How to replace starch in the baking recipe? What can be added instead of starch to the dough: tips, proportions

How to replace starch in the baking recipe? What can be added instead of starch to the dough: tips, proportions

This article describes what can be added instead of starch.

Often for the implementation of any culinary recipe, starch is required in life. It is an ordinary white powder, which has neither smell nor color. The starch performs the thickener function and is able to absorb excess water in the dough. Its addition makes pastries easier and more tender, ready -made dishes become appetizing, with a beautiful golden crust.

But what to do if the starch was not at hand, and you need to bake a pie, cake or cupcake. What to do in this case? This article contains information that you can add instead of potato starch to the dough for baking. Read further.

Types of starch

Today there are many types of starch on sale. But the most common are:

  • Potato
  • Rice
  • Corn
  • Wheat
  • Soy

It is worth knowing: For the preparation of biscuit dishes and various casseroles, it is recommended to use a corn type of starch, the finished pastries with such powder will be delicate and airy.

The most popular potato starch is recommended for the preparation of sand baking or jelly.

What can be added instead of starch to baking dough?

It happens that starch for some reason is contraindicated in some people. Or there is a situation when starch was simply not at home. The hostess has a question - how to improve their baked dishes? There is a way out - in return starch, other products can be used. Read further.

Replacing starch flour: proportions

In flour recipes, starch is used both as a separate product and in the same amounts with flour. When there is no opportunity to use starch, then it can simply be completely replaced with flour. For these purposes, rye, wheat, buckwheat, corn or linen types of flour are ideal.

Recommendation: Flour of buckwheat flakes or flaxseed can be obtained on your own. It is only necessary to grind flax seeds or buckwheat seeds into powder.

If only flour is planned for cooking, then it must be thoroughly sift several times, then mixed with a small amount of baking powder. In this case, ready -made dishes will also be, as with starch - tender and airy. Proportions:

  • Flour should be added to the dough in the same amount in which the amount of starch is expected according to the recipe.

For the preparation of custard, which is used as a layer in cakes, you can also use flour sifted several times instead of starch.

  • In this case, it is recommended to use wheat.
  • She will add density to the cream in the same way as starch.
  • It is very important to mix the mass intensively when kneading the cream so that all lumps dissolve.

Most housewives with experience say that when preparing a biscuit or kneading puff pastry, or blanks for pancakes, you can not use starch at all. And when preparing sand dough, it is enough to put flour in a larger volume than this would be calculated when starch is added. To do this, it will be necessary to pour the baking powder into the flour.

It is worth knowing: Starch is used not exclusively for baking. Often it is added to meat minced meat. In this case, crushed raw potatoes are used instead.

Replacing starch with an egg: proportions

Using eggs for cooking baked dishes helps to knit all components into a single mass. Eggs also fill the dish with scattered and splendor due to the fact that they play the role of baking powder. With the help of only one egg, it is possible to replace 2 tablespoons starch of potatoes or corn.

At the same time, eggs are used not only for baking, they are used as a starch substitute in creams for confectionery. Here are the proportions to create a cream:

  • Take one yolk (without protein).
  • Add sugar and half a liter of milk.
  • Put a couple of tablespoons of flour.
  • Beat all the ingredients thoroughly into a homogeneous mass and bring to a boil - the cream is ready.

If you have a cream base, but you need to add only starch, and it is not at hand, then mix one yolk with a tablespoon of sugar. Put these ingredients the basis for the cream, mix and bring to a boil. You will get a delicious layer for any cake, and at the same time - you did without starch.

A noticeable advantage of using eggs instead of starch is a decrease in calories in the finished product, a decrease in carbohydrate content and an increase in the amount of protein in the dish.

Semolina instead of starch: tips

Show has the ability to swell when the liquid is added to it. In the test, it acts as a binder component and adds a ready -made dish of density and splendor. It is worth knowing:

  • Sanny cereal is often used instead of starch, and not only because this product was not at hand.
  • It enhances taste due to the sensation of small grains.
  • The finished baking becomes granular and more nutritious.

The use of semolina instead of starch is best suited for baking recipes in which cottage cheese is used, for example, cheesecakes, dumplings, casseroles, and dumplings. Here is the advice so that the semolina is swollen:

  • In advance, before cooking the dish, soak the cereal with milk or ash about 60 min.
  • The amount of decoration in the recipe should be the same as the estimated amount of starch.

If you have never used semolina in baking, try to do it. It will turn out very tasty and appetizing.

What can be put in baking instead of starch: coconut chips, linen or pumpkin seeds

When you need to prepare a pie with fruit filling, then you must definitely use the thickener. When exposed to high temperatures, fruits or berries give a lot of liquids that begins to leak from baking. What can be put in baking instead of starch:

Coconut chips:

  • In many recipes for a change of starch, coconut chips are ideal.
  • Using it for preparing the dough will add both viscosity and sweets.
  • Therefore, it is recommended to add much less sugar when using chips.

Linen or pumpkin seeds:

  • Professional chefs give recommendations for replacing starch with linen seed or pumpkin seeds.
  • They also have the properties of the thickener.

It is worth knowing: Both chips and seeds, before adding to the dough, must be chopped in a coffee grinder. In terms of quantity, these ingredients are needed as much as starch. Even if you put a little more by weight, then you don’t spoil the dish.

Replacing starch in the recipe for baking with banana, apple or pumpkin puree

With a wonderful taste, baking will turn out if in the test recipe replace starch with a banana puree. It is only necessary to take into account that the starch is a dry product, and the banana contains a certain amount of moisture. The banana puree, like starch, will bind the dough and create some stickiness characteristic of the dough.

Also, instead of starch, thick puree from baked apples or pumpkin is suitable.

The use of agar-agar or gelatin instead of starch: Successful replacement

Most of the delicious cakes of sweet tooth love for their most delicate filling, for example, a dessert such as "bird milk". Delicate mousse can be prepared only with the help of a thickener, starch is most often used. However, when this ingredient is not possible, it can be replaced with agar-agar or gelatin. In this case, one of the products must be added to the water and heated on the stove. Then you can mix the resulting mass with the rest of the ingredients.

The cooks say that the use of agar-agar instead of starch is a successful replacement:

  • Agar-agar has good geling properties.
  • It is recommended to use it in an amount less than even gelatin in 4 times.
  • Also, agar-agar contain iodine and vitamins that have a beneficial effect on the body.

The most interesting thing is that starch can be easily done on your own, rubbing potatoes and squeezing juice from it with gauze. As a result, a precipitate is formed, which is starch. But why spend a lot of time on such cooking if this ingredient can be easily replaced with other products. In addition, starch can be contraindicated in use for intolerance or allergic reactions. Therefore, use tips from this article and create your unique culinary masterpieces. Good luck!

Video: How to replace starch in the recipe: 5 great ideas!

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