Products containing starch: List. We explore the products for the content of starch using home experience: Description

Products containing starch: List. We explore the products for the content of starch using home experience: Description

In this article, we will learn how to identify the presence of starch in products, and also consider a list of products with low, medium and high starch content.

White powder, which has no smell and taste, and when compressed resembles warm snow. After all, a characteristic creak occurs from the friction of its particles. The starch does not dissolve in cold water, but with an increase in temperature, it swells and begins to resemble the Clayster - this is what even a schoolboy knows about starch.

What is the effect of such a carbohydrate on our body, we will consider in this material. We will also help to highlight products that have a rich starch content or completely exclude it from their composition.

How to find out if there is starch in products: we examine the products for the content of starch using home experience?

First you need to have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bwhat kind of substance it is and "what they eat with." Thanks to photosynthesis, the green inhabitants of the planet are able to produce it from glucose. This is a natural carbohydrate, which is in stock of plants. Yes, it can accumulate in tubers, grains or fruits of the plant, providing energy reserves in case of adverse times.

  • Starch is a polysaccharide or complex carbohydrate. It consists of a chain of simple sugars, and they are already built by glucose. And this no significant element plays an important role at first glance - the preservation of energy in the human body and nutrients for a long time. Plants are able to make stocks from the same energy, creating starch grains. The person, however, is also stored starch, but in the form of extra pounds.

Important: starch does not dissolve in alcohol at all! In hot water, it is taken with lumps and poorly stirred, so it needs to be diluted only in cold liquid. But even in it it will not dissolve, but only strates for a while.

We find products with starch
We find products with starch
  • To get starch, the necessary raw materials are crushed and exposed to special chemicals. Before use, the product is still filtered, cleaned and dried. Several types of starch are distinguished, which depend on different production processes and on the field of use.
    • Refined starch is the most popular species in the culinary sphere and even among baby food. He acts as a stabilizing component. For its manufacture, they most often take potatoes or rice, also corn.
    • Natural starch is found directly in many products in natural form. So he is an indispensable source of energy.
    • But not quite conscientious manufacturers resort to replacing starch, which are made from modified raw materials. Its composition is in doubt for many, but, nevertheless, this cheap analogue is often used in the food industry.

On a note!If you want to use starch for preparing the dough, then you need to knead it in milk, kefir or sour cream, but not on water -based.

We spend home experiments on the definition of starch In products:

  • The most famous and affordable way is to drip a little iodine on the product. If the color turned out blue or purple, then starch is present. If the color has not changed, then starch is not included or there is a very small percentage.
    • For example, potatoes or rice will have a clear blue hue after a drop of iodine.
  • To make it easier to conduct experiments, arm yourself with a pipette. This will help to make an accurate countdown of drops. And do not forget to put the tested products on the saucer for safety, so as not to stain the table.
  • Keep in mind that a small color change will simply indicate a low starch content. For example, if you take an apple, then the blot will not be blue, but will get slightly brown flavor or slightly dirty color of the orange tone. It is also important to know that starch in apples decreases during growth. You can even conduct experiments, taking a ripe and green apple - the colors will be different.

Important: the more saturated, the darker and brighter the color, the greater the percentage of starch in the product. For example, when iodine contact with chocolate, the drop will come out and completely dark blue that it will be more to wait for a black shade. What else attracts attention - the melted cheese will also be black!

  • Dairy products will be painted with the usual color of iodine. That is, they will have orange color. If the manufacturers add starch in the form of a thickener, then the color will come out dirty brown or even with a drop of gray shade.
    • It is interesting that the boiled sausage will show the lack of starch or its small share, but the sausages will be painted in light blue. The smoked sausage also includes a certain percentage of starch.
  • The definition of starch in products is an excellent cognitive game with your children. And the more products you take for an experiment, the more interesting it will turn out. You can also not be afraid and “check” different manufacturers.

IMPORTANT: If you carry out a wand with iodine on paper, then the inscription will also come out in blue!

Highly starch products: List

To begin with, we recall what types of starch we know. This will help with the list of products. Do not forget that the scope of use and even the continent in varieties of starch may vary. For example, a manion is grown in Africa and a tropical zone. Refined or extracted industrial by starch is divided into groups:

  • potato starch, which is known to every young experiment, it is more often used in everyday life.
  • corn starch has the most delicate consistency, so it is indispensable in confectionery production and for the preparation of sauces.
  • rice starch will help create the most dense jelly or pudding, but found his calling in paper, textile and even perfumery industry.
  • wheat starch is used in the bakery industry, and it also helps to create marmalade masterpieces and rakhat-lukum.
  • sorgen starch uses more in the production of textiles, medical supplies and paper.
  • and from maniacs they make a tapioceric starch, which is used to produce creams, sausages and various CLUSTERS.


  • But the largest percentage of starch is not in the usual potatoes, but in rice!
    • Rice flour It stands in the most honorable place - it has almost 80% starch.
    • Next is going rice cereal, it contains starch only on a slight share less - 78%.
    • Whole grain rice It has 75% starch.

Important: whole grain crops, in particular the above rice, have fast carbohydrates. But they are not only much more quickly absorbed by the body, but also consumes the resulting energy in a slightly different direction. That is, the threat of sugar and even extra pounds at the waist disappears.

  • The second place is given pasta and spaghetti - They contain 75 % starch.
  • Nearby "fled" cornflakesWhat is advertised for a light breakfast - 74% starch.
  • Further, flour is on the list, but there are several types. They are insignificantly differ from each other, but still there is a difference:
    • Barley flourcontains 72 % starch
    • Like wheat flour- also 72%
    • Buckwheat flourLike buckwheat itself, they include a slightly smaller percentage - 71%
    • But corn floura little inferior - 65%
  • Beloved by many varnish popcorn It has as much as 68%.
  • But fresh bread There is also a considerable starch content - 66%.
  • homemade noodles Not only tasty and healthy, but also has 65% starch.
  • The noodles of the whole flour It was not so far - only one percent lower.
  • Continues the list of starch -containing products oats- It has 61%.
  • Milletnearby receded, only one percent - 60%.
  • All porridgethey have a high starch content, also about 60%.
  • Along the same, they turned out to be crackersthat they have the same percentage ratio (60%) starch, but here rye crackers We sank into a couple of steps - 58%.
  • Then it goes barleywhich also has 58%.
  • The same percentage of starch and in young corn.
  • Crispy chipsThat so sunk into the soul of adolescents, they include 53% starch. This food is not only harmful, and leads to the appearance of extra pounds.
  • Peas, which has the highest share of starch among legumes, received 52%.
  • Cakes and jellythey have almost the same starch ratio - 52% and 51%, respectively.
  • Nututhat has a considerable share of starch, the middle place is given to 50%.
  • White bread has a relatively considerable starch content - 48%
  • While rye bread A little inferior, but only for a small share - 45%.
  • Mashthat root origin takes from India, storages 47% starch.
  • Legumes Products contain 45% starch.
  • While lentils It has 40%.
  • Beans Also belongs to the family of legumes, but the percentage of starch content is slightly less - 38%.
  • Relatively slightly starch contains puff pastry – 37%.
  • Soyit is also rich in starch, although only 35%.
  • And completes the list of fairly high starch products french fries - Also 35%.

To receive an optimal dose, without harm to the body, you need to use these products with light fats. For example, vegetable oil, sour cream and cream. Then, some chemical reactions occur in the body, which give the body only the necessary share of starch.

On a note! The starch is useful for our body - it saturates with energy each of its cells. Reserve starch and completely protects against cancer. But its excessive amount or sharp jump in the content is reflected in the cardiovascular system.

Products with medium starch content: List

No matter how strange it sounds, but potatoes are significantly inferior to various types of flour, porridge and pasta. By the way, the last ingredient should be boiled according to the type of al-Dent so that they are a little crisp when biting. Then the starch is not so much absorbed by the body and significantly in a smaller amount.

On a note! The starch should be consumed, but only in moderate quantities. If you are too much to take products with a high starch content, then it will begin to be deposited in the form of fat “in reserve”. But the lack of starch will negatively affect health. Therefore, it is impossible to exclude starch and products containing it from your diet. For the optimal solution, make a blow to products with an average or low percentage of starch.

  • The percentage of starch in potatoes also depends on the cooking method:
    • crocet of potatoes have 20%
    • raw potatoes includes less than 16% starch, or rather, 15.4%
    • boiled potatoes not much loses starch in the process of cooking - 14%
    • mashed potatoes It is not for nothing that it is allowed to consume during the diet (and the whole secret is in addition to oil and milk, which is a little neutralized by starch) - 11%
  • Among the vegetables it is worth highlighting fuck and gingerthat have 11.7% and 11.2%, respectively
  • SwedeWhat is a hybrid of cabbage and beets, also has a considerable starch content - 18%
  • It should be followed radishwhich is inferior to as many as 3 units - 15%
  • But beet does not reach its own hybrid vegetable - 14%
  • Jerusalem artichoke also has an average indicator - 9.6%
  • Green pea, which often happens on the festive table, contains 7% starch

Important: in order to observe the optimal norm of starch consumption, without suffering from obesity and diseases of the cardiovascular system, hold on schemes-1: 1: 4. That is, carbohydrates (and we have already come to the conclusion that this is starch) for 1 part of the protein and the same amount of fat is required 4 times more.

Low starch products: List

Although these products have starch in their composition, its percentage is so small that it cannot do any harm to the body. Even, on the contrary, helps to replenish the necessary energy reserves. Moreover, the shortage of starch will affect your well -being.

Important: everyone needs to observe the daily starch. For example, children, depending on their weight, require from 50 to 150 g of matter. In an adult, the need for starch increases to 330 g. But pregnant and nursing mothers need to replenish starch reserves even more - up to 400 g.

  • Pumpkinhas 2% starch
  • Asparagus also includes 2% starch
  • Leek consists of 0.9 % of starch, which is significantly ahead of all its relatives
  • Part eggplant also includes 0.9%
  • Celery rootrich in 0.6% starch
  • Artichoke contains only 0.5% starch
  • Cabbage has the same value - 0.5%
  • BUT turnips and radishes only 0.3% of starch consist of
  • Among the fruits that differ in a low starch content, they distinguish:
    • Applesthat have starch in their composition up to 0.8%
    • Black currant – 0,6%
    • Pear consists of 0.5% of starch
    • And even strawberries and plum Contains starch in its composition, but in a very low ratio - 0.1%

Products without starch: List

If you follow your figure and are afraid to gain extra pounds, then you should exclude products from your diet that have starch. They are rich in other necessary for the body and extremely useful substances, which saturate with energy and help to develop normally.

  • Any milk products Excludes the content of starch
  • Also, the list falls on eggs
  • Meat any animal does not contain starch
  • Fish any origin and various seafood are also included in this list
  • Greens You can safely eat and not get better, since there is no starch in them:
    • onion
    • parsley
    • dill
    • leafy vegetables and herbs, for example, sorrel and spinach
  • Cucumber andcornishness also exclude the percentage of starch
  • Like carrotwhich will give the body such a necessary vitamin A
  • Bulgarian peppercomplements the list

It is worth saying a few more words about fruits. Almost all of them (except the above products) do not have starch. For example, children are prescribed up to two years of age to focus on prunes and dates. They are easily absorbed, digested and give a sufficient charge of energy.

Important: fruits, greens and vegetables cannot be called 100% boundless, since there is still its small share. But this percentage does not reach one hundredth. The only thing in carrots is a percentage slightly higher than the rest - up to 0.2%.

Video: insidious starch. What is the harm?

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