How to correctly fry the juicy steak of beef and marble beef in an ordinary pan, grill pan, oven, slow cooker, on the grill: the best recipes. Do I need to pickle, beat off a beef steak, how to make it soft? When do you need to salt a beef steak?

How to correctly fry the juicy steak of beef and marble beef in an ordinary pan, grill pan, oven, slow cooker, on the grill: the best recipes. Do I need to pickle, beat off a beef steak, how to make it soft? When do you need to salt a beef steak?

Recipes for making beef steaks.

A steak is a fried piece of meat. The most interesting thing is that many of us have learned to cook this dish of chicken, pork. In fact, only a dish made of beef meat can be called so. In this article we will tell you how to choose meat for this dishes, and how to cook it.

From which part of the mascara are the beef make a steak?

The steak is an expensive product, because only 5-7% of all meat is suitable for cooking. The most universal meat for the preparation of steaks is the marble part, which is located under the spatula. This is a scapular area where a decent amount of adipose tissue is concentrated, but it is interesting. These are not individual pieces of fat, but are located thin films. Because of this, the meat was called marble. Accordingly, when frying from these films, fat is released and the steak is very soft. But there are other varieties of steak for which other types of beef carcasses are used.


  • Striploin is prepared from the upper part of the fillet
  • Ribsteik-the submarine of the carcass
  • Club-prepared from the thickest edge of the spinal muscle of a cow

All these parts have a certain name, as well as methods of preparation. Because the stiffness and amount of fat in such pieces of meat is completely different.

marbled meat
marbled meat

Do I need to pickle, beat off a beef steak, how to make it soft: tips

In order to get a delicious steak, you need to cook it correctly. There are several recommendations that will allow you to achieve very tasty, juicy meat.


  • Before cooking a steak, defrost the meat, it should become room temperature.
  • Always cut the carcass across the fibers. Thus, fire and heat will better penetrate the pores of the piece. It is desirable to salt the steaks before the presentation itself. If you do this before frying, the juice will flow out. If you are preparing a steak in panning or in batter, then spices and salt can be laid before frying.
  • Try to choose light meat for steaks that you just purchased on the market. It is also called paired, that is, just cut.
  • Ideal for preparing such a dish will be marble beef or part, which is cut near the rib. It has a lot of fat layers, fat is released when frying, which makes the meat soft.
  • You can also marinate the meat. It is better not to use a variety of interesting marinades. The ideal option will be water, lemon juice, pepper, as well as rosemary.
  • It is advisable not to use vinegar for marining, because it can make the meat even more rigid. Choose white wine or lemon juice for pickling.
  • Try to put the meat in a hot pan with very hot oil. Fry very quickly from two sides. When preparing a real steak, the oil is not poured into the pan. They evenly lubricate a piece of meat, and in the process of frying it will be browned and will not burn.
Preparation of a steak
Preparation of a steak

How to pickle a beef steak?

For the preparation of beef steaks, meat is mainly taken, in which fat is not enough, and when frying it can be harsh. Such a part as New York clipping is good in itself and quite expensive. Therefore, it is not worth spoiling and tasty meat with marinade. Use pickling if the beef is not very young and not quite high quality.

AT ariana Marinada:

  • Balsamic. To prepare it, it is necessary to mix a quarter of a glass of balsamic vinegar with a half glass of mineral water, enter a tablespoon of rosemary, a little garlic, salt, and 100 ml of vegetable oil. Pieces are plunged into the mixture for 2-20 hours.
  • Simple with spices. The marinade is based on water, salt, spices, as well as ordinary table vinegar. For its preparation, it is necessary to salt the meat, grate it with pepper and put into a bag, into which a pre -prepared solution is poured. It is necessary to mix a glass of water with 50 ml of vinegar. They are kept in this solution for at least 3 hours.
  • Wine. To prepare the marinade, pour a glass of white wine into a bowl, pour a mixture of peppers, coriander, rosemary, a little ginger, and 50 ml of vegetable oil there. Lower the steaks into the liquid. Leave it to pickle for at least 4 hours.

Many culinary specialists noticed that the beef is much softer if you pickle it in sour -milk products. It can be home yogurt or kefir. It is also proved that fresh pineapple, kiwi or orange can be added to marinades. These fruits, due to the content of acid, soften the rigid fibers of beef and make it juicy, softer.


How many degrees of frying have a beef steak?

There are several ways to fry the steak. It all depends on your preferences.

Steak frying options:

  • Extrarer. Actually the inside is warmed up to a temperature of not higher than 50 degrees. It is raw but not cold. In this form, it is not served, mainly used for a variety of dishes, such as carpaccio with blood.
  • Rer. This unfamiliar meat is cooked by strong thermal effects outside, but red remains inside. Inside the temperature of the piece at the level of 55 degrees. It is prepared for about two to three minutes.
  • Another degree of weak fried is called Medium Rer. Inside, a pronounced pink color, but there is much less blood. The inner part is up to 60 degrees, cooking time up to 5 minutes.
  • Medium rare - Medium. In our area, the most common option. It is characterized by a fairly large amount of juice inside, which is light pink. The pulp heats up to a temperature of 65 degrees.
  • Medium Vell. This is meat, which already has transparent juice. In this case, the inside is warmed up to a temperature of 69 degrees. It is prepared for about 8-9 minutes.
  • Fried Well Done. The degree of roasting is almost complete. There is almost no juice inside, the pulp can heat up to a temperature of 100 degrees.
  • Strongly fried - Overcooook. This meat is without juice inside, it is dry. The inside is heated to a temperature above 100 degrees.
Degree of roasting
Degree of roasting

When do you need to salt a beef steak?

There are a lot of disputes, regarding when it is necessary to salt the steak. Some cooks believe that this must be done before frying, others in the process, and one minute before it is removed from the fire. Select only to you, but if you do this before frying, you need to dry the steak with paper towels, and only then grate well with salt. After 40 minutes, drops of moisture will appear on the surface of the meat, because salt stretches water. It is necessary to get all this with paper wipes and only then carry out frying. If you decide to salt during frying, before removing from the fire, it is necessary to trigger with salt. To do this, it is better to use small grinding salt.


How much to fry the beef steak in a pan?

The time of preparing a steak in a pan depends on what extent you want to get a fried. Most often, Ribai meat is used for the steak, that is, marble beef with a large number of veins. It must be prepared in a special way. At the very beginning, it is fried in a very hot pan, in a minute on each side. After that, every 15 seconds are turned over. The total preparation time of the steak, the average mass of which is 250 g, is exactly 5-7 minutes. Thus, the average degree of frying medium or medium is obtained.

Frying in a pan
Frying in a pan

How to correctly fry the juicy beef steak in a conventional pan: recipe

This option is the most suitable for our conditions, and is prepared in a pan.


  • Several steaks
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Vegetable oil
  • Butter
  • Rosemary

R ecutt:

  • It is necessary to cut pieces of meat 2.5 and 4 cm thick, there is no need to beat it
  • If it's juicy, marble beef, salt it abundantly and leave it for exactly 40 minutes
  • Puddles will appear on the surface. This is normal, get on them with paper towels
  • After that, heat the pan to high temperature, pour a little vegetable oil
  • Put the steak and fry on one side for 4 minutes. After that, turn over to the other side and in the same way fry 4 minutes
  • Now it is necessary to enter a little butter into the pan. This will add juicies, as well as aroma to your dish
  • Only now it is worth adding pepper and grass. Turn on the fire for another moment and remove. Thus, the meat of medium roasting is obtained
Frying in a pan
Frying in a pan

How to fry the juicy beef steak on the grill: Recipe

Preparing a steak on the grill is quite simple. It is best to use natural wood, not coals for this. They have a lower combustion temperature. The wood burns and smolders at a higher temperature.


  • Several pieces of steak, 3-4 cm thick
  • Half a liter of beer
  • 1 lemon
  • Salt
  • Spices


  • Pour beer into the container, it is better to take the dark and add the juice of a whole lime or lemon to it
  • Place pieces of steak there for about 30 minutes. This is the minimum time, the ideal option if you can leave the meat for several hours in the refrigerator
  • Next, you need to burn the wood to a state of coal. No need to put on a lattice with very hot coals
  • It is advisable to push it a little to the side, and lay out a few steaks
  • Fry them in a minute on each side. After that, try to turn over as often as possible
  • Only now you can salt and pepper the steak. He must be perfectly brightened up
  • The chef is measured the temperature inside the steak. As soon as she reached 60 degrees, it can be removed from the fire
Preparation on the grill
Preparation on the grill

How to fry the juicy beef steak in a grill pan: Recipe

How to cook a steak in a grill pan, you can watch in the video.

Video: steak in a pan-grille

How to fry the juicy steak of marble beef: Recipe

The marble beef is considered one of the most expensive, because it contains fat veins, and juice is freed from them during frying. Thus, the steak is quite juicy, very tasty. Prepare the appropriate marinade for the preparation of steaks.


  • Olive oil
  • Lemon juice
  • Garlic
  • Soy sauce
  • Ginger
  • Honey


  • It is necessary to mix several cloves of garlic, grated ginger, slightly soy sauce, olive oil, lemon juice and liquid honey
  • It is necessary to allow pieces of meat in this marinade for half an hour. You can also put in the refrigerator for several hours
  • Before sending pieces of meat to the grill, you need to salt and pepper them
  • The thickness of the piece is 3-4 cm. You do not need to choose thin pieces, because at a high temperature, while you get the necessary crust, the insides of the meat will be already overjoyed
  • Fry for about 4 minutes on each side
Marble beef
Marble beef

How to make a delicious beef clipping steak with beer: Recipe

A great recipe for a steak with beer, as well as spices.


  • 300 ml of black non -refilled beer
  • 3 garlic teeth
  • Grated ginger
  • Rosemary leaves
  • Salt
  • Spices
  • 20 ml of balsamic vinegar


  • It is necessary to mix beer with vinegar and dip in a solution of steaks. The thickness should be 3-4 cm
  • The minimum time that the pieces of meat should be in the marinade is about 3 hours
  • It is best if you can leave it overnight. Next, remove pieces from the marinade, sprinkle with herbs, as well as grated garlic
  • Add salt and pepper, you can send steaks to a lattice or pan. It all depends on whether you cook on the grill or at home
  • The average frying time on each side is 3-5 minutes. Choose the degree of fries yourself
On beer
On beer

How to cook a delicious beef steak with wine: Recipe

You can watch how to cook a steak in red wine in the video.

Video: Wine steak

How to cook a delicious beef steak with rosemary: recipe

Rosemary is an excellent, pleasant grass that will complement the taste of your steak. To prepare this dish, it is better to take a ribai steak.


  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • Olive oil
  • Salt
  • Steaks
  • Spices
  • Pepper


  • It is necessary to beat off a steak with a thickness of 4 cm with a flat side of the hammer. No need to use the side with cloves. Because it will contribute to the release of juice from meat, and it will turn out to be dry
  • Press the garlic with a knife, it should let the juice. Put a steak in a flat bowl, and a little garlic on it, as well as several twigs of rosemary
  • Pour with vegetable oil and cover with a film. Leave for several hours in the refrigerator
  • In a hot pan, heat a little vegetable oil. It is necessary that it be very hot
  • Put the steak and fry for 3-4 minutes on each side over medium heat. Before serving, it is necessary to introduce pepper, as well as salt
Steak with rosemary
Steak with rosemary

How to cook a delicious beef steak with vegetables: recipe in the oven

A steak with vegetables is a classic dish that is cooked in Latin America. To do this, the flanker steak is used. He is one of the most inexpensive, there is no need to buy expensive clipping in this case.


  • Several pieces of meat, 3 cm thick
  • 4 Bulgarian pepper
  • 2 bulbs
  • 4 garlic teeth
  • Butter
  • Spices
  • 240 ml of wine
  • 3 tomatoes
  • Any marinade


  • You need to marinate the steaks first. To do this, you can use one of the above marinades
  • Sick olive oil in a pan and fry the steaks to brown crust
  • Remove from heat, add chopped pepper in the same pan with meat juice, as well as onions
  • Fry until golden crust, add garlic cloves, season with pepper, as well as salt
  • It is necessary to pour a glass of white wine and hold on fire until it evaporates
  • Put the fried steak, prepared vegetables on top of the baking dish
  • Next, lay out several pieces of tomatoes. Bake in the oven at low temperature for an hour and a half
  • During this time, vegetables will turn into a paste and become a very tasty sauce
Meat with vegetables
Meat with vegetables

How to cook a delicious beef steak with blood in a pan: Recipe

This option is solely suitable for fans of meat with blood. There are not many such lovers in our country, but still there are. At the same time, it is necessary to choose meat from your friends and sure that it is better, without any disease. Because in our country, cooks are recommended to fry the meat and extinguish it for a long time. This is necessary in order to completely destroy helminths and other pathogens.


  • Three sprigs of rosemary
  • 1 garlic tent
  • A glass of white wine
  • Several lemon lobers
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Vegetable oil for frying


  • Take a steak 3 cm thick and put it in a lemon with white wine. Add a few sprigs of rosemary, as well as chopped garlic
  • Hold in this solution for three hours, you can leave it all night
  • Heat the pan very much and pour a little oil into it
  • Dry the steak, put it on the surface and fry it for 2 minutes on each side
  • Salt and pepper. This option implies a small amount of blood, inside the dish will be pink
Meat with blood
Meat with blood

How to cook a delicious beef steak in foil: recipe in the oven

A great recipe for those who like to eat a hearty and tasty dish.


  • Several beef steaks
  • Coriander
  • Vegetable oil
  • Mayonnaise
  • 2 bulbs
  • 3 carrots
  • A little hard cheese
  • Several tomatoes
  • Salt
  • Spices


  • You need to cut the meat into pieces of 3 cm thick and beat them a little
  • Lubricate with salt and spices, as well as vegetable oil. You can marinate in wine or balsamic vinegar for several hours
  • Cut the carrots in circles, put on foil. Put pieces of meat on top of the carrots, sprinkle them with chopped onions, circles of tomatoes
  • Sprinkle with cheese and make a mesh of mayonnaise. Put in the oven for about one hour
  • Heating should be 190 degrees. Be sure before putting the stove, wrap with foil so that the meat languishes in your juice
Meat in foil
Meat in foil

Miratorg beef steak from the beef ham: what is the best way to cook?

Miratorg is a well -known agro -industrial company that is engaged in the sale of meat. Among the assortment of meat products, you can find a ham and cook in a special way. To do this, choose a steak from the spatular part. Meat, which is called a thin edge, shoulder blade or cutout from the shoulder blade, is also suitable.


  • Several steaks
  • Salt
  • Spices
  • Vegetable oil


  • There is no need to pickle meat, because it is fresh
  • Cut the meat into pieces 2-3 cm and let it lie down and get at room temperature
  • After that, heat the oil in a pan and fry on a very hot surface for 2 minutes on each side
  • Next, you need to reduce the fire to a minimum, and darken on each side for about 2-3 minutes
  • Heat the plate and put the meat on it. Only after that pepper and salt
The hammer of the beef Miratorg
The hammer of the beef Miratorg

Features of cooking a beef steak in a slow cooker

Very tasty meat is in a slow cooker. The main thing is not to overcome and choose the right mode.


  • Two pieces of beef steak, 2-3 cm thick
  • Salt
  • Spices
  • Rosemary
  • Sunflower oil


  • It is necessary to pour a little oil into the slow cooker and enable the "Fry Fry" mode "
  • Before that, it is necessary to let the products at room temperature be lie down so that the steak is not cold
  • Next, you need to grate the meat with salt and pepper, put on hot oil, fry on each side for 7 minutes
  • You can’t cover a slow cooker with a lid. Before serving, you can season the steak with the coriander, as well as the branches of rosemary
Steak in a slow cooker
Steak in a slow cooker

The steak is a very tasty, unusual dish that is extremely rare in our country. This is because cooking it is not as simple as it seems at first glance. It is necessary to comply with a number of conditions. Adhere to the recipe, and you will be able to treat your loved ones with an excellent steak.

Video: beef steaks

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