Dream instead of menstruation, a sign of pregnancy? The causes of brown and pink abdomen instead of menstruation after an abortion, during the reception and after the cancellation of OK, after Duphaston, after 40

Dream instead of menstruation, a sign of pregnancy? The causes of brown and pink abdomen instead of menstruation after an abortion, during the reception and after the cancellation of OK, after Duphaston, after 40

What is the presence of a smash instead of menstruation? The causes of the emergence of the abuse instead of menstruation.

Regular, moderate menstruation is a sign of women's health. Any changes in the constancy or abundance of menstruation should be alarming cute ladies.

Sometimes a situation happens when a woman, instead of familiar menstruation, remains weakly expressed light or dark discharge, the so -called “daub”. This state of things can have a lot of causes and consequences.

This article will be devoted to such discharge, their nature and possible factors that entail their appearance.

Dream instead of menstruation is a sign of pregnancy?

Is the daub instead of menstruation a sign of pregnancy?
Is the daub instead of menstruation a sign of pregnancy?
  • Particularly young creatures, having discovered in their panties, mentioned above, the daub falls into panic and begin to try on the image of a pregnant woman
  • In some cases, their suspicions may be quite justified, and in some - absolutely groundless. Consider both options for the development of events
  • If a girl has a daub instead of them during the expected menstruation, and after some time they still begin, then this indicates the hormonal failure of her body
  • If a woman after unprotected contact begins weak discharge, and menstruation does not occur, then she needs to conduct a pregnancy test. Perhaps she already had an implantation of the fetal egg
  • The negative result of the test may not always show a true picture, because doctors recommend taking blood for a hCG for one hundred percent reliability. If the test is negative, then you can confidently state the absence of pregnancy. Well, a positive result will talk about an interesting position of a woman
  • For those women whose pregnancy was planned, and instead of menstruation, the daub went, it would seem the best option to seem to the doctor, since any discharge in the early stages of pregnancy can be dangerous and provoke involuntary termination of pregnancy

Instead of menstruation, brown daub and a negative test

Dream instead of menstruation, and the test is negative
  • In a situation where the girl had traces of weak discharge on the linen, the test showed a negative result, and the menstruation did not begin, she must be consulted by a gynecologist's consultation
  • This situation may indicate a number of diseases and pathologies in the female body (ovarian inflammation, cervical diseases, menopause, hormonal failure, etc.)
  • Only a complete and attentive examination by a woman can put all the dots over "i". In addition, only a specialist will definitely help to indicate the correct treatment in this situation

Delay and daub instead of menstruation

Instead of menstruation, the daub and delay
Instead of menstruation, the daub and delay

Consider another situation:

  • On the eve of planned menstruation, a woman has unprotected contact
  • The date of menstruation has already come, but it is still not
  • After a couple of days, instead of menstruation, a woman finds a daub on her underpants
  • After a couple more days, she begins menstruation

Such a alignment of events, as a rule, indicates that a hormonal failure occurred in the female body, so you can not fear an unwanted pregnancy.

However, it will seem worthless to the doctor in this situation.

Brown daub instead of menstruation, reasons

Considering brown discharge instead of menstruation, it is necessary to distinguish between light brown and dark brown discharge, since the causes of their occurrence can become completely different factors.
The reasons for the appearance of a light brown smash can become:

  • Perimenopause - a period characterized by the process of reducing ovarian function
  • The output of the endometrium tissues is a phenomenon found in girls until the current menstruation occurs, and in ripened women as a result of stagnation of menstruation in the tissues of the uterine mucosa, which was not thrown out with the last menstruation
  • Pregnancy
  • Atrophic vaginitis is a painful condition of a woman's vagina, accompanied by itching and dryness
  • Polyps in the uterus - benign neoplasms in the uterine cavity
  • Sexually transmitted diseases such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, pointed condylomas or trochomoniasis

Dark brown discharge, in turn, can occur as a result of the following diseases and conditions:

  • Pregnancy
  • Output output (ovulation). Discharge that appears in the process of ovulation even have their own scientific name - cervical mucus
  • Menopause - second phase of menopause
  • The output of the endometrium tissues
  • Endometrious ovarian cyst - pathological formation on the ovary or inside it
  • Inflammation of the pelvic organs - a complex disease that affects simultaneously several organs of the sexual system of a woman
  • Cervical cancer is an oncological disease caused by human papillomavirus virus

Pink or scarlet daub instead of menstruation: Causes

There are a number of reasons that can provoke the appearance of pink and scarlet discharge instead of menstruation:

  1. Pregnancy
  2. Hormonal failure in the female body
  3. The beginning of an involuntary miscarriage
  4. Endocrine system problems
  5. Overstrain and stress
  6. Viral and infectious diseases such as rubella, measles, hepatitis, etc.
  7. Inflammatory processes in one of the genital organs of a woman (uterus, vagina, ovary)
  8. Diseases of the cervix
  9. Possible neoplasms on the organs of the sexual system of a woman
  10. Physiological delay in menstruation - is considered the norm

Why, instead of monthly 2 days, daub?

The reasons for the Summer for two days
The reasons for the Summer instead of menstruation for two days

The reasons for the presence instead of menstruation of any other discharge for two days can be the same diseases and conditions described above.

To navigate what nevertheless caused this kind of discharge, an analysis of the nature of the abdication, as well as a consultation of a good specialist, will help.

Why, instead of menstruation, a week for a week?

The reasons for the Summer instead of menstruation for a week
The reasons for the Summer instead of menstruation for a week

Dispensations instead of menstruation, lasting about a week, can be both negative and fit into the framework of the norm.

All dangerous and serious reasons for the appearance of the Summer instead of menstruation were described in the article above.

The norm will be considered the presence of a smash instead of menstruation during the week only in the following cases:

  • Когда у девушки только-только начинается менструация, и ее месячный цикл еще до конца не установился
  • If a woman began to take oral contraceptives
  • If a woman undergoes a course of treatment with hormonal drugs (for example, duphaston or Utrozherata)
  • If the woman underwent surgery on one of the organs of the reproductive system
  • If the girl has just begun to live sexual life
  • If the nursing mother finishes the baby's breasts

One of the most dangerous and requiring immediate intervention, the causes of brownish discharge instead of menstruation is an ectopic pregnancy

Instead of menstruation, brown daub and lower abdomen hurt

The causes of pain in the lower abdomen and abdomen instead of menstruation
Pain in the lower abdomen and daub instead of menstruation
  • Brown discharge and pain in the bottom of the abdomen, as well as in the area of \u200b\u200bthe external genitalia can become a consequence of the beginning of sexual activity
  • The pain in the bottom of the abdomen and daub instead of menstruation can occur at the stage of neglect of urogenital infection
  • Inflammation of the genitals, as a rule, are also accompanied by discharge and severe pain in the lower abdomen
  • Dreams and pain in the pelvic area are most often provoked by pregnancy, in particular an maintenance pregnancy
  • Such unpleasant features, such as pain in the lower abdomen and discharge, can also become the consequences of stress, moral and physical strain

Dream instead of menstruation after an abortion, reasons

The reasons for the Summer instead of menstruation after an abortion
The reasons for the Summer instead of menstruation after an abortion
  • Most often in our country, abortion is carried out by curettage
  • The curettage is the removal of the fetal egg attached to the wall of the uterus along with a small layer of endometrium
  • Violation of the endometrium provokes the appearance of discharge or the so -called abortion after abortion
  • The damaged inner ball of the uterine tissue can bleed a long period of time - up to ten days
  • Subsequent after abortion, menstruation can take place in the form of perception instead of the usual menstrual discharge

Dream instead of menstruation when taking and after canceling OK

Dream instead of menstruation when reception and after the abolition of oral contraceptives
Dream instead of menstruation when reception and after the abolition of oral contraceptives
  • The appearance of the abdomen instead of menstruation, as well as in the middle of the cycle, is considered the norm for women who have begun or finish the reception of oral contraceptives
  • The fact is that the main principle of the action of such drugs is to suppress the function of the endometrium
  • Monthly when taking OK, as a rule, become less abundant, more similar to the daub
  • Pain, discomfort and PMS when using these drugs are practically absent

After Duphaston the daub instead of menstruation

Dream instead of menstruation after duphaston
Dream instead of menstruation after duphaston

When taking duphaston, a woman may observe scarce discharge instead of menstruation or a few days before them. This state of affairs is considered the norm

After the cessation of Duphaston’s reception, a woman can also be present instead of menstruation only a weakly exposed daub. This may be connected either with the onset of pregnancy, or with hormonal restructuring in the female body, which, in principle, should not cause any anxiety in a woman. However, to exclude the option of pregnancy, she necessarily needs
will donate blood to hCG

Dream instead of menstruation after 40 years, reasons

The reasons for the Summer instead of menstruation in women after 40
The reasons for the Summer instead of menstruation in women after 40

The reasons for the occurrence of meager discharge in a woman after 40 may become the following violations and changes:

  1. Gradual fading of ovarian function (menopause)
  2. Pelvic inflammation
  3. The occurrence of neoplasms on the organs of the reproductive system
  4. Hormonal disorders in the female body

Summing up, it is worth noting that, regardless of what could have provoked the appearance of the abdomen instead of menstruation in a woman, she should definitely seek advice to a good specialist. Only he will be able to either dispel all her fears, or confirm them and prescribe the correct treatment.

The reasons for the onset of the Summer instead of menstruation: Video

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