The most interesting plants in the world are strange, poisonous, beautiful, rare, dangerous: description, photo

The most interesting plants in the world are strange, poisonous, beautiful, rare, dangerous: description, photo

A selection of the most interesting and mysterious plants in the world, with photo and description.

Our planet is unique, a huge number of different plants grow on it. The flora of the Earth is so diverse that you can admire it endlessly. In support of these words, we offer you a selection of amazing plants in the world. We will also bring to your attention interesting facts about these "residents" of our planet.

The most interesting plants in the world: description, photo

The most interesting plants in the world:

The most interesting plants in the world are the Titanic amorphophalus

Amorphophalus is titanic - The birthplace of this miracle of nature is Sumatra. Unfortunately, in living nature, such an interesting copy is practically not found. People completely exterminated the plant, and are now trying to increase the amount of amorphophalus, growing it in specialized botanical gardens. And this gives its fruit. With proper and proper care, the plant grows to 3 meters in height. But all this beauty has one significant minus - during flowering, the plant emits a fetid smell of rotting flesh. For this reason, locals call the flower cadaveric lily.

The most interesting plants in the world are Venus Mukholovka

Venus flytrap - A predatory plant feeding on small bees. A bright color serves as a kind of bait for insects, it attracts them from afar, and does not allow to fly by. When the insect approaches, the plant begins to spread a specific smell, it also enhances the desire to approach the flower. But as soon as the insect lands on the leaves, they close as tightly as possible, and no longer release the victim. After that, the flycatcher for 10 days is engaged in digesting its production.

The most interesting plants in the world are Victoria Amazonskaya

Victoria Amazon - The largest water lily in the world. Although outwardly it looks very fragile, it is able to withstand weight up to 80 kg. On the outside of the huge sheet there are a large number of ribs that enhance the natural canvas. Also on the leaves of the plant there are spikes that do not allow the herbivores of our planet to use it in food. Spikes are a kind of protection, thought out by the most mother-nature. Another feature of an interesting plant is the slightly bent edges of the leaves. This is what gives him the opportunity to stay well on the surface of the water.

The most interesting plants in the world are bloody tooth

Bloody tooth - This is an interesting plant nothing more than a mushroom, though inedible. It can be found in America, Australia and some countries of Europe. It does not have toxic qualities, but you can’t eat it. And all because the mushroom has a pronounced bitter taste, which cannot be completely removed even during heat treatment and soaking. But still, people sometimes use it in folk recipes for the treatment of skin diseases. The mushroom pulp has antibacterial properties, which helps to disinfect small wounds and scratches.

The most interesting plants in the world are fat

Poof fat - A succulent, which for a full development cycle needs up to 2 years. If you want to engage in its breeding at home, remember that the plant is two -floor. This means that female and men's flowers bloom on two different copies. After pollination, a fruit filled with seeds is formed on the plant. When he matures completely, he spontaneously explodes and throws the seeds. This interesting plant is pollinated in a standard way - using insects. In nature, the plant will grow in rocky areas. Prefers places that are partially obscured by the sun.

Strange plants in the world: Description, photo

Strange plants in the world:

The strangest plants in the world - Momordica Charantia

Momordica Charantia - Annual grassy liana from the pumpkin family. The birthplace of this interesting plant is Asia. Depending on the place of growth, the name may also change. Momordica is often called Chinese pumpkin, bitter cucumber, Indian grenade. The plant is unique in that in the process of ripening changes its taste.

When it is completely green, it has a taste similar to a cucumber familiar to us. In a state of half -pastry, the plant becomes bitter and begins to publish aroma, like a pumpkin. When it matures, the pulp turns red and becomes sweet. At the moment, breeders were able to remove varieties that form the fruits in our latitudes, though the plant feels best in the greenhouse.

The strangest plants in the world are Poya Raymond

Poya Raymond - A relative of a fragrant pineapple. The plant grows in mountainous areas as he loves cool. Moreover, it quite calmly tolerates night minus temperature indicators. Nature made sure that the plant easily tolerates adverse weather conditions. In his pulp, a substance is produced during the day, similar to antifreeze, and when the temperature goes into minus, it begins to act. Pudya Raymond is also unique in that it blooms every 150 years.

Under favorable conditions, it can bloom after 80 years. Its inflorescence consists of 10,000 flowers, which ultimately produce more than 11,00,000 small seeds. When the plant blooms, it looks like a flowering column, near which insects are digging.

The strangest plants in the world are a giant carneg

Carnegia is giant - A bright representative of the cacti family. Arizons and California grows in desert areas. In nature, there are specimens, the height of which is more than 20 meters. These tree -like cacti live a rather long life - at least 150 years. About 100 years, the cactus has grown in height, and only having reached the maximum height, begins to bloom and bear fruit.

And the closer to the moisture source the plant is, the more fruits appear on it. If there is no moisture source, Carnegia lives in saving mode. During the rainy period, she accumulates moisture in her pulp, and then gradually uses it. People use cactus fruits for food, and dense needles - instead of sewing needles.

Strange plants in the world - Optionia Bijelou

Plazpey Bijelou - Another plant of the cactus family. This “air” representative of the flora from a distance resembles a fluffy shrub, and only by approaching it you can understand that the plant is not covered with very large thorns. True in nature, there are more massive representatives who reach a height of up to 2 meters. They, respectively, have more thorns - 2 cm.

When the cactus blooms, it becomes even more attractive. Its fluffy branches are covered with bright, red and green flowers. This species also adapted to arid periods, and therefore accumulates moisture from the air, at temperature differences.

Strange plants in the world - Porcupinsky tomato

Porkupinsky volumest is a bright representative of Madagascar. True, this is not the plant that we grow in our personal plots. In Madagascar, it is considered a weeding plant, which can grow into large territories in a short time. The most unpleasant for people is that it is not afraid of chemicals. After processing, it only fades slightly, but literally a day later resumes its growth again.

Also, low temperatures are not particularly scary for him. People have to fight him exclusively with eradication. But there are problems here. The plant is covered with poisonous spikes, the poison of which causes allergies in people. Therefore, most often it is first chopped closer to the root, and only then neatly removed from the site.

Poisonous plants in the world: Description, photo

Poisonous plants in the world:

10-wave-eating, universal
Poisonous plants in the world - common wolf

The excitement is ordinary - At first glance, it may seem that these are just beautiful berries, some even try to taste them. The scientific name for this poisonous plant is Daphne. The shrub looks very attractive in appearance-dark green leaves and many red, juicy berries. The height of the plant can reach 2 m. The berries themselves are very poisonous, they provoke strong salivation, burning in the mouth and throat.

And when they get into the gastrointestinal tract, they provoke strong diarrhea, nausea, vomiting. Literally 3 berries used can provoke a fatal outcome. Even juice from berries is harmful to humans - it provokes burns and allergic reactions. If the juice is not quickly removed from the skin, ulcers may occur.

9Aconit (1)
Poisonous plants in the world - Aconite

Aconite - At first glance, the photo is just a beautiful field flower that is created to be admired. But those who live in places of its growth know that it is better to bypass this beauty, and in general do not touch it. If you try to cut it off or just tear the leaves in your hands, then you will provoke an allergy to the skin. And this is the most harmless consequence that can be obtained when contacting this plant.

If its juice falls into an open wound or on the mucous membranes, then very soon you will feel headache, burning in the stomach and ache in the limbs. True, our ancestors nevertheless used the poisonous properties of the plant for their own purposes. They processed it with the juice of the arrow, and this helped them paralyze the muscles of animals.

8 Voronius-Glaz
Poisonous plants in the world - Boardy eye

The thorny eye is four -leafed - A plant that is very often used in folk medicine. Herbalists consider it an excellent means in the fight against various neoplasms. But as practice shows, people very often increase the dose of medicine, and thereby worsen their condition. A large number of toxic substances enter the body, and this becomes the cause the appearance of seizures and headache. They can also be observed problems with the cardiovascular system, and this is already fraught with death.

5 Goroshina-Rosary
Poisonous plants in the world - pea rosary

Pea rosary - A very beautiful plant that people use for the manufacture of decorative jewelry. More precisely, beads, earrings and bracelets are made from it. Already presented how beautiful all this will look? Before buying such dyes, weigh the pros and cons. Initially, torn peas are very poisonous. They contain apricur poison, capable of killing a person in a short time.

Manufacturers of such jewelry claim that they process peas in a special way, and thanks to this they become safe for women. But as practice shows, even special spraying is erased over time, and the berries begin to poison the body gradually.

4 Belladonna
Poisonous plants in the world - Belladonna

Belladonna - Another beautiful and at the same time poisonous plant. Many will say that this plant is widely used in medicine. Yes, for example, drops for the eyes are made from it. But the dose of the active substance in them is so small that it cannot harm the body. But if you eat a couple of berries of this poisonous plant, then you will probably be very poisoned.

If a small dose of toxic substances enters the body, then you will get by dry mouth and dizziness. If the dose is large, then you may begin breathing problems, hallucinations, very strong convulsions, similar to an epilepitic seizure. In the presence of such symptoms, it is urgent to cleanse the stomach and conduct the most thorough cleansing of the whole body. If this is not done on time, a fatal outcome is possible.

Beautiful plants in the world: Description, photo

Beautiful plants in the world:

Beautiful plants in the world - Japanese sakura

Japanese Sakura - This is something else than a cherry familiar to all of us. True, unlike varieties growing on our territory, it is not used in food. The fruits of this beautiful tree do not have good taste, because in Japan it is grown exclusively for decorative purposes. The uniqueness of this tree is that it can bloom not only in summer and spring, but also in winter. Sakura for the Japanese is a symbol of their country, because when it blooms, everyone tends to visit the gardens where it grows.

Also, for the wise Japanese, Sakura is a direct proof that youth and beauty are not eternal, and fleeting. They have a legend about this beautiful plant. The grandson of the goddess of the Sun was supposed to take the eldest daughter of the god mountains as his wife. But instead, he chose the youngest. Their marriage was approved, but in the punishment for disobeying their parents, they made two lovers ordinary earthly people. For the gods, their love, like a flower of sakura, is very beautiful, but at the same time no chance of eternal existence.

Beautiful plants in the world - Chinese lotus

Chinese lotus - A perennial plant that feels perfectly floating on the water. The color of lotus inflorescences can be different-white, red, pink, light-bearded. The flower is unique in that it is all the time to turn to the sun. The Chinese call it that a flower of the sun. When setting sunlight on the petals of the plant, you can notice a light mother -of -pearl shine.

In China, this beautiful plant is considered a keeper of human souls. The Chinese believe that the soul of all the righteous finds peace in these colors, in order to continue to enjoy life in silence and peace. It is believed that if the lotus remains fresh and beautiful longer than usual, then the soul of the holy man has derived into it.

Beautiful plants in the world - peonies

Peonies - A beautiful plant that can be found in our gardens everywhere. Therefore, in most cases, we treat him indifferently. But in nature there are specimens that can really surprise. Piones growing in subtropics, as well as in America and Asia, have a more developed root system, which contributes to the formation of a larger bud. Such species can grow in a height of more than 1 meter.

Piones were valued by people at all times. Medical infusions for the treatment of nerves were made. Also, people believed in the magical properties of this beautiful plant. Our ancestors believed that in a dried form the plant was able to protect against evil spirits. According to this oprichnina, they almost never parted with him.

Beautiful plants in the world - Crocus

Crocus - This is not easy very beautiful plant, which is associated with us with the arrival of heat. These are one of the first colors that flourish after snow cover comes off the ground. There are also varieties that feel good, with small minus air indicators. Subject to the lack of severe frosts, they can bloom until December.

Crocus is also a bright spice known to us as saffron. Rather, this is a stigma of inflorescences. True, all varieties are not suitable for harvesting spices. The breeders were bred safran sowing, it is used to make the most expensive spices in the world. In the wild, a beautiful plant is common in South Asia, in the Mediterranean.

Beautiful plants in the world - dahlia

Dahlia - Another plant that is very familiar to us. Gardeners love this flower, because it can be seen in almost every garden. Now there are a large number of varieties, but the most popular are terry. They look very attractive and bloom longer. The German ethnographer Ivan Georgi brought this beauty to Russia, and a flower was named after him.

Rare plants in the world: Description, photo

Rare plants in the world:

Rare plants in the world - Red Camellia

Red Camellia - This rare flower is a close relative of the rose. More precisely, this is one of the rare varieties of roses. Previously, these beautiful flowers were common throughout China. But their beauty was so attractive that the buds were cut massively, and this led to the almost complete disappearance of the variety. When the roses were on the verge of disappearance, they were seen by the English flower grower John Meddlemist.

He managed to persuade the owners to sell him a small bush that he brought home. John managed to root the bush and he even began to give the shoots that he sold to everyone. True, over time, these specimens ceased to multiply normally, because at the moment red camellia can only be found in private greenhouses, in the wild it will no longer grow.

Rare plants in the world - Cokio

Cokio - Another rare plant that can be seen in private greenhouses. The birthplace of this miracle of nature is Hawaii, and it was here that such beauty was first discovered. But even at the time of detection, a unique tree was a few. Even then, scientists realized that it should be protected and propagated. But unfortunately, they did not succeed, and already in the middle of the 20th century they had to announce that there is no more such beauty on our planet.

But after 20 years, people again found one copy, though he was comprehended by a disappointing fate. Kokio died during a fire. After some time, a sprout appeared on this place, which was transferred to the greenhouse and began to propagate. At the moment, the number of trees with red and flowers increases all the time.

Rare plants in the world - Kliantus

Kliantus - Back in the distant 1884, this beauty was listed in the category of rare plants. Initially, people could not understand what the reason for a decrease in the amount of this beauty. The best conditions were created for the Kliantus, but it still did not give fruit. Then it was possible to find out that the plant can exclusively dust the nectarian. Unfortunately, such an insect no longer lives on our planet. Scientists of course try to dust cliantes in an artificial way, but this does not give a result. It is likely that very soon this beauty will disappear forever.

Rare plants in the world - a ghostly orchid

Ghostly orchid - Fans of this rare plant know how difficult it is to see its flowering. When the time of flowering comes, one snow -white flower appears on the stem. But it blooms only so that the possibility of reproduction becomes possible. True, pollination occurs very rarely, because the plant is on the verge of disappearance. The reason for this situation is that butterflies can be done exclusively. And they, as you know, love rich aromas. But the orchid has such a weak aroma that it does not attract insects. Yes, and these butterflies are more common in Florida of the United States.

Rare plants in the world - black bat

Black bat - The homeland of the plant is China, Thailand, Burma. True, this representative of the flora is considered to be dying everywhere. Shatrry Takka (scientific name) is a very beautiful plant, flowers can have herbal, burgundy, chocolate, eggplant color. On one stem, up to 12 buds can be blossomed at the same time. But this plant has one significant minus. The most favorable conditions are important to him. If the plant does not have enough moisture or heat, it simply does not bloom. It also does not like a large amount of ultraviolet radiation. All this leads to the fact that the flowers appear very rarely, and this reduces the likelihood of the formation of new specimens.

Dangerous plants in the world: Description, photo

Dangerous plants in the world:

Dangerous plants in the world - Buttercup

Buttercup - All of us this flower is signed called chicken blindness. Often, grandmothers scared us by the fact that those who tear the yellow inflorescence will surely blind. And no matter how regrettable it was to recognize this, partially they were right. This plant is dangerous for humans. If the juice of the plant falls into the eyes, then the strongest spasm of blood vessels will provoke, and as a result, temporary blindness. The plant also adversely affects the respiratory system. In contact with the juice of the flower, a cough appears, and in particularly severe cases, edema of the larynx can develop.

Dangerous plants in the world - oleander

Oleander - Very beautiful, but at the same time a dangerous plant for humans. It grows in tropics and subtropics. There it is used to decorate the personal plots. But at the same time, everyone knows one important rule - it is necessary to work near the shrub in protective gloves and glasses. If the juice of the plant falls into an open wound or on the mucous membranes, then the heart rhythm failure and, as a result, problems with blood pressure. With a large concentration of toxic substance in the body, death may occur.

Dangerous plants in the world - hogweed

Borschevik - This plant is familiar to many of us. And if earlier it could be found exclusively in abandoned villages, now it is actively amazing large cities. The fact is that this plant is not very whimsical, and therefore multiplies quite quickly, infecting all new territories. The danger of hogweed is that he is able to cause serious burns. And if the juice of the plant is exposed to sunlight, then large blisters are possible. For this reason, the poisonous juice should be immediately washed off from the skin with cool running water.

Dangerous plants in the world - tick -shaped ordinary

Cleshchevina is ordinary - A dangerous plant growing in tropics and subtropics. There it is found both in the wild and in home greenhouses. What is the danger then, you ask? The leaves and stems of the plant are not dangerous for humans, moreover, useful castor oil is extracted from them. But the seeds contain the poisonous substance of ricin. And if you accidentally swallow the change, then this can provoke a fatal outcome.

Dangerous plants in the world - milk

Spurge - There are many different specimens to this type of dangerous plants. These are cacti, and succulents, and ordinary indoor flowers. As a rule, all of them, when tearing the leaves, or damage to the stem, begin to secrete a white liquid that is visually similar to milk. It is this juice that is dangerous for humans. If you swallow it, there will be severe food poisoning. In contact with the skin, juice causes burns.

Video: The most amazing plants in the world

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