Dithes for traffic rules for schoolchildren and preschool children - the best selection

Dithes for traffic rules for schoolchildren and preschool children - the best selection

A collection of funny, funny, instructive ditties along traffic rules.

Dithes for traffic rules for preschoolers

Ditties on traffic rules of preschool children
Dithes for traffic rules for preschoolers

Dithes for traffic rules for preschoolers:

You, baby, until recently
Built a city from sand,
Was the tankman the most important
From the childish regiment.


Having saddled his horse
You rode, shouted: "Hurray!"
And to the playground
The kids ran out.


And the open spaces attract you
And the dream calls you -
Would quickly go to the city
In unknown places!


But the streets are beautiful
Between trams and cars
It's all unsafe to walk.
Is there a way out? There is one!

You listen to our ditties -
And walking yourself!

From the oak tree is straight
Via a sloping hill,
One day there was a lumberjack
To the city - to visit the brother.


Brother ordinary brownie -
Pants on a suspension -
He lives in the city
Nine -story building.


Step by step - ten miles -
And pretty soon
Having crossed the iron bridge,
Leshy arrived in the city.


Everything would be so, but the trouble is -
Broken boy
Never happened
Visit the brother.


Eyes scatter -
Lights! Shoes! ..
The brakes creaked
Cargo car!


A whistle is torn
Poor goblin owl -
For the trees of the square!


Scared the little boy,
He hid in fear ...
Suddenly a three -eyed giant
He appeared in front of him


And the conversation started
Looking at the road:
“I am a road traffic light!
Do you need a help? "


"Yes! - exclaimed Leshy, - yes,
Help, darling!
These are your cities
Allocated! "


“Listen,” the giant said, “
It's very simple!
Allowing signal
Wait for the intersection!


Look at my eyes!
Remember for starters -
I have exactly three
Light signal:


Red - stand!
Yellow - wait!
And green - pass!


And one more person -
If you are small,
Walk across the street
With one of the adults!
Well, I don’t dare to detain!
Goodbye! I have an honor! "


Having made a grateful look,
Goblin gave a hand:
“Well, thanks, traffic lights,
For your science! "

And perky light march
The forester stomped on.


Step by step, house behind the house,
Lane, turn -
On the avenues to strangers
Past the towers and the gate!


Only suddenly around the corner
The ball rolled out -
Know, the game is going on with might and main!
The boy runs out.


And shouts: “Well, give -
Run reluctantly!
You want to play with us!
Will you get on the gate? "


And, of course, our goblin
I immediately agreed ...
Here again the three -eyed guard
He appeared in front of him.

He exclaimed: “The guys!
You listen to me!


No in the world for children
Nothing more dangerous
Than football or hockey
The roadway! "


I gave it to the visor,
I looked at top strictly,
Mutting: “Come on, son!
Had the road? "


Through the whole huge city
They walked for a long time
Behind a fun conversation,
Or simply silently.


On green boulevard,
Then back, or then forward
On the bridge, along the sidewalk
And in the underground transition.


Finally stopped -
Ahead is a huge yard.
Inversely said goodbye.
The traffic light smiled:


“You will go here a little more
And there is a gray jeep,
Through the street it lies!

You are on the zebra and go!
Well, to the soon! Goodbye!"


"How so?! Walk on a zebra!
Miracles! Blimey!
We are talking about in dense wilds
Never heard!


What will Zebra say to this?
And will she like it?
But I don't even know
How the horses are saddened! "


He reached the intersection
Near the jeep he turned
He sees - the street in stripes.
It was then that the goblin and realized.


Here is a wide path
Passed through the path.
Exactly like a zebra back
She is striped!


Goblin stood a little,
To the left, to the right threw off
And went across the road
Straight to the huge yard.


In front of him is a high -rise building -
“N-yes, he made his brother wait!
How hard it is
Walk along the street! "
Here on this page
We, baby, have to say goodbye!


See - Rules of movement
Amazingly simple!
There are already without delay
Goblin learned. And you?

The duck grunted:
- Quack quack!
I see green light!
Come on, children, in my leg
Let's cross the road!


- I love an underground transition! -
The hippo told Korov. -
After all, there are no cars under the ground
And there is no reason to worry!


Our goat is very small
But he learned a lot
And the road will cross
Only where is the transition!
-Where would I,-shouts,-to find
"Zebra" to go through it? ..


- Fox, play with me!
- But not on the pavement!
You can't play on the street!
Hurry up to the yard! Friends are waiting there!


The mouse came out of the tram
And the parrot asked:
- How can I go around the tram?
- Front! And don't yawn!


The donkey asked the Martyshka:
- How did you stuff the bump?
- I stood by the car
And looked at the tires.


Suddenly the door opened: clap!
How to hit right in the forehead!
I want to say to everyone now:
"You can't stand the cars!"


-Ah trolleybus and bus, -
The frog croaked, -
Everyone bypasses only from behind
Sweet girlfriend!


Grandfather gave the elephant
High -speed bike
And he said: remember:
Do not leave the yard!


The street is not for the guys!
I know everyone says so!
I will go carefully
Only where you can ride.

Fairytale rules of the road

For Carlson
Running on the road
What to look at the traffic light?
You have a propeller
You can take off in time!


For the three -headed snake Gorynych
The transition path, snakes Gorynych, do not look!
Not sorry to lose their heads
If there are two spare ones!


For goblin and brownies
Knows the goblin, brownies,
Even grandmother Yaga
Who came from the village
Let him remember so for now:
Go around the tram like a horse
And the bus is like a bull!


For the cat's cat
Why a scientist cat
Lives for three hundred years?
Because the cat knows
Where is the underground transition!

Three wonderful worlds
To help you
The path to go dangerous,
We burn both day and night -
Green, yellow, red.


Our house is a traffic light.
We are three siblings,
We have been shining for a long time
On the road to all the guys.


We are three wonderful worlds
You often see us
But our advice
You do not listen to sometimes.


The most strict is red light.
If he burns,
Stop! There is no road further,
The path for everyone is closed!


So that you calmly crossed,
Listen to our advice:
- Wait! You will see yellow soon
In the middle of the light!


And behind him is a green light
It will flare up ahead.
He will say:
- There are no obstacles
Feel free to go!


You will obey without a dispute
The instructions of the traffic light,
You will get home and get to school,
Of course, very soon.

It is known that the wizard
We are not easy to meet.
And I met him
At our intersection.


He is a striped wand
Waves cleverly.
And the drivers slow down
Everyone knows - stop!


I waved a wand again
And the tires rustled.
They set in motion again
Different cars.


Trams and trolleybuses,
Van, dump trucks
They will go to that side,
Where he showed them.


And immediately stop
To skip instantly
To someone "ambulance"
With anxious siren.


But the car is red,
And the staircase above it -
Rushing to the fire
Drive as soon as possible.


The wizard will help again -
She will open her road,
So that they managed to save the house
Hero firefighters.


Let the traffic light blink
Our wizard is more important
The cars are directed
Your wand.


So who is he? - Answer.
There is no secret at all
After all, even children know:
The traffic controller is!

He is the main one on the road.
He is important as a director.
And look at the strict look
On all traffic inspector.


So that the rules of movement
Followed by the drivers
It stands day and night
At the edge of the highway.


The cars are naughty
He will build in an even row,
And the violators know,
That arguing with him is not worth it.


He monitors order
Overtaking, turning.
Traffic light signals
Should anyone miss?


He will punish the scorch
To go that quieter
He did not endanger
Girls and boys.


And if suddenly in a walkie -talkie
Will receive a message,
Then right behind the bandits
He rushes without delay.


And they, risking their lives,
He will help to detain.
The duty of the inspector
The chase enters too.


Didn't you fasten your belt?
And he is already on guard:
He will write a receipt
And the fine will take now.


It will not make mistakes
Never in the protocol.
Do you want to work like that?
Learn better at school.

Dithes for traffic rules for schoolchildren

Ditties for schoolchildren traffic rules
Dithes for traffic rules for schoolchildren

Dithes for traffic rules for schoolchildren:

Each of the children knows
There are no wisdom rules:
“Road rules
Observe it! "

Every young pedestrian
Or Zebra should know
And only walk on it.

There is an underground transition
And the aboveground transition.
We go boldly on it
He will save from cars!

Traffic light- road friend-
Manages everything around.
Red light is a formidable appearance.
He is fraught with danger.

If the light burns like that
So, like a soldier, wait!
Yellow - like the sun
Warm, spring.

Offers to wait,
Gives the mood.
But green - don't yawn
And go ahead boldly!

Red - "Stop!" "Get ready!" - yellow.
And the green light - "Go!"
Be careful and persistent
Do not run - wait for the signal!

We also have an assistant
This is our road sign.
He will tell and help
What should we do and how.

If the sign is in a red bacon -
So - you can’t do it!
So - the action is dangerous!
Listen to him, friends!

In the blue bachelor
Allows you to do so.
Information gives what and where
Waiting for us!

Never near the car
Do not run through the road.
Remember, even super -shows
They cannot slow down quickly!

Sled, videos, "cheesecakes"-
There is no toys on the road!
Do not roll on the roads,
Do not cling to the cars.

Very dangerous
Pampering on the highway!
If on a bicycle
You are going along the sidewalk
Look around a little:
Is there a sign "bike path"
If there is a separate path
We must turn it on him!

If you go to kindergarten,
Then you are not enough!
And ride along the road
You are unlikely to be allowed!

You can boldly ride
On the paths in the yard!
It's not about the road
To appear for children!

On the roadway
It is dangerous for everyone to walk!
And on the sidewalk -
We walk bravo.

If with mom or dad
You will go all together
Do not forget that you are a child,
I have to go in a children's chair!

Should be fastened with a belt
Himself and mom and dad too!
All must be observed strictly!
This, friend, will help you.

Looks behind the order strictly
The policeman is a faithful guard!
He is a guard on the road
And our assistant!

You go out onto the road-
There is no transition nearby.
Do not rush, a little wait a little
And listen to our advice:
Look first to the left
Make sure there are no cars.

Go to the middle.
Immediately do not rush again.
Look to the right first.
No cars - bolder forward!

You know the rules. Bravo!
A real pedestrian!
Road rules
Children are supposed to know!

And not only to know firmly,
But also observe!
You will be smart and dare
And also healthy and intact!

The alphabet of movement
Previously, accounts and letters,
Drawing, reading,
All the guys need to know
Movement rules!


The transport is different on the road:
Passenger and cargo,
State and private,
Passenger city.


They go along the roadway
All on the right side
This is the rule of movement
In ours acts in the country.


People on the side of the road
Should move
Transport to meet
From the left side.


Crossing the road
You and I will always find:
Striped path
Drawn on it.


Nearby the road sign is put:
Here the road crosses
All conscious people.


If under the intersection
There is an underground transition,
Along it across the road
Every pedestrian walks.


The intersection move
And cross the road
Everyone cannot at the same time
Without colliding in the way.


Regulates the movement
Under the name of the traffic light.

He shines brightly he and me
Multi -colored lights,
And our conversation about them.


Red light caught fire
This means - there is no course.
The traffic light signals strictly:
"Don't go to the road!"


If the yellow light burns
He tells us to wait.

And when green is burning
Clear to everyone, definitely
The traffic light says:
"The transition is open to you!"


If a traffic light
No at the transition
Look to the left
Before you go.


In the middle of the road
Look to the right
Skip the transport,
And then go.


Where is the barrier along the street,
There is no transition.
Transport moves behind him,
Without slowing down.


Behind the barrier you can immediately
Under the wheels, please:
After all, a heavy car
It is not easy to stop.


Rushing along the road
Fast cars,
You will get there
Right to them under the tires.


If transport on the road
The curb stands
He is usually pedestrians
Closes the general view.


Truck or bus
It is dangerous to bypass
This is every pedestrian
Must know perfectly.


To see the road on the left
And skip the cars,
Truck or bus
It is necessary to bypass behind.


The tram bypass in front
Pedestrians, knowing,
That the danger threatens them
From the oncoming tram.


Children play in the yard
Transport travels on the way.
Did not happen so that trouble
Do not go to play there.


And always in any game
Stay in the yard.
On the roadway
There may be misfortune.


If you go on the road
If you went on the road,
Do not yawn from boredom:
They can call in your mouth
Truck or tram.


Only it is worth stripping -
In the way will be in the mouth
Twenty meters crane
Or thirty high.


And the doctor will rush strict
We can help out the crane with a tram ...
So it's better on the road
Do not yawn or miss.


Do not fight the pillars
If you are in a car
You go straight on the way
And towards - a lamp column
In a hat, jeans and a coat


Turn right
In a roadside ditch:
This pillar is dear to you
Will not give in for nothing!

About Zebra and Tiger

I do not believe myself: animals roam on the way:
Not elephants, do not rush, go around it all year round.
You will meet a zebra on the road - you don’t have to take your feet:
Because this zebra is a pedestrian crossing.


Well, if on the threshold, or right on the road,
On the road, not in the wilds, you will meet the tiger on the way,
You need to fire faster: the beast escaped from the zoo,
And the road, like a zebra, do not cross it.

Ditties about traffic rules - the best selection

Ditties about traffic rules - the best selection
Ditties about traffic rules - the best selection

Dithes about traffic rules - the best selection:

This road has the principle of this
The roadway is separated by a strip,
Sign 5.1, this is about us,
The road is free, you’re going to gas.
There are no tram tracks on the way
Only go ahead of the road.


Car train
This is a vehicle,
There is a clutch on it,
We live with him in the neighborhood.
We do not ride it.


He sits faster into transport,
And rushing to the stop,
Maybe even by taxi
You have a driver.

He looks in the window
We drive a wonderful look.
Here is the stop again.
The passenger comes out cleverly.


Road movement
There is such a relationship
Like a road movement,
And within all the roads,
A stream arises here.


Cargoes go on business,
Pedestrians here yes there.
You follow the road
Be attentive on the way.


The land of the ground is visible
She is very important.
Equipped, see
And divide the parts.
There are tram paths, sidewalks ahead,
And there are roadsides, they invite us on vacation.


Passing part
This road is for cars,
Without a reasons for this,
Here all the cars are driving deftly.
And soon there will be a stop.


Traffic light
It stands on the streets,
Of course, it helps us all,
He gives a signal to thought
To start the movement soon.

And someone should stand up.
So as not to violate the rules.
Here red gives us a signal,
There is no travel, you're late.

And yellow is ready again to the path.
Green winked, Katya.
Observe these signals,
Remember our traffic lights.


The accident prevents
And our lives save.
And if the traffic light breaks,
The mash with the movement came across.

The traffic controller will help us
And the rod will pave the route to us.
A kind of code will give,
It will give all cars to drive.
He has an outfit,
The badge icon and dexterity!


The pedestrian sign is worth
So the path is open to us.
Here is an underground transition,
He will bring us to the goal,
You go down the steps,
And do not scare at all.

And the above -ground is friends with us.
And the assistant will serve.
Sign, marking in the way,
Look around the sides.


Traffic police
Who exercises control,
The rules does not violate
The movement is watching
If you need to scold.
This is the traffic police - our assistant, he is everywhere.
From an early age to gray hair,
The law of roads to all is alone.


Bicycle, roller skates.
Rules of the road movement,
We remember everything without exception,
If you want to ride
Then there is nothing to be afraid.

How many years ask yourself
Then take the videos
And maybe a skateboard,
He, of course, will take
Well, if it's tired
The bicycle is waiting for you boldly.

Park and your yard.
Up to fourteen years.
The helmet, gloves, do not forget.
And then forward and on the road!


Warning signs.
There are different signs,
For this they are studied,
See the triangular sign
Red strip inside.

Black silhouette on white,
Warns the sign on the case.
The site is complex in front,
Be careful in the way.


Priority signs.
You see, this sign is worth
So, the path is open to us,
Maybe a narrow road
Or there are a lot of intersections.
We study this sign and remember it.


Prohibiting signs
Round sign, remember,
Do not yawn on the road!
He prohibits the movement,
And gives a limit.
Do such a sign,
The Law of Roads you observe.


Prescribing signs.
Round sign, inside the arrow,
She is very white
And maybe the drawing,
He will always direct us!


Signs of special requirements
We really need this sign,
On the road day and night,
He introduces and cancels,
The movement mode determines.

See the settlement,
The plate is on the right ahead.
Or stoppage place,
He will tell you very deftly.


Information signs
See the information sign,
The gas station will be ahead
And the place of rest for us.
Pool, service or beach.
He recommends movement,
Regime security.


This place is crossed,
For further movement.
The adjoining of roads so that you can drive.
Or maybe an extension
Look, without delay.


This element is this road,
Serves us in winter and summer,
Designed for movement,
Pedestrian resolution.
It adjoins the roadway,
Or separates the lawn.


The responsibilities of passengers
If you go by taxi
Fasten the safety belt.
Do not distract the driver,
Observe the rules.
We drive up the stop,
And do not forget anything.


The responsibilities of pedestrians
The edge of the carriageway, you see,
And we need to go here.
So we will be quietly
To meet the transport.

It got dark, what to do?
How can we go here next.
We recommend boldly
Take light -protective items with you.

The pedestrian must know
The rules do not violate.
Come forward ahead.

If there is an adjustment,
That, follow the signals clever.
The sound signal gives
Rides quickly and forward.
This is a vehicle,
With a flashing beacon.
You must wait.
And give way to the road.


The outside
Our street is large
There are roads and yards
The tram runs far,
And trolleybuses are visible.

Pedestrian paths,
Park, cozy square, at home.
Kindergarten and school are nearby.
We all like it.


Braking distances
You have to go out soon
We will press the pedal,
Brake, not the other.
Very important one.
Drove the distance,
Pay attention!
The car stopped everything
You can go out, the door opened.


I drive big goods
And products, if necessary,
Turn to me all.
I will be glad to help you!


I'm not a simple car
I'm a groovy car,
I will take all patients urgently,
And on this I put a point.


I always take all people,
From evening to morning.
To work, for a walk.
To school, kindergarten and cinema.
Stop, here is the metro!

"On a visit to the traffic light"
I am a traffic light, I came to you not in vain,
Hello my friends,
Today I will give you advice
Get friends with me for a hundred years.

My rules are simple
The signal is green, you go!
Here, the car hurried
I quickly guessed into the pit,
It’s worth it on the repair
Crying, it just hurts.

Here is a car, hurried
I quickly got into the pit,
I will not break anymore
I want to ride, do not stand!

That's what happens if bad
Someone looks at the road
You guys are not in a hurry
Learn my rules!

Red lights up, it is forbidden to go to everyone!
You stop yellow
To the right, turn to the left!
And the green path is open!
Without stops and insults!

Moving again on the way.
You are more slowly.
Green signal pass,
And if red, then get up.

The barrier is closed to you.
Without explanation and resentment.
The device is a sliding.
Or a lifting one.
He happens, he closes the way
When the train passes.


The enterprise is large,
Transport and urban,
There are a lot of technical means,
The dispatcher helps him rather.

In order not to forget anything.
Deliver the goods and do not forget people.
For us, passengers have compositions,
To make it comfortable, we go faster.


A flat place, very large.
There are no houses here, nothing is being built here.
The streets nearby diverge together.
Here is the area that we need.

Dithes for traffic rules for children of all ages

Dithes for traffic rules for children of all ages
Dithes for traffic rules for children of all ages

Dithes for traffic rules for children of all ages:

We are now in three minutes
We will tell you and sing.
With a song, joke and in the game
We will fix traffic rules.


On the roads you have to be
Very careful
Remember these rules
After all, they are not complicated.


We will tell you the ways
How to cross the road!
I just dare to notice
So it is ridiculous to do
In front of the nose by the car
Run on the road.


I was chasing along the street
With the key boy.
It’s good that I stayed alive
In bruises and cones.


There is a traffic light near the school,
It is not for jokes
Setting off in the morning on the road
Do not forget about him!


If you pressed the button,
Do not strive for the road
A green signal
Be sure to wait!


Let there be no cars and no,
Do not go to the red light!
Before crossing,
To the left, look right,
The situation is appraisal,
And then go ahead.


You are not in the circus! Here is the road!
The steering wheel turns up a little.
Well, who will you surprise?
Under the car you will please!


A lot of difficulties are dangerous
On Zetuzhev with us.
But it is waiting for you here too


Crossing is not at all easy
Busy intersection,
And not for nothing here for a long time
A traffic light is installed!

Dear Aunt,
Well, where are you going?
Here to "zebra" the path is notable,
There are only forty meters here!


- Guess who is coming?!
- Well, of course, a pedestrian!
Everyone will become a pedestrian
Who will go on a hike.
He will save him from cars,


Going on a long journey,
Be more closely!
Even on the forest track
Caution does not interfere!


Where there is a noisy intersection,
Where the cars cannot be counted,
It’s not so easy to cross
If the rules do not know.


We, Pokrovsky guys,
Sprinkle ditties to you.
The topic "Rules of movement"
And we will observe the regulations.


Caution on the road
It will not hurt anyone,
But many misfortunes
It will warn in advance.


Road rules,
All kinds of signs
Must be strictly observed
The children are clearly aware of.


He will protect from trouble.
Both girl and boy
From misfortune will save.


If you need to cross
The road is ahead of you
Look around!
I will give you good ladies.


Here is a detachment in the movie.
The teacher is very happy:
You will be the eldest, Sashok,
Take the flag in front.


Mother leads the baby:
Here it is, our path,
There is a car, don't run
Legs, baby, take care!


Baba Galya on the move
Teaches a harmful goat:
You see, walks, where the people are, -


ATVs, motorcycles
Not for little guys.
This technique for adults
Let them stand in the garage.


Here the pedal deftly twists
A lively cyclist.
Remember strictly: on the road
You are not in the circus, not an artist!


On a wide alkal
You go out for a walk
And cars-back and forth,
Remember, friend, you are a pedestrian!


Look at the left first
And look right.
If there is no car nearby,
Only then cross.


Hey driver, do not rush
You see the "zebra" in front!
Signs must be observed,
Passing pedestrians!


Driving drivers
After all, parents!
Because the children of strangers
Take care of like yours!


There are sports grounds
For sports children.
And the roads - for travel,
At all, friend, not for the game!


Traffic lights are not fences
You just won’t get around.
How it blinks a green arrow,
Only then will you cross.


But in the village, you know
Traffic lights are not needed.
Just remember: everywhere
Knowledge of the rules is important to everyone!

Follow very strictly
Movement rules.
Study, repeat
To exhaustion!

Ditties for traffic rules for children

Ditties for traffic rules for children
Ditties for traffic rules for children

Dithes for traffic rules for children:

Dear pedestrians, listen carefully.
We’ll sought it out to you ditties just wonderful.

About violators

I climbed onto the tram and waved a pen.
And then the policeman put on my handscker.

I walk around Yaransk, any of me on the asphalt.
I will stumble about the bump, then I kiss with ice.

I slowed down the car on the roadway.
Two KAMAZ collapsed in a bunch of spare parts.

Yesterday I did not fasten the seat belt -
My driver paid 500 rubles for me.

In the car, I rode and forgot about the rules.
And now for violations, the fine is supposed to me.

I crossed the road right under the wheels.
Do not scold me, driver, I'm not an adult yet.

We were waiting for a minibus with the whole crowd at the station.
Everyone wants to climb faster - they trampled the grandmother.

I traveled on my father’s car along the road.
There is a foreign car in a ditch - I drove it there.

We walked along the street and decided to cross.
They found a zebra on the road and were able to go along it.

At the Gazelle, we go to school there and back.
Thanks to the drivers for the fare is free!

On the side of the road we will go with a friend Vera.
And according to the rules of movement - side on the left.

Dad bought me great, I'll go to ride.
It’s still early on the road - I'm only twelve.

I gave way to the granny at the window.
Well, what are my years - I will stand a little.

The driver is inferior to me to cross the intersection.
Either he sorry for the money, then the traffic cop ahead.

We have a scientist - we have a wonderful mousetle.
But the mouse never runs to red.

We advise you guys: Learn the rules!
And always follow yourself on the street.

A car hurries on the highway,
Something quietly whisper tires.
A spotty cat is driving,
A hippo is drowning nearby.


What is the head?
Instead of headlights, an owl sits!
They twist the motor cheerfully:
Pig and beaver!


And in the trailer the elephant sits:
He is bibling-will!
The brake is the turtles,
Two bugs are cleaned with glass.


On the road a traffic light:
The hare holds a tomato!
The animals see - red light,
This means - there is no course!


The hare of the apple takes:
Yellow light - the car is waiting!
The hare took out the cucumber:
Green light, finally!


Along the lakes and villages
Go, racing all day
In the valleys, in the forests,
To visit various miracles!

Traffic light

The traffic light told us strictly:
- Caution, the road here!
Do not play, do not pitch
Just stand and look!

Red was lit upstairs:
Red light is always dangerous!
The tractor and tram are traveling,
Hey, do not yawn the driver!

White zebra - transitions:
Pedestrians are waiting calmly.
The traffic light told us clearly -
Red light - to go dangerous!

The traffic light winked at us,
He blinked with a yellow eye.
Yellow light and red light:
Anyway, there is no road!

The traffic light is on guard
He doesn’t even sleep at night.
Looking into his eyes
The brakes creaked,

All cars got in a row
People are waiting, too.
The traffic light lit for us
Your green good eye.

Neatly, we are not in a hurry,
Do not rush, do not run!
After waiting for quite a bit
We go across the road!

It is forbidden - permitted!

Both avenues and boulevards -
The streets are noisy everywhere,
Pass along the sidewalk
Only on the right side!

Here to prank, interfere with the people
Be an exemplary pedestrian

If you are going in a tram
And people around you
Without pushing, without yawning
Come forward ahead.

Go a "hare", as you know,
Give up the old woman

If you are just walking
Look ahead anyway
Through a noisy intersection
Carefully pass.

Transition in red light
With green even children

Dithes for traffic rules for pedestrians

Dithes for traffic rules for pedestrians
Dithes for traffic rules for pedestrians

Dithes for traffic rules for pedestrians:

Dear, pedestrians,
Listen carefully.
We’ll pass ditties to you
Just wonderful.


For chatterboxes
There is a special order:
Approaching any road
Pull off the same hour!


At the pants and at the car
There are salvations of belts.
You are your car
Fasten to yourself!


Along the street rose
With a baby's key.
It's good that I stayed alive
In bruises and cones.


Oh, dad driving
Today is a violation.
I will repeat with him
Movement rules!


Where is transport and road.
Everyone should know the order.
On the roadway strictly
Games are all prohibited.


Caution on the road!
Take care of your arms - legs.
Remember the rules everywhere
Otherwise, to be trouble!


To everyone who loves to take a walk
Everyone, without exception.
You need to remember, you need to know
Movement rules!


Who runs across the road
We will punish those very strictly!
To know ahead
There is an underground transition!


Both trolley and bus
Go around the back
So as not to lose forever
Your lush head!


A loud ringing tram
Another law insists on us:
All trams go around
Be sure to front!


For chatterboxes
There is a special order:
Approaching any road
Pull off the same hour!


You only have two legs -
Take care of the wheels!
And ride on the steps
Only centipedes can.


Road rules
All the guys know.
Let them every time
They help you out with you.


If some kind of school is here,
So there is a “zebra” nearby.
But she will not ask to eat,
And he will ask for it.


What kind of races on the road
What kind of noise and what a scream.
Presses on the pedals without looking
Third school student!


My cheerful sonorous ball
Where did you start to jump.
On the site you play
Do not bother on the road!


I went across the road
Where it is not supposed.
And I had to pay a fine,
For what it is supposed.


Do not go to red
And on yellow too.
Green light light
Now the path is open to us!


I just dare to notice
So it is ridiculous to do
In front of the nose by the car
Run on the road.


A bright star in the sky
We are guys - at least where!
We know everything without exception
Our rules of movement.


You need to explain easily,
Whether you are you young or old:
Pavement - for transport,
For you - the sidewalk!


Go through the street there, a pedestrian,
Where is the “transition” indicated to you!


At the traffic light - red light!
The path is dangerous - there is no passage!
And if the yellow light burns
He “get ready” says.

Green flashed in front -
The path is free, cross.


Where you need to cross the street,
Remember the rule of the rule:
With attention to the left, first look,
Take a look at the right!


It is stupid to think: “Somehow
I'll slip a tram path! "
Never forget,
That you are the tram faster!


Red eye traffic lights
I looked at me point blank.
I stood and waited silently,
Because he knew for sure:

If the red light burns
A pedestrian is always worth it.
If you see red light,
This means - there is no course!


Cars were driving by
And the tires rustled quietly.
The tractor rode, rattled,
The dump truck ran after him,

Long-free forester
On the way, the logs are taken.
Yellow light burns under the red:
It’s dangerous to go anyway!


Transport began to slow down,
To free the path.
Yellow light caught fire -
There is no one to anyone.

Pedestrians do not go
And the cars are waiting too!
The traffic light blinked and - one!
He lit a green eye!


Striped transition
Pedestrians of different are waiting:
Mom is coming with a stroller
There is a lady with a dog,

Carries the baby toy,
The old man leads an old woman
Two girls are going
Cars are waiting at the same time.


The green light burns
As if he says:
- Please go
But just don't run!

And if on the track
Warm the insolvent
You will miss her
And only then go!


Green - safe,
But the red is dangerous.
Green - we are going
And yellow with red - we are waiting!

The trouble does not matter

In Kostroma, in Krivoy Rog Lee,
In Elista Lee, in Taganrog, Lee,
A rare case happened-
The traffic light suddenly turned off.

All participants in the movement
Frozen from tension.
They (no matter how you turn here)
Neither drive nor pass.

Pedestrians are inconsolable
Finally taken aback.
Very, apparently, they are afraid
Turn into disabled people.

And the drivers are angry
Nonactive and not restrained:
All the signals are scared,
But the raids are avoided.

Here, at a moment,
In the middle of the crowd
A slim guy appeared,
Businesslike and calm,

He took out a striped wand
In the center of the intersection stood up
Firmly, strong legs
And he spread trouble with his hands.

Acted easily and deftly:
You are there, and you are here.
Five minutes later from the cork
There is no trace left!

Minepers are ridiculous for traffic rules

Minepers are ridiculous for traffic rules
Minepers are ridiculous for traffic rules

Minepers are funny for traffic rules:

This sign stands at the school
Remember the drivers:
In this place you must
Especially to be vigilant!


They brought Catherine
To school in a steep car.
Katya asks to the entrance,
Only no, alas, travel.


Mom told me strictly:
Do not yawn before the road!
And look, look, look
I almost knocked out Lada!


This sign of this kind,
He is on guard of a pedestrian.
We move with mom together
We are going in this place.


Let there be a reason for haste
Let you rush again
But you can’t before the car
Run on the road.


Remember the young pedestrian
Remember parents,
The jokes are bad by the road,
Be very vigilant!


We sang ditties
According to the rules of movement.
We all have to remember them,
All without exception.


Prohibited on it is travel!
And an forgetful driver
Create a collision.


This cross means:
The intersection is ahead
You look, don't accelerate
And a little slowly!


Work is ahead
Fault on the way.
You have to go by a detour,
Find a safe way.


Driving with us now
Many women are just a class!
A little came in the eye,
They will not find where the brakes are.


We cross the road
The green light should.
So all the children are crossing
Except for uncles and aunts.


Dear dads, mothers,
You know so much
But the rules of movement
You often forget.


So let's with us
Repeat them more often,
I didn't hurt the soul
For the native baby.


Oh, once again,
Listen to the rules for you.
Eh, once again,
Remember our decree.


We arrived at the competition
We will sing ditties to you
And we sing here here
All for mood.


You about the rules of movement
And, of course, we will repeat
And about the service of traffic police
Movement rules.


Traffic light to us friend, guys,
Green light I know for sure
He always protects us,
And I'm running, running, running.


Click the button by the road
Although I will be late to school,
He winks around us with an eye.
But I won’t go to Red.

If you want a doseranka
Come to school in time,
You have to make a route
Without him, we have no way.


Machines on the roads are rushing -
It is dangerous to cross.
Look for Zebra on the road:
The transition here is clear!


I came to the intersection
When you leave the sidewalk,
They told me Zebra here.
Look around:


Miracle - I did not find a beast,
And left and right
All, upset, left.
If there are no dads or mothers.

To the rules of movement
It has no respect
On the road, pavement,
He risks his head.


We are five today
Sprinkle ditties to you
About the road movement
And about the rules on it.


He approached the intersection -
A terrible movement.
How to cross the road?
This is the adventure!
There is no adventure at all,
If you know the rules.


You just need to find
Signs of instructions.
Striped path -
On the green light step
Hurry, don't yawn!
The traffic light will indicate strictly -
The transition is now closed.


Do not run across the road
If the red light burns.
Yellow light warns:
Soon the path will be closed.


Or so: get ready
And be more attentive!
Both Avenues and Boulevards
The streets are noisy everywhere,
Pass along the sidewalk
Only on the right side.


We drove out of town,
The sidewalks were not found.
We were a little confused:
How do we move, tell me?
If there are no sidewalks,
Then find the curb.


Just remember that to meet
You need to go transport.
I got to the road
I did not find a traffic light,
I was confused and standing
I'm waiting for your instructions.


In this case to the left
And look right,
If you do not see transport,
That happy path!


Prepare in advance
Going outside
Restraint and politeness,
And most importantly - attention.


If the rules of movement
Perfect everything around
There is no other way then
Remember this, young friend!


Different traffic lights
All the guys like it.
Like a super-post,
He smiles at us.


Petya ran along the road
Like abnormal
He did not notice the red light,
There was an accident!


Do not run across the road
Remember the rules
After all, it leads to troubles,
Know the "five" always you are them.


The boy "Zebra" did not see.
Zebra shot down him.
I did not notice the zoo -
That's how it was.


I rode on the step,
I thought safely.
And when he fell like Anna,
I did not laugh anymore.


My name is a traffic light,
I serve in the police,
I'm talking about road rules
I will tell you guys.


Three traffic light signals
Pedestrians and driver
On the roads are so important
And, of course, we need it.


Everyone should know of us
Movement rules.
Each eye - traffic lights -
This is a notice.


I'm standing on a red light
I'm still waiting for yellow
I'm going to green
Bold on the road.


Where there is a noisy intersection,
Where the cars cannot be counted,
It’s not so easy to cross
If the rules do not know.


Our favorite guide
He stands on the pavement,
A wand wave
People will say something.


He became sideways to the pedestrian,
So this is - pass!
People moved in a stream.
You and I go with you.


He turned his back to us
Or breasts mean: Stop!
As if the red light was lit,
He tells us the guide.


Caution on the road
Take care of your arms, legs.
Remember the rules everywhere
Otherwise, to be trouble!


I rolled on the videos
And he ended up in the hospital.
What happened this time?
I knocked Kamaz with potatoes.


Your cheerful, ringing ball
It can rush quickly.
Do not play by the road
Take care of the ball and legs!


You can forget the folding
And it is illiterate to write
But road movement
We must know everything on "5"!


We must warn
You are from all dangers.
There is a red triangle -
It is needed for clarity.


All the guys, no doubt,
I like a bicycle.
But to ride the kids
It is possible only in the yard.


Well, this one says:
Do not risk so much!
The path will be winding up for cars,
Slippery road.


All dangers cannot be
Describe in advance.
Put a sign like that
To attract attention.


Follow the children everything
Movement rules,
And then you will not have
Surrounding in life!


Prophery your ears,
Even if there is no hearing.
Traffic police
Eh, compose at one moment.


Everyone needs to teach everyone
Road rules.
Because life without them
It became impossible.


At the landing sites
Passengers are waiting for transport,
Established order
You cannot violate here!


If you are going on a tram,
And people around you
Without pushing, without yawning
Come forward ahead.


If you suddenly got into a trolleybus,
You are moving forward
Do not rush to sit down at the window:
Maybe grandmother will come in.


Eh, my parents told me:
Not distracting the driver!
Better stand - look forward
Who goes along the street.


Getting on the bus right away
Do not fall asleep
Surrounding older
Better give way to the place!


You see, here is a bicycle
In a red circle,
He prohibits the movement!
All back, friends!


The transition is dangerous here,
Every pedestrian knows!
Better go on
Where Zebra is on the way.


Go around the trolleybus behind,
And the tram in front,
Be careful and further
And do not get under the "jeep".


You go along the sidewalk
Only on the right side,
You will not interfere with anyone
And the cars are not terrible!


Here is an underground transition!
You are an approximate pedestrian!
Go down the steps down,
Feel free to go.


Dad asks Zhenya:
"Do you know the rules of movement?"
Eugene answers honestly:
"It is not interesting to me".


Vova went to the transition,
And there the girl goes.
Not running, friend, you are right away:
Wait for a green light.


Here lies in the hospital Mila,
Smiles to everyone cute.
Mila, here's the advice -
Do not go to the red light!


By the road in front of the house
Voices are heard:
"Either green, or red!"
They argue for half an hour.


Like at our intersection
Two color blinds are standing.
They argue and decide for a long time
What colors are burning?


If the rules of movement
Performed everything around.
There is no other way then.
Remember this is a young friend!

Cool ditties on traffic rules

Cool ditties on traffic rules
Cool ditties on traffic rules

Cool ditties on traffic rules:

We respect the traffic light
And we save the family!
Lies zebra on the road,
Moving strictly,
Attracts everyone to himself:
"Yes, go, you are for me!"


I have a friend in my car
Auto - called a chair,
He will press me to him
If you need to save life!


When you want the way
Go without fear
Find the strips on it
And a happy journey!


Well, if it's safe
If you want to take a walk with a friend
Then the playground
The best option!


If you go on the road
You are a friend - don't yawn,
Look at the left, to the right
They miss ... So walk!


Oh, I won't, oh, I won't
Run along the way
Better I go to play
On the sports ground with a grandfather!


If adults and children
There will be rules to know everything,
Then, perhaps, life
It will be easier to save!


You will remember
The rules are simple
If you follow the traffic rules for everyone
You will stay alive!


We love our families
And, of course, do not forget
We observe traffic rules
That we would not suffer!


Drivers in the car have
Safe belts
Do not be lazy, turn around
Yes, fasten faster!


Your life, your family
I am not tired of protecting!
I observe traffic rules
I protect my relatives!


Finally we wish
To be always on top,
Do not forget the traffic rules
Yes, follow them everywhere,
Do not risk, do not rush and take care of yourself!

A lot of signs on the road,
You must observe them,
So as not to get into trouble,
Everyone needs to know the rules.

The most important on the road
Went to the service of the patrol
And the movement controls
Everyone is a well -known traffic light.

If you see red light,
Then you are not dear to you
If you see green,
You can start the finish line.

If you want to cross
You are without trouble,
It helps in this case

Into the ball or catch -up
On the road to play,
Be careful always
Observe safety.

We sang ditties to you,
Having told all the rules,
With ditties sincerely
All of you have amused you!


Do not be a zatsper!

Transport is not a toy!
For the sake of your good,
No need to climb on the roof,
Neither cling to him!


Bus stop

Neither in the basement, nor in the pantry
People of transport are not waiting.
Waiting for him at the bus stop -
The one where the desired is the route.


Do not leave the sidewalk at the stop!

You are waiting for transport at a stop -
Do not leave the sidewalk
And at the parking lot
Do not be worn and do not roam.
It should be clear to anyone -
It’s dangerous to climb under the wheels!


Pay travel!

Passengers need to remember
You can’t ride everyone for free.
Those who are older than seven years
They must buy a ticket.
Freeze with shame
Controllers will be fined.


Go deep into the salon!

If you go into transport -
At least on the bus, at least on a tram,
So as not to push others,
Do not get stuck in the doorway
Remember the phrase from the recorder:
"Come deep into the salon!"


Doors are closing

Does the transport close the doors?
Do not try to interfere.
After all, believe me,
They do not force them by force.
Do not suit the tragedies
Stop and wait, another will come.


Hold on to the handrails!

Do not wander around the cabin,
Do not download and do not be worn.
Stop calm, don't push
And hold on to the handrails.
Learn, like twice two:
Transport is not for pampering!


Do not lean against the door!

If you want, rely
On friends and on friends,
But do not lean against the door,
After all, they can suddenly open.


Do not distract the driver!

For an accident accident
Enough. Remember friends,
Distract from management
You can't do a driver.


Do not sleep in transport!

Sitting on the bus Il in a tram,
Do not fall asleep for anything
After all, with brakes sharply
He can crack his forehead about the chair.


Do not put the bag in the seat!

Allows us a ticket
Sit down, but our bag is not.
On seats, friends,
You can’t put your luggage!


Do not climb your feet on the seat!

Sitting in transport, about behavior
Remember the one rule
What with the legs on the seat
It is forbidden to climb!


Do not get the passengers!

Passengers are not suitable
Sitting in the transport with dirty ones,
And those who eat ice cream,
It is not supposed to come with him,
After all, people standing nearby,
You do not need to get dirty in transport.


Not garbage in transport!

You can eat sweets, only
Never forget,
Transport is not a trash.
Do not throw garbage on the floor!


Give way!

People need to be kinder.
Sitting in transport, do not sleep -
Disabled person or old woman
Get up and give a place!


Come in advance to the exit!

So as not to detain transport
And do not create pushing,
Will be right and polite
Go to the exit in advance.


Fasten the seat belt!

Safety belt
It’s not too lazy to fasten smart.
Kohl accident will happen
It will help not to break.


The child is on a bicycle

Up to fourteen
Ride a bike
On the roads and the streets
Strictly not recommended.
But the kids can
Drive on bicycle paths.


A cyclist on the road

An adult on a bicycle
He occupies on the highway
The extreme right row and rides
Just like cars everything.
Great is not a car, but still
The rules are similar for them.


Bicycle control

Great, if you look closely,
Also a vehicle.
Do not walk with bruises,
Hold the steering wheel with both hands!


The helmet of the cyclist

Stupid who is on a bicycle
With a breeze without a helmet rides.
The helmet is not at all funny,
Life can save you.


Bicycle at the transition

Only for those who go themselves.
On their bicycles
People do not go along it.
If you need to cross
Great behind the wheel.

Funny ditties on traffic rules for lessons

Funny ditties on traffic rules for lessons
Funny ditties on traffic rules for lessons

Funny ditties on traffic rules for lessons:

Do not rush, wait

Raven was "thundered"
The light of the light is green,
And now it has been lit red.
Red - it is dangerous for everyone!
Wash yellow too!
Green again! Come on!


Crab on the road

A crab went to the road,
I was in a hurry very much.
Rushed and pickup
Also, by the way.
The crab is now in bandages,
Differents sick.
So he learned that he was in a hurry
Not always useful!


To kindergarten on zebra

Mom-svinka piglets
Puts to kindergarten in the morning.
All of them go along the zebra:
Here cars are in no hurry!


I taught the rules for a long time. Teaching

Goose received five!
Long rules taught:
Where to stand? Where to go?
How to cross the road?
He threw his diary into a satchel
And rushed ... straight!
But trouble happened here -
Guess for yourself.
You always need rules
Confirm with business!



Transfer of road roads
Suddenly the barrier blocked:
“There will be a train. Carefully!" -
Lried and stopped everything ...

Machines are waiting patiently
And, like everyone else, I'm waiting too -
Rushes the composition along the rails long,
The locomotive is buzzing: "Tu-tuuuu!"

The train "Summary" runs away
I managed to wag our tail ...
Passes, escorts
All barrier:
"Good luck!"

Young pedestrians - traffic rules

You go along the road, or a dark alley,
The driver will not be able to see you.
Threat on clothes, my young reader,
Special item: light reflector.

We approached the transition
Yellow ducklings,
To the left, to the right looked
Smart guys.

The wild boars led the kids
On the way to visit Mishka.
So that the children are not crushed,
The reflector was handed to everyone.


The pigs stood up for each other,
Firefly on all on the ears
And hang on the tails.
Go around the piglets!


Do not jump onto the bus,
Do not run for the tram!
Be, the child, careful
Switch your life.

The traffic light is proud of me

Legs walk along the way
Rusy wheels from the early then ...
Three signals on the road
Very, very, very strict
The uncle of the traffic light sends us!

He says: "Stop!" cars,
Lighting red light.
And an avalanche is getting up!
No one will say: "No!"

He lights the new light -
Yellow-yellow, like a lemon!
"Wait" - he warns,
And everyone knows about this ...
I, like everything - warned!

Here it is - good light - green!
He streams, he calls!
I'm fascinated
Surprised, inspired,
In love with a pedestrian in love!

Day after day and year after year,
In the summer rain, in a cold, in heat ...
I go with all the people
On roads-crossings,
A grateful pedestrian.

I will quietly stand on the "red"
In the city of Ulan-Ude-
Painfully pockets pocket
Violation of traffic rules!

To drive a car,
In general, a couple of trifles.
Okroma of famous rules,
Be at an unwritten sense.


If oncoming blows
District and red twice-
Drop to minimum speed
And take off your eyes!


To overtake is always dangerous.
If cleanly ahead
Faura right turning point
Signaling: "Go around!"


If someone has overtaken
In front of the nose is slowing down -
Invites, then in the ass
Slim it, parasite!


"Emergency" winked
Cutting all, "Zhiguli" -
Thank you all, beautiful
For the rounded rudders!


I wind up miles
Speaking without fools:
To drive a car,
In general - a couple of trifles!


Ulyana has failure
This is the task is the task
You need to cross the road
But he does not know how Ulyana.
So is Syak, and just like that
Only Zebra prompted
Cross the road how.


Petya was in a hurry to school
I did not notice the traffic light,
I switched to red light
I almost knocked his moped.


Red light caught fire
Stop car, no walk
Pedestrians are green
Come without stopping.


I pass by the school
And I look at both!
I didn't get under the wheels
First -grader Vova.


If you are going on a tram,
Do not rush to sit down -
Let them sit at the windows
Grandmothers and kids.


If you leave the tram,
You do not forget your friend:
The tram bypass in front,
After all, he is a tram.


A trolleybus and bus
Everyone bypasses behind:
Schoolchildren and kids
Aunts and uncles.


We, friends, friends,
We are not afraid at all!
Travel with you
No longer lazy.


I send my son to school
And I'm afraid terribly!
Do not be afraid, mommy,
You are worried in vain!


Oh son, cross
After all, the road is needed.
I'll go on the crossing
Don't be afraid, mom!


Where is transport and road
Everyone should know the order:
On the roadway strictly
Games are all prohibited!


Mom was in a hurry to the store -
I decided to reduce the paths
Nearby, the pounder was walking-
I took it to the transition!


Dear adults,
Uncle and aunt!
Know, learn from you -
You give us an example!


We are driving ditties
For you out of respect,
And you need to respect-
Movement rules!

To make our wonderful holiday
Nobody dared to overshadow
Movement rules together
Will we repeat? Yes Easy!

People, people, who is coming?
This, people, a pedestrian!
Why is it worth it?
The red light burns to him!


Do not run to the red light,
It will hurt you
And wait green you
And go calmly!


If you are at a stop,
Try not to forget:
Both trolley and bus
Need to go around!


Let people remember firmly:
True is the one
Who is only in green light
It goes through the street!


If the light lights red,
So moving is dangerous!
Green light says:
Come, the path is open!


On the road in the morning to school
You are in a hurry with the guys.
How do you reach the transition
To the left - you will look right.


There are many different signs
These signs need to know
To the rules on the road
Never break!


The red circle denotes
Mandatory ban.
He says: "You can't go like that"
Or "There is no road here!"


And there are also signs
Taken in a blue square.
How and where to get through,
These signs say.


The blue rectangle
It will show everyone where to find
Stop and refueling
All you need on the way.


Children are supposed to know
Movement rules!
You, my friend, trust them,
You will be safe and sound!


Road rules
All the guys know.
Let them every time
They help you out with you.


If some kind of school is here,
So there is a “zebra” nearby.
But she will not ask to eat,
And he will ask for it.


I went across the road
Where it is not supposed.
And I had to pay a fine,
For what it is supposed.


A bright star in the sky
We are guys - at least where!
We know everything without exception
Our rules of movement.


Who runs across the road
We will punish those very strictly!
To know ahead
There is an underground transition!


You only have two legs -
Take care of the wheels!
And ride on the steps
Only centipedes can.


Caution on the road!
Take care of your arms, legs.
Remember the rules everywhere
Otherwise, to be trouble!

Comic ditties for traffic rules for children

Comic ditties for traffic rules for children
Comic ditties for traffic rules for children

Comic ditties for traffic rules for children:

We will sing ditties to you
About road rules.
Oh, listen to us
Be sharp!


The transition is indicated
On the roadway,
It takes us all guys,
"Zebra" from misfortune!


The pedestrian is not in vain
Our wide sidewalk.
Here you are boldly walking on it,
Protect yourself from injuries!


Well, Vanya, you are going
You play the phone,
You’ll get under the car,
You don’t know the rules!


I got into the car, don't forget
You will fit your life
And then you can boldly
Go a good way!


You, driver, do not rush
The speed is normal, you hold
And then all pedestrians,
Will be alive and well!


We sang ditties to you,
Do not judge us strictly.
We wish you health
Goodbye, in a good hour!


Eh, Glue the accordion
Do a favor
We will strictly perform
Movement rules.


It should be clear to everyone
Even those who go to the nursery
To everyone who lives in the city
Zebra is a transition.


Traffic light, oh traffic lights
The eyes are multi -colored
You are green green for me
To cross the road.


So that there is no anxiety
It didn't happen that trouble
Discipline on the road
You always follow.


We must learn the rules
I say you not in reproach
Says the controller
He tells you a traffic light.


May mom be calm
There is no danger around
Zebra will indicate the path directly
The traffic light is our faithful friend.


These rules are not complicated
Even children in kindergarten
People be careful
Take care of the kids.


"We are young traffic police assistants!"
We play on a walk
In the rules of movement
We warn the kids about violations.

I dressed up in a uniform
Now I'm a commander
The group is no doubt
I lead the movement.


GAI traffic police will help
Well, we do not lag behind
Rules, we will all study
And we will work.


Where is transport and road
Everyone should know the order
We tell friends we strictly
Games are prohibited there.


Since childhood, we have been learning the rules
The path is closed to the red light
Even if on the road
There is no car.


We don't know how you are
Well, in our kindergarten
The rules here are taught by everyone
Both big and small.


The traffic light is red light
Says: "No road!"
I'll stand a little
I’ll go to the green light.


Yellow light - attention,
And wait for one suffering.
I say to dad: "No!"
We will wait for the green light.


We rush, rush by car,
On the road a traffic light,
I tell my friend Zina
"Do not drive all the speeds."


There is a sign on the road,
The path is closed to pedestrians.
Pay attention
This indication.


Know the rules of movement
Great achievement
Who does not follow them
It gets to the hospital.


I got behind the wheel for the first time
I wanted to show the class
I was confused on the road
He was afraid to go further.


We are guys kids
We go to kindergarten.
And we are always the way
Where we need to go.


We went for a walk with mom,
We approached the transition
My mother began to explain to me
And Green missed.


I want to become a driver
And I teach all the rules.
When we grow big,
I will pump whom you want!


Tells me the guide:
"Don't play the pavement!"
And so whistled into the whistle
I flew away like a bullet.


In the kindergarten we have
Teach the rules.
Road rules
And all kinds of signs.


Once I went for a walk
I decided to take a sister with me.
And there was winter in the yard
The sister was dressed herself.


And so we came to the yard with her
But the guys were not found there.
And I became bored with Alenka,
In the courtyard to play alone,


Roll each other in sledges.
"Let's go Alenka to the rink"
I said to my sister
Alenka strictly says:


“I'll tell mom!
Mom punished us strictly
Do not leave the yard
And then you can inadvertently.


To please the car!
Look at the road
After all, there are a lot of cars there,
And here on the bridge


The formidable guide is on duty.
And to go to the rink
The road needs to be crossed.
And we are still small with you

And we will notice the guide.
We will take us to the police
And we will get from my mother!
You can’t go alone in any way!


The road is not a trifle.
And the traffic light blinks as:
Green, yellow, red.
So, the brother on the rink,

You gathered in vain.
Come on - ka is better to play here
Ride on sledges,
And wait for our mother.


There is no one to be afraid here! "
I look at Lenka menacingly
But I say nothing.
Although my sister is small,

But all the same she is right.
You can’t walk the kids
Girls and boys,
One without permission
Where is the quick movement!


Then you will walk
Always without complication:
Black bus
On a white square,
It means-
Here is a stop.
In the same square
You will see the sign "P"
Drivers know
This is parking.
Like sailors, sailors
On the road a number of stripes.
Every pedestrian knows
Where Zebra is a transition!

Video: ditties about traffic rules

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