Why is plants not recommended watering with cold water? What plant crops can be watered with cold water?

Why is plants not recommended watering with cold water? What plant crops can be watered with cold water?

From this article you will learn which plants can be watered with cold water, and which only warm water love.

Plants, like a person to live, need water. Will the cold or “summer” benefit? We find out in this article.

Why is indoor plants not recommended watering with cold water?

Most indoor plants come from tropics and subtropics. In their homeland, they were watered by a warm rain. Having moved to your window, the southern plants are waiting for the same warm water.

And what will happen if you water indoor plants with cold water water water?

  1. At the very beginning, after watering with cold water, tropical plants look drooping, since cold water is not able to dissolve nutrients in the soil.
  2. Then, if you also continue to water them with cold water, the flowers or tied buds will begin to fall.
  3. Further, yellowing of the leaves will be observed, and then falling.
  4. Then rotting of the roots may begin, and then the death of the entire plant.

What water do you need to water indoor plants?

  • There is chlorine, a lot of magnesium and calcium salts in tap water. In order for the chlorine to disappear, and the salt settled to the bottom, you need at least 1-3 days. During this time and water temperature will become room. Here you can water all indoor plants with such water.
Indoor plants can be watered with a defended "summer" water

Is it possible to water the onion with cold water, and which water is better to water it?

The best water for watering different garden plants is rainwater. Onions are watered during the formation of bulbs, so that moisture leaks 10-15 cm deep, enough 1 time per week. 1 month before cleaning onions, watering is stopped.

Is it possible to water onion with cold water? For watering onions, water can be cold, since onions are a cold -resistant plant. But it is impossible to water the onion directly from the hose, it is advisable to defend water so that chlorine will disappear and settled the salt of metals.

Attention. If you water the onion all the time with water from the hose, the onion will begin to hurt, and the feathers are yellow ahead of time.

Onions are not afraid of cold water, but it cannot be watered from the hose - you need to defend

Is it possible to water potatoes with cold water, and which water is better to water it?

If flowers appeared on the bushes of potatoes, but there is still no rain, the potatoes need to be watered, because with a lack of moisture, the tubers will stop growing and when the time comes to clean them, they will be small. Is it possible to water potatoes with cold water? Potatoes are watered with a stained, heated water in the sun, best in the evening.

Is it possible to water strawberries with cold water, and which water is better to water it?

Is it possible to water strawberries with cold water? It is advisable to water strawberries with a stained, heated water in the sun, after flowering. It is even better if it is pouring rain. But if there is no rain for a long time, and the fruits cannot form correctly, you can water it cold, settled, but still not heated with water, strawberries are not very afraid of cold water, because when it blooms, it is often cold. It is best to install for strawberries drip irrigation.

What is strawberry afraid of?

  • Watering with water from a hose - roots are easily washed out
  • Cold water below 15̊c
  • Water from berries (can easily bend), and flowers

Water strawberries in the evening or in the morning.

Strawberries are best watered with dripping water

Is it possible to water tomatoes with cold water, and which water is better to water them?

In tomatoes, as well as in pepper, zucchini and eggplant, the root system is well developed, they can pull moisture from a depth of up to 0.8 m. Is it possible to water tomatoes with cold water? Often it is not necessary to water them, enough 1-2 times a week, but the water should be well-defended, heated in the sun, “summer”, preferably rain. It is necessary to alternate clean water with water in which top dressing is added.

At first, the bushes of tomatoes and pepper are enough 0.5 liters of water, during flowering - 0.7 liters, during the ripening period of 1 liter. Water is poured under the root, not on the leaves.

Attention. If there are not enough water tomatoes, or it is too cold for them, they signal this with the following state:

  • The leaves are twisted and yellow
  • The ovary falls
  • The tied tomatoes grow well and do not ripen for a long time
  • Verse rot appears on the fruits
Tomatoes are watered with water heated in the sun

Is it possible to water raspberries with cold water, and which water is better to water it?

If the rains rarely fall out, or they are not at all, when raspberries are blooming, and then berries begin to be tied, raspberry bushes need to be watered, otherwise the harvest of the berries can be completely insignificant (it can be reduced in half and three). You need to water the raspberries in the first year after planting, then the roots are still located shallow, then they will grow deep into it, and the bushes will be able to better obtain moisture.

Is it possible to water raspberries with cold water? It is necessary to water raspberry bushes or tap stained with water, you can also be cold (but not from the hose), under the root, make sure that the water does not fall into the berries and leaves, otherwise the casting can be burned.

Raspberry plant does not like drought and excessive watering. It is necessary to water 1-2 times a month of approximately 2 buckets per 1 m square.

Is it possible to water currants with cold water, and which water is better to water it?

Currant bushes cannot do without watering, otherwise they can: they can:

  • Lost the entire ovary
  • Stop growing
  • Quite completely

But excessive watering is also harmful to currant bushes - the roots can bend.

Is it possible to water currants with cold water? Water the bushes of currants (different colors and varieties) with a defended plumbing, heated in the sun, or rain, water. In no case should you water currants with cold water from the hose - the bushes can die. Water currants 1-2 times a month, starting in May, and in the fall, while the warmth is held.

Attention. The most acceptable option for watering currants is as follows: around the currant bush to dig a small moat (8-10 cm deep), and sometimes fill it with water-the bush will feed on this water.

For irrigation of currants, defended water is poured into a small moat around the bush

What water to water cabbage: warm or cold?

All varieties of cabbage are cold -resistant plants, which means that they can be watered with cold water. But this does not mean that you can pour water under the cabbage directly from the hose. Water should stand, but she does not need to heat up in the sun, or you can water a little early in the morning.
Watering should be frequent, after 2-3 days, since all types of cabbage require a lot of water, and abundant-so that the soil gets wet up to 40 cm to a depth. In cloudy weather, cabbage is watered under the root, and in the heat - on the leaves.

Attention. If the cabbage is not enough moisture, it is attacked, and leaves, fleas and cabbage fly are spoiled.

What water to water cucumbers: warm or cold, what will happen if the cucumbers are watered with cold water?

Cucumbers love frequent watering after 3-4 days. What water to water cucumbers? It is advisable to water the rainwater or tap, and necessarily warm, heated in the sun with rainwater. You need to pour up to 1 liter of water under the bush during flowering, and up to 1.5 l during the growth of cucumbers.

Water should not be poured under the root, as it can be bent, but next to the root or (sometimes) through the diffuser water on the leaves. It is unacceptable to water cucumbers with cold water.

Attention. In the afternoon in the heat it is impossible to water the plants - in places where the water came, burns can form.

Is it possible to water roses and other flowers with cold water, and which water is better to water them?

Roses are very sensitive to which water to water them. They love warm, heated for a day in the sun, water, but not more than 40̊c.

Attention. If you water roses with cold tap water, they will begin to hurt, and then they can completely die.

Roses love warm water

What water to water garlic: cold or warm?

Garlic is a cold -resistant plant. It can be watered with cold water, but not from the water supply, but a defended one.

Is it possible to water fruit trees with cold water?

Trees in the garden, as well as vegetable plants, require moisture, mainly this moisture comes due to rains. And if there are few rains, then fruit trees can dump the ovary, leaves, or even die. Garden trees are watered from spring to winter:

  • If there is no rain, the first watering apple trees, pears, drains should be arranged half a month after flowering
  • The second - after the start of fruit growth
  • Third - after collecting summer varieties of fruits and berries
  • Fourth - in the fall, after the leaves of the leaves

Do fruit trees water with cold water? For watering the garden, it is desirable that it is rain or stained, tap water, you can use cold from the hose, but then you need to pour water into the grooves around the trees, and do it late in the evening or early in the morning (up to 7 hours).

It is advisable to water the trees in the garden with stained water, but you can also pour cold in a groove around a tree

What vegetables, plants can be watered with cold water?

From vegetable plants with cold water, only cold -resistant plants can be watered, which we plant in the winter ( onions, garlic, carrots and cabbage). Those plants that have roots deep in the ground are not afraid of cold water ( potatoes, root crops, sorrel, salads, mustard), while water reaches the roots, it will heat up.

But it is impossible to pour water from the hose under the root with a continuous stream, but only through the diffuser. And it will be better for plants if the water is not icy, but still it will settled a little, and warms up.

So, now we know which plants are afraid of cold water, and which are not very.

Video: A garden without trouble. Water the garden correctly

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