How to prepare a child for school for parents: interesting developmental tasks, tips and recommendations of specialists to parents

How to prepare a child for school for parents: interesting developmental tasks, tips and recommendations of specialists to parents

Want to know how to properly prepare a child for school? Read the article, it has many useful tips and recommendations.

Preschool preparation is an important stage in teaching a child. She introduces him to school life, disciplines, and most importantly, gives basic knowledge. Of course, educators in kindergartens are engaged in this, but parents must make efforts in order to prepare their child for the educational process in advance.

Read on our website an article on how to behave properly at school. You will learn about the rules of conduct, the student of the student.

Experts note that classes with the baby are better to start with 3-4 yearsbecause today the requirements for first -graders are quite high. However, all the skills necessary for schoolchildren are not always able to comprehend in preschool age. In this case, it is not worth throwing classes - they must be organized in such a way that the child himself wants to master them as soon as possible. Read more in the article below.

Is it possible to prepare a child for school on your own and for how much?

We prepare the child for school on our own
We prepare the child for school on our own

You can prepare a preschooler for school at home on your own. For this, special methods have been developed, and in stores with stationery you can find a lot of useful literature and notebooks with tasks for the child. If you will give classes with the baby by 30-60 minutes a day, then in a few months he will already have a basic baggage of knowledge.

Important: In no case do not force the baby to study against his will. He must show interest in classes, this is the only way he will absorb new knowledge. Remember that preschoolers cannot concentrate on one thing for a long time, besides, all home lessons should occur in a playful way.

How much time will you need to prepare the baby for the first class, it is unambiguous to say. After all, each child is individual, and perceives, remembers and uses the information received in his own way. On average, this process will take several months, so it is better to take care of everything in advance, and not start doing a month before September 1.

Do I need to prepare a child for school?

Many parents are wondering: do I need to prepare a child for school? Parents need to make sure that the baby is prepared for school life. After all, it is not only about obtaining basic knowledge. The child should be trained in manners, rules of conduct in an educational institution. It is important for him to know how to behave in a particular situation, what can be done and what is impossible.

Children attending the kindergarten are much easier and faster adapt to school and join the new team. But with the kids who are at home, you will need to work a little more stubbornly. And the parents or tutors should do this. But the fact does not change from this: it is necessary to prepare a child for the first class.

What are the basic knowledge that the future first -grader should have?

The future first grader
The future first grader

There is a list of elementary requirements for the knowledge and skills that the baby gathering in the first grade should own. But you must understand that skills are somewhat different. They need to be developed in the child gradually, because this is what he can fulfill, guided by the knowledge gained. What are the basic knowledge that the future first -grader should have?

So, the baby, preparing for school, should know:

  • Names: their own parents, if possible - closest relatives (grandparents, sisters and brothers)
  • The address of your residence
  • The simplest names of trees, animals, birds - not only to know them, but also to distinguish and point them with a finger when you ask about it
  • Time
  • Date
  • The main geometric shapes
  • Numbers
  • Colors
  • Days of the week
  • Seasons - seasons
  • The most popular holidays - New Year, birthday, Easter, etc.
  • Body parts: the baby must accurately call and show his hands, legs, sections of the face
  • How to distinguish live and inanimate objects

These are theoretical knowledge and part of the actions that should master the preschooler with the help of parents. But there are also a number of skills that the baby also needs to be mastered.

In preparation for the school, it is advisable to be able to be able to be:

  1. Count from 0 to 10 and vice. It is important not only to know the numbers, but also to operate with them. This is an elementary task that a child should be able to perform 5-6 years.
  2. Read the syllables. There are many techniques that allow you to quickly teach the baby to read in syllables. But if your baby could not master this, it’s okay: he will certainly teach him this at school. However, this skill will greatly simplify the educational process in the future, so try to develop it in the baby before he goes to first grade.
  3. Retell. We are not talking about entire texts and stories. But the baby should be able to retell a few suggestions about his favorite fairy tale. The development of coherent speech is very important, it teaches the child to think correctly, logically and consistently.
  4. Carry the simplest mathematical operations. Fold and calculate in the framework 10 - This is the most elementary thing that you can teach your child in preparation for school. This seems difficult at first glance, but children very easily and quickly remember new information. If you manage to interest the baby, it will master the folding and subtraction of numbers for 2-3 lessons.
  5. Name the letters in alphabetical order. To teach the baby this, use the Association method. That is, make so that each specific letter is connected with some word for him. For example, "A" - orange, "b" - banana etc.

Important: A child in preschool age, who soon needs to go to first grade, should know the elementary rules of the road. Even despite the fact that he himself will not go out, the child needs to be taught the main traffic rules.

What should the school, teach the child to teach, teach?

When preparing a child for school, remember that it is not worth it to take on all the duties of a teacher. Moreover, it is forbidden to load with overwhelming baggage of knowledge and a preschooler who, due to his age, cannot yet cope with him. Give him basic knowledge, and teachers will do the rest.

So, what the school should prepare for, teach a first -grader:

  1. Write numbers and letters. You can engage in calligraphy at home, but you should not demand from the baby the perfect writing of letters and numbers. He will be taught to this at school. After all, teachers have their own approach and their own teaching methods, which are used depending on the situation.
  2. Make examples correctly. This is also taught first -graders in the walls of the school. Do not rush to do it at home - in the team, the baby will be much more interesting to do such work.
  3. Drawing geometric shapes and operating with a ruler, transportation, square. These items are necessary for drawing the simplest figures. Children are trained in the first months of the school, performing easy tasks and guided by templates in combination with detailed instructions of the teacher.
  4. Division of words into syllables, composition of sentence, key punctuation rules. You do not have to force a preschooler to study all this. Like calligraphic and these rules and features, the child will better learn during school lessons.

In addition, in the walls of primary school, kids receive valuable knowledge and skills in the field:

  • Readings
  • Drawing
  • Natural science
  • Design and technology
  • Music
  • Physical education

Of course, you can train the baby at home for all this. More precisely, to give him basic knowledge, to help him develop certain skills. But a more in -depth study of these subjects occurs precisely at school, under the guidance of the teacher.

As a car of 5, 6 years old, grade 1, quickly and correctly prepare for the school to parents independently: a memo for parents of first -graders, preschool children

Preparing the child for school quickly and correctly
Preparing the child for school quickly and correctly

There are several important points that the parents of future first -graders should know and take into account. Take them as a rule, since they will help you act accurately when preparing a child for school. So, like a homemade child 5, 6 years, grade 1 quickly and correctly prepare for the school to parents on their own? Memo for parents of first -graders, preschool children:

Do not neglect the help of specialists:

  • The cognitive sphere will be perceived by a preschooler easier if in the process of preparing for school, an experienced professional will take part.
  • This can be a primary school teacher or a teacher in kindergarten.
  • Of course, you will have to pay for the help of the tutor, but the teacher knows well how to help the baby prepare for 1 class And psychologically and morally, and, if necessary, physically.

Develop motivation in the child:

  • Make joint classes interesting and funny.
  • Do not forget to repeat that at school it will be more interesting and more fun.
  • Motivation to study makes the baby look forward to the first of September.
  • And even if at first he has a fear of study, he will fly very quickly.

Use methodological literature:

  • Remember that pedagogy is a science. It has its own characteristics and rules.
  • Guide them in preparatory classes with a child.

Do not suppress children's emotions:

  • Children are very emotional, and this is absolutely normal. If the baby does something perfectly, it can cause him a violent joy.
  • Let him express any emotions accessible to him.
  • If the child, on the contrary, does not come out, he can be upset, get angry or burst into tears.
  • Do not try to suppress negative emotions. And even more so do not manipulate in words "Are you, crybaby?" or "Do not cry, because at school they will laugh at you".
  • Your task as a parent is to calm the baby and cheer him up.
  • Convince the baby that he will definitely succeed, albeit not the first time. This is very important so that the baby does not lose interest in learning.

Do not prevent the development of the child in the direction he chosen:

  • If the baby shows interest in music, drawing, English - excellent. Your task is to contribute to its further development in a specific direction.
  • In no case do not prevent, since the baby will not be able to show his talent and reveal the potential, and this will definitely not benefit him.

Read together:

  • Read often and little by little. First, do it yourself, but the child should be near and follow you at that moment.
  • Then try to gradually involve him in this process so that the baby learns to read the syllables. Of course, if he shows interest and he succeeds. If not, do not force, he will master reading skills already at school.

Engage in a playful way:

  • This is a prerequisite, even the principle that teachers in kindergartens and elementary school is guided.
  • For example, you can learn applique from geometric shapes etc.
  • Information presented in a playful way is remembered by the baby much better and easier. He creates associations for himself, develops thinking and imagination.

Play with your child to school:

  • Such games will help the baby remember school rules.
  • Enjoy his favorite toys in this process. Let them be his "classmates", and the most beloved of them will play the role of the teacher.
  • Preschool children really like such fun, and they play with pleasure in it.

Do not scare the child with a school and bad grades:

  • Remember: the school needs to respond only in a positive way.
  • Otherwise, how does the child want to visit her if he is afraid of punishment or low marks?

These are the simplest, but key features and rules for preparing the baby for the first class. They are easily fulfilled, and the benefits of their observance are huge.

We prepare a child for school: home, interesting and developmental tasks

We prepare the child for school
We prepare the child for school

Homework to prepare a child for school is a great way to develop thinking and imagination. In addition, they will help in training memory and attention. The following tasks are very interesting, as well as developing for children of preschool age:

  1. Pictures with letters and numbers. In another way-cards. They are colorful, multi -colored, with interesting drawings. Such items are perfectly taught to the alphabet, and help the baby remember the numbers.
  2. Special notebooks. In stores with office, you can now buy educational literature for babies of different ages. Even for children 3 years There are interesting materials with riddles and figures, images of animals, fruits and vegetables.
  3. Puzzles. Perfectly develop the thinking of the child, and also positively affect attention. Be sure to buy such puzzles to your child, and as he masters them, take more complex pictures.
  4. Labyrinths. Cognitive and developmental tasks that children really like. There are special books with different labyrinths, but on the Internet you can find a lot of pictures for printing. The kid will be delighted with such tasks.
  5. Coloring. But not simple, but with a secret. On special templates, numbers are drawn, each of which means the use of a certain color. Such fun is also very interesting for preschool children.

And many more interesting things can be invented for home preparing a child for school. The main thing is the desire of the parents and the baby himself to do this, as well as the presence of several hours of free time per week.

How to psychologically prepare a child for schooling at school: specialists' advice to parents

Psychologically preparing a child for schooling at school
Psychologically preparing a child for schooling at school

A huge role is played by the psychological readiness of the baby to the beginning of school life. Even if the child is distinguished by a calm and balanced character, you need to use certain techniques so that he does not experience any moral discomfort in the future while studying. How to psychologically prepare a child for schooling at school?

Here are the advice of specialists to parents:

Teach your child to think positively and completely possess your emotions:

  • Sometimes it is not easy to do it yourself. In this case, you will need the help of an experienced psychologist. But first, you can try to do everything yourself.
  • Teach the baby to restrain anger and anger, because in the future it will protect him from committing rash acts, which he can regret.
  • Explain that there can be many problems, but they are not an occasion for aggression.
  • Tell us that you can cope with them only if you think rationally, and most importantly, calmly.
  • Didn't get something now? So, you need to set this lesson for a while and return to it later, when the emotions are subsided. And then everything will certainly work out!

Develop the willpower and a sense of responsibility:

  • These are very important qualities, without which the child cannot do in study.
  • He must learn not to retreat, but stubbornly go to the goal.
  • Explain that ups and falls, success and failure await him - and this is normal.
  • In cases of damage, it is necessary to show resistance, and not give up.

Do not go through the school curriculum in advance:

  • Psychologists note that the preliminary preparation of the child for school according to textbooks included in the program 1 class, should be excluded.
  • If you study all the material during the summer and make tasks, the child will simply be bored at school.
  • Give him the opportunity to master new, deeper knowledge of subjects in lessons with other children.

Psychological preparation of a preschooler determines not only his ability to teach. She helps him much faster and more successfully adapt, and find his place in the team. Therefore, do not neglect these tips from experienced psychologists.

Behavior in society: preparing a child for school at home

Behavior in society: preparing a child for school at home
Behavior in society: preparing a child for school at home

If you do not want to worry about how your child’s everyday life in elementary school walls pass, make every effort to teach him the necessary rules of conduct in society. They are not complicated, and for the child it will be pleased to observe them, if you explain everything to him accessible, and additionally show him by your own example. It is no secret that young children copy adult behavior. So, we prepare the child for school at home.

How to help the baby get into society as soon as possible, and what rules of behavior in society should he observe:

Be independent:

  • No one will run after your child at school, and pay him more attention than other children.
  • Therefore, make it so that he does not look helpless in the eyes of teachers and other children.
  • Teach the baby to independently tie the laces, change clothes, be able to find a place allotted for his things in the wardrobe, change shoes when it is required.
  • Also, do not collect a briefcase for him. It is better to control this process, giving tips and directing it in the right direction.

To be able to listen, to be reckless and attentive:

  • Yes, it will not be easy after funny idle days, when the future student did everything he wanted. Therefore, your task is to engage in the development of character such features as attentiveness and perseverance, a few months before the first call.
  • To do this, offer the child different classes requiring painstaking work and attentiveness.
  • Start with 5 minutes, gradually extending the period of completion of the task.

Develop friendliness:

  • Explain to the child that with other children you need to be friendly and polite. After all, no one loves Zadir and Drachunov.
  • There are many fairy tales and instructive stories about friendship and hostility, read them to the baby, and then try to analyze them together.

Finally, do not forget to instill politeness to the child. The baby’s upbringing increases his chances of successful and speedy adaptation, and the appearance of new friends with whom he will have fun to study in elementary school.

How to morally prepare a hyperactive child for school: recommendations to parents

Morally preparing a hyperactive child for school
Morally preparing a hyperactive child for school

Hyperactive children are restless, very impulsive, inattentive and restless. They are frankly aggressive, which prevents them not only to study, but also to find friends among peers. But this does not mean at all that the baby is "not like that." It just needs a slightly different approach to him.

Advice: When preparing a child with ADHD (attention deficit syndrome with hyperactivity), it is necessary to take into account the features of its nervous system. Therefore, take all actions, guided by the advice of a psychologist, psychiatrist or neurologist.

How to morally prepare a hyperactive child for school? Below you will find recommendations to parents:

  • Experts recommend alternating mental and physical activity.
  • Do not load the child, do not force him to “sit out a full lesson” when home preparation for school. Everything should happen gradually, the stage of addiction can take a lot of time.
  • Make sure that the child is fully spilled out. Incorguns negatively affects the nervous system, and in hyperactive children this manifests itself especially brightly.

If the situation is serious, the baby does not conduct preschool preparation on their own. In this case, taking the drugs prescribed by the doctor with psychotherapy sessions. And classes for preliminary adaptation to school and obtaining the necessary knowledge must occur under the control of a specialist.

How to prepare a child for a school for reading?

Reading is a primary task in the preschool preparation of the baby. Therefore, approach this process with all seriousness. Here are some tips that will help you prepare a child for a school for reading:

  1. Learn the letters in alphabetical order. But do not force the baby to immediately learn the alphabet - he still will not succeed.
  2. Play. Show the letters with your hands, fold them from improvised objects. It is fun and interesting, kids love such games. And they also develop visual memory, therefore, during their studies, it will be easier for them to recall this or that letter.
  3. Read the baby small textsThen ask to find the letter recently studied in the passage.

Ask your child simple questions about the text. Ask him first to carefully listen to the passage, and then retell in his own words a fragment that he liked most and remember. So you gradually teach him not only to read, but also to retell.

How to prepare a child for a school in mathematics?

Preparing a child for a school in mathematics
Preparing a child for a school in mathematics

Not all children are easily given mathematics, because this is a rather complicated subject. However, it is still necessary to instill in the preschooler basic skills. How to prepare a child for a school in mathematics?

To introduce the baby to this science, remember a few interesting tricks:

  1. Count together. To do this, use the items familiar to the crumbs - toys, sweets, apples etc. When the child understands what is required of him, you can proceed to the use of special counting sticks or mathematical cards.
  2. Learn the numbers in pairs. For example, 1 and 2, 3 and 4, etc. So it will be easier for the baby to understand that if you fold 1 and 2, then 3 will come out, and if you add 4 to 3, then there will be 7. In one home lesson, teach only one numerical pair, otherwise the baby will be confused.
  3. To get acquainted with geometry, use cookies or its plastic layouts - You can buy in a toy store. After all, baking today has completely different forms. When the child learns to recognize and distinguish the figures, you can take on their drawing.
  4. The elements and entire numbers of the child will help the child will help notebooks. Such literature is usually very colorful, and the kids work with it with pleasure.

Important: Do not load your child with all these tasks for 1 lesson. They must alternate, as is happening at school.

How to prepare a child for school by writing?

The child’s hand must be prepared for school by writing. To do this, perform exercises together on fine motor skills. For example, sort out the rosary, beads, even cereals. In addition, cutting classes are well helped in this regard, but the scissors should be small, with rounded tips, so that the baby does not accidentally get hurt.

Even in schools, children first learn to write in print letters. It is much easier to master the technique of writing and the alphabet. Only after that you can proceed to the writing of the capital letters.

Advice: At the moments of breaks, do finger gymnastics. It improves blood circulation in the hands, and also relieves tension.

And, of course, do not forget about the use of children's templates for writing. They go along with stickers and coloring, and the baby will learn to write their first letters in them with great pleasure.

How to find out if the child is prepared for school: does he have the necessary knowledge?

The child is ready for school
The child is ready for school

You studied a lot, shared with the baby knowledge and taught him the features and rules of conduct at school. But not age is important, and not even gained knowledge. The psychological readiness of the child for the early beginning of school life is important. How to recognize it? How to find out if the child is prepared for school? Does he have the necessary knowledge?

There are several criteria for evaluating the psychological readiness of the baby for school. Intellectual readiness is expressed in such aspects:

  • Ability to generalize
  • The ability to compare objects and denote their main features
  • The presence of basic skills and knowledge, which was mentioned earlier
  • The ability to draw conclusions

Now you should think about the socio-psychological readiness of the preschooler for the first class. In addition to classical and basic knowledge, that the child can be given to school say the ability to be as follows:

  • Active listening and concentration of attention
  • Communication with peers and older people (in particular, teachers)
  • Complete control over their behavior and emotions
  • Self -service: dressing up and overweight, finding the desired study office, etc.
  • A request for help, if it is needed
  • Consciousness about the danger of conversations with strangers and following them

Remember: If you have noted that your child does not meet all the criteria for the readiness for school according to a psychological basis, this is not a reason to blame him and even more so punish. There is nothing wrong with that, all the kids are different. Someone adapts faster and easier, but someone does not succeed. In any case, the baby will gradually master everything and study already during school studies.

What is the best way to prepare a child for a music school?

It is no secret that starting preparations for joining a music school is best from an early age. But you should know for sure whether the child has the ability in this area of \u200b\u200bart, and whether he wants to do this himself. If so, then he can not do without your help, because homework is very important. What is the best way to prepare a child for a music school?

  • Ask the child what kind of musical instrument he would like to play - he should be purchased.
  • After that, you need to contact a specialist who will teach music. He must give instructions on how to organize and conduct home lessons.
  • Do not rush, all knowledge and skills come over time.
  • The duration of home rehearsals directly depends on how correctly and quickly the child reads notes from the sheet, and how well he remembers them. For starters, half an hour may be enough, but then, perhaps, it will play on by 1-2 hours or more.

Important: Consider the fact that, as musical talent develops, your son or daughter will have to spend more and more time for training. Do not let this affect general school studies. Try to properly distribute the time so that the child has time.

How to prepare a child for an art school?

It is also necessary to prepare the baby for admission to an art school from an early age. If you saw in it talent and the desire to engage in this form of art is great. How to prepare a child for an art school? Develop the necessary skills in it using the advice of a specialist. As in the previous case, you will not be able to do without the teacher’s recommendations.

Usually, children are accepted into the art school with 5 yearsbecause it is important that they can:

  • Operate with a brush
  • Mix paints
  • It is good to distinguish between colors and shades
  • Draw up and remove the workplace after each lesson

This is only the smallest list of knowledge and skills that the baby needs to instill in preparation for an art school.

As for practical classes, everything is easier here. There are many templates of the simplest drawings - you need to start with them. The child should feel and see the contours, determine the boundaries and proportions of “by eye”. The templates in this will help the best possible, and when the baby gets used to it, you can proceed to drawing on clean paper.

Advice: On a day, spend about half an hour on such classes - this is for a start. Gradually, increase the duration of classes to 2-3 hours a day.

Preparing the baby for school is a rather long process that requires a lot of patience. However, modern methods make it much easier and more effective. You can well cope with this task yourself, and if there are difficulties, a specialist will be happy to help you. Good luck!

Video: Preparation for a child’s school 5-7 years old. How to teach a child to read?

Video: How to prepare a child for school? Parents' mistakes

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Comments K. article

  1. From experience, I’ll say the ability to read and write, this is not yet preparation for school. First of all, perseverance, the ability to sit in the lesson. The psychologist told us so. When the son went to first grade, I began to give him calm Mishka Evalar. These vitamins go with glycine, and magnesium, as well as mint extract. The child is more concentrated in the lesson, to spin less, the class teacher noted this.

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