What to do with the remaining salad Olivier: what can you cook? Is it possible and how to freeze olivier without mayonnaise in the freezer?

What to do with the remaining salad Olivier: what can you cook? Is it possible and how to freeze olivier without mayonnaise in the freezer?

Do you have the remains of Olivier? What to do with them, read in the article.

No festive table, especially New Year, can do without a salad beloved by everyone Russian salad. During cooking different dishes, sometimes there is more food than it was necessary. As a result, some of the products have to be thrown away. Economic housewives who spent a lot of money and time on cooking, begin to look for recipes for using the remains.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Do you put in a salad of an Olivier onions: which is salad or another?".

Simple recipes, requiring a minimum of effort and costs, will help prepare original foods from the remains of the festive salad Olivier. They will not yield their taste and appetizing appearance to the original dish. Choose and prepare original and delicious dishes from residues Russian salad. Read further.

What is the shelf life of Olivier's salad?

Olivier salad
Olivier salad

Salad Russian salad It is an author's dish of the French cook Lucien Olivier. In the recipe for the salad he proposed were caviar, hazel grouse, capers and cancers. However, in the form in which it is fed to the festive tables in Russia (often called it a Russian or winter salad), the dish has become accessible and beloved for almost everyone. In the modern version of the salad Russian salad Enter:

  • Boiled beef, boiled chicken breast or boiled sausage (200-300 g)
  • Potatoes (4 pieces), onions (green or on -hand)
  • Carrots (2 pieces)
  • Greens (dill or parsley)
  • Eggs (3 pieces)
  • Canned green peas (100 g)
  • Pickled cucumbers (2 pieces) or rnicons (100 g)

Read on our website an article on the topic: "Salad Olivier: Ingredients and a step -by -step classic recipe with sausage". You will learn how to make a delicious preparation of olivier with chicken, chicken, pork meat, beef, pork tongue, ham, squid, crab meat, shrimp, smoked mackerel, salmon - the best recipes.

You can add olives, fresh cucumbers and shrimp to the salad if desired. All this is seasoned with mayonnaise or low -fat yogurt according to the rules of proper nutrition. What is the shelf life of Olivier's salad?

  • Any salad can be stored longer if you mix previously chilled ingredients.
  • After cooking, vegetables and eggs are consulted in cold water.
  • The remaining components must be removed from the refrigerator immediately before they are divided into pieces.
  • Store a salad in a dishes that allows a minimize an air gap.
  • When shifting the mass, you need to slightly level the surface and compact with a spoon.
  • Finished salad and semi -finished products are allowed to store at temperatures up to +6 ° C, and if possible, then at temperature regime 0-+2 ° C.
  • Place Russian salad In the refrigerator on the upper shelf, closer to the rear wall or in the freshness zone, if any.

Salad storage period Russian salad Depends on the initial freshness of the components. If you use stale products for its preparation, the dish will very quickly lose taste and will become unsuitable for consumption.

  • Salad Russian salad In the refrigerator without adding a gas station (mayonnaise, sauce, sour cream, yogurt) can be stored up to 3 days.
  • It is better to refuel only the right amount of salad before serving, adding fresh herbs and onions to it, since these products sharply reduce the shelf life of a cold dish.

Adding mayonnaise, sour cream or other sauce to the finished dish reduces the shelf life of the salad, since the gas stations create favorable conditions for the propagation of microorganisms. The use of the dish after a certain time can cause digestive disorders or intestinal infection. Salad storage period Russian salad, seasoned with mayonnaise - 12 hours in the refrigerator, at temperature 0-+2 ° C.

A cold dish with mayonnaise needs to be stored in a closed container with a dense lid. For this purpose, it is recommended to use glassware or enameled pots. You should not store the salad in plastic containers that are designed for transportation.

It is important to remember: If salad Russian salad, seasoned with mayonnaise, stood on the table at room temperature 18-22 ° C., then it is better to throw away the rest after 3 hours. Otherwise, food poisoning or stomach disorder can.

What to do with the remaining salad Olivier: Tips

The Olivier salad remained
The Olivier salad remained

In order not to throw away the rest of the salad, first of all, it is advised to cook it in a small amount. If there is a lot of it, you can put the chopped ingredients in separate containers in the refrigerator to mix and season only before use. What to do with the remaining salad Russian salad? Below you will find advice. The remaining salad can be:

  1. Take with you to work and treat your colleagues.
  2. Put in plastic bags for food and freeze(if the dish is not filled with sauce).
  3. Use to feed homeless animals (only if you are convinced that the dish is suitable for consumption and does not harm the dog, cat or others).

When there is a lot of salad with mayonnaise or with sour cream after the holiday, and I want to get something tasty and satisfying from the remains, I advise you to cook:

  • Pizza using the finished dough
  • Okroshka on a mineral water (so that it is not too sour)
  • Casserole with the addition of grated cheese
  • Profitroly filling

Each of the above dishes can be prepared in a matter of minutes, surprising guests and pamper family members.

Is it possible and how to freeze olivier without mayonnaise in the freezer?

As mentioned above, Olivier can be frozen in the freezer if the salad is not tucked with mayonnaise or other sauce. Just put the salad into portions or small containers. Put it all in the freezer, and when necessary, take it out. A few hours later, the salad melts and you can season it with mayonnaise or other sauce and eat it.

What can be prepared from the remains of olivier - profileli with filling: Recipe

Cooking olivier from the remnants - profileli with filling
Cooking olivier from the remnants - profileli with filling

They use salad as a filling Russian saladThe composition of which is indicated above. So, we prepare a profitropoli from the remnants of the salad. Here is the prescription:

To prepare profilets, you need to take:

  • 3 eggs
  • A pinch of salt
  • 100 g butter
  • 1.5 cups of water
  • A glass of flour

Cook like this:

  1. In metal containers, melt the oil and add water to it.
  2. Then bring the resulting mass almost to a boil, turn off the fire, pour salt.
  3. Next, you should constantly mix, add eggs to the dough.
  4. A portion of dough formed with a teaspoon or confectionery bag, they are placed on a greased baking sheet, which is placed in the oven (first at 200 degrees, then at 160).
  5. Preparation time of profitropolla - 10 minutes.

The buns needs to be cut in half, put a salad, decorated with fresh dill leaves and serve on the table.

Baked tartlets from olivier residues: Recipe

Baked tartlets from the remains of olivier
Baked tartlets from the remains of olivier

For the preparation of baked tartlets from residues Russian salad, you need to buy tartlets in the store and lay out the salad on them. Then according to the recipe - put the baskets in the oven at temperature 180 degreesand bake within 10-15 minutes.

If desired, you can cook tartlets yourself at home. To do this, add a little more flour to the dough for profitrols to get a cool mass that rolls out. Make mugs from the dough, put in cupcake molds, and bake in an oven at t ° 200 degrees - 12 minutes.

Cooking pizza from the remains of olivier: recipe

Cooking pizza from the remains of olivier
Cooking pizza from the remains of olivier

For cooking pizza from residues Russian salad You can use ready -made store pizza cakes, buy yeast dough or prepare the dough on kefir with your own hands. Here is the prescription:

For the kefir test, you need to take:

  • 350 g of wheat flour
  • 150g kefir
  • 0.5 tsp. soda
  • 20 ml of vegetable oil
  • 2 pinches of salt

Also in addition salad Olivier you will need - 2 tbsp. l. Ketchup and 50 g of solid cheese.

Cook like this:

  1. In deep containers, mix salt, soda and kefir, add vegetable oil, pour the flour and knead a steep dough. Leave the rest for 15 minutes.
  2. After time, the dough is rolled out.
  3. You can not mess with the dough, but take a ready -made test workpiece for pizza.
  4. Lubricate the cake with ketchup, evenly distribute the salad on it, sprinkle with cheese.
  5. It is advised to add a little mayonnaise (about 1 tbsp.).

Bake pizza in the oven, heated to temperature 200 degrees.

Sprinking for sandwiches from olivier residues: Recipe

Sands with salad Russian salad It turns out very tasty and nutritious. For their preparation to the traditional composition of a cold dish, it is advised to add grated hard cheese and pieces of smoked chicken. Here is a recipe for sandwiches from olivier residues:

  • Twist the salad in a meat grinder, adding a little smoked chicken, or chop the blender.
  • You can store such a mixture in the freezer by spreading small containers or portioned bags.
  • When preparing breakfast or a snack, take out a prayer from the freezer and when it melts, spread on sandwiches, sprinkle with grated cheese on top.

Also, on top of the salad you can put red caviar and decorate with leaves of fresh herbs.

The remains of olivier in the egg-milk filling: recipe

For this dish, a frozen salad is used Russian salad Without adding mayonnaise. It turns out tasty and unusual. Here is the recipe for the preparation of residues Russian salad In the egg-milk filling:

To prepare the dough, you need to take:

  • 100 g butter
  • 350 g of flour
  • 60 ml of cold water
  • A pinch of salt

For the preparation of cheese-milk filling, prepare:

  • 3 eggs
  • 200 ml of milk or cream (to taste), you can also vegetable broth with dry milk
  • 100 g of solid cheese

Do this:

  • It is necessary to mix at room temperature with flour, add water, salt and mix until plastic mass is obtained.
  • Put the dough in a cold place for 1 hour. After time, roll a round tortilla from it with a diameter of a little more than baking forms (approximately 3-4 cm).
  • Then you should place the cake in the mold, lifting the edges on the sides so that the plate is obtained.
  • With the help of a fork, puncture the dough in several places.
  • Put on top 1 kg rice as a oppression and bake in the oven 15 minutes at a temperature 200 degrees.
  • After time, the base must be removed from the oven, released from the oppression, slightly cool, shifting a thawed salad.

Prepare the fill as follows:

  • Beat the eggs.
  • Add milk. The resulting mixture pour the filling from Russian salad.
  • Sprinkle with grated cheese on top and bake the product 30 minutes in the oven at temperature 180 degrees.
  • The dish is served on the table in cold form.

If you do not want to mess with Tes, you can simply lay out the salad on a baking sheet and pour the egg mixture. It remains only to bake in the oven and then sprinkle with cheese. Ready!

Okroshka from the remains of olivier: recipe

Okroshka from the remains of olivier
Okroshka from the remains of olivier

Okroshka from the remains of olivier can be prepared using kvass or mineral water. Lovers of sour prefer okroshka on kefir. Suitable if the salad is not refuel with mayonnaise. If there is a refueling, then it is better to use kvass or mineral water. For example, here is a recipe on a sour -milk product:

  • Just pour kefir the remains of the salad.
  • If necessary, you can add a pinch of salt.

Salad prepared from residues Russian salad Dishes add diversity into a regular diet. In the process of preparation, you can fantasize by adding seasonings or greens to obtain a more pronounced taste. Enjoy your meal!

Video: Millions of people cook olivier incorrectly. Here are 5 cook secrets

Video: Olivier salad - really delicious recipe

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