Milk jelly: recipe with starch, egg, berries, apple, cocoa, dietary. Milk jelly benefits or harm?

Milk jelly: recipe with starch, egg, berries, apple, cocoa, dietary. Milk jelly benefits or harm?

Recipes of milk jelly.

The taste of milk jelly reminds us of childhood. A thick drink is not in vain prepared for children: it is very useful and nutritious.

He is preparing simply. For the preparation of jelly, only natural products are used. What is the benefit of milk jelly and what are the recipes of delicious dessert? Read the article about this.

Milk jelly: benefits or harms

For many, the taste of jelly is associated with berries and fruits that are added when cooking dessert. But to prepare a traditional drink of Slavic cuisine, milk was used.

It is not difficult to cook a healthy dish. You will see this on your own experience if you weld the jelly according to our recipes, indulging in dreams and memories of childhood.

Someone may like milk jelly, or may be in the list of the most unloved sugar-containing jelly-like products. But one thing is indisputable - this is a very useful dessert with sourness, with the taste of which our compatriots get acquainted from early childhood.

And all because of its useful properties: a traditional Russian dish has long been given to young children to replenish the supply of vitamins in the body and improve their mood.

Dairy jelly punching in Arabic
Dairy jelly punching in Arabic

And how can you not introduce dessert into the diet of the smallest member of the family, which people are popularly talked about as a symbol of happiness? Remember what a Russian person needs for a good life? That's right: jelly rivers and dairy shores.

During the preparation of jelly, with all the variety of their recipes, modern housewives do not deviate far from traditional methods, although they added starch as the main ingredient. The classic Kisel recipe is based on the use of a decoction of fermented cereals.

How is milk jelly useful?

  • Contains the necessary amino acids (lecithin, lezin, cholin, tripophanes, methionine).
  • The useful dessert contains potassium, which provides normal muscle function and supports the acid-base balance.
  • Vitamin B1 provides the normal activity of the nervous system and brain activity.
  • Vitamin B2 affects metabolic processes, and is also necessary to maintain immunity. Thanks to vitamin B2, cracks are not formed on the lips, and the skin gets rid of dryness. If you constantly drink milk jelly, then you can simply forget about the problem of hair loss.
  • Vitamin B5 is important in the production of hormones and fatty acids, it is also necessary for the restoration of mucous membranes.
  • Vitamin PP reduces cholesterol concentration.
    Lecithin is also contained in the jelly (it regulates cholesterol and is one of the components of the liver cells), lysine (amino acid that is involved in the growth and restoration of tissues, in the production of hormones and enzymes), choline (has an anti -sclerotic effect), methionine is important to maintain liver function.
  • The use of jelly helps to normalize the intestinal function, is an effective tool for combating bacteriosis.
  • Easily absorbed by the body. With its use, there is no feeling of heaviness in the stomach.
  • Increases performance. Adds energy.
The finished jelly is poured into cremashes in which it will be served
The finished jelly is poured into cremashes in which it will be served

Cooking secrets:

  • so that the jelly is thick, it is boiled longer over low heat and cleaned in the refrigerator for the whole night
  • fans of very sweet desserts can add more sugar than indicated in the recipe
  • kisel cooking time is the time while boiling milk
  • sweet dessert low -calorie, but quickly quenches hunger
  • you can cook drinking jelly, then the amount of starch needs to be reduced
  • when cooking jelly -like treats, it should not be allowed to boil

How to cook milk jelly made of starch: a recipe for a liter of milk

Even one who rarely stands at the stove is able to cook milk jelly. Maybe your children will refuse purchased desserts and will look forward to while mom prepares a jelly according to a new recipe?

You will need:

• Milk - 1 liter
• Starch - 6 tbsp. l
• Sugar - 4 tbsp. l
• Vanilin bag

Cooking process:

  • Pour a little cold milk into the cup and stir sugar with vanilla in it, and then pour a little starch. Stir well.
  • Put the rest of the milk on medium fire. As soon as the milk boils, pour in small portions without stopping stirring, the mixture in which the starch is dissolved.
  • We reduce the fire to a minimum and do not stop stirring until the drink thickens. It is better to serve a drink with cooled a drink.
Milk jelly
Milk jelly
Milk jelly with raisins
Milk jelly with raisins

Video: How to cook milk jelly?

Milk jelly: thick recipe with egg

The density of the jelly depends on how much he was boiled over low heat. We suggest you cook thick jelly with the addition of an egg.

You will need:

• 1 l of milk
• 5 tablespoons of sugar
• 4 eggs
• 1 tbsp. a spoonful of starch flour
• Vanilin

Cooking process:

  • We separate the egg yolks from the proteins and rub with the sugar of Dobel.
  • We heat milk and add to the egg mixture, stirring constantly.
  • Pour a little liquid into a separate cup. We will wait until the drink cools down and stir with starch flour. Add vanillin on the tip of the knife to the cup.
  • Pour the contents of the cup into heated milk and bring to a boil with constant stirring over low heat. After the mixture boils, remove from the fire and wait for complete cooling and thickening.
Thick milk jelly
Thick milk jelly

Video: How to cook milk jelly with raisins?

How to cook milk jelly with berries?

Most often, one component is used to make jelly-like treats. From the recipe below, you will learn how to combine two different ingredients in jelly and get a wonderful dessert.

Milk jelly with strawberries
Milk jelly with strawberries

The treat is prepared with the addition of fresh strawberries. Kisel is very useful because it has an enveloping property, enhances peristalsis. But besides this, milk jelly with strawberries is an excellent natural painkiller.

Cooking secrets:

  • Sugar needs to be taken so much that the finished jelly corresponds to the taste of natural products that are part of it. If the berries are very sweet, then it will need less sugar.
  • No need to boil the drink for a long time. This will lead to the fact that jelly will remain liquid after cooling.
    Add potato flour only to cooled liquid.

You will need:

  • 1l milk
  • 3 eggs
  • 2 st/l of potato flour
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • vanilla sugar - to taste
  • 300 g of strawberries (it can be replaced with other available berries)

Cooking process:

  • For the preparation of jelly, large fresh strawberries are taken.
  • Beat sugar with eggs with a whisk until the foam begins to form. With a thin stream, add potato flour diluted in water. In this case, the whipping process is not stopped.
  • We heat the milk and pour hot to the eggs and potato flour. Mix the resulting mixture and put it on the fire. Cook the jelly, constantly stirring so that lumps do not form.
  • As soon as the jelly boils, it is necessary to remove it from the fire. At this stage, at will, you can add vanilla sugar. We serve warm in wide glasses with the addition of strawberries in each portion.
Milk jelly, green jam.
Milk jelly, green jam.

Apple-milk jelly

Having prepared apple and milk jelly for your loved ones, you will charge them with vitamins for the whole day. Kisel has a fresh cool taste, from which the mood improves.

You will need:

  • 500 ml of milk
  • 4 tbsp. tablespoons of low -fat sour cream
  • 4 apples
  • 1/4 glasses of sugar
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of flour

Cooking process:

  • Washed apples will clean. We remove the core, and cut into medium -sized slices.
  • We put about 2 cups of water on fire. The pan should be so much so that chopped apples are placed in it. Water should cover them.
  • Pour the apples into boiling water and cook for 5-7 minutes until they become soft.
  • Wooked apples along with the liquid that remained in the pan, rub through a sieve.
  • The resulting mixture is again put on a slow fire and with continuous stirring, add the remaining components of the jelly: wheat flour diluted in milk, and after the jelly becomes thick, add the rest of the milk with sugar.
  • Mix all the ingredients and bring the drink to a boil. After boiling, we remove the jelly from the fire and pour it into the containers in which it will be served: bowels, glasses. On a cooled jelly, lay out a spoonful of sour cream or thick cream.
Apple milk jelly
Apple milk jelly
The thicker the jerks, the more calorie it
The thicker the jerks, the more calorie it

Milk jelly with cocoa: thick recipe

Children love sweets with cocoa. Prepare them a useful and nutritious milk jelly with cocoa.

You will need:

  • 300 g of milk
  • 1 tbsp. spoon cocoa
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of potato flour
  • 1.5 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar

Cooking process:

  • We put a glass of milk on the fire and bring to a boil. Sugar and cocoa. Leave on the stove until it boils, stirring all the time.
  • The rest of the milk add potato flour and dilute it.
  • Next, gently pour milk with potato flour into a saucepan with cocoa and boil for 5 minutes. Add vanilla sugar to taste. After the jelly is infused, it can be poured into cups and drink it, sprinkling with grated chocolate or whipped cream.
Kisel with cocoa
Kisel with cocoa

Dairy and jerking jelly

The finished dessert has a soft structure and a delicate taste. It will appeal not only to fans of sweets, but even to those who prefer to eat exclusively meat dishes.

You will need:

  • vanilla sugar or vanillin on the tip of a knife
  • potato starch - 1 tbsp. a spoon
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. tablespoons
  • oat flakes - 100 g
  • milk - 400 g

Cooking process:

  • We heat the milk. Pour oatmeal with warm milk and leave for half an hour so that the mass swells.
  • After 20-30 minutes, we will lay the sieve on the pan. Lay a sterile gauze on it, folded twice. We will strain through a sieve and gauze milk with swollen oatmeal.
Pour oatmeal with milk
Pour oatmeal with milk
Leave for 20 minutes to swell
Leave for 20 minutes to swell
  • We will collect the ends of the gauze and squeeze oatmeal from milk. For jelly, swollen flakes are no longer needed: they performed their role. They can be used during cooking.
  • Pour half a glass of milk into a separate cup and dilute the potato starch in it. To do this, you need to mix it thoroughly with a tablespoon until the consistency becomes homogeneous.
Collect swollen flakes in gauze
Collect swollen flakes in gauze
Stir starch
Stir starch
We constantly stir
We constantly stir
  • We put the rest of the milk on medium fire in a saucepan and add sugar, vanillin (it is important not to overdo it with vanilla so that Kisel does not acquire unpleasant bitterness).
  • After boiling milk and setting up white foam, add starch diluted in a separate cup to the pan. We constantly stir the liquid. We bring to a boil and reduce the fire to a minimum. Cook the jelly until it thickens, and this is 1-2 minutes. The finished jelly will acquire the consistency of custard or liquid dough for pancakes. Kisel cool before supplying to room temperature.
  • We pour the frozen jelly into glasses and sprinkle with a pinch of sugar (so the film will not form on the surface of the jelly).
  • You can supplement the dessert with ice cream, or crush cookies. Sprinkle jelly with chopped nuts, fresh berries, mint leaves.
Molchny oatmeal jelly
Molchny oatmeal jelly

Dietary milk jelly

Dietary milk jelly is prepared from whole milk or dry. This is a product available and common in many treatment and preventive diets.

You will need:

  • potato flour - 10 g
  • whole pasteurized milk - 150 g (or glass of milk powder)
  • sugar - 10 g
  • water - 30 g
  • zest of half lemon or orange

Cooking process:

  • Pour milk into a pan and boil (dry milk must be pre -diluted in two glasses of cold water and left for 30 minutes, after that, two more glasses of water are poured into the swollen milk and, stir, put on fire).
  • Add sugar diluted in water potato flour. We stir the milk all the time and boil over low heat for 5 minutes.
  • In the finished and not frozen jelly, add the zest of lemon or orange. Pour the jelly into glasses or cremes in which it will be served.
Dietary jelly
Dietary jelly

Milk jelly: recipe for children

Kissel is a nutritious product that is easily absorbed by the body of the child. Children love berry and chocolate jelly. For children under a year, children can also be prepared milk jelly. If you need jelly, then more potato flour is taken.

You will need:

  • 2 cups of milk
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of potato starch
  • 1 tbsp. Sugar spoon
  • vanilin - to taste
  • half a glass of boiled water

Cooking process:

  • We dilute the starch in boiled cooling water.
    We put milk on fire and bring to a boil.
  • After boiling milk, add diluted starch to it, fill in sugar and cook for 7-10 minutes. Kisel needs to be stirred constantly, otherwise it will burn or lumps form in it. After that, add vanilla to the jelly for smell and remove it from the slab for cooling.
  • If the child is more than 1 year old, then melted chocolate at the cooking stage, or fruit juice, can be added to the jelly.
Milk jelly should be attributed, nevertheless, to the category of baby food that benefits.
Milk jelly should be attributed, nevertheless, to the category of baby food that benefits.

How can milk jelly aromatize?

To flavor milk jelly, the zest of lemon, orange is added to it. Together with sugar, vanillin is poured. You can also fry slightly and pass through the meat grinder walnut or hazelnuts, peanuts.

Milk jelly: calorie content

The calorie content of jelly increases due to the content of starch and sugar in it - the main sources of carbohydrates. In milk jelly, unlike other types of this dessert, there are fats and proteins, which also increases the calorie content of the dish.

The calorie content of milk jelly prepared from skim milk is approximately 79 kcal
The calorie content of milk jelly made from whole milk is about 117 kcal.

Video: Milk jelly with fruit-berry puree

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