What can be prepared from the residues of boiled rice: the advice of what you can do, recipes

What can be prepared from the residues of boiled rice: the advice of what you can do, recipes

The remaining boiled rice is an excellent ingredient for making delicious dishes. Look for recipes in the article.

Preparing rice for food, even experienced housewives, can not always predict with a sufficient number of side dish. There are often situations when the cooked remains, or there is too much product, or the dish bothers the household, and it just stands in the refrigerator. In such a situation, one has to either throw out the product, which comes out very uneconomically, or to prepare something new from the residues.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Recipes for fillings for pies with apples, potatoes, cabbage, cottage cheese, onions, eggs, rice, etc.". You will also learn to prepare a filling with a liver, minced meat, chicken, fish, mushrooms and fruits.

From this article you will learn what can be prepared from the remaining boiled rice. These are simple, but very tasty dishes. Below you will find many interesting recipes. Read further.

Dishes of boiled rice are the remains: advice, what can be done

Dishes from the residues of boiled rice is completely easy, since for some recipes you will only need to add several ingredients to the remaining side dish. What could be easier? A little components and the minimum of time, and the remains of rice will turn into a full, new, tasty dish. Tips on what can be done:

  • With this product, you can prepare a lot of things, for example, casserole or pancakes.
  • It will turn out delicious pilaf and even risotto.
  • You will like your children rice hedgehogs.
  • And for breakfast you can cook crocets or pudding.

In general, there are many recipes and they will be useful if you once have to think about dishes from the residues of boiled rice. Preparation from residues is much better and more profitable than throwing the product.

What can be prepared from the residues of boiled rice: a recipe for a delicious and simple salad with boiled beets and corn, how much to cook the beets until cooked?

Salad from rice residues, beets and corn
Salad from rice residues, beets and corn

So, you have porridge. What can be prepared from the residues of boiled rice? Below you will find a recipe for a delicious and simple salad with boiled beets and corn.

For such a salad you will need:

  • 1 beets
  • 50 grams of yesterday's rice
  • 3 tbsp. tablespoons of canned corn
  • Vegetable oil

To begin with, you need to take the remains of boiled rice, as well as boil the beets until cooked. On average, it is preparing 30-40 minutes. But time also depends on what the vegetable is cooked in:

  • In the pan: 30-40 minutes
  • In a slow cooker: 35-40 minutes
  • In a double boiler: 1 hour
  • In the oven: 30-40 minutes
  • In the microwave: 10-12 minutes
  • In a slow cooker in pieces: 15 minutes

After the beetroot is ready, it needs to be cooled, then cleaned and grated. The next step is to add corn in a plate with rice and beetroot. It remains only to put the oils, if desired, also salt and let the salad brew.

This recipe requires minimal costs, both in terms of time and in terms of products that most housewives in the kitchen can find. It will be very tasty.

How to properly cook rice porridge in milk from yesterday's rice?

For rice porridge in milk from yesterday's rice, you will need the croup itself in finished form. Also you need:

  • Milk
  • Salt
  • Sugar
  • A piece of butter

How to cook it correctly? Here are the stages:

  1. You need to start with boiling milk - 3-5 glasses, depending on what number of rice you have left.
  2. Now you need to decide what porridge you want to get: salty or sweet? In any case, you need to add approximately to the milk ½ teaspoon Salt. For sweet porridge, in addition to salt, you will need 1-2 tablespoons Sahara. These proportions will depend on your preferences, so it is recommended to taste porridge during cooking.
  3. Pour the rice into the pan and reduce the fire to the middle.
  4. Cook until the porridge begins to thicken.
  5. Now you can remove the dish from the fire and leave to insist with the cover of the pan.
  6. The longer you insist, the thicker the porridge will turn out.

And at the end, add a piece of butter to the dish so that the taste teaches more delicate and creamy.

How to cook shrimp frozen, non -cleaned with the remains of rice porridge: a recipe, how to cook shrimp deliciously?

Shrimp with rice porridge remnants
Shrimp with rice porridge remnants

Properly boiled seafood have a rich taste and appetizing aroma. The smell and color is significantly affected by the amount of salt and spices with which the product is cooked. How to cook frozen unpeeled shrimp? How to cook them delicious? Here is the prescription:

  • Shrimp needs to be rid of ice crust, washing them in warm water.
  • Then put a pan with water on the fire and wait for a boil. And since seafood poorly absorb salt, it needs to be placed more, the recommended amount of salt per 1 liter of water-40-45 g.
  • We add parsley and dill branches to boiling water, you can also use dried greens - the aroma will turn out to be slightly different, but also very pleasant.
  • Add bay leaf - it will perfectly complement the aroma of brine and other spices.
  • Recommended cooking time of ordinary shrimp - 2-3 minutes After boiling. Tiger boils 7 minutes, royal shrimp will need 7-10 minutes
  • In order to make the shrimp easier to clean, wash them under a stream of cold water.

Now you can safely add shrimp to the remnants of boiled rice. Only pre -heat rice porridge. The dish is ready.

Risotto with seafood and remnants of yesterday boiled rice in creamy sauce: Recipe

Surely I like the Italian dish - Risotto. In restaurants, it usually costs a lot of money. But it can be prepared at home. It's simple. Here is a recipe for risotto with seafood and the remnants of yesterday's boiled rice in creamy sauce:

For one portion you will need:

  • 150 grams of the remaining rice
  • 75 grams 35% cream
  • 50 grams of shrimp
  • 50 grams of frozen sea cocktail
  • 30 grams of onions
  • 30 grams of white dry wine
  • 20 grams of butter
  • Garlic clove
  • 2 grams of parsley
  • 2 grams of salt and gram of black ground pepper

Do this:

  1. You need to start with cleaning onions and garlic.
  2. Garlic needs to be crushed by the flat side of the knife, and cut the onion.
  3. Fry all this in a pan in sunflower oil, always on low heat, so that the onion remains white.
  4. Then add rice to the pan and fry over low heat until the product is transparent.
  5. Pour the wine into the pan with the next step and wait about 4 minutes.
  6. Then remove the garlic, pour 85 milliliters water and simmer rice 5 minutes.
  7. The procedure needs to be repeated twice, everything should be gained about 255 milliliters water.
  8. Now salt and pepper rice.
  9. Then the rice can be left, let it be a little boiled. Do while cleaning shrimp.
  10. After that, you need to fry them and the sea cocktail is approximately 5 minutes on average or 3 minutes over high heat.
  11. Seafoods are added to the frying pan to the rice, cream also join there.
  12. Stew the mixture about 2 minutes over medium heat.
  13. At the end, add butter, chopped greens, mix and let rest for a couple of minutes. So Rizotto is ready!

Serve hot with a piece of whole grain bread on the table. Enjoy your meal!

Hedgehogs from the residues of boiled rice and minced meat: recipe

Hedgehogs from the residues of boiled rice and minced meat
Hedgehogs from the residues of boiled rice and minced meat

Hedgehogs are in many people, this is a dish from childhood. Children eat him with pleasure. We will cook from the remains of boiled rice and minced meat. It will turn out tasty, fast and simple. Here is the prescription:

For preparation, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 500 grams of minced meat
  • 167 grams of tomatoes
  • 125 grams of rice
  • 117 grams of onions
  • A little carrots and tomato paste
  • Egg
  • Sunflower oil
  • Salt and black pepper

Do this:

  1. You need to start by cutting half of the onion with cubes.
  2. Now mix it along with the remains of boiled rice, egg and minced meat.
  3. Also add salt and pepper.
  4. Stir this mass well and form five balls with your hands.
  5. Hedgehogs must be lowered into salty, already boiling water, somewhere for 15 minutesthen pull out.
  6. During this time, you can have time to do for the hedgehogs. It’s just to cook it, cutting half of the onion, a little carrots and tomatoes with strips, about the same size.
  7. Fry vegetables in oil. First, onions and carrots will go to the pan, and after they become soft, you can add tomato to the mixture, and already after expiration 3 minutes -tomato paste.
  8. Then go to the pan to vegetables somewhere 600 milliliters Hedgehog broth.
  9. If you put salt and pepper in the sauce (you can also add a little sugar), it will be completely ready.

That's all - it remains only to put the balls in the sauce and put out for about 8 minutes under the lid. Ready.

Crockets of boiled rice remains with cheese: recipe

If you have never cooked crockets, now it's time. Especially if you have the remains of boiled rice. It will turn out very tasty, and the cheese will give a piquancy dish. Here is the prescription:

For a snack, you will need:

  • 200 grams of rice
  • 150 grams of mozzarelly cheese
  • 50 grams of solid cheese
  • 60 grams of breadcrumbs
  • 2 eggs
  • Salt

Do this:

  1. First you need to grate hard cheese and add it to the remnants of boiled rice.
  2. You can try the mixture in taste and, if desired, also put salt.
  3. After that, add the egg and mix the rice well so that the mass becomes homogeneous.
  4. Next, you need to cut the cheese of Mozarella with medium cubes.
  5. From this moment, the formation of the crockets themselves begins, this is the most exciting part. To do this, you need to moisten your hands a little and form a cake from rice, in the center of which put Mozarella’s cube, and at the end wrap the ends. The result should turn out a round ball. There will be everything about 10 pieces.
  6. The last steps remained before enjoying the most delicate snack. It is necessary to warm up the oven up to 200 degrees And prepare a baking sheet with parchment.
  7. Now dip the balls in the egg, then in panning crackers, and spread on a baking sheet.
  8. Bake the dish about 20 minutes.

Serve with any sauces that you or your households like.

Boiled rice remnants: recipe

Boiled rice casserole
Boiled rice casserole

This casserole from the remains of boiled rice can be made both sweet and salty. But here we will talk about its sweet version. Here is the prescription:

She will need:

  • About 2 cups rice
  • Liter of milk
  • Egg - 2 pcs
  • A glass of canar sugar
  • 100 grams of butter

Do this:

  1. In fact, this is a very easy recipe for a simple and delicious dish. Even children who do not eat rice in the usual form will like it.
  2. So, first you need to beat the eggs with sugar until it is completely dissolved. Do it better with a mixer, but if it is not at hand, you can use a whisk.
  3. Now add milk and oil to the resulting mixture, but 10 grams must be left in order to grate the baking dish.
  4. Even if it seems that the mixture came out too liquid, it should not be frightened, since the rice will absorb more moisture.
  5. Now it remains to pour everything into a baking dish, evenly distributed.
  6. Bake at 180 degrees about 40 minutes.

By the way, for a variety, you can add to rice, in addition to sugar, also apples, as well as pieces of other fruits or centers. In this way, you can make a casserole more interesting in taste.

Video: Salt rice casserole on a side dish

Pudding from the remaining rice: Recipe

Puding is a delicate dish that is great for breakfast or snack. Let's make it from the residues of boiled rice. It will turn out very tasty.

For pudding you will need:

  • 500 milliliters of milk
  • 230 grams of rice
  • 2 eggs
  • 3 tablespoons of sugar
  • 50 grams of raisins
  • A pinch of salt
  • 10 grams of vanilla sugar
  • 50 grams of butter
  • 10 grams of breadcrumbs

Do this:

  1. Since the rice is already ready, you need to start with boiling milk, adding salt and boiled rice to it.
  2. You need to cook liquid about 15 min., At the same time, not forgetting to constantly stir. Turn off.
  3. When the mixture has cooled, you need to warm up the oven up to 180 degrees.
  4. In the meantime, it warms up, rinse raisins, and then mix it, porridge, eggs, vanilla sugar and sugar.
  5. The resulting mass must be thoroughly mixed until smooth.
  6. Now lubricate the baking dish with butter, while powdering a little breadcrumbs.
  7. Lay the mixture and bake for half an hour until a ruddy crust forms on the surface of the pudding.

You can serve on the table both hot and cold. This dish will appeal to both adults and children. Enjoy your meal!

Cutlets from the remains of yesterday's boiled rice: Recipe

Cutlets from the remains of yesterday's boiled rice
Cutlets from the remains of yesterday's boiled rice

To prepare such cutlets from the remains of yesterday's boiled rice, you will need:

  • A glass of rice
  • 1 tablespoon of flour
  • Egg
  • Vegetable oil
  • Spices and salt

For many, this recipe will be the fastest and easiest, since almost everyone has ingredients and the dish itself is very simple. For preparation, you need to mix eggs, flour, porridge and to the taste of the cook already add spices and salt. Now form cutlets and fry them in oil until a crust is formed. This is all - cutlets are ready. It turned out a tasty and fast dish of rice residues.

Video: rice cutlets. Very tasty

The remaining rice with salmon in a slow cooker: recipe

Rice goes well with fish. Try preparing a dish with salmon. It will turn out tasty. The dish will be light for the digestive tract and delicate to taste. Great for lunch and even dinner.

For the dish you will need:

  • 450 grams of rice
  • 300 grams of salmon fillet
  • Bulb
  • 50 grams of butter
  • One and a half teaspoon of salt and the same number of chopped pepper
  • 300 milliliters of water

Do this:

  1. First you need to clean the onion and cut it into small cubes.
  2. Rinse the fish fillet in cool water and cut into cubes.
  3. Further in the slow cooker, put the mode "Frying"Melt the butter and lay out onion cubes. It should be fried without closing the lid, until the appearance of goldenness.
  4. Now add chopped salmon fillet to the onion and continue to fry about approximately 5 minutes.
  5. After that, you can pour rice, add chopped pepper with salt and pour the required amount of water into the bowl.
  6. After close the multicooker lid and put the mode "Rice/Cooking", somewhere for 10 minutes.

As a dish is prepared, put on portions and serve to the table.

Pilaf with pork from the residues of boiled rice: recipe

Pilaf with pork from the residues of boiled rice
Pilaf with pork from the residues of boiled rice

Real pilaf has many cook secrets. In fact, it can be made from the remains of yesterday's boiled rice, and it will turn out no less tasty than that of the Uzbeks. We will cook it with pork, as this meat is quickly cooked, unlike beef. You can use also chicken fillet or pieces with bones, as for consumption. So here is the recipe:

For such a word you will need:

  • 600 grams of pork
  • 300 grams of boiled rice
  • Garlic head
  • 1 carrots
  • 2 bulbs
  • Vegetable oil
  • Spoon of finished seasoning for pilaf
  • Bay leaf
  • Salt
  • Greens
  • Black pepper

Do this:

  1. First you need to prepare some ingredients.
  2. Cut the onions, meat into large pieces, rub the carrots larger and clean the garlic.
  3. Now you need to pour oil into a frying pan, the more the better so that the dish does not come out dry, and fry the meat until the crust appears.
  4. Then add carrots, onions and fry approximately 7 minutes.
  5. Boil the kettle and pour meat with boiling water vegetables based on 1: 2 (If there were 2 cups of rice, then there will be 4 water).
  6. Then put spices and salt with pepper to taste.
  7. Having boiled about 5 minutes, rice can be added to the mass and boiled until the moment the liquid evaporates. You can also add garlic at this stage.
  8. And in order for moisture to evaporate, cover the pan with a smaller lid.

Serve pilaf with different sauces, you can sharply if you love them. The piquancy of the dish will give a special seasoning that you used at the stage of laying spices. It contains fragrant herbs and spices, without which pilaf will turn out to be fresh.

Now you know what to cook from yesterday's remains of yesterday. These dishes will turn out tasty and appetizing. Please your household with new tastes, especially since cooking dishes from boiled rice is simple and fast. Enjoy your meal!

Video: 3 cool breakfast from the remains of boiled rice. Quick and very tasty!

Video: I hatee recipe, which everything is delighted

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