What to plant near the house, arbors, fence? What shrubs, trees, flowers can be planted near the house? How to plant flowers along the fence: ideas, photos, instructions

What to plant near the house, arbors, fence? What shrubs, trees, flowers can be planted near the house? How to plant flowers along the fence: ideas, photos, instructions

A list of flowers, shrubs that can be planted near the house, fence, arbor.

A plot near the house is a great place for the flight of imagination, and the fulfillment of desires. After all, it is near the house that you can plant flower beds from unpretentious plants that will allow the site to play a completely different way. In this article we will tell you what to plant near the house. 

Categories of colors that can be planted near the house

Almost all the flowers that plant sun -loving on the flower beds. Accordingly, it is necessary to choose a area where sunlight constantly enters, and there are no strong winds. Therefore, you should not plant flowers somewhere on a hill. Look for this secluded places. The most excellent option will be zones near the gazebo, or some buildings. Clubs are often planted near hedges, fences and fences. 

All plants can be divided conditionally into two categories:  

  • Perennial 
  • Annual 

If you do not want to choose new cultures for your flower bed every year, and do not knowhow to plant flowers near the house, give preference to perennials. Experienced gardeners prefer to combine a riot of colors and colors. For this, both annual and perennial plants are chosen.


Types of flower beds for landing near the house

There are several varieties of the club, depending on the plants used, and forms.

Types of flower beds for landing near the house:

  • The most popular are mixborders, These are flower beds of mixed plants, usually along paths or hedges. They can have any shape, and allow you to fantasize on an unlimited scale. 
  • Modular flower beds. They are a certain mixture of small architectural forms and colors themselves. In fact, this is not quite a flowerbed, but a whole composition. It can include some base made of ceramics, plastic or stone decorated with flowers. Below you can see photos of such a club. 
  • Tapeworm. This is a flower bed that has common features of all growing colors. It can be their shape, height or general color. 
  • Club of Borders. In this embodiment, flowers are planted tightly to each other, and do not require a large amount of light. Typically, such flower beds are used as a separate decorative element to design more voluminous compositions to limit their limits. This is a dividing strip between the lawn and the flower arrangement. Dense flowers with small buds are used, which are planted along the perimeter of the main floral composition. 
  • Stone Garden. This is a flower bed in which stones and flowering plants are combined. Usually this is a separate composition, which is a zone of embankment of large stones, or expanded clay, as well as colors. Very often, such flower beds are complemented by small shrubs. 
  • Alpinarium. In such flower beds, plants are usually combined that grow in alpine conditions. 

Beautiful design of the flowerbed near the house with your own hands: instructions, photo

At the beginning of the work, the plan is built and the choice of plants. For this, the soil and conditions of plant growth is initially carried out. The experience of the gardener is also of no small importance. Therefore, if you first equip a flower bed, choose unpretentious plants that can survive in rather specific weather conditions, with a lack of moisture, care.

Beautiful design of the flowerbed near the house with your own hands, instructions:

  • If there is absolutely no time to delve into the garden, choose plants that require certain climatic conditions, but are completely unpretentious in care. Their regular weeding, pruning, top dressing is not required. At the initial stage, in the early spring, it is necessary to dig the soil to a depth of about 25 cm.
  • This will saturate it with oxygen, and improve plant growth. Next, it is necessary to remove all weeds. If lawn grass grows on the site, you are going to create a flowerbed, you need to remove the layer of grass and dig a site.
  • Remember that all plants grow best in light soil. Therefore, if the soil on the site is too heavy, clay, supplement it with sand and be sure to add compost. You can use organic and inorganic fertilizers. However, organics, such as chicken litter or compost, have proven itself best. Acidic soil must be diluted with ash.
  • If the soil is too light, a small amount of clay soil, or stone flour is applied. It is necessary to build a flower bed on paper and deal with plants. In the center of the flower beds, high plants are planted, then there is a layer of plants with a smaller height, and everything goes to the decrease. Thus, you will get a kind of slide. If you plant all plants freely, without taking into account their heights, some may not have enough space, light.
  • After all, higher plants will shade them. Be sure to consider the position of the sun in the early morning. It is necessary that more than most of the time of the plants be under the sun's rays. Below you can use one of the schemes for building a flowerbed. 

What flowers to plant near the house?

Unpretentious plants include geranium, poppies, bitterness, goldener, musk. Please note that they are not necessary to transplant, grow in any conditions, do not require constant watering.

What flowers to plant near the house:

  • There is another group whose plants belong to moderately whimsical. There is no need to care for them, but sometimes you need to transplant. The transplantation of such perennial colors is carried out every 3 years. They grow poorly in one place for a long period of time. Among them can be distinguished vasilek, sage, cloves, iris, echinacea. 
  • To fill the site near the trees, onion plants are often planted. They are quite unpretentious, but they need to be planted not in the spring, but in the fall. Usually the landing is carried out from the end of September until the beginning of November.
  • This time is necessary for the plant to take root. Remember that onion plants are ideal for complementing the site near the trees, since they do not have a developed root system, and will not interfere with the trees, bragging their roots. It is necessary to choose plants with different flowering period. First of all, it blooms snowdrop, then narcissus and tulipslast toallium. 

Is it possible to plant linden near the house?

Lipa is a great choice for landing near the house. It absorbs carbon dioxide and releases a large amount of oxygen. The tree is considered a mother, and since ancient times he was given a lot of attention. Almost all the kitchen utensils were made of linden, because its wood is easy to process, but at the same time very durable, does not rot, does not give chips, cracks and shrinkage.

Is it possible to plant linden near the house:

  • If you want to plant a tree near the house, consider the location. The plant tolerates drought perfectly, but cannot endure floods. If there is a pond nearby near the house, you should not plant linden.
  • It is believed that Lipa is a symbol of the feminine and happiness, it is able to fulfill desires. That is why linden is ideal for landing near the house. In the early morning, she can be asked about female happiness, marriage or child.
  • The tree is unpretentious in leaving, and fills the entire site with aroma. Try not to plant a tree directly near the house, but to retreat a little. This is due to the fact that a large amount of liquid flows to the foundation, or what flows into the soil from the roof. This will provoke a shadow, decay, and dampness at the place of landing, which is unacceptable to her. 

Is it possible to plant a pine tree near the house?

Many residents of private houses dream of planting a pine or spruce near their cozy nest. This will delight in winter, and will allow you not to acquire a forest beauty for the New Year holidays, but to dress her in the yard. There are several negative signs associated with spruce.

Is it possible to plant a pine tree near the house:

  • The Slavs believed that the tree is a sign of the deceased, it prophesies death. In the days of Kievan Rus, coffins were made from spruce, they put the path to the cemetery with fir branches. It is from here that the sign comes that the spruce carries death.
  • It is believed that such plants scare away the male floor. If a family that has planted such a tree is quite strong, soon a marriage may collapse. In the courtyard where such a tree grows, sons are not born, but only to their daughters.
  • However, all these are prejudices, landscape designers skillfully use coniferous trees to create beautiful compositions. If you are a superstitious person, give preference to Canadian pine, orsMEREKE.
  • Indeed, in Western Ukraine this tree is considered special, and it has no connection with the other world and death. It is believed that it brings comfort to the house, helps to improve family relationships. Now it has become fashionable to grow a fir, because it would not be connected with it. 

It is worth remembering that almost all coniferous trees have a developed root system, so they must be planted at a distance of at least 10 m from any buildings. If the site has a gazebo, a fence, a house, it is necessary that the coniferous tree grow between them. A strong root system during growth can destroy the foundation, fence and other buildings. The tree dries the soil, and nothing should be planted at a distance of 5-6 m from conifers. 


Which shrub to plant near the house?

Deren is one of the best shrubs, even with small quantities of the starting material, many bushes are obtained, because they are seated by dividing. The main advantage is that in the fall such a shrub becomes bright scarlet or burgundy, which decorates a summer cottage. 

What shrub to plant near the house:

  • Recommend to plant near houses bubblekalinolite, tulle or spirea. This shrub begins to bloom from the end of June, and in the autumn time the leaves are painted in red or yellow.
  • It is best to plant plants in a sunny place, this directly affects the color of the leaves of the bush. Please note that these shrubs grow very quickly, so from time to time they will have to be divided and transplanted.
  • Often, lawn grass is sown in front of the flowerbed, separating it from the flowers with decorative elements. It can be stones, or some wooden structures. Please note that when landing shrubs, it is necessary to focus on their branches.
  • If shrubs give a large crown, then it is best not to plant photophilous plants side by side, since there will be a shadow in this place. If you live in the northern latitudes, then near the fence it is best to plant shady plants that are frost -resistant. The best option is siberian fir and mountain ash. You can plant Hydrangea 

What kind of short -growing bushes can be planted near the house?

If there are very few places near the house, this does not mean that it is necessary to give up shrubs. Choose dwarf plants. It is suitable for this japonica. In the spring, it blooms with crimson flowers for a long period of time, gives fruits with beautiful bright spots. You can decorate the plot near the house dwarf lilac. Small bushes bloom beautifully, and do not grow too quickly. Of course, the larger the site, the more possibility for imagination, but not everyone can boast of it.

What kind of shrubs of stunted can be planted near the house:

  • When choosing a shrub, it is necessary to evaluate the soil. Sandy soil is quite sour, dry, it has very few nutrients. In such conditions it grows perfectly hydrangea and sea buckthorn. Some shrubs grow rapidly in swampy gardens.
  • Among them it is worth highlighting aronia, spire and luggage. If the soil is clay, very dense, then almost all types of decorative shrubs will be an ideal option. Be sure to keep in mind that perennial shrubs can grow up to 6 m.
  • Magnolia It can scatter the crown in a width of about 5 m, and grow up to 6 m. Accordingly, it should not be planted near the hedge, as this can damage the fence, also cause dissatisfaction with the neighbors. Choose the most compact varieties that do not scatter the crown too much. Suitablecolumnar juniper. Be sure to take into account some features of the bushes and the possibility of their growth. 
Small shrubs
Small shrubs
Small shrubs
Small shrubs
Small shrubs
Small shrubs
Small shrubs
Small shrubs

High unpretentious flowers along the fence: List

If you choose a shrub, then try to plant domestic plants near it, which tolerate the local climate well. Give preference to sunny areas, or places where partial shade is observed. Be sure to cut off the buds after flowering. 

High unpretentious flowers along the fence, list:

  • Well established itself garden Jasmine. It grows up to 3 m, the main feature is the thin branches that are covered with leaves. They differ in their color from green to golden hue. During flowering, a pleasant jasmine smell is distinguished. 
  • They have proven themselves well park roses, they look very beautiful during flowering. These are unpretentious plants, even novice amateur gardeners can plant them. The ideal place of growth is loamy soil, as well as good lighting. It is necessary that between the bushes there is a distance of 1.5 m. The basic principle of care- this is Regular watering. Additional fertilizer is practically not necessary. 
  • Rhododendron. A very beautiful culture that blooms since mid -April. The flowers are large, terry with pink and lilac coloring. During flowering, green leaves are practically not visible. Ideal for central Russia, and differ in frost resistance. Choose shaded places that are in the distance of drafts. 
  • Lilac - this is A shrub found almost near all private houses, because it gives a beautiful color and aroma. She is unpretentious, frost -resistant. Depending on the type of lilac, its height differs, as well as the crown. 

What to plant near the gazebo?

To ennoble the plot near the house, it is not necessary to purchase expensive carved gazebos made of natural wood. Plants can transform the gazebo beyond recognition. Among the flowering plants that curl, and can completely braid the gazebo, it is worth highlighting honeysuckle, clematis, as well as roses.

What to plant near the gazebo:

  • You can plant perennial plants that curl. Among them it is worth highlighting grapes, hops andtree. During the choice of plants, they adhere to the following rules. 
  • Tall plants are planted directly near the walls of the arbor, near the structure. As soon as the plants increase in growth, they must be tied or adapted. This will allow them to grow up and braid the walls.
  • Medium -sized plants are planted behind tall or climbing. At the very bottom, you can plant low -growing flowers. The gazebo can be decorated with pots with flowers that are hung inside. Grow well near the gazebo clematis. Can be planted honeysuckle, Since it curls, and can give vines up to 5 m high. 

What flowers can be planted along the fence?

Along the fence, flowers are planted with flower beds, or areas. It can be planted pointily. One of the most beautiful are considered dahlias or anemones. They are quite high, so they can hide the flaws of the hedge. Can be planted decorative forms of dahliasbut this must be done after preliminary germination of tubers. 3 weeks before planting, the bulbs are placed in a regular pot and watered. This allows plants to get stronger and not be afraid of climate change, cold weather. 

What flowers can be planted along the fence:

  • To decorate the fence, use malva. This is a tall plant that can reach a height of 120 cm. At the same time, the flowers are quite large, and often planted on the stem. Malva is planted by sowing in May. Please note that the plant blooms only a year after planting. Before sowing, the seeds are soaked for 12 hours in warm water. This accelerates their growth. 
  • Near the fence, flower beds, which are called mixborders, have proven themselves. These are compositions of flowers and shrubs that are planted along the hedge. In width, they should be at least one and a half meter. Do not plant them around the entire perimeter of the fence.
  • They are located in small groups. At the same time, high crops are planted near the fence, and stunted in front. In the foreground is usually planted tulips, daffodils or any onion plants. Keep in mind that they bloom from April to May. In the middle, they are planted lilies, which bloom from May to July. At the same time, their height is slightly larger than that of daffodils and tulips. Immediately before the fence, perennial flowers are planted, which have different heights. 

What flowers to plant near the fence in the shade?

Near the fences, it is best to plant tall, climbing plants that can close some of the flaws of the hedge. This is a great option if the fence was placed many years ago, there are some errors in its structure.

What flowers to plant near the fence in the shade:

  1. Among the most popular options can be highlightedbugenvillia. The plant comes from South America, has very unusual colors with bright colors. Please note that it loves heat and a lot of light. That is why it is necessary to plant in places where the sunny side. From time to time it is worth watering the plant and in no case do not use nitrogenous top dressing. Cut young shoots regularly, fertilize in 2 weeks with mineral components. 
  2. Wisteria - A very beautiful plant that belongs to perennials, and has unusual inflorescences. It is worth remembering that the plant is quite demanding, so the ideal option for planting is a warm, sunny climate. There are breeding variations that tolerate frost well. One of them is the varietyblue moon 
  3. Highlanderbaljuan. A fairly powerful plant that grows rapidly. This is a perennial, vines in one season can grow up to 5 m. They differ in clusters of aromatic flowers that are collected in inflorescences. Bloom until late autumn. The plant is unpretentious, and even pests bypass it. 
  4. Girl's grapes. This is a culture with beautiful leaves that become bright red in the autumn. She is not afraid of cold weather, and gives toxic berries, dark purple. If a small child lives in the house, give up the landing of this plant so that the baby does not accidentally eat berries. He feels very well in the shade, and even in poor soil. 
  5. Honeysuckle. This is an unpretentious plant that should be planted near the fence. It has unusual tubular flowers and bright orange berries. The vines grow up in length in one season up to 6 m. Cover the hedge with a dense carpet, without gaps. 
In the shadow
In the shadow
In the shadow
In the shadow
In the shadow
In the shadow
In the shadow
In the shadow

What can be planted near the fence from the side of the street?

Often, flowers are planted along the fence not only from the side of the house, but also from the street. This will additionally help protect the house from the penetration of attackers. An ideal option for protection is rose hip, which is planted from the side of the street. It is unpretentious, gives beautiful flowers. Another great option would be Golden ball is Rudbekia. It gives flowers of bright yellow, because of which it got its second name. The height reaches 3 m, blooms from July to late autumn. 

What can be planted near the fence from the side of the street:

  1. Bright birch bark. This is a great option for planting from the outside, as it has unusual fruits. The main advantage is unpretentious, but requires landing in a shady place. For the formation of the crown, annual pruning is necessary. 
  2. Perennial Lupine. This is a magnificent plant with beautiful flowers. Blooms in the second year after planting. It is characterized by rapid growth and rather long flowering period. It is best to plant if the fence is continuous. This is due to the fact that the plant multiplies rapidly, so it can easily penetrate your site if there is a hole in the fence. The plant loves partial shade. 
  3. Snow Whitevangutta. This is a shrub with unusual cascades of flowers, which are often called snow or bride. It blooms in the first half of summer, but sometimes he repeats flowering in the fall. He loves the sun, so the shadow is unacceptable. 

Many useful articles can be found on our website:

Initially, the basis of the composition is composed of perennial plants, between them they make gaps that allow them to plant annuals every year, which can significantly change the appearance of the flowerbed, its filling and color. 

Video: Flowers near the house

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