Growing asters from seeds with seedlings and in open ground at home: terms and technology of landing, care, recommendations

Growing asters from seeds with seedlings and in open ground at home: terms and technology of landing, care, recommendations

In this article, we will tell you how to grow asters in open ground with a seed and seedlings, and also tell you how to care for them.

Asters belong to the family of complex -colored and are herbaceous plants that decorate almost any flowerbed. They attract gardeners not only with their incredible flowering and a wide variety (about 200 species), but also relatively high frosty resistance.

Therefore, they are used to decorate gardens even in late autumn, and they are also suitable for almost any latitudes. This material will be discussed about how to plant and in what timelines to plant asters on seedlings or in open ground. We also give some recommendations regarding the general care of colors.

When to sow asters for seedlings?

If you want to decorate your flowerbed with bright and lush colors, follow some recommendations during the sowing. More precisely, choose the correct ratio between the climatic zone and the plant variety. Discharging by the seedling method is the most reliable option, but it will require much more time from you, as well as your work.

  • On average, the time for sowing for seedlings is March or April. Keep in mind that the early varieties will bloom 80-90 days after planting. Therefore, they need to be planted in March to please themselves with blossoming flowers in June.
  • Middle-early grades have a growing season for about 95-110 days. Therefore, sowing time for seedlings fall in April.
  • But late varieties will bloom after 3-3.5 months (that is, not earlier than 120 days). And this means that they need to be planted in May. These asters are not afraid of frosts, so your flower beds will show off in the early fall and even reach November, until the appearance of the first frosts.

Note: if you want your flowerbed to not cease to delight with an abundant flowering of asters, sow the seeds with some interval. So that they bloom with a frequency of 2-3 weeks. And then you will significantly extend the flowering period of your estate.

  • There are practically no differences between annual and perennial asters. But there is a certain nuance that should be taken into account. Annual bushes begin to bloom after 3-4 months a year of sowing. Perennial varieties are revealed only for the next season.
Violet asters
Violet asters

Consider your region

  • In the central regions and in the Moscow Region, including, it is necessary to sow seeds for seedlings in the beginning or in mid -March, in order to transplant them in open ground in May.
  • But in the Urals, postpone this idea at the end of the month or even until mid -April.
  • In Siberia and the northern regions, the Astra is sowing in the middle or at the end of April. Planting in open ground will take place in late May or early June. Depending on when frosts fall.
  • The southern regions and Chernozemye allows you to choose any deadlines from March and even in June, but no later than 10-15. The flowering period will depend on this. But we repeat that you can simply stretch the total time of the asters. Southern latitudes have a long summer, so waiting for their flowering will come out even if it is planted in early summer.

Important: if you plan to collect your seeds of such a wonderful plant, then sow them a little earlier than the above terms. Literally for 1-2 weeks.

What the lunar calendar is talking about

Pay attention to such favorable days:

  • for example, in March, astrologers identify 1, 3, 4, 20, 21, 28, 29 and 30;
    • exclude from landing days 2, 16-18 and 31 on March;
  • in April, “good days” fall on 1, 6-8, 18-21, 24-26 and 29th;
    • adverse days are April 15-17 and 30;
  • in May, you can sow asters for seedlings from 1 to 6 days, 9-11, 18, 19, 27 and 28;
    • it is forbidden to sow seeds on May 14-16 and 29.
Garden asters
Garden asters

How to prepare seeds, soil, pot to plant asters for seedlings?

Before the preparation of the materials themselves, consider the exact plan for planting such a plant. Choose varieties so that they fit well into the overall picture and combine well with other types of colors. After all, asters are distinguished not only by the splendor of their basket, but also by the height of the stem itself.

Preparation of Astra seeds

  • Regarding the seeds, you can immediately give one unchanging instruction - take only fresh and young seeds. The older the planting material, the lower its germination. The perfect option would be to collect your own seeds. This must be done 30-40 days after the start of flowering.
  • Seeds must first be protected from diseases and pests, as well as strengthen their immunity. That's why soak the seeds For 1-3 hours in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. You should not take too strong liquid, otherwise you will burn the seeds. The color of the solution should be pale pink.

Important: purchased seeds, especially those that are sold in the form of capsules or dragees, are already processed by the manufacturer. Therefore, they do not need any soaking!

  • Also note that asters have relatively light and small seeds. Yes, their size also depends on a certain type of color. But, on average, in 1 g of seeds there are about 500 pieces. Therefore, for your own convenience, wrap the seeds in a natural fabric or several layers of a gauze cut.
  • Be sure to make sure that the sticky seeds do not come across. Otherwise, the disinfecting effect of potassium permanganate will be useless.
  • Among store drugs, fungicides can be distinguished as “The treasure”, “Maxim”, “Baktofit” or “Fitolavin”.
Awrching of asters in potassium permanganate
Awrching of asters in potassium permanganate
  • After soaking, the seeds are washed from excess permanganate solution and dried. But in order to increase their germination even more, germinate. Then you do not need to dry them. Just rinse and wrap it in wet fabric again. To prevent the seeds from drying out, place everything in a plastic bag. Then send to a warm place.
  • Astra seeds take root relatively well and quickly stand. But for the best result, you can still lower them into any solution to stimulate growth.
  • By the way, the seeds can be sown directly on the wet fabric, gauze or even paper, placing the segment on the saucer. Also, do not forget to pour the material plentifully with water. Cover with cling film and wait for the seeds to break.
Grying seeds on paper
Grying seeds on paper

Preparation of the container and soil for sowing asters

  • Any pot or container is suitable as a container for planting. Wood, plastic, ceramics or plastic - the material does not matter. The only criterion is the depth of the pot. The minimum limit should be at least 6 cm, but you should not take more than 11 cm.
  • Necessarily disinfect the container! If you bought new cups, then you can skip this step. But before sowing any culture, pots are washed and disinfected. For these purposes, they are suitable:
    • a weak solution of potassium permanganate;
    • vinegar essence diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1;
    • you can take a mixture or each components separately - salt and soda for 1 tbsp per 1 liter of water;
    • chlorhexidine is a strong and effective drug that should be used only in extreme cases;
    • among store equipment, Ecobio or Biotex is allocated.

Important: before planting seeds, the pot must be dried!

Unusual blue astra
Unusual blue astra
  • Astra is not particularly picky to the soil, but do not forget that it is in it that the key to future success is concentrated. If you want the flowers to be large and lush, give preference to rich, but light soil. Better yet, prepare the substrate yourself, mixing:
    • 2 parts of sod land;
    • 0.5-1 part of the sand (depending on the soil, with light soil, the sand is taken less);
    • and 1 part peat.
  • In addition, be sure to apply fertilizers. Ideally, a dunghill or just a rotted manure is suitable. You can use the sifted ash with a calculation of 1 cup per 5 kg of substrate. It does not hurt to add 1-2 tbsps of dolomite or fish flour.
  • If you decide to take a store universal mixture going with all fertilizers, add 0.5 kg of sand to it (5 kg of land). Asters love light and loose soils more, which easily pass air and moisture.
  • The soil is also disinfected! To do this, again, a solution of potassium permanganate or “photosphere” is used, and ordinary boiling water will also help. Yes, you just need to pour the earth with hot water and dry before planting.

Note: garlic helps from many viral and fungal ailments, it also scares away many pests, remaining harmless to other plants. Grind with a garlic -codium 100 -150 g of garlic and dilute in 2 liters of water. It is necessary to insist 1 hour and water the earth well well. It can also be used for disinfection and laundry soap. It is rubbed, and in the amount of 2-3 tbsp is diluted in a liter of water. Water the earth with warm liquid.

Garlic tincture - natural plant feeding
Garlic tincture - natural plant feeding
  • Another option for disinfection of the Earth is to calcify it in a hot oven for 30 minutes or 1 hour. At the same time, the temperature should be chosen at the minimum limit-70-90 ° C.
  • By the way, it is better to take the sand, but it must first be processed according to the same scheme as the Earth.

How to sow asters for seedlings?

You will prepare all the components, and the seeds will germinate, you can proceed to the most important process - direct landing.

  • But the bottom is desirable to lay out 1-2 centimeter layer drainage. For this purpose, use broken brick or expanded clay, or just small pebbles. It will protect against moisture stagnation.
  • Do not plant seeds deep in the ground if you want to see beautiful buds in the near future. The depth of the furrows or pits should be 1-2 cm, and the distance between them-4-5 cm.
  • Gently take out the seeds and evenly distribute on the surface of the earth. Try not to be in one place several copies at once. Asters take root quite well. Previously, the soil must be moistened with a spray gun.
  • To make it more convenient for you to work with seeds, put them on paper and make a hollow on it. Then tilt the paper to the ground a little. Spend light tapping with your finger. This will pour a small amount of grains, and you can fully control this process.
  • Asters are covered with earth from above, and even better if you use the prepared river sand. The upper layer should not be more than 1 cm, and ideally at all reach only 5-8 mm. By the way, sand retains moisture well that will protect young processes from drying out, but also does not absorb it. And this is an additional protection against the Black Leg.
  • On top, all the contents are covered with any transparent lid - glass, plastic or polyethylene. Before the first sprouts appear, send the container to a warm and slightly darkened place. The temperature should not be higher than 21 ° C.
  • During this period, the soil cannot be made, but it is also contraindicated. Therefore, regularly spray from the spray gun. Do not constantly keep sowing under the lid. Sometimes “walk” seedlings. That is, give her 10-15 minutes, gradually increasing the interval, breathe fresh air without a film.
  • Subject to all conditions after 7-10 days, the first green sprouts will please you.
The first sprouts of asters
The first sprouts of asters

How to care for seedlings of asters?

Astra cannot be called a moody flower, but it is necessary to follow elementary rules. I would like to give one instruction - always hold on to the golden mean.

  • First thing, Move your seedlings to a bright place. But not to direct sunlight. Or think about a certain protection against them. The film or other cover is removed. If the days are still cloudy and the plants do not have enough light, take care of artificial lighting.
  • The temperature is gradually reduced to 16-18 ° C. It is impossible to drop it sharply, otherwise you will apply severe stress to a young plant. From too warm air and with a lack of light, asters will be excessively stretched up.
  • Watering requires increased attention. During this period, the regularity of spraying is reduced. But plants need to be watered regularly. A small recommendation - follow the state of the sand. If he has dried out, then it is time to water asters. The lack of moisture will cause withering of seedlings, but its excess will lead to a “black leg” or decay.
  • After about 10 days, the first real leaves will appear. Pay attention - these are not the first leaves that appeared above the surface of the earth. They are called cotyledon leaves. To make it easier to understand what we are talking about, we will provide your attention with an example.
The upper three leaves - real leaves
The upper three leaves - real leaves
  • When real leaves will be in the amount of 2-3 things, asters dive. That is, they transplant each process into a separate bowl. In order not to damage the still not quite stronger root system, use special small shoulder blades. If they were not found at hand, then arm yourself with an ordinary teaspoon or dessert spoon.
  • Use the same soil as when sowing asters for seedlings. Unless add a little more ash. Already choose the dishes with individual compartments or take plastic cups. You make a deepening so that the root fits freely.
  • If it is too long, then a little pinch It is 1/3 of the total length. The seedling deepens by 10 mm. The land around Astra is only a little with your finger.
  • After landing, it is necessary to moisturize the Earth. But her stream should not be directed at the plant, but directly at the walls of the pot.
  • Do not put up dive asters in the sun! It is not just dangerous, but even destructive for them. But you should not clean the dark room. Follow the temperature-in the afternoon it should be included in the interval 16-18 ° C, and at night it can fall to 12-15 ° C.
The process of diving asters
The process of diving asters
  • After 7-10 days, the first feeding seedlings. Remember, it should be rich in nitrogen. It is he who is responsible for the growth of the ground green part of the plant. But keep in mind that Astram is still needed potassium for good and persistent immunity, also phosphorus for timely flowering.

The following complex is suitable:

  • ammonium nitrate - 20 g;
  • potassium salt - 15 g;
  • superphosphate - 15 g.
  • Everything is divorced in a large bucket of water. 14 days before planting in open ground, carry out another similar top dressing. Sometimes they also conduct a third, but there is no urgent need in it.

When and how to plant asters in open ground?

It all depends on weather conditions and your climatic zone. Asters are quite refly resistant, so the temperature is +3-4 ° C is not very scary for them. But the Earth should have time to warm up to 15 ° C. On average, the landing of Astra falls on April-May.

  • Also do not forget to focus on seedlings itself. She should already have at least 8 real leaves, and the height of the entire seedling should reach 10 cm.

Important: two weeks before landing on the flowerbed, asters begin to be tempered. To do this, take seedlings into the street when the sun warms. The first "walk" should not exceed 15 minutes. But every day increase the time by 10-20 minutes. By the time of landing, asters should already get used to even at night temperatures.

Astra transplant to open ground
Astra transplant to open ground
  • The soil is mandatory feel. Nitroammofoska is suitable per square meter. Choose a well -lit place, but without drafts. By the way, it will not prevent the soil from disinfecting, pouring it with boiling water. You can also use potassium permanganate, laundry soap or copper sulfate.
  • Keep in mind that other plants on the flowerbed can have similar diseases. For example, dahlia has the same ailments with asters, so it can infect them. Be attentive to the neighbors.
  • Be sure to clean the soil from weeds and loosen to a depth of 6 cm. Fill the landing site well and leave for 12 hours or for a day. Seedlings in pots are also well filled with water so that the root can easily be freed from it. You dig a hole in such a way as to easily place the root of the plant.
  • Planting is best done in the evening or in the morning until the scorching sun appears. The distance between the bushes should be 15-35 cm depending on the variety.
  • Immediately after planting, carry out the first top dressing in open ground. The infusion of mullein in a ratio of 1:10 is perfect. It is this component that will give the plant all the elements necessary for normal development.

IMPORTANT: The mullein must be used immediately after watering! Otherwise, if the earth is dry, you risk burning the root of the plant.

Tubular pink asters
Tubular pink asters

How to care for asters in open ground?

Water the plant regularly. Focus strictly on climatic and weather conditions. Do not allow the drying of the earth, otherwise the buds will be wrapped. But excess moisture can become fatal. Therefore, water abundantly, but not very often.

  • Do not forget to regularly loosen the earth, especially after watering or rain. Also regularly remove weeds.
  • Before the start of branching, the bushes, especially with high stems, are spud. This will accelerate the growth of the root, and also make the plant more stable and hardy.
  • The second top dressing is done 14 days after planting seedlings. To do this, take 60 g of superphosphate, 25 g of ammonium nitrate and 15 g of potassium salt. All components are diluted in a bucket of water. If you have enough rich soil, then the second top dressing can be skipped.

Important: only the earth needs to be watered. See that the liquid does not fall on the bushes, otherwise there is an opportunity to get a burn.

Bouquet of multi -colored asters
Bouquet of multi -colored asters
  • When buds appear, the third top dressing is carried out. At this stage exclude nitrogen fertilizers! This element is responsible for landscaping. That is, nitrogen activates the growth of leaves, but the development of buds slows down. Therefore, take phosphate and potassium fertilizers in equal proportions.
  • The fourth top dressing is carried out after collecting colors. It is performed according to the scheme of the third fertilizer or replaced with ash. This is a natural potassium fertilizer, which will make the plant resistant to cold. It is potassium is responsible for plant immunity!

Pour into ¼ part of the bucket of sifted ash and pour water to the very top. When the solution is infused for 3 days, the bushes are filtered and watered with it. But this applies only to many years of flowers.

  • By the way, if the flowers have faded, they are removed. So that the plant gives its strength to the formation of new buds. For seeds, it is enough to leave a few healthy stems.
Club from Astra
Club from Astra

Growing asters from seeds in open ground: when to plant?

This method is good because it does not need to be bored at all. Moreover, Astra seeds tolerate frosts perfectly. But take into account that not all beauties can take root. Sow seeds in open ground in two cases: autumn and spring.

  • In late autumn, asters are sowed when frosts have already begun, and there is no chance that at least one sprout will appear. This usually falls in mid -October or November. Consider your geographical feature. For example, in the southern latitudes to sow asters from mid -November. But in the northern regions it is better to do this for a month or even one and a half earlier.
  • In the spring, asters are sown directly on the snow or immediately after its convergence. Just do not forget to cook the Earth since the fall. There may be two options regarding the deadlines:
    • from March to mid -April, when it is still relatively cold. Then the seeds must be covered with a film;
    • in May, the seeds are sown without additional covering, since the street is already warm enough.
  • There is another option that gardeners rarely turn to - this is winter. Yes, asters can be sown directly on the snow in January or December.
Royal asters
Royal asters

Growing asters from seeds at home: Recommendations

Seed planting is slightly different from the seedling method. But there are such aspects that remain unchanged - this is soil processing. It is advisable to disinfect the soil in any case.

  • Seeds do not germinate for sowing! Otherwise, they can freeze. If you want to stimulate growth with drugs or disinfection of seeds (this will never be superfluous), be sure to dry them well.
  • In the spring, the seeds are sown to a depth of 3-4 cm, and in autumn this value is halved. The distance between them should be at least 1.5 cm. Be sure to cover with the film until the first sprouts appear.
  • Keep in mind that in the future the sprouts are thinned out. For stunted varieties, it is enough to leave 10 cm between the bushes, and for tall - at least 25 cm. This process needs to be engaged when the first real leaves appear. Leave only the strongest representatives.
  • But you do not need to throw off extra seedlings. Asters tolerate the transplant perfectly. Therefore, you can expand the area of \u200b\u200bthe flower bed.
  • It is advisable not only to sow the seeds dry, but also to choose the same weather. The land is not watered. In the spring, when the temperature rose a little, you can slightly water the sowed crop.
  • Necessarily mulch peat or other materials, for example, bark, sawdust or hay. This will protect the seeds from freezing. And after the winter period, it will not be washed off with melt snow and will not allow the earth to take an ice crust. A mulch layer should be at least 2.5-3 cm.
Astra Edelweiss
Astra "Edelweiss"
  • It is noted that when sowing the seed method, natural selection occurs. Therefore, the "surviving" sprouts after frost become more resilient against various ailments and pests in comparison with their seedlings.
  • But keep in mind that for the formation of beautiful and large buds, seed asters are also necessary for useful elements. Therefore, do feeding after the arrival of heat, before the plot and after collecting colors.

Video: How to grow asters with a seedling way?

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