Disorders of food behavior: how is it formed, what are the consequences? Nervous anorexia, bulimia, gluttony, night overeating syndrome: causes, signs, treatment

Disorders of food behavior: how is it formed, what are the consequences? Nervous anorexia, bulimia, gluttony, night overeating syndrome: causes, signs, treatment

Types of eating disorders and treatment methods.

Violation of food behavior- this is A dangerous ailment, which often leads to death, as well as irreversible health consequences. In this article, we will tell you about the most famous disorders of food behavior, their symptoms and methods of treatment. 

Types of eating disorders

It is worth noting that such ailments have been acquired in large distribution in the last 50 years. It was after the 60s of the 20th century that it was in every possible way to promote thinness, as a symbol of health and longevity, as well as beauty. That is why women who are lush forms have become uncomfortable.

Very often they are associated with the appearance of eating disorders with the popularization of thinness, and the imposition of model ideals with parameters of 90-60-90. Symptoms of eating disorders are a large number that depends on the variety of the disease. 

Types of eating disorders:

  • Anorexia
  • Bulimia
  • Psychogenic overeating
  • Psychogenic vomiting

Disorder of food behavior - symptoms

As for anorexia, a person is excessively passionate about his appearance, and with normal weight he considers himself excessively thick, and tries to reduce his weight and lose weight. And therefore, almost any methods are input.

Disorder of food behavior - symptoms:

  • A person either doesn’t eat anything, chooses certain products, ignores the rest or is trying to compensate for the next meal with heavy physical activity.
  • Sickanorexia after They will take food, are involved in runs or heavy physical exertion in the gym, at home. It comes to the point that the weight is reduced to a critical point, and at the same time the woman has amenorrhea, that is, the termination of the maturation of the egg.
  • Monthly stops, there is no ovulation. In fact, a woman becomes temporarily barren due to a lack of fat and muscle mass. The most interesting thing is that in most cases, women suffer from anorexia and bulimia, although recently, these disorders of food behavior have been observed among men.
  • This is due to the fact that women are now presented with great demands that are associated with their appearance, as well as harmony. Now a man suffers from workaholism, as society imposes that he is obliged to provide his soul mate and children, while a woman should look good and be slender. 
After illness
After illness

Bulimia manifests itself somewhat differently than anorexia. It is a violation, during which a person, after he will eat tightly and eats a portion of food, tries to get rid of it with various means. Most often causes vomiting, takes diuretics or laxatives.

All this is done so that the food that the person accepted does not go into fat and does not deposit in the form of excess weight. Suffering with bulimia, unlike ordinary people, are not always very thin, but can periodically gain weight or lose weight. 

Why does a food behavior disorder appear, anorexia?

As the experience of many psychologists and psychotherapists shows, almost all eating disorders are associated with psychological and mental ailments, as well as violations. Very often they are symptoms or causescompulsive Violations.

Disorder of food behavior, anorexia:

  • People have an obsessive idea to follow their weight. They always seem insufficiently slender and strive for perfection. Psychiatrists noticed one feature that amonganorexic A lot of girls who suffer from perfectionism try to always look perfect. They diligently studied at school and tried to fulfill all the requirements that were presented to them to others.
  • Usually the patient is very executive and demanding on himself. Constant discipline, as well as control leads to the fact that a person stops eating a certain kind of food or practically does not accept it, which leads to a sharp decrease in weight and weight loss. Psychologists also found that anorexia, and other eating disorders, often associated with children's malfunctions in children.
  • Uanorexic Mother is very strict and prone to perfectionism, requires a lot from her daughter. She always wants the girl to look good, neatly, and studied perfectly at school. Father usually behaves indifferently. Most often, the child learns well for the simple reason that this is the only way to attract the attention of parents and get praise, as well as love and care.
  • Thus, a person has a connection between obtaining good marks or achievements, as well as affection and love. In his understanding only with the help of good assessments, as well as achievements in sports sections, you can get approval, the crumbs of the love of your parents.
  • In general, these are unloved children who suffer from psychological injuries, and anorexia becomes one of the ways to attract attention. Thus, a person tries to become a teenager in adulthood, which is why he eats nothing. 
Binge eating
Binge eating

Disorder of food behavior - how to treat?

Treatment of food disorder is quite complicated, and is not carried out at home. Regular communication and consultations of a psychologist, as well as a psychiatrist, is necessary. Initially, experts work together with a nutritionist, as well as a psychologist.

Eating disorder, how to treat:

  • The nutritionist, in turn, paints nutrition, and what needs to be eaten daily, each meal, and also clarifies the quantity. All this is done in order to completely instill new habits, adjust the food behavior, and remove the disorder.
  • The psychologist, in turn, copes with psychological disorders, and also treats improper perception of one or another food. Family therapy helps well, especially if the child suffers anorexia or bulimia.
  • This allows parents to better understand the process of what is happening, as well as adjust, clarify the child’s behavior, instilling proper food habits. That is, the main task- this is To instill the right food habits, as well as remove the negative for any certain food that a person had not accepted before. 

Disorder of food behavior: Treatment on your own

In most cases, the treatment of eating disorder at home independently, without the help of specialists, is impossible.

Disorder of food behavior, treatment yourself:

  • This is due to the fact that a person needs constant work, most often in the field of cognitive, behavioral correction, because in most cases the patient does not understand what he does incorrectly.
  • With anorexia, it is necessary to instill in a person what forms are ideal and correct, and that the desire for excessive thinness is not an ideal. It is necessary to open his eyes to a person so that he can look at himself soberly.
  • Indeed, in most cases, such people, at the sight of their reflection in the mirror, observe not a real picture, but with an increase in 10-20 kg. Simply put, they seem very fat for themselves, so they strive to lose weight even more, despite the fact that, there is nowhere else and the weight is critical. 
Binge eating
Binge eating

Do not get hung up on your own weight. In case of serious problems, we advise you to contact a nutritionist.

Video: eating disorder


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