What to do if you overturned, ate a lot? What to do if you have crossed sweet salty, fat?

What to do if you overturned, ate a lot? What to do if you have crossed sweet salty, fat?

Ways to combat overeating.

Overflow negatively affects the body, and the matter is not only overweight, but also in the load on the digestive system. In the article we will tell you what to do when overeating.  

Reasons for overeating in women and men?

There are several reasons for overeating. If this happens constantly, you need to contact a psychologist and a nutritionist. Here is a problem in the psychological mood of a person. It is calledcompulsive overeating, when the patient copes with stress with food. 

Causes of overeating in women and men:

  • Disorders in the digestive system, metabolism. A constantly transmitting person, most likely, has problems with the endocrine system, hormonal disorders, and the lack of some vitamins and trace elements. 
  • Constant overeating in certain conditions. Vacationers who purchase a ticket all Inclusive, Cannot stand in front of the Swedish table, constantly laying mountains of food. The mechanism is triggered if you do not need to pay for food, it is worth eating as much as possible.
  • Fucked psychological problems with delicious food. To get rid of problems, you need to find out the reason. 
Junk food
Junk food

What to do if you constantly overeat?

If overeating happens only once, it is necessary to facilitate your condition by resorting to some tricks. 

What to do if you constantly overeat:

  • We need to stop. If you feel saturation, you must stop taking food. 
  • You need to pull yourself together and deal with digestion. It is difficult to digest a huge pile of food, so it can “stand”. Nausea may occur, and even vomiting. 
  • Do not engage in pieces and do not eat on the go. In sweets, cookies and sandwiches there are a lot of calories and high sugar content.
  • Do not allow the appearance of a feeling of hungerso eat 5 times a day, in small portions.
  • As a snack, use yogurt, cottage cheese, apples, grapefruits, dried fruits, nuts.

What to do if the stomach has crossed and hurts?

Instead of tea, you can drink a drink that improves digestion. Natural apple cider vinegar copes well with this. In no case do not use ordinary acetic acid, with a concentration of 9%. Pour 20 ml of apple cider vinegar into a glass of water. The slightly acidic environment will improve digestion, reducing the severity in the stomach. This will stimulate the production of gastric juice and digest products faster. 

What to do if the stomach has crossed and hurts:

  • Enzymes that help break down food with high speed cope well with the heaviness in the stomach. This is pancreatin, Mezim, Festal. However, you should not overdate, since with regular use, such pills cause violations in the body.
  • The glands and organs cease to synthesize the enzymes necessary for the splitting of food components, which can cause serious diseases. If you know that there is a feast, in the middle of the celebration you need to take a pill.
  • Festall is perfect for this. Thus, you will improve your well -being, which will prevent nausea and vomiting. If you only felt saturation, you must stop eating, or eat light food. Often, instead of enzymes, they advise using chewing gum. Indeed, during chewing, a large amount of saliva stands out, which improves digestion, contributing to the production of enzymes.

No need to drink a huge amount of water and take alcohol. From a large amount of water and food, the stomach is stretched, so the injury of the mucous membrane may happen. 


What to do if you moved overnight?

A bad solution is to go to bed on a full stomach. When a person does not move, the process of digestion of food slows down.

What to do if you moved overnight:

  • It is necessary to force yourself to walk and move. If you are at a party, the most correct solution would be to dance a little. You can’t reproach yourself, immediately go to a treadmill or stadium.
  • From strong shaking, the condition can worsen, and instead of a slight malaise, it will begin to tear. There should be no serious physical exertion. Walking or slow dances are the best options for solving the problem. 
  • You can’t go to bed in any case. You need to take a walk around the house for 15 minutes. No need to run, a slow walk. Take the drug based on enzymes, if it is not, any absorbent is suitable. 

What to do if you overturn and feel sick?

Often during overeating it is sick, this happens due to stretching the stomach, as well as incomplete breakdown of some substances. As indicated above, it is recommended to take drugs based on enzymes that break down fats and heavy components of food.

What to do if it is overturning and sick:

  • If there are no tablets, you can take any absorbent. It can be activated carbon,Enterosgel orSmecta. These substances also absorb a large amount of fats, allergens and compounds that occur as a result of the decay of alcohol. Thanks to this, you can quickly sober up, the desire to eat a large amount of food will disappear.
  • To get rid of nausea after consuming fatty substances, it is best to take phosphalgel orAlmagel. In chronic diseases of the digestive system, take enzymesPanzinorm orMezim. Helps well with nauseaCerucal And Iron. These drugs do not contain enzymes, but only inhibit vomiting.  

What to do if you have crossed sweets?

Sugar is a harmful component in the composition of food, which sharply raises the level of insulin in the blood. Losing weight and sitting on diets can overeat and use a large number of desserts, sweet products.

What to do if you have crossed sweets:

  • Such breakdowns negatively affect not only the figure, but also on the state of health.
  • Of course, honey or sugar cannot be added to the liquid. Reduces beef sugar and protein products. Eggs are considered ideal. So that there is no desire to eat sweets or cake on the diet, we advise you to use a banana early in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • It contains a large amount of carbohydrates and sugar, which will help to recapture the desire to use it during the day. You can eat a few more fruits, with a lower sugar content. These are grapefruits and apples. During the day, add a small amount of dried fruits such as dried apricots or prunes to your diet. They contain a lot of sugar and a large amount of fiber, which gives a feeling of saturation.
  • Try to use useful fats instead of simple carbohydrates in the cold season. Refuel salads with vegetable oil, it is best if it is olive. You can allow in winter to eat a piece of fat, weighing 20-30 g. Very often the body requires sweets due to lack of nutrition and fats.

If you constantly want sweets, enter seafood into the diet, in particular fat, red fish. Sald or salmon is suitable. These varieties contain unsaturated fatty acids, which are perfectly absorbed by the body, and prevent the appearance of the desire to eat dessert. 


What will happen if you eat a lot of sugar?

If the pancreas is healthy, and this is a single case, nothing will happen. But with constant abuse of sugar, pancreatitis, ailments of the pancreas, diabetes mellitus may develop.

What will happen if you eat a lot of sugar:

  • A sharp jump in the level of glucose in the blood causes a kind of dependence. After glucose is processed, there is a decline in insulin level, so the body tries to increase it.
  • Accordingly, a person may even want sweets. It turns out a kind of cycle and dependence on sugar. If on a diet they overwhelmed the sweet, absorbing an excess piece of the cake, you must try to remove it from the body as soon as possible. To do this, you need to drink a lot of water and tea with lemon.

What to do if you overturned?

Fatty foods are characterized by high calorie content, it has a strong load on the liver and biliary tract, the pancreas. That is why such food is harmful not only due to increasing weight, the occurrence of obesity, but also to the appearance of health problems.

What to do if you overturned?

  • If during the festive feast they ate a lot of fatty food, we recommend taking an enzyme drug. Best of all, if it is all Festall. Remember, in no case should you take sorbents and drugs based on enzymes at the same time.
  • After all, activated carbon,Smecta orEnterosgel They absorb enzymes, preventing them from action. It is worth taking them at different times, after 2 hours. 
  • After overeating with fatty foods, there is a load on the biliary tract and the gall bladder. Therefore, it is necessary to take choleretic drugs. If you have a gas formation regularly after eating fatty foods, your stomach and nausea are sick, you must contact the doctor.
  • Perhaps chronic diseases. Basically, the pain occurs due to an increase in the liver in size and in case of inflammatory diseases. If after eating fatty foods in the liver, in the right hypochondrium, diarrhea is observed, it is necessary to take choleretic drugs. This is the collection of corn stigmas and immortality, artichoke, a milk thistle is also suitable. If there is acute pain, take antispasmodics, such as no-shpa orSpasmalgon. Be sure to follow a diet, do not eat spicy, fried food. Drink water without gas. Rice as well as oat bran cope well with the removal of fat from the body. These are absorbents that absorb a significant amount of toxins.
Fatty food
Fatty food

Is it possible to cause vomiting if you overturn?

If you have overturned, you can greatly simplify the situation by causing vomiting. However, gastroenterologists do not recommend this.

Is it possible to cause vomiting if you overturned:

  • You will feel a sharp improvement in health and purification, but the acidity of the stomach and esophagus differs. Therefore, gastric juice can cause irritation and burden of the esophagus, throat, which will lead to unpleasant consequences and diseases.
  • After overeating, try to take a walk, in no case go to rest. The next day, make yourself a fasting period. Take water with lemon juice and kefir. A sparing diet will relax the liver, and easily remove all toxic substances from the body. 
Binge eating
Binge eating

If you overturning the salty, what to do?

Salt can provoke the occurrence of pain in the joints and problems with them. Often, after overeating salted food, swelling occurs that do not allow you to put on your favorite shoes.

If you have crossed the salty, what to do:

  • After consuming a large amount of salt, we advise you to drink solutions that remove it from the body. Such fluids include lingonberry tea and field horsetail. Any diuretic collection or medicine designed for kidney treatment is suitable. It copes well with the edema of the uro. These are drops with coniferous smell that must be dripped on sugar and take for several days.
  • The medicine has a positive effect on the state of health of the kidneys. In extreme cases, you can take a firusemide tablet. We recommend that you observe drinking mode and increase the amount of water in the diet. Water will help to remove excess salt from the body. It is worth paying attention to some fruits, vegetables and products that help to remove salt from the body.
  • These include rice and fresh cucumbers. These are a kind of absorbers that absorb a significant amount of salt. Boil two tablespoons of cereals in a small amount of water, until a crumbly porridge is obtained. It is not necessary to add salt and butter. Eat the porridge in the evening after overeating, as well as in the morning on an empty stomach. This will help to quickly get rid of edema. 

  Many useful articles can be found on our website:

To alleviate the condition, you can drink a cup of tea. It should be green, herbal. The optimal volume is 150ml so as not to create an even greater load on the stomach.Please note that the sweetener, sugar, honey do not need to be added. But lemon juice or a piece of ginger will not be superfluous.

Video: What to do when overeating?

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  2. She sinned often with overeating earlier, and did not even notice how great she was better, she saw herself in the photo and was upset straight. It began to monitor the diet, but in the evenings it was difficult to resist the habit and not to eat, I helped to cope with this, we will have an enhanced formula, capsules with a composition of plant extracts, appetite is reduced perfectly, and the weight began to leave so well with it.

  3. Well, if I crossed it, then the next day I have to do not get it)) I am now strictly monitoring calories so that I would not eat more my norm and the weight pleases. And then there was a time that she overeat and smashed me terribly, lost weight to the PP and sports. On the advice of the nutritionist saw Enterosgel. It is needed in order to remove toxins and toxins that fall into the blood from adipose tissue if you are losing weight. I felt good, neither insomnias, nor acne on my face.

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