The benefits of dancing for the development of preschool and school children

The benefits of dancing for the development of preschool and school children

Dancing is one of the most beloved types of physical activity of both children and adults. Dancing classes help not only a pleasant leisure time, but also contribute to physical and emotional development.

No matter what dancing the child wants to deal with, each species implies regular physical activity. Scientists have proven that any choreography helps to train the body and thereby strengthens health.

The benefits of dancing for school and school age children

  • Many parents prefer to give their children not for sports training, but for dancing, and of course it makes sense. No sports section can give the child so much emotional joy and physical development, Like dancing. They are able to give the baby flexibility, endurance, sense of rhythmas well as help correct the problems associated with the back and the spine. What is the benefit of dancing for school and school age children?

In the event that the child has any health problems, this should be warned of dance coach.

Physical development

The benefits of dance for the body are undeniable, because children who visit the circle on a regular basis are externally noticeably different from other children.


This is due to correctly selected physical activity, thanks to which:

  • all muscles are strengthened;
  • posture acquires the correct position;
  • the child becomes more hardy and flexible;
  • blood circulation improves;
  • the vessels become more elastic;
  • the lungs are fully revealed.

Correctly fulfill the exercises the necessary condition in order to achieve all of the above qualities. Thanks to a good coach, it will be easy to learn how to correctly perform exercises.

Intellectual development

  • Few parents know that dancing can give not only good physical shape, but also contribute to intellectual development.
  • While the child remembers the necessary movement and listens to music, his brain develops memory. Also, during the dances, you have to constantly repeat movements for the teacher, and this, in turn, trains attention.

Artistic development

  • In addition to ready -made choreographic movements, in dance classes, children are often invited to come up with their own and perform them to certain music.
  • Such exercises develop the imagination well and instill in the child creative thinking From a very early age.
The benefits of the belly dance are incredible, so you can give your girl to such classes
The benefits of the belly dance are incredible, so you can give your girl to such classes

Disclosure of character

The constant performance of physical exercises to music helps the development and disclosure of the personal qualities of the child.

These include:

  • activity;
  • confidence;
  • discipline;
  • self -control;
  • artistry;
  • courage.

It is very important from childhood to teach a child to think creatively and make decisions independently.

Development of sociability

  • Due to the fact that most often children are dancing in groups - the benefits of sports ballroom dancing and that this allows you to train communication skills. As a result, after that, children can easily make new acquaintances in any environment.
  • As a rule, dances mean command work, so they contribute to the fact that children learn to trust others and forgive them mistakes.
  • In choreography lessons, children are also taught control your facial expressions and gestures. These skills will undoubtedly need them in further life.

The best age for starting dancing

  • Dancing is exactly the type of active activity that can already be done from the moment the baby began to walk. To date, there are many dance circles where groups are recruited from the age of two.
  • Of course, at this age, dancing will be more like walking to music, since the baby is not yet able to perform complex choreographic movements.
  • However, already from childhood it is important that the child is formed correctly, follow his posture and behavior. Therefore, the benefits of dancing in this case are undeniable.
  • Professional technology and the complexity of choreographic movements will gradually grow with the child.
Give your child to dancing early
Give your child to dancing early

Harm dance

Physical activity in dancing is significant, but at the same time there are negative points:

  1. Any kind of dance, with improper observance of technology, can harm the body in the form stretches, bruises or injuries. To prevent such negative consequences, it is important to comply with all the instructions of the coach.
  2. As if I did not want to believe that dancing helps to form only positive communication skills, they still form a sense of competition. In some situations, a sense of rivalry can negatively affect the emotional state of the child. To avoid this, it is important to teach the child to love not only to win, but also to enjoy the victories of other children.
  3. High price. Not all families can afford to give the child to dancing. This is especially true for large parents. In such a situation, a good advice will choose the most budget dance circles and monitor periodic discounts.

How to choose the right dance school?

  • How to choose the right dance school? If the child expressed a desire to engage in dancing, then first of all it is necessary to decide on the direction that will be as useful as possible, given his individual characteristics. After all, today there are many types of dances.
  • Most studios today offer to purchase one -time classes in order to understand exactly where the child wants to go.
  • You should also give preference to such a studio that is closest to the house. Most often, school -age children are engaged in dancing in the evening, so you do not always want to spend precious time on the way home.

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Video: Dancing and health of children

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