and physiological state of women and girls before approaching the next menstruation.

Approaching menstruation
Approaching menstruation

Unusual emotional manifestations of behavior, irritation, conflict situations arising out of the blue, headaches, “tears” for no reason, increased fatigue and much more can expect the female gender before the start of a monthly physiological phenomenon - menstruation.

Important: according to statistical data, 90% of women of the globe suffer from premenstrual syndrome in one form or another. Doctors discovered 150 symptoms and signs of such an ailment as PMS.

How many days before menstruation do PMS begin?

The deterioration of psycho-emotional and physical well-being is observed in the female about 2-10 days before the start of menstruation. In all women, this period is individual due to physiological characteristics, different temperament, living conditions, health and other factors.

Emotional failure at PMS
Emotional failure at PMS

Symptoms and signs of premenstrual syndrome

There are many symptoms and signs characteristic of the PMS. We list the most important.

Psychological symptoms of PMS

  • Increased emotionality
  • Excessive irritation and changeability of mood
  • Excessive manifestation of conflict situations
  • The inability to control their own behavior
  • Bloodiness
  • Anxious condition
  • Premature fears
  • Difficulties in the correct formulation of thoughts
  • Inhibiting the reaction
PMS subfebrile temperature
PMS subfebrile temperature

Physical signs of PMS

  • Headache
  • Pain and swelling of the chest glands
  • Increased fatigue
  • Swelling of the face, legs, arms
  • The appearance of rashes on the face in the form of acne and acne rash
  • Subfebrile temperature
  • Pain in the lower abdomen
  • Nausea
  • Lack of appetite or increased interest in food
  • Intolerance to individual odors

Symptoms and signs of PMS, video

Headache, swelling at PMS

  • A headache or, in the medical term, Cephalgia is one of the most significant manifestations of the premenstrual syndrome. Headaches, as a rule, are accompanied by nausea, dizziness, lack of sleep, and rapid heartbeat. In many women, cephalgia during the PMS is accompanied by an oppressed mood, tearfulness, a reduced reaction to what is happening
  • Swelling before menstruation is a familiar phenomenon. Swelling is caused by delayed fluid in the tissues. Most often, limbs and face swell. The swelling and pain of the chest glands before menstruation cause concern to many women. During this period, the accumulation of fluid in the body exceeding the volume of 500-700 ml is possible
Estrogens - female sex hormones
Estrogens - female sex hormones

Causes of premenstrual syndrome

In the 30s of the twentieth century, the female doctor Robert Frank defined the physiological ailment inherent in the female sex before the start of cyclic menstrual bleeding, as “premenstrual tension”. The main cause of malaise was called the hormonal balance in the female body before the onset of menstruation.

Until now, scientists are trying to unravel the causes of the premenstrual disease. Why are the ladies quite balanced in everyday life, suddenly turn into nervous Meger and grumpy furies?

Currently, there are several theories of the occurrence of PMS, but none of them can completely explain the causes of female health disorders before menstruation.

With serious symptoms of the PMS should consult a doctor
With serious symptoms of the PMS should consult a doctor

Hormonal failure theory

On certain days of the monthly cycle (usually in the last 14 days of the menstrual period), a woman has a violation of hormonal balance between female sex hormones: estrogen and progesterone.

The hormonal background leads to psycho-emotional disorders, problems in the work of the vegetovascular system, metabolic and endocrine discords.

An increased level of estrogen contributes to the delay of sodium and water ions in cells. As a result, swelling, soreness and swelling of the chest glands, malfunctions from the cardiovascular and excretory systems appear.

Nervousness, “wet” eyes, inhibition - all this is caused by hormonal malfunctions.

Theory of "water intoxication"

According to this theory, the manifestation of physical and psychological ailments is associated with disorders of the water-salt balance in the female body. Liquid delay, swelling, aggravated sensitivity to certain smells, skin itching is the result of neuroendocrine disorders in the body.

The accumulation of water before menstruation often causes an increase in the body weight of a woman by 3-5 kg. With the onset of menstruation, “water” kilograms disappear on their own.

Increased aggression during PMS
Increased aggression during PMS

Theory of violations in the work of the central nervous system

This concept of PMS is considered the most modern. It turns out that malfunctions in the mood and physical condition of a woman before menstruation can be caused by functional disorders of the central nervous system.

Moreover, the older the woman, the more expressed in her symptoms of the premenstrual syndrome. Young women on the eve of menstruation have a pronounced tendency to a depressive state, and teenage girls and young girls are aggressive, irritable and unstable in their behavior.

Scientists have studied risk factors that are directly related to the emergence of PMS in the female. We list the most relevant reasons related to this pathology.

  • As a rule, women of the Caucasian race are more prone to PMS
  • Pre -emptive occupation by mental work and living in large megacities
  • Frequent pregnancy or their absence, abortion and miscarriage
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system
  • Gynecological surgical interventions
  • Prolonged candidate candidiasis
  • Protracted depressive states and stress
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Infectious diseases
  • Side manifestation of contraceptives
  • Malnutrition
  • Hypodynamia
Pregnancy or PMS?
Pregnancy or PMS?

How to distinguish premenstrual pregnancy syndrome?

Signs of pregnancy and premenstrual syndrome are very similar. This is a change in taste preferences, mood change, poor health, nausea, and many more coincidences.

Let's try to figure out and find out some nuances by which you can understand: has a pregnancy or is it the vestibule of the next menstruation with PMS symptoms?

  • Lack of menstruation talks about the onset of pregnancy, but may indicate a delay in the menstrual cycle for some reason
  • Changing taste preferences: With PMS, it pulls on sweet or salty, when pregnancy onset-I want something inedible, interest in unusual smells appears. Salted cucumbers and tomatoes, sauerkraut - the first signs of a "pregnant" state
  • Increased fatigue It is characteristic of both states: with PMS 2-3 days before the onset of menstruation, during pregnancy-from 4-5 weeks from conception
  • Changeability of mood. Emotional changes in mood, tearfulness, tendency to conflicts are characteristic of PMS and when pregnancy onset
  • Swelling and pain in the chest glands observed throughout pregnancy, but disappear after the onset of menstruation
  • Pain in the stomach and back Individual for every woman. Insignificant pain can manifest itself both with PMS and during pregnancy, especially in the late stages
  • Toxicosis with nausea and vomiting characteristic of early pregnancy
  • Calls to frequent urination occur during pregnancy due to the pressure of an enlarged uterus on the bladder
  • Blood discharge They may be present in the second week of pregnancy in the form of small smearing discharge, resembling the end of menstruation
Symptoms of pregnancy and PMS are similar
Symptoms of pregnancy and PMS are similar

The diagnosis of pregnancy in the early stages is difficult, and the symptoms are very similar to the manifestations of the premenstrual syndrome.

IMPORTANT: Delay of menstruation and conducting express testing to identify pregnancy with a positive result is a reason to contact the antenatal clinic.

Signs of PMS, video

The first signs of pregnancy, video

Diagnosis of premenstrual syndrome

PMS can be regarded as a disease if:

  • "painful" changes in the usual lifestyle occur
  • there are disparate and conflict situations in relations with surrounding people: at work, at home, on the street
  • the quality of life is lost
  • a decrease in performance and increased fatigue are manifested
Yoga classes will help with PMS
Yoga classes will help with PMS

How to remove premenstrual syndrome?

Many women perceive the approach of the monthly cycle in different ways. For some, this is a normal physiological process. For others, a severe test with physical pain and emotional shifts that can be eliminated by resorting to medicines and means of traditional medicine.

We offer several simple tips to improve the quality of life of a woman during PMS.

  1. Periodically arising ailments associated with the PMS should be fixed in the Devil calendar. These records will help the doctor prescribe the correct treatment and understand how serious the situation
  2. The diet should be adjusted. Remove sharp, salty and canned products that cause fluid retention in the body. Reduce the amount of sweets, coffee, strong tea and alcoholic beverages. The uncontrolled use of these products enhances excitement, irritability, and mood change.
  3. Before monthly The use of fats, meat, pastries should be limited. But you should "lean" on natural juices, herbal teas, vegetables and fruits containing a sufficient amount of fiber
  4. During the day about 2 liters of clean water
  5. These days you should postpone labor -intensive things and do pleasant activities for yourself
  6. Try to "restrain" yourself and not be nervous by trifles
  7. Short walks, meditation, yoga and a little physical activity will help to cope with the premenstrual disease
Pathological manifestations of PMS require medical assistance
Pathological manifestations of PMS require medical assistance

If these tips do not bring relief, and the painful condition for PMS does not make it possible to work normally, study, and just live in the usual rhythm, you should seek medical help.

Treatment of concomitant diseases and infectious processes of the female genital area, elimination of edema, stabilization of the psychogenic state of a woman contribute to the restoration of female health and the physiological course of the menstrual cycle.

Change in nutrition and lifestyle, drug treatment, physiotherapy and massage help eliminate or alleviate the condition of the woman with pathological manifestations of PMS.

Drug treatment of PMS
Drug treatment of PMS

Treatment of premenstrual syndrome with drugs

Not every woman can independently cope with the painful manifestations of the premenstrual syndrome in the physical and emotional plan. In these cases, you should seek medical advice. The doctor selects drug treatment, taking into account the individual condition of the patient, according to polls and analyzes.

Treatment properly selected by therapeutic drugs is aimed at eliminating the painful manifestations of PMS in the psychoemotional sphere and improving the quality of life of a woman.

Premenstrual syndrome tablets

The pathology of the premenstrual syndrome is treated using drugs of various pharmacological groups.

Painkillers help to cope with pain in PMS
Painkillers help to cope with pain in PMS

Painkillers and antispasmodic drugs

With minor pains and spasms during PMS, over -the -compulory painkillers and anti -inflammatory drugs of non -steroidal type and antispasmodic agents are usually recommended.

Important: painkillers do not treat the root cause of pain, but only relieve pain symptoms for a while and relieve the patient's condition. Taking drugs in severe pathologies of the PMS is carried out only under the supervision of a doctor.

To relieve light and moderate pain, doctors recommend paracetamol, ibuprofen, steady, acetylsalicylic acid.

Spasms will help to remove no-shpa, Drotaverin, Buscopan, papaverine hydrochloride.

Combined combinations of active substances enhance each other's effect and eliminate pain and cramps in a shorter time. Pentallgin, Solpadein, Spasmalgon, Tempalgin, Ibuklin, Brustan, Caffin and other drugs are recommended to relieve pain at the PMS.


Phytopreparations with a sedative action

Phytolecrapons contain extracts and extracts of medicinal herbs, have a soft sedative and relaxing effect on the body. With PMS, it is recommended to use tincture of valerian, motherwort, peony, combined drugs: Novopassit, Persen, Forte Deputy, Homeopathic drugs: Mastodinon, Cyclodinon, Remens, etc.

Vitamin preparations

Vitamin complexes take part in physiological processes and improve the quality of life. Vitamin B6 reduces increased aggressiveness and stress states. Vitamins A, E, C affect tissue metabolism and oxidative processes. Microelements: CA, MG, SE, ZN, CU control the appearance of toxic substances in tissue cells.

To suppress the symptoms of the PMS, the following vitamin complexes are used: decamevit, complivitis, super stress with zinc, Magne B6, duoit, neuroretane, etc. 5% solution of pyridoxin hydrochloride is prescribed for intramuscular administration.


Diuretic tablets are prescribed by a doctor and are used strictly according to indications. To remove edema at the PMS, Veroshpyron, Furosemide and other diuretics are prescribed.

Transquilizers for the treatment of PMS
Transquilizers for the treatment of PMS

Antipsychotics, nootropics and tranquilizers

Medicines of this group stimulate mental and mental activity, improve cerebral circulation, normalize the psycho -emotional state of a woman, eliminate insomnia and stabilize the mood.

To eliminate increased mental tension, doctors use drugs such as glycine, phenybut, apobasole, prescription tranquilizers: Grandaxin, Diazepam


Medicinal hormonal drugs contribute to the alignment of the balance between sex hormones: estrogens and progesterone. Hormone therapy is prescribed for insufficiency of the second phase of the menstrual cycle.

At the same time, drugs containing progesterone (duphaston) and estrogen-gestagenic drugs are prescribed: Jess (hormonal contraceptive of the third generation) and rigvidon (hormonal contraceptive of the II generation).

Hormonal drugs are prescribed by a doctor, the dosage is selected individually by each patient.

Dufaston with premenstrual syndrome
Dufaston with premenstrual syndrome

Premenstrual syndrome and duphaston

  • The lack of progesterone and the “surge” of estrogen before menstruation is manifested in the deterioration of the quality of life of many women. Correction of severe cases of premenstrual syndrome with the drug Duphaston has been widely used in gynecological practice
  • The drug contains 10 mg of didrogestron in each tablet and is indicated for diseases caused by a lack of progesterone - the yellow ovarian hormone and adrenal glands
  • Duphaston has an effective effect in eliminating the pathology of the premenstrual syndrome. The dosage and course of treatment is selected individually by each patient. Usually 1 tablet (10 mg) 2 times a day is prescribed from 11 to 25 days of the menstrual cycle
  • As a result of the course of treatment, many ailments characteristic of PMS are removed: irritability, manifestation of acne, tearfulness, dizziness, pain, mood, sexual disorders, etc. Dufaston, as a rule, is well tolerated and suitable for women of all age groups
Herbal teas to eliminate PMS
Herbal teas to eliminate PMS

Treatment of premenstrual syndrome folk remedies

The use of herbal hoods, infusions, decoctions and teas to suppress the premenstrual disease is effective and proved by many years of practice. Plants contain many therapeutic components affecting the restoration of women's health.

Many herbs are rich in phytosterols - natural hormonal compounds. They regulate the menstrual female cycle, relieve inflammation and psycho -emotional stress. Such plants can normalize the hormonal background with a soft natural way.

We offer several options for herbal teas that facilitate the PMS.

A decoction of dandelion roots from puffiness

Roll a tablespoon of roots with a glass of boiling water and cook in a water bath for 15 minutes. Take 100 ml twice a day 10 days before menstruation. The roots of dandelion relieve swelling, pain and tension in the chest.

Vegetable sedative collection

Mix the grass of women's mint (lemon balm), jasmine flowers, chamomile, valerian rhizomes, peppermint leaf in the proportion: 3: 1: 2: 2: 2: 3. Brew like herbal tea. 7 days before the start of menstruation, drink half a glass three times a day.

Infusion of flowers cornflower

Brew a tablespoon of flowers in a teapot, leave for half an hour. Drink like ordinary tea three times a day 10 days before the alleged menstruation. Vasilok tea relieves spasms, light pains, stabilizes mood, eliminates swelling.

Happy couple
Happy couple

Important: the diagnosis of premenstrual syndrome directly depends on the woman’s attitude to her well -being during this period.

You should not focus on light signs of malaise before approaching menstruation. Maybe you should change your attitude to what is happening? PMS is a monthly event, which takes place each time in a similar scenario.

You can prepare and tune in advance for the premensional syndrome. It must be remembered that everything temporary passes, and life with its colors and daily unique events is a rather interesting “quest” that should be passed with loved ones.

Video: Using essential oils for PMS

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Comments K. article

  1. At the PMS problem itself, everything is more acute and more acute (((you must probably go to the doctor, since there is no point in pulling. And I myself suffer and I am removing all my relatives on these days with my psychos.

  2. Christina, of course, will not hurt to go to the doctor. I solved this problem six months ago, went to the doctor myself and began to take a time-factor on his advice. It is necessary to drink the course, not fast all this, but the result is worth it, believe me. And the cycle leveled a bit, in terms of the fact that in general, as a clock is now and most importantly, the PMS is now not so cruel ((it used to be terrible that the terrible thing happened about me, but now I don’t even notice that these days are approaching.

  3. Christina, of course, will not hurt to go to the doctor. I solved this problem six months ago, went to the doctor myself and began to take a time-factor on his advice. It is necessary to drink the course, not fast all this, but the result is worth it, believe me. And the cycle leveled a bit, in terms of the fact that in general, as a clock is now and most importantly, the PMS is now not so cruel ((it used to be terrible that the terrible thing happened about me, but now I don’t even notice that these days are approaching.

  4. Oh, for some reason the answer was inhabited. Sorry)))

  5. I was also appointed a time-factor. I read the composition, I liked it: a lot of plant extracts, vitamins and trace elements. The irregular cycle was bothered, otherwise the manifestations are tolerant. Everything is selected according to cyclicality and is divided into two stages: each period has its own components, which should restore the balance in the body. I began to accept.

  6. A few days before menstruation, I start drinking glycine Forte from Evalar. He helps to cope with nervous stress, reduces irritability, improve sleep. And group B vitamins help to be more attentive.

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