Do I need to scold the child for bad grades? What to do if a child from school brought a bad rating?

Do I need to scold the child for bad grades? What to do if a child from school brought a bad rating?

Ways to punish the child for bad grades at school.

For the characteristics of the knowledge of schoolchildren, it is customary to use a system of points. Some schools have a five-point system, and some operate a twelve-point system. However, the assessment does not always correspond to reality, characterizes the knowledge of the child. 

Why is the child afraid to get a bad rating?

Often the assessment is affected by the personal attitude of the teacher to the child. This is often due to monetary issues, because it is known that almost all schools raise funds for repairs. However, such donations are voluntary, parents cannot force money. But you can influence the assessments of the child. This is one of the ways of blackmail to receive the desired means. It is very difficult to determine the performance of children in elementary school.

Kids are often scattered, inattentive. Some children may have problems with speech, neurological disorders. More than half of children suffer from attention deficiency syndrome, as well as hyperactivity. That is why they are difficult to absorb new material, they may not remember the necessary information. Many parents have a question, but how to influence the assessments of the child in general? Should I somehow punish him to improve the marks? 

Why the child is afraid to get a bad rating:

  • Psychologists note that you should not punish the child for bad grades. Excessive demands on parents often leads to the occurrence of an excellent student. The inclinations appear even in elementary school. The child feels that a good assessment is a way to get attention, recognition, praise and love of his parents. Over time, this spills into serious psychological problems. In adulthood, such children suffer from hyper -realization syndrome, taking over too much responsibilities. 
  • They strive to be the best in everything: at work, in business, appearance. This behavior leads to rapid fatigue, stress, depression. In adulthood, it is impossible to keep up with everything, to be the best for everyone. Therefore, such people experience serious psychological problems in communicating with others. They want everyone to perceive them as much as possible.
  • However, it is impossible to be good for everyone. It is necessary to be able to refuse, to defend your point of view. In no case should you provoke the development of an excellent student syndrome. Excessive hyper -spokeness in both young and adulthood leads to serious mental ailments. Despite the apparent success, such a person may feel helpless, there is not enough strength for everything. 

What to do if bad grades at school?

The main task of the parent is to convince the child of his security that they will love him regardless of marks. The child should not associate the love of parents with marks.

What to do if bad grades at school:

  • For example, if the child receives the five, he will be able to hug with his mother, receive praise, love. If he brought bad marks, then he will not receive love. This is fundamentally wrong, as the child must be loved regardless of how well he is studying.
  • Bad grades sometimes indicate that the child is poorly given a curriculum. This is a kind of signal that the baby needs help. You may have to spend time after work, try to explain the educational material to the child.
  • If you do not know the curriculum, use the services of tutors, specialists. You can agree with the teacher for an additional fee so that he will work out with the child. Your task is to help the child better learn the material. 
  • Life in the conditions of the pandemic was significantly complicated, due to the high employment of parents, the need to teach children at home. Many parents do not have enough time to carry out homework, to master all the material with children on their own. Many of the parents studied quite poorly at school, so they themselves do not know the educational material, unable to explain to his child. In this case, it is best to use the services of the tutor. 

Is it possible to beat a child for bad grades?

The worst of all things are with primary school children, because now the kids receive knowledge that will become the basis for more complex information. The main task of parents is to teach children to read, write and count. It is not necessary for these purposes to hire tutors, spend a lot of time and money. It is best if the child will spend their free time not with gadgets, but to read. Let the child deal with the book, independently study the conditions of the problem, try to solve it yourself. In no case do not shout at the child during homework. After all, the baby will develop a persistent relationship that the lessons are bad, they are always associated with the tantrums and cries of parents. 

The unacceptable behavior of parents: 

  • Scream 
  • Lift the hand on the child 
  • Punish 
  • Disfigure 
  • Take the advantages and privileges that the child received before 
  • Humiliate 

Is it possible to beat a child for bad grades

  • It is not worth beating the child because of any offense. Now the assault is considered unacceptable and is condemned in every way.
  • But parents brought up in strict families often encourage assault.
  • Violence only gives rise to fear, and this is not the best motivation for learning.

You can not deprive the child of delicious food, walks. These are the basic needs of the child he needs. Do not raise your voice, all the more to raise your hand. Otherwise, the child will not talk about his troubles, bad successes at school, but will hide them. Of course, now this is much more difficult to do due to the presence of cell phones, communication with teachers. At the slightest difficulties in learning, the teacher always informs the parents. This also applies to bad assessments. Even if the child does not give his diary so that he is put a bad mark, it will certainly appear in an electronic diary. 

Punishment for assessments
Punishment for assessments

Is it possible to scold the child for bad grades?

You need to help the child study the material. If it is impossible to do this yourself, it is better to hire a tutor so that he explains the material being studied to the baby. Most often, parents themselves are to blame for the bad successes of their children. This is due to a lack of time, eternal goals from children. Often, the kids themselves come and ask for help, because they cannot solve some problem or complex expression. However, due to a lack of time for parents, they often dismiss, simply write answers, performing homework for children. This cannot be done.

Is it possible to scold the child for bad grades:

  • Hysterics and scandals are a manifestation of powerlessness on the part of parents. It is useless to scold children and will not bring results.
  • It is necessary to provide time to complete the tasks by the child, if there are any mistakes, indicate them, explain how to correctly do homework. The main problem now is the uncontrolled use of gadgets. 90% of preschoolers and 95% of schoolchildren have a mobile phone that is used to watch videos, games. Most of these games are not useful for the child, they can harm. Often they provoke insomnia, excessive aggression, and emotionality of the child. 
  • However, taking gadgets from the baby is not an option. Usually this gives rise to aggression, the child at a subconscious level perceives his parent as an enemy. Therefore, it is necessary to establish clear rules, regulate the amount of time that the child can spend with gadgets.
  • For example, the time that a child spends with a phone from 16 to 18 hours. Immediately after school, he performs his homework, goes to training. After that, he has a walk, only 2 hours a day he devotes to the gadget. As for the preschooler, the maximum amount of time that he can spend with the phone is half an hour. First -graders and children of a younger school, it is allowed to produce with a gadget no more than one hour a day. 

How to punish the child for bad grades?

If the student receives a bad mark not because of a misunderstanding of the school curriculum, but because of the banal laziness, does not want to do homework, spend his time on the development of material, there should be punishment. However, it must be warned in advance.

How to punish the child for bad grades:

  • For example, if you and your child plan to go on vacation, on vacation, tell me, if his successes at school are bad, then there will be no trip. The child must understand the consequences of poor learning. You can not put some ultimatums, insist on evaluation perfectly. Nevertheless, children learn the material in different ways. Some teachers can underestimate the grades of the child’s poor handwriting, too active behavior. 
  • Many psychologists recommend creating a system of points to encourage the child. Each assessment, achievement is equal to a certain number of points that can be exchanged for advantages. As experience shows, money for marks is a bad idea.
  • The child will try only if he receives money. Thus, the child’s head does not form responsibility for his own actions. This is a driven position, and the main task of parents is to teach the child skills that will help in adulthood, responsibility for their own actions.

Encouragement for good and punishment for bad grades at school

There must be a corresponding motivation for training. In elementary school, children do not quite catch the relationship between studies, good marks, a successful life, and a good salary. Oddly enough, in life, too, excellent students are not always successful, and the doubles receive a meager salary. Just the opposite, students who have not studied very well since childhood - they communicate better, agree, can evade homework. In the future, this forms good communicative skills, the ability to talk with people. Therefore, such people quickly establish connections, get acquainted, thereby getting better in life. 

Promotion for good and punishment for bad grades at school:

  • The point system should give certain advantages. For example, if a child receives a certain number of points, then on the weekend he will be able to ride rollers, relax in the amusement park.
  • You can make peculiar sorties on barbecue, picnic with the child. In adolescence, you can exchange balls for money as motivation. Indeed, in any case, the teenager receives pocket money that can be spent on courtship for girls, on objects corresponding to hobby.
  • For example, these can be rollers, spare parts for design, creating technology. Modern adolescents often spend money on donates in computer games, the ability to download paid applications. Interest the child in this way.  

Read on the topic:

Be sure to explain the rules to the child, control the time he spends on the phone. If the baby has nothing to do, he will be forced to pick up a book in order to at least somehow entertain himself. Therefore, be sure to take care that the house has a lot of useful literature for children. It worked well on the example of Soviet children who did not have a large number of entertainment. Such children spent most of the time on the street, reading books.

Video: Punishment for bad grades

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