How to determine: real rice or fake? How to distinguish Chinese plastic rice from the present at home: Tests

How to determine: real rice or fake? How to distinguish Chinese plastic rice from the present at home: Tests

Ways to distinguish real rice from fake.

China is a huge country that now produces anything. These are not only available and necessary goods with Aliexpressbut also very dangerous products. In this article we will talk about plastic rice. 

Not natural rice or Chinese: what is it, is it a fake? 

There are repeated cases of falling on the shelves of Russian stores of fake Chinese rice. It would seem that this is a rather cheap product, so it makes no sense to fake it. However, for the Chinese, it is much faster and more economical to make a fake than to grow rice, harvesting and its subsequent cleaning. Not so long ago, a huge amount of rice, which does not correspond to the quality, got to the regiments of Asia, as well as Russia. Simply put, starch, potatoes, chalk, polymers, that is, plastic, began to be added to it. 

The most interesting thing is that such a product may not differ in taste from the present. But at the same time, it can cause tremendous harm to the body, causes allergic reactions, a variety of ailments of the gastrointestinal tract. Consumers naturally have a question, natural rice or Chinese, fakeThis is quite simple to spend a few tests. 

Plastic cereals
Plastic cereals

How to distinguish rice from a fake: Water test 

Todistinguish rice from fake, it is necessary to soak a handful of product in cold water. If you have a natural product, then it will swell a little, and all the grains will settle to the bottom. If the product is fake, that is, plastic, its weight is much lighter than water, respectively, such products will not sink, but swim on top. Such goods cannot be eaten. 


  • Unfortunately, there are a huge number on the shelves of Russian stores of such a product, since the main exporter of this group is once Russia. 
  • According to the results of the international investigation, it was found that in 1/3 of all rice, which is sent to our country from China, contains impurities from which ordinary disposable bags are made. 
  • A person in food is not eaten at all useful cereal, but plastic bags. But you should not worry, you can make several tests. 
Varieties of rice
Varieties of rice

How to determine a fake rice with fire? 

Another good way to check the cereal for authenticity is heat treatment, or rather settled down. 

Howdetermine the fake of rice with fire, instructions: 

  • During contact with fire, the plastic begins to smoke and smell unpleasant. 
  • If you set fire to real rice, then from it there will be a pleasant aroma of burnt grain. It looks like a fragrance when they cook popcorn. 
  • This means that you have a genuine product, it can be eaten. 
Test with fire
Test with fire

How to distinguish real rice from fake at home: Test with a lump

Todistinguish real rice from fake at home, You can mate it. You need to pour one tablespoon of cereal with cold water overnight. 


  • In the morning after sleeping, try to take the cereal and blind something from it, that is, to squeeze, make a lump. Despite the fact that the product lay a large amount of time in the water, yet it remained quite crumbly. 
  • In this case, when compressing, natural rice will crumble. If the composition has potato starch, then such a product will stay in a heap. 
  • If you press on a lump, it will fall apart, but not grains, but with incomprehensible fragments and sites. You will not see entire grains. 
Tasty dish
Tasty dish

How to distinguish rice from a fake of plastic with mold? 

Another good waydistingurate rice from a fake of plastic, is its preparation with the subsequent possibility of mold. 


  • In order to conduct such a test, it is necessary to boil the cereal, drain the water and leave in a warm place for about two days. 
  • It is advisable not to cover the product with fabric or lid. It is necessary that there is constant access of light, as well as air. 
  • On the surface of any cereal, with prolonged stay in the warmth, mold and mucus begins to form. If the product is made of plastic, you will not see mucus and even more mold. 
  • This is due to the fact that on artificial materials, or rather on polymers, mold does not multiply. 
Plastic product
Plastic product

How to distinguish Chinese plastic rice from the present using iodine? 

Many advise to determine the presence of starch in the product. This can be done in an old and proven way, which is known from chemistry lessons from school. 


  • To carry out manipulation, it is necessary to drunk a few drops of iodine on the products. A regular solution of alcohol from a pharmacy is suitable. If the composition has starch, the croup contains impurities that should not be in it, then it will be painted blue or purple. 
  • Some experts say to distinguishchinese plastic rice from the present, It is possible by rubbing. To do this, use an ordinary coffee grinder or a mortar and a pestle for spices. It is necessary to throw a small amount of cereal into a coffee grinder or into a mortar and grind. 
  • It is necessary to get fine powder. If there are extraneous impurities, or polymers, then the powder is cream or yellow. Real rice turns into white, slightly transparent flour. This indicates the authenticity of the product. 
Plastic waste
Plastic waste

How to determine: real rice or fake on packaging? 

With Chinese rice in Ukraine, things are somewhat better. The thing isvolume, that almost 50% of cereals to Ukraine are imported from the Kherson and Nikolaev region in which they are grown. Favorable climatic conditions, a lot of sun, contributes to the growth of this culture. 50% is purchased in other countries, most of it is exported from Vietnam. From China, a small amount of products falls on the shelves of Ukraine. Therefore, the ability to get to a non -real product that is made of plastic is small. 

Russia is quite a large country, there are not so many warm regions, so it is not able to fully provide itself with this cereal. That is why most of the products are imported from China. This is due to a convenient geographical position, respectively, and the cost of transporting such a product is very small. This is what entrepreneurs use. The most interesting thing is that you can not always find Chinese hieroglyphs on the package. The fact is that cereal is often sent in huge bags.

Directly in Russia they are packed in large packages, on which new inscriptions are applied. Opredict real rice or fake on packaging difficult.The composition on the new pack may not have any plastic, starch and other additives. Most often on ordinary bags weighing 1 kg, they write that this is ordinary grain rice. Although in fact the product is unreasonable. Therefore, it is not always worth trusting the inscriptions on the package. 

Do not be afraid to experiment and conduct simple tests. This can save your life. 

Video: How to distinguish plastic rice from China?

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  13. We need how to distinguish fake rice from natural

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  15. Where to find out about how to distinguish fake rice from natural

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