Broccoli turned yellow: is it possible to eat yellowed broccoli or if it bloomed? How to store broccoli cabbage so that it does not yellow: tips

Broccoli turned yellow: is it possible to eat yellowed broccoli or if it bloomed? How to store broccoli cabbage so that it does not yellow: tips

If broccoli has turned yellow, then it can be eaten, but your body will not receive vitamins. How to store such a vegetable, read in this article.

Broccoli cabbage is a valuable vegetable that is rich in vitamins and useful trace elements. Many adults and even children love him. But this is a seasonal vegetable that matures in the summer, closer to autumn.

Naturally, all its lovers want to save such cabbage for the winter in order to cook healthy and tasty dishes. However, this does not work, since broccoli during storage even in the refrigerator turns yellow for several days. Why is this happening? Is it possible to eat yellowed broccoli? Look for answers to these and other questions in the article below.

Why is broccoli's cabbage turned yellow when stored in the refrigerator: Reasons

Broccoli cabbage turned yellow
Broccoli cabbage turned yellow

In order for the use period to be longer, it is necessary to sow or purchase the already finished cabbage of broccoli of different varieties. It is better to give preference to cabbage, in which, with growth, not only the main, but also the side heads appear. For example, variety "Linda" Gives before 7 side heads weighing by 60 grams, and the variety "Monte-Dealllo" - One big head weighing 600 grams. On the benefits and dangers of broccoli cabbage, as well as how to cook it, read the article on this site.

When collecting a crop or already buying such cabbage in a supermarket or from collective farmers in the market rows, adhere to such tips that will help save the plant fresh longer:

  • Choose dense inflorescences in diameter from 13 to 18 cm.
  • Give preference to dark green heads. Yellow spots indicate that the fruit is overripe. Then flowers will appear on it, as in the photo above. Such cabbage is not suitable for food.
  • The head of the head should be cut into 10 cm Below from the base of the head.

The main reason why the plant became yellowed during storage in a refrigerator is that it was sold for a long time in the store. After it is collected, within half an hour it should be stored. In addition, if the plant lies in warmth for a long time, then it not only begins to turn yellow, but also loses food value and freshness.

Such a head can also turn yellow with unsuccessful buds. In general, such a defect may appear in two situations:

  1. The flowers opened and became yellow.
  2. Green inflorescences during the storage did not blossom and filled, acquiring such a stale color.

In both situations, the result will be one - loss of taste and nutritional properties, loss of vitamins and useful trace elements. Here 2 reasonsWhy cabbage turns yellow:

  1. The temperature is too high for storage, and the flowering of cabbage begins - yellow flowers appear.
  2. At low humidity, the bud dries.

It is important to comply with the rules of temperature and moist regime, and then your supplies will be stored for a long time. How to store such cabbage correctly, read below.

How to store broccoli cabbage so that it does not yellow - advice: should it be washed?

Proper storage of broccoli cabbage
Proper storage of broccoli cabbage

We are used to the fact that before storage all green plants from the garden should be washed. Therefore, housewives are often wondering if it is necessary to wash the cabbage of broccoli before storage? Answer:

  • It is necessary to wash, but not before storage, but already immediately before cooking on fire.

Therefore, if you cut cabbage in your garden or bought it in a store, then put the head in the refrigerator. Before preparing, follow the following actions - tips:

  • Pour water into a bowl ( 2-3 liters), Pour it 3 teaspoons vinegar.
  • Put the cabbage bud on 15 minutes. This helps to remove garbage and bugs.
  • Remove the head, rinse with clean liquid and get wet with a cloth.

Now you can use a product for cooking and stewing. It is important according to all the rules to maintain broccoli cabbage so that it does not turn yellow. After all, the most valuable in it is vitamins and trace elements, and they are only in the fresh dark green vegetable.

How to store broccoli cabbage so that it does not yellow: in the refrigerator

Proper storage of broccoli cabbage so that it does not yellow
Proper storage of broccoli cabbage so that it does not yellow

But what if you are not going to cook broccoli now? How to store broccoli cabbage so that it does not yellow? Here are some tips:

Preservation during 2-3 days In the refrigerator:

  • Sprinkle each head with purified drinking water.
  • Wrap in a waffle towel or other h/b napkin.
  • Put in a refrigerator, in a box or on a shelf for storing plants, and enjoy the taste of cabbage during 2-4 days.
  • You can also wrap the head of a damp rag or paper cloth and lay them in polyethylene. You should not tie a package.

Preservation during 7-10 days:

  • Pour into a small but stable water capacity, and put a head of cabbage in it.
  • Cover with polyethylene on top.
  • Change the water daily.
  • In the plastic “lid”, make holes for air circulation.
  • So cabbage can be preserved before 8-10 days. The faster you put it in the refrigerator after the collection, the longer it will maintain freshness.

Important: Do not put broccoli in a dense or hermetically sealed bag. In order for the cabbage to maintain freshness for a long time, oxygen micro-cycle is needed.

How to store broccoli cabbage so that it does not yellow: in the basement, cellar

Proper storage of broccoli cabbage in the cellar so that it does not yellow
Proper storage of broccoli cabbage in the cellar so that it does not yellow

Many housewives think that in the basement of broccoli cabbage can be saved for a long time, but this is not so. All conditions for saving vegetables are created in the cellar, because there the air temperature is kept around 0 ° C. and humidity 90-95%. But such cabbage, even in these conditions, will maintain its freshness for no more than two weeks. Here's how to store heads in the basement correctly so that they do not turn yellow:

  • Wrap each head in any paper sheet or newspaper.
  • Put the heads in a wooden or plastic box at a distance from each other.
  • The paper wrapper must be changed once 1-2 days, if it becomes wet.
  • It is not necessary to wash the vegetable before such storage.

Now you know how to keep the vegetable longer so that it pleases with its taste for one or two weeks.

How to store broccoli cabbage so that it does not yellow: how to freeze heads of heads for the winter?


If you need to save broccoli for the winter, then you can freeze it. With proper freezing, broccoli retains all the beneficial substances and will remain as fragrant and appetizing as if you had prepared it only from the beds. So, we correctly store broccoli cabbage so that it does not yellow.

Freeze the heads of heads for the winter - preparation, storage without blanching:

  • Take up strong and healthy heads, tear off the leaves, cut the stumps.
  • Disassemble the cabbage on the inflorescences.
  • Pour water into the basin and add salt. Per 1 liter of liquid 40 grams of salt.
  • Put the inflorescences in this salted water for 20 minutes. Get out and rinse.
  • Remove to a colander so that the glass is water.
  • Now pack the inflorescences on packages and lay in the freezer for savings.

Save the head of the form:

  • Prepare and rinse them under the tap, and as described above.
  • Take it 2 large pots. Pour water from a flow tap into one and put on the gas, also pour water into the other, but add ice.
  • When the water in one of the pots boils, throw inflorescences 1 min.
  • Then pull out and lower it into a pan with ice. water 1 min.
  • Pull the inflorescences and lay on a napkin to make moisture glass.
  • Lay out the prepared product by bags and remove it into the freezer for winter stagnation.

In this form, you can store cabbage for 8-10 months.

It is worth noting: The heads of such a plant are no less nutritious than inflorescences. Therefore, they can be prepared or stored as well as buds.

Broccoli yellowed a little in the refrigerator - what to do: can it be used?

Broccoli yellowed a little in the refrigerator
Broccoli yellowed a little in the refrigerator

If you kept broccoli in the refrigerator, and it is a little yellow, then you may have a question: what to do and can you use it? As mentioned above, yellowed heads already have few vitamins and trace elements. You can use them, but there will be little benefits from the prepared dish.

Is it possible to eat a yellowed broccoli cabbage or if it bloomed: is it possible to cook, eat, if the inflorescences of broccoli are yellowing to an adult?

So, your cabbage was in the refrigerator for several days. Is it possible to eat yellowed broccoli or if it bloomed? Is it possible to cook, eat an adult and a child?

As mentioned above, if the inflorescences of broccoli are yellowed, they can be eaten, but there will be no benefit from such a dish, since there are no more vitamins in this plant. Therefore, if an adult wants to cook such cabbage, then this can be done. For the use of heads of roles for a child, it is better to refrain. After all, the fragile organism of the baby can respond to such a prepared vegetable indigestion or give another reaction. It is better for children to cook food from fresh products rich in useful substances. Good luck!

Video: Frosting Broccoli cabbage

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