What is the difference between a private school and a regular, state: advantages and disadvantages

What is the difference between a private school and a regular, state: advantages and disadvantages

What is the difference between a private school and a simple state secondary school? It is described in detail in the article.

Soon a child to give to school? Parents of future first -graders begin to think about the dilemma - which school to choose? The one that he has known for himself since childhood is the usual ordinary, or still private? Each educational institution has positive and negative aspects.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "50 tips on how to become a successful student for children". You will learn how to help your child be successful at school, and you will also find advice for parents.

From this article you will learn how a private school differs from the state. We also describe the advantages and disadvantages. Read further.

SOSH: What does this mean?

SOSH means the abbreviated name secondary school. This abbreviation is used for convenience, documents, etc.

State secondary school: advantages and disadvantages

State Secondary School
State Secondary School

The advantages of the State School of Secondary School include:

  • The distribution of children in schools occurs at the place of registration. As a rule, the educational institution is located near the house. A child can go to school on his own.
  • A large cool team helps to adapt in society, to develop sociable abilities. He teaches to independently resolve conflicts with classmates.
  • Obtaining education at a state school is free.

The disadvantages of such schools:

  • Given the fullness of classes, the teacher has no time to pay special attention to each student, which leads to a partial or even complete non -assimilation of school material. Parents are forced to hire a tutor.
  • Teachers do not seek to interest students, conservatively approaching training. The conflicts of the teacher with students are not uncommon. Lack of mutual respect.
  • Some subjects included in the education program are not given due attention, due to insufficient amount of modern equipment. Such subjects include OBZh, physical culture, technology, computer science, etc.
  • Teachers do not always pay attention to the emergence of conflict situations between children. This often leads to bullying - bullying, persecution, aggression of some children aimed at others. According to statistics, up to 10% of students are subjected to this.
  • There are children from dysfunctional families. Social separation can be very noticeable, which again leads to conflicts in the class, poor influence in habits and behavior on classmates.
  • Free education. But there are constant fees for the needs of class and school, gifts to teachers. This is issued by a voluntary donation. Parents are forced to pay, protecting their child from the attacks of the pedagogical staff and the parent committee.
  • Although for public schools there are no requirements for wearing school uniforms, but the rules introduced into the charter in some educational institutions force parents to purchase a unified uniform for a class or school.
  • The problem with school nutrition, the quality of the products does not always comply with sanitary standards.

In public schools, there are often no circles and sections necessary for additional education of children.

Private school: advantages and disadvantages

Private school
Private school

Private school has many advantages. Here is some of them:

Several forms of training:

  • Daytime, as in a regular school.
  • Poloansion - the child is at school until the evening.
  • Studying in the full boarding house, the student is at school for five days, leaving home home.

Training and living in one building. Rooms for 4-6 people. While at school, the child, in accordance with the daily routine, receives food corresponding to the age diet, walks, attends lessons, performs homework, rests. Large selection of circles and additional classes.

Round -the -clock video surveillance:

  • Vigilant protection eliminates the penetration of unauthorized persons into the territory.

The classes have the optimal number of students:

  • The teacher manages to pay attention to everyone.
  • An additional lesson on unexplored material, an individual lesson is possible.

In -depth study of some subjects:

  • Additional, absent in a state school can be studied.

If there is international accreditation, a private school, graduates can enter higher educational institutions abroad:

  • For this, from the first grade in such schools an in -depth study of a foreign language is introduced with the subsequent conduct of all lessons on it.

The social status of students is the same:

  • Teachers monitor and do not allow conflict situations, stopping any attempts at persecution.

The equipment of private schools meets modern requirements:

  • They have choreographic halls and pools.

The training uses interactive technologies and methods:

  • Due attention is paid to upbringing.

Experienced pedagogical composition:

  • Often, teachers of a private school have a scientific degree.

Provide all educational material:

  • This is included in payment, as well as related services.

There are much less disadvantages than pluses, but they still have. The minuses include the following:

  • Certain requirements for entering a private school. Children are tested before enrollment.
  • There are few private schools. Therefore, the remoteness from the house can be big.
  • The high cost of training, which changes every year.

As you can see, only when studying the advantages and disadvantages of such two types of schools, you can understand what they have a difference. But even more details are described below. Read further.

What is the difference between a private school and a regular state?

The training program is the same, but, unlike an ordinary state, a private school can change the number of educational hours for the subject. There is an increase or decrease in connection with the wishes of parents for in -depth study of the subject. A few more nuances:

  • Education in a private school can begin at the age of five, and not at the age of 7, as in general education.
  • They begin to study a foreign language in grade 1. Graduates are perfectly owned by foreign speech, which can not be said about the state school.
  • When studying, a private school aims each child that he is a person, giving him the opportunity to choose additional educational classes and topics of individual projects, directing and supporting the child to the goal.
  • Classes in elementary school classes can be held in the game version, which helps the baby easier to get used to new conditions. After all, it is difficult for a first grader to sit in place for 45 minutes, keeping attention. But the public school adheres to just such a standard of training.

There is another type of training - individual classes. How does this differ, for example, from a private school? Described in detail below.

Private School: How is it different from individual learning, classes?

Individual training
Individual training

For this form of training, a private school is not needed. The transition to individual education in a comprehensive school will be free. Such classes can be chosen to any student. In absentia, he will study the school curriculum on an individual curriculum, which will allow focusing on specific disciplines. The difference is that it will only be necessary to come to school for certification. Or in person to study in an institution with a teacher under an agreed program.

It is worth knowing: According to an individual program, the entire general educational minimum is studied and is submitted along with students of standard training.

Summing up all of the above, we can say that there are advantages and disadvantages, both in state form of education and in a private school. Therefore, where the child will study, each parent decides individually, based on personal requirements and financial capabilities.

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