How to grow acute pepper on a windowsill at home, how to sow it, feed, water it? Chili pepper on the windowsill: growing from seeds under the fall, the reasons for yellowing of the leaves

How to grow acute pepper on a windowsill at home, how to sow it, feed, water it? Chili pepper on the windowsill: growing from seeds under the fall, the reasons for yellowing of the leaves

Features of growing bitter pepper on the windowsill at home.

Decorative sharp pepper was brought to us from Holland. Since then, the plant has taken root in our area and pleases the flower lovers. It is worth noting that this plant also has decorative functions, it looks very pretty. In this article, we will tell you how to grow a plant at home on the windowsill.

Growing chili pepper on the windowsill: Sowing

Please note that this pepper can be used, as well as in medicine, in the preparation of a variety of tinctures, lotions that are used for rheumatism and gout. Initially, it is necessary to engage in sowing seeds. This is better to do in February.


  • To do this, you need to take a two -liter clean bottle, which was previously doused with boiling water. One must lay drainage on one. Ceramzite or crushed stone is suitable.
  • After that, pour the soil, which should consist of humus, earth, as well as sand. The approximate ratio of these components is 5: 3: 2. Be sure to plant seeds before planting, the soil must be poured with boiling water or pump in the oven.
  • Further, holes are cultivated, with a depth of 1-1.5 cm. In them it is necessary to put soaked and swollen pepper grains. Two or three things in one hole are enough.
  • Then the pot is closed with glass or a piece of cellophane and put in a warm place. After 5-7 days, the first sprouts usually appear.
  • After that, the pot should be put on the windowsill in a well -lit place. As soon as real leaves appear, you can transplant peppers into different pots or simply remove excess sprouts.
  • Diving is carried out so that the plant grows well and develops. As soon as the sprout becomes 20 cm high, it is necessary to pinch off part of the bush. This is done so that the plant is branched.
Chili pepper on the windowsill
Chili pepper on the windowsill

Chile pepper on the windowsill: growing from seeds under the fall

Pepper can also be sown under the fall. This method is used by our flower growers if they want to get a crop by about May. In October, seeds are sown.


  • At the same time, not the best conditions are created for pepper. This is done so that flowers do not ripen by the New Year. After all, flowering depletes the plant, so you will not have to wait for fruits.
  • Further, culture is allowed to grow until the shooting of the shoots is observed. As soon as daylight hours begin to increase, the plants are transferred to a bright place.
  • The eastern or southern side is suitable. Very soon, the plant will give the first flowers on which the fruits ripen. After you remove the crop, the plant will throw shoots several times and bloom a second time.
  • Such a landing for the fall makes it possible to get two waves of the crop, from one plant about 30 pits. As soon as the plants are spaced, they should not be thrown away. In early January, the old shoots are cut exactly to half, then the plants are transferred to the light.

IMPORTANT: Please note that peppers do not really like diving, because they are very sensitive and painfully react to the manipulation of transplantation. But they can be transplanted by transshipment. As soon as the seedlings appear, pinch off the extra weak sprouts. If you saw that the roots begin to germinate out, it is necessary to transplant the plant. And if you grow seedlings of peppers, then the use of peat pots will be an ideal option.

Gorky pepper
Gorky pepper

Sharp pepper on the windowsill: tips


  • Mandatory landing options is the use of drainage. Ceramzit, as well as broken brick, is suitable for this.
  • To obtain an excellent crop, a method of growing in two trunks is used. It is formed by pinching, during pinching on the stem, a strong escape is left, and the weaker are removed above the first leaf.
  • Plants are self -pollinated. In order to get a good harvest, sometimes you need to shake the escape itself a little. So that pollen falls on other flowers.
  • It is worth noting that the lifetime of such pepper is 5 years. In the same way, you can grow Bulgarian pepper on the windowsill.
  • As you can see, there is nothing complicated in growing pepper on the windowsill. This is a fairly simple manipulation, and the plant itself is not very demanding, gives a fairly good harvest.
  • In order to improve the germination of seeds, as well as protect the plant from a variety of diseases, before planting, the seeds are soaked for half an hour in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  • After that, the seeds are transferred to the settled water for several days. The liquid is changed every day. When the seeds swell, they sow them in the soil.
Gorky pepper on the windowsill
Gorky pepper on the windowsill

The leaves of the pepper on the windowsill turn yellow: causes, methods of elimination

If pepper is good to care for, it does not cause many problems. Sometimes the leaves of pepper turn yellow. This can happen for several reasons. One of the most common is the planting of the plant. Indeed, when diving, transferring sprouts to new soil, the leaves turn yellow. But after about a week, with proper care, they are restored again. If the leaves on your plant are turned yellow and this is in no way connected with diving, you need to understand the reasons.

Causes of yellowing:

  • Not quite correct watering
  • Lack of nutrients in the ground
  • Very dense surface layer
  • Bad light
  • Pathogenic microflora

To find what exactly provoked yellowing of the leaves, it is necessary to act in stages. If you saw that the leaves begin to turn yellow, and then fall off, most likely the plant lacks nutrients. You need to additionally feed the pepper. It is usually fed at least 2 times, after dive and transplanted to a permanent place. It is necessary to take the plant into a more illuminated area. An ideal option will be the southern side. Constantly water and loosen the soil in the pot.

The leaves turn yellow
The leaves turn yellow

Sharp pepper on the windowsill: top dressing, fertilizers

It is worth noting that pepper very quickly depletes the soil, so regular top dressing is needed. For this, combined fertilizers are suitable, which combine mineral, as well as organic substances.

Fertilizers for pepper:

  • Agrolaif
  • Kemira Lux
  • Superphosphate
  • Potassium sulfate

During flowering, you can do the treatment of ovary. It stimulates the formation of new flowers, thereby the best pepper yield. Chile pepper is carried out about once every 3 weeks. As for watering, pepper loves heat and humidity. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly spray the plant and water it 2 times a week. Do not overdo it with liquid. Because excess water is very dangerous for pepper. It stimulates the occurrence of rot, which is why the root system of the plant rotates.

Sharp pepper on the windowsill
Sharp pepper on the windowsill

There is nothing complicated in growing chili pepper on the windowsill. Follow the instructions, and also carefully take care of the plant.

Video: growing chili pepper on the windowsill

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