What is the difference between a frying pan-grill and a conventional pan: how to cook, wash and clean, tips properly

What is the difference between a frying pan-grill and a conventional pan: how to cook, wash and clean, tips properly

What is the difference between a frying pan-grill and a simple pan? It turns out beautiful and delicious steaks and not only.

There are many ways to cook dishes in a modern kitchen. But such food is not very good for health. To make the dishes with nutrients and improve their taste invented a grill pan, indispensable in some cases in the kitchen.

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From this article you will learn how the usual pan from the grill pan is different. You will also learn how to choose such a kitchen inventory and how to wash and clean it correctly. Read further.

Why do you need a grill pan?

Grill pan
Grill pan

The grill pan in the kitchen is able to some extent replace the usual grill, allowing you to arrange a barbecue without leaving home.

  • Thanks to the form of the pan, you can cook on it using a small amount of oil, which makes food more useful.
  • The meat cooked on such a kitchen inventory remains juicy and acquires a special aroma.
  • In addition, after frying on the products, stripes remain similar to those that are obtained when frying on the grille of the barbecue.

Therefore, cooking with this dishes is good for health and gives food an unusual aesthetic look.

What is the difference between a frying pan-grill and a regular, simple pans?

Even outwardly, the grill pan differs from a standard simple or ordinary pan. Differences in the form of its surface are very noticeable, while the material is typical for such products.

The grill pan has several features:

  • Ribbed surface - Thanks to this structure, the products do not lie on the entire hot surface, but only on the ribs. As a result, the resulting fat from meat or fish flows into the grooves between the ribs and, evaporating, impregnates the product. Therefore, the food is juicy with a crisp.
  • A thicker bottom compared to a conventional pan - Provides slow cooling.

The grill pan is specially designed to simulate the barbecue, so its bottom and differs from standard pans. And cooking with it is like frying on the grill.

What dishes can be cooked in a grill pan?

Pork steak in a pan-grille
Pork steak in a pan-grille

The grill pan is designed for the preparation of fried (barbecue) or baked dishes. It will be impossible to put out something on it or fry the scrambled eggs. But you can fry meat, poultry, as well as mushroomsand vegetables. Here are a few articles on our website that will help prepare the grill dishes tasty and exquisite:

Due to the flow of excess fat, the dish is not very fat, but juicy.

How to cook in a grill pan: tips

Unusual dishes requires a special relationship in cooking. In order for it to be tasty, and the grill pan served for a long time you need to cook correctly and follow a few simple tips:

  • Do not cook pickled products in a grill pan so as not to spoil the coating of this inventory.
  • To increase the service life, it is better to prepare a barbecue and steaks over medium heat and lower power.
  • Before laying the meat in the grill pan, it is necessary to heat it until the pair appears.
  • For turning products, it is best to use a wooden or tongs blade or tongs so as not to harm the coating of the dishes.
  • A bird with fish can be baked whole or pieces.

The preparation of products in a grill pan does not require special preparation, and a variety of recipes will help to quickly get used to new dishes. Therefore, such cooking is within the power of everyone.

From what material to choose a frying pan-grill?

The material from which the grill pan will be made greatly affects its characteristics, including the durability and speed of cooking. The method of caring for this inventory also depends on it. Among the materials is common cast iron and aluminum.

  • Cast iron pans They serve for a long time, but require special care, as they can be rusted, if after cleaning, moisture remained on them. Also, such pans are heated for a long time, but at the same time they do not cool for a long time and are well suited for gas plates.
  • Models of aluminum pans Suitable for induction plates. But it is worth choosing with a thick bottom, as the material heats up and cools quickly. You also need to pay attention to the height of the ribs at the bottom, the higher the better, the better, and if the ribs are very low, then so that the dish does not get burnt, you will not have to use a large amount of oil and the grill effect will not work.

Also, some grill models are equipped with anti -stick coating, which significantly facilitates the process of frying and cleaning dishes. As a result, the choice of pans will depend on its cost and comfort. And some disadvantages of the material with proper care will not be an obstacle when using it.

How to wash and clean the grill pan?

Pure pan-grill
Pure pan-grill

Cleaning and caring for this unusual pan directly depends on its material. Particular attention deserves the care of cast-iron skill-grill and with anti-stick coating. How to wash and clean it correctly? This is done in several stages:

  • Before cleaning, it is necessary to remove oil and fat. The remnants of fat can be removed using dry napkins.
  • After removing the remains of food in a cast -iron pan, pour water with dissolved salt. With this solution, leave the dishes for about 20 minutes.
  • Clean the inner surface of the dishes with a soft brush or sponge and rinse with a large amount of water.
  • If, after cleaning, the fat film did not leave to the end, then this will not harm the pan, since a thin film of fat will serve as protection for its surface.

In addition to the option of cleaning cast -iron dishes with salt, you can use another recipe:

  • Pour the pan with warm water and add a small amount of salt and vinegar, then bring the mixture to a boil.
  • On low heat, boil the mixture for 3-5 minutes and drain the liquid, then rinse the dishes with water.

It is worth knowing: Compared to cast -iron material, anti -stick coating is easier and does not require special facilities for cleaning.

In order to clean the anti -stick coating of the pan, you need to perform the following:

  • Pour hot water into the inventory and add about 100 ml of table vinegar.
  • Next, leave the solution for 15-20 minutes and rinse the grill with a detergent for dishes.

It should be borne in mind that the anti -stick coating is forbidden to clean with a rough sponge and metal brushes, this method of cleaning will easily harm the surface of the pan. It is best to clean it with a soft microfiber or nylon cloth.

In addition to the listed methods of cleaning, the grill method is suitable for all pans using laundry soap:

  • For cleaning dishes with it, grate a small piece of soap on a grater and dissolve in warm water.
  • Pour the mixture into the dishes and bring to a boil.
  • Then leave the solution until cool, and then rinse with clean water.
  • This method can clean the surface of the pan from fat, plaque, rust and soot.

In order to extend the service life of the pan-grille, you need to follow simple rules:

  • Do not wash the grill in the dishwasher - special products for dishwashers can ruin the coating of the pan.
  • Do not use metal scrapers for cleaning dishes. To remove the carbon fiber, soil the pan in the water, this method will take much more time, but will save it in integrity.
  • Cleaning the grill pan is of great importance for its preservation and increasing the life. With proper care, the product will last a long time.

The grill pan allows you to arrange a barbecue right in the kitchen and at the same time helps not to worry that the food will be fat and high-calorie. Despite the fact that it requires special care, it will not cause much trouble, and the result from using such a pan can please.

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