How to feed carrots and beets after seedlings, in June, July, August? How to feed the beets and carrots with folk remedies for the growth of root crops and sweets?

How to feed carrots and beets after seedlings, in June, July, August? How to feed the beets and carrots with folk remedies for the growth of root crops and sweets?

Review of top dressing and fertilizers for beets and carrots.

Carrots and beets are cultures that are very similar to each other. Therefore, their nutrition needs are similar. In this article, we will tell you how to feed carrots and beets at different stages of the growing season. 

How to water carrots for seedlings?

During the planting of carrots and beets, you should not use fresh organic. It is advisable to refrain from introducing manure and humus to the landing areas. If you make these substances during seed sowing and planting seedlings, a crop with a large number of voids will appear. The root crops are uneven, and do not look aesthetically pleasing. Therefore, it is best to wait 1 year after fertilizing the area with organic. Carefully choose the soil for planting these crops and in no case in the Seyta in the places where organics were recently carried out. 

How to water carrots for seedlings:

  • To improve seed germination, boric acid and nitroammofoska are usually used. Mix 2 g of boric acid with a third teaspoon of fertilizer, pour in 1000 ml of water. The liquid should be slightly warm.
  • Planting material is poured into the canvas, tied it, and placed in a liquid. Next, an infusion is prepared, which consists of 20 g of ash and 1000 ml of water. After the first soaking, the planting material is placed in the second solution. After that, the bundle is opened and the seeds are dried. 

How to feed carrots and beets after seedlings?

It is worth noting that both root crops are quite unpretentious, and grow in almost any conditions. However, to get a good harvest with large fruits, you still have to spend money on mineral and organic fertilizers. In general, these vegetables need the same nutrient components and complexes as most garden crops.

How to feed carrots and beets after seedlings:

  • Accordingly, this is nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium. Therefore, the composition of nutrient mixtures will always be almost the same, but differ significantly, depending on the month and the tasks, as well as the state of the sprouts. Initially, during planting, a large number of complex, nutritious fertilizers are introduced into the soil to improve their condition. For photosynthesis of plants and the normal growth of leaves, vegetables need nitrogen.
  • However, at the very beginning, make fertilizers containing phosphorus. There is a need after the first leaves have grown, and there is a fairly developed green mass. Only in this case it is necessary to proceed to feeding the roots.
  • Potassium is a trace element that contributes to the passage of all chemical reactions in the leaves and stems. If it is not enough, then almost all garden crops suffer from fungal infections.
  • Calcium is one of the necessary trace elements that helps to accelerate the germination of seeds. Do not ignore substances containing Bor and manganese. Basically, these trace elements are designed to protect plants from putrefactive ailments.
Small fruits
Small fruits

How to feed carrots and beets in June?

The first watering containing nutrients is carried out immediately after the appearance of the first seedlings. As indicated in another article on our website, usually the first crusts of carrots appear after about 2-3 weeks.

How to feed carrots and beets in June:

  • Mixed components are usually used, which consist of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. The potassium nitrofosk and nitrofosk are suitable. Also, an additional plus will be the introduction of boron, magnesium and zinc.
  • If fertilizers were used during the preparation of seeds, then it is not necessary to add them additional after seedlings, since the planting material is already saturated with all the necessary substances. 
  • The next top dressing is carried out 3 weeks after the first. It in its composition should contain nitrogen. Mix in equal quantities azophosk and potassium sulfate. It is necessary to mix 20 g of each agent with each other and dissolve in a bucket of water.This volume is made per square meter of planting.To grow early varieties, this amount is quite enough, that is, no components are additionally introduced.  

The exception is the need to obtain sweet and juicy fruits. Some gardeners resort to cunning, and carry out folly, lazy processing with humus compounds. They canned leaves, so that all nutrients go into the root, and not in the tops.


How to feed carrots and beets in July?

In July, it is best to feed the substances that contain potassium and phosphorus. They will contribute to the formation of large and juicy fruits.

How to feed carrots and beets in July:

  • It is very difficult to find complexes that do not contain nitrogen in their composition. Therefore, they are done independently by mixing. It is usually recommended to use double superphosphate or potassium sulfate.
  • It is necessary to mix 30 g of each fertilizer and add to the bucket. The liquid is transferred to the root. In no case should the solution fall into the green mass so as not to spoil and burn it.
  • The main task during the third top dressing- this is Fill the deficiency of trace elements. Usually it occurs during active growth and increase in the size of root crops. 

How to feed carrots and beets in August?

If carrots and beets belong to mid -season or late varieties, then a third top dressing is needed. 

How to feed carrots and beets in August:

  • It does not contain nitrogen in its composition, since the uncontrolled use of this substance can cause worsening the safety of the crop and its taste.
  • Therefore, beets and carrots are watered for the last time chloride potassium. It helps to reduce the amount of nitrogen and improvesheading fruits, increasing the amount of sugar and fructose in them.
  • Gardeners also recommend top dressing after heavy rains and abundant watering. This will allow all nutrients to evenly distribute on the surface. 
  • Beetroot differs slightly from carrots in that it responds positively to the introduction of organics. Therefore, if you want to grow large fruits, it is necessary to use an integrated approach, mix organic and minerals.

How to feed the beets when landing?

Feed the seeds of beets with several solutions. The very first is a potassium permanganate. For 5 liters, only 1 g is enough, you can prepare a mixed solution, having previously mixed boric acid with potassium permanganate, wood ash and growth stimulant.

How to feed the beets when landing:

  • Among them it is worth highlightingEpin, Baikal m or zircon. They leave in such a substance for about 12-14 hours. After that, storage is carried out on wet fabric to stimulate germination. It is also recommended to cover the seeds with wet wool or fabric. After the seeds are broken, you can plant. 
  • The beetle is transferred to the beet seed. This is a kind of technique that allows you to evenly distribute seeds in the solution, and get friendly shoots. It is necessary to mix in equal quantities of mullein and a fabric of flour. Also, humus and dry mullein are added to this solution. It turns out a composition into which it is necessary to add 15 g of superphosphate. This sticky substance should be treated with seeds. It is added in small portions, constantly shaking. 
  • It is necessary to ensure that the capsule size reaches approximately 0.5-0.7 cm. Thus, get a nut inside which the seed will be contained. This will be the first top dressing, which is quite enough for the seeds to sprout, gain strength, and in the future they give a good harvest. Next, it is necessary to start planting the seed. 
Root crop
Root crop

How to feed the beets and carrots with folk remedies for the growth of root crops?

It is recommended to usesideratesto improve the condition of the soil. Oats are usually used for these purposes. It is sown immediately after the snow comes down. 

How to feed the beets and carrots with folk remedies for the growth of root crops:

  • After that, the ears are mowed, covered in the soil 14 days before the beetle’s seed. To get a good harvest, they put fertilizer between rows. If the appropriate processing of the plots was not carried out before landing, it is recommended to use superphosphate.
  • It is used in dry form, sprinkling the soil and simply mixing with the soil. After that, abundant watering is carried out so that the crystals dissolve. In the process of growth, just like for carrots, nitrogen is needed. The plant needs this component at the very beginning, when the first two sheets appear. It can be both home remedies and a special complex.
  • However, between the rows, it is necessary to introduce mullein and bird droppings, the strength of the solution is 10-15%. Please note that the liquid should not fall on the plant, it contributes to the appearance of burns.Accordingly, these substances must be introduced exclusively between rows.

How to feed the beets and carrots for sweetness?

There are several options that will help make root crops sweet and juicy. However, this is not at all some certain top dressing with miraculous means. Among them are many folktechniques, as well as certain rules.Try to carefully think through the neighboring beds during planting.

Weed fighting improves fruit growth, making them juicy and sweet. There are several folk methods that allow you to achieve a good crop. 

How to feed the beets and carrots for sweetness:

  • Yeast. This is a magnificent component that is organic and absolutely safe. With it, you can improve the condition of the fruit, and provide yourself with a generous harvest. To achieve this, you need to dissolve a yeast bag weighing 10-15 g in a jar of warm water, adding 20 g of sugar there. Leave for 15 minutes so that the foam grows on the surface. Pour 10 liters into a bucket with a volume of 10 liters, and pour the rows with the resulting mixture. 
  • Nettle infusion. It is believed that weeds bring only harm, but this does not apply to nettles. It is recommended to use a similar tool in early July. During this period, plants contain a large number of vitamins and trace elements that are saturated with root crops. It is necessary to put fresh grass in a barrel or a large bucket, and pour water. Cover with a lid and leave for about 14 days. During fermentation, a very unpleasant smell stands out, so it is best to do manipulations somewhere in the backyard or away from the living quarters. After that, it is necessary to select from the resulting solution of 1 liter, and pour into a bucket of water. For each bush, you need to add about 2 liters of funds. A rather universal addition is ash. It is not suitable for all plants, but carrots and beets tolerate it well. It is necessary to scatter the product on the soil, to close into the ground. After that, pour water abundantly so that the product is evenly absorbed and distributed in the deep layers. 

How to feed the beets and carrots with folk remedies?

Folk methods are absolutely safe and reliable, you can use them.

How to feed the beets and carrots with folk remedies:

  • Boric acid. This component allows you to saturate carrots and beets with fructose and sugar, making them more sweet, juicy and tasty.  Dissolve a bag of 10 g, dissolve in a bucket of water. Please note that the product is not introduced under the root, but on the leaves. Transfer the mixture to the spray gun, and spray the green mass. However, some gardeners simplify manipulation, and simply water the top of the tops with a watering can.
  • Instead of boric acid, you can use the table salt. Dissolve 15 g of the product in a bucket of warm water and stir until dissolved. Per square meter of plantings, you need 5 liters of solution.

Do you like to grow plants at home? Then we advise you to read the following articles from which you will learn how to grow:

Very often, carrots and beets are overcome by a fly, which can be fought with the help of tobacco crumbs, a row is sprinkled with it. It is this supplement that helps to obtain sweet and delicious fruits. 

Video: How to feed carrots and beets?


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