How to distinguish abundant menstruation from uterine bleeding: symptoms. Causes and types of uterine bleeding

How to distinguish abundant menstruation from uterine bleeding: symptoms. Causes and types of uterine bleeding

In this topic, we will consider how to recognize bleeding and distinguish it from abundant critical days. And also talk about the norms and abundance of the menstrual cycle.

Critical days are a very personal topic that has an extremely individual character. Therefore, you can never unequivocally answer how it should be. But this is also one of the most important topics for the health of the female body. The fact is that any deviations from such a wide norm indicate violations.

Therefore, in this article we just find the answer to one very important question - how abundant menstruation differs from uterine bleeding. The differences need to know each girl, since the abundance of menstruation can be different and at first glance you can not immediately understand that bleeding has begun.

How to distinguish abundant menstruation from uterine bleeding?

There are some problems in critical days that in no case should be ignored. But in order to catch these differences between conventional abundant menstruation and uterine bleeding, you must first understand what menstruation is.

What is menstruation?

This is part of the menstrual cycle of the female body, which comes during puberty. During this cycle, an egg matures in the ovary, which indicates the readiness of the body to become pregnant. If the egg remains unfertilized, then on the first day of the cycle it begins to reject with the mucous membrane of the uterus. This is accompanied by menstrual bleeding.

Monthly or uterine bleeding?

Uterine bleeding, at first glance, is similar to abundant discharge during menstruation. But still, every woman is simply obliged to know some signs by which you can accurately judge the onset of bleeding. This will indicate that the situation has got out of control and the development of anemia is possible!

The minimum period for menstruation is 21 days
The minimum period for menstruation is 21 days

Consider more carefully these signs how to distinguish abundant menstruation from uterine bleeding

Signs Normal indicator or abundant menstruation Excess of the norm - bleeding
The volume of discharge During the period of menstruation, a woman loses approximately 50 mlblood. But this is only a conditional average indicator - 20, 80, and even 150 ml are considered the norm. But remember - this is not a single case. That is, the gynecologist established that for your body this norm and this is happening for more than one month/ year.

If you have an average menstruation indicator, then excess from 100-150 ml per dayspeaks already for bleeding. More than 200 ml requires urgent contact to the hospital.

Important: it is considered a dangerous signal when menstruation is so abundant that even night gaskets have to be changed literally every hour.


Menstrual period

The average period of the duration of the menstrual cycle is 28 days.But again-some have 35, and someone has 25, which is also not considered a pathology.

By the way, it is noted that the average cycle in 28 days happens only in 13% of all women.


If the discharge has begun in less than 21 days or more than 35 days,then you should contact the clinic. A strong deviation from your norm should also alert. Moreover, both in the larger and down.

Monthly continues the first 5-6 days of the cycle. These numbers are also approximate, they can differ a little in different women. Therefore, it is worth separate - from 2 to 8 days.


The duration of bleeding is already more than 10 days.


Important: long and abundant discharge can cause significant damage to the body!


The intensity of the discharge

She is also different for every woman. Someone has the secretions of weak intensity, others, on the contrary, are very strong. But there is a certain pattern - To the middle of the cycle, they increase, and after - the discharge gradually decreases.


With bleeding, discharge not only does not decrease over time, but can also increase.

Important: it should be alert if the discharge does not decrease after 3 days of menstruation.


The color changes in the same way - from red-brown colorWhat can be slightly darker than venous blood, to almost brown or burgundy tone.

But we pay attention to another pattern - as a rule, the color gradually darkens, and the consistency becomes more mucosa.


With bleeding, the blood of saturated red, even scarlet color.At the same time, over time, it does not become a dark shade.

Due to the fact that in this menstrual blood there is a mucous secret and tissue of the uterine endometrium and its neck, the discharge is more viscous. Clushes may also appear.


With bleeding, liquid, without mucus or clots!

Important: sometimes an abundance of blood clots that appear for more than 3 days, also speaks of violations.

Pain The pain in the lower abdomen for most women is considered the norm. But It has a falling character. That is, on 2-4 days its intensity is already reduced. With bleeding, pain can only increase. The character is much stronger.

Important: in any case, even if you have abundant menstruation, it is dangerous with anemia! Especially if they are constant. In this case, it is necessary to consult with a gynecologist!

Pay attention to how often within 1-2 hours you change hygiene!
Pay attention to how often within 1-2 hours you change hygiene!

Additional symptoms that speak for uterine bleeding:

  • strong fatigue and weakness. After all, the body does not cope with such a load;
  • the heart rate is possible;
  • decrease in blood pressure;
  • discharge may have an unpleasant odor;
  • with uterine bleeding, temperature may rise;
  • from this a woman is chill and/ or throws into sweat;
  • excessive pallor of the skin, which can even speak for the decline of hemoglobin;
  • dizziness appears;
  • the possible appearance of blood after intercourse between menstruation. This indicates violations and a possible occurrence of bleeding.

Dangerous symptoms of uterine bleeding, which require immediate hospitalization:

  • a woman loses consciousness;
  • sharp pains in the lower abdomen, which are growing;
  • the temperature rises above 39 ° C;
  • strong nausea and even vomiting is possible;
  • strong pressure reduction;
  • a manifestation of anemia.
Listen to other body signals
Listen to other body signals

By the way, the development of anemia will say:

  • fragility of hair and nails;
  • very strong fatigue;
  • drowsiness;
  • groundless frequent dizziness;
  • the skin becomes pale, transparent and dry;
  • memory and concentration deteriorate.

Possible causes of strong secretions and uterine bleeding

As already mentioned, sometimes discharge with menstruation can be plentiful. Of course, this causes incredible discomfort and even leads a panic. Therefore, it is worthwhile to figure it out without fail, why this happens.

The very first and most important thing is a trip to the gynecologist. And if you think that going to this doctor can be planned in the absence of menstruation, then you are mistaken. If you are worried that these days do not go away as it should, you can’t put a trip to the gynecologist in any case. The doctor will be able to draw conclusions about the nature of the discharge and the reason for excessive abundance by examination on the gynecological chair, UZD, smears and blood tests.

A gynecologist's consultation is needed!
In any suspicious case, a gynecologist consultation is necessary!

There are several reasons why the discharge becomes plentiful and even bear the nature of bleeding:

  • endometriosis - This is a disease of the uterine mucosa. When the large amount of endometrium is removed, the discharge is very increased;
  • myoma - This is a benign tumor that forms in the uterine cavity and provokes protracted menstruation with the release of a large volume of blood. Myoma is characteristic of reproductive age. After menopause, it decreases independently;
  • call blood loss can and polyps;
  • violation of the level of hormones. The hormonal system can also affect the number of endometrial cells, which in turn leads to an increase in the volume of discharge;
  • intoxication of the female body, which is caused by the decline of forces from exhausting and frequent diets;
  • climax's offensive. During this period, the level of hormones is very changing, which can lead to bleeding;
  • termination of pregnancy or consequences of abortion/Caesarean. Separate attention is required by menstruation during pregnancy, which often speak of violations and are actually bleeding. Therefore, we recommend reading the material on the topic "Monthly during pregnancy";
  • ectopic pregnancy. By the way, many believe that this signal early menstruation, which came much earlier than the deadline. But we suggest you read more information on this topic in our material “Causes of menstruation ahead of schedule”;
  • postoperative and post -traumatic period;
  • poor blood coagulation and tendency to thrombosis;
  • the presence of different infectious diseases or inflammatory processes;
  • banal nervous overstrain and fatigue;
  • excessive physical activity.

Important: but the cause of bleeding can be much more complicated - it can be tuberculosis of the uterus, ovarian diseases of various kinds, cyst or even genital cancer!

Sometimes this may be a consequence of serious diseases
Sometimes this may be a consequence of serious diseases

It is after studying the results of the research that the doctor will be able to give recommendations to eliminate your problem. Do not prescribe medications or procedures yourself.

  • It happens that strong discharge appears very sharply with menstruation - It can be after sleep, When we were in a horizontal position for a long time. Or just if you sit for a long time, and then stand abruptly. In this case, you can not worry. Just the blood managed to curl up a little while you were motionless.
  • Also, postpartum discharge is similar to bleeding. They are called Lochia, and this is a completely separate topic. Do not confuse them with a pathology of uterine bleeding. But if the suckers ended, and red bright discharge began instead, then this is an occasion to see a doctor.

Important: it is especially important to protect your body during critical days. Do not raise weights and limit training a little, any physical exertion. Exclude sex, because during this period the uterus becomes vulnerable to any kind of infections!

Do not self -medicate!
Do not self -medicate!

Types of uterine bleeding

Bleeding in gynecology is divided into two types, which are abnormal in nature - These are ovulatory and anovulatory menstruation.The first discharge is very scarce and with a short period of duration, and the latter have a reverse picture with a long duration and excessive abundance, as well as poor well -being. They, in turn, are divided into several types:

  • prolonged bleeding of great abundance (menorrhagia). The reason for this is other diseases of the endocrine and reproductive system, malnutrition or deformation of the uterus. Depending on the causes of the occurrence, treatment may differ;
  • arising suddenly between menstruation of bleeding (metroragia). They occur with inflammatory diseases or organic lesions, do not depend on the day of the cycle. They are divided in turn in age categories:
    • climacteric discharge, What are found during menopause. They are not dangerous if they do not have an intensive nature;
    • and juvenile discharge, which are characteristic of adolescents. They are associated with a not yet completely formed sexual system;
  • long period of irregular abundant discharge (menometerraia) - also a symptom of various diseases. The treatment of this functional deviation changes depending on the causes of the occurrence;
  • menstruation, which begin again less than 21 days after the completion of the previous cycle (polymenorrhea).This abnormal state of the menstrual cycle should be a regular nature for the installation of this diagnosis;
  • it is worth noting more Breakthrough discharge.They are characteristic of women who use an intrauterine spiral. This is a direct signal about its rejection or even infection;
  • professional bleeding They have the nature of menstruation, but with greater intensity. It is very difficult to distinguish, it is worth carefully studying the color and consistency of the discharge;
  • hypotetic dischargethey occur after a decrease in the tone of the uterine myometrium after childbirth or abortion.
Make a short -term cold compress
Make a short -term cold compress

Proper treatment can be prescribed by a doctor, but some recommendations should be followed before the visit. You need to relax a lot, do not engage in heavy physical activity and drink more water. It is forbidden to visit baths and saunas, drink alcohol. And in order to stop the possible uterine bleeding, it is worth applying a cold heating pad or a bottle of water to the bottom of the abdomen. But no more than 10-15 minutes, because you can earn inflammation!

Take care of yourself and be healthy!

Video: How to distinguish abundant menstruation from uterine bleeding?

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