When and how to correctly remove carrots from the beds for winter storage: signs of maturation of carrots, terms, tips from experienced gardeners

When and how to correctly remove carrots from the beds for winter storage: signs of maturation of carrots, terms, tips from experienced gardeners

The timing of the harvest of carrots.

Carrots are a healthy root crop that is used for the manufacture of salads and in the preparation of the first, second dishes. In this article we will tell you when it is necessary to properly harvest carrots. 

How to determine when to dig up carrots for the winter in Siberia, in the Urals, Altai Territory, North-West, in the Moscow Region and Middle Strip Russia, in Belarus, Kazakhstan, Ukraine?

Many gardeners make a large number of errors, leaving carrots to sit in the ground. The ideal option is the term from August 25 to September 25. This interval is ideal for the central regions of Russia.

How to determine when to dig carrots for the winter:

  • However, if the region is very warm, it is some southern part of Russia, for example, the Krasnodar Territory, then you can extend the storage of carrots in the ground. Indeed, the longer the root crop will stay in the soil, the better.
  • This will save, and also extend the shelf life in the cellar. In order to choose the right harvest time, it is necessary to observe the temperature.
  • It is believed that carrots feel great in the soil at a temperature of +7-10 degrees Celsius.
Harvesting of²

To what air temperature can you not remove the carrots?

If the temperature drops several days below + 5 degrees, you can safely resort to harvesting. There are several more parameters that are worth paying attention to in order to determine the time of harvesting.

To what air temperature you can not remove the carrots:

  • First you need to look at the condition of the carrots, its roots. If there are white small roots resembling a spider web from above, this suggests that the carrots are ready to collect.
  • If you find several cracks, it is best to carry out digging up immediately.This suggests that such carrots will not be stored for long.
  • It is best to choose a dry day, with a small presence of clouds for harvesting. It is best if it is not a sunny, but a shady day with a slight cloudy.

How to remove carrots for storage?

  • How to remove carrots for storage? It is better to dig a root crop with a shovel or fork, but in such a way as not to touch the carrots. Damaged root crops are not stored for long. At the very beginning, after harvesting, it is necessary to lay out vegetables on the surface in one row, and let dry slightly.
  • Within a few hours after harvesting, it is necessary to cut the tops. The fact,what, If the tops will be with the root crops for a very long time, this will contribute to wilting. Such a vegetable can not be stored in the cellar for a long time, and will quickly wipe.
  • About one centimeter of the tops is left. In no case can you use a knife to remove dirt and soil, and beat the root crops about each other. It is necessary to allow to dry, and then using conventional cotton mittens, just remove mail. In dry form, it is very simple without any difficulty. 
Digging carrots
Digging carrots

How much to dry carrots after digging up?

Many gardeners generally advise pruning the tops at the level of 1-2 mm. Indeed, if the tops remains with a length of 5 to 10 mm, then in early spring growth can begin in this zone. This significantly reduces the duration of carrot storage.

How much to dry carrots after digging up:

  • Many gardeners make a mistake, covering the carrots with a top or straw. The fact is that such waste contains a lot of moisture, which in turn contributes to the development of mold and rot.
  • In no case should the roots be damaged, even the most insignificant. Small scratches can lead to the development of rot, as well as mold, which will lead to rapid damage to the fetus.
  • Initially, it is necessary to cut the tops and leave the carrots in a dry place for 1-2 days so that it dries. After that, for 5-6 days the root crop is transferred to the cold room at a temperature of about 5-6 degrees. 
Distribute carrots
Distribute carrots

When to clean the carrots from the garden?

Only after that, the carrots in boxes with wet sand or soil occurs. Carrots in peat drawers feel very good. The most interesting thing is that even before the first frosts you can store carrots in the soil with a high content of peat and sand. It is believed that the longer the carrots will stay in the soil, the better it will be stored in the cellar. Why is it necessary to dig carrots as soon as white roots appeared?

When to remove carrots from the beds:

  • The fact is that these roots can eat some pests, as well as beetle larvae. Therefore, as soon as they appeared on the root crops, it is necessary to harvest. Otherwise, you risk losing part of the entire carrot.
  • In no case should you leave holes and recesses in the soil after a partial harvest. That is, if a large number of root crops remain on the site, you collected some of them, then these pits must be buried.
  • Carrot flies that can eat the remaining crop are often starting in them. When harvesting carrots, they very often focus on the state of the tops. As soon as yellow leaves appeared below, this suggests that the root crop must be removed.
Carrots in the garden
Carrots in the garden

When to dig carrots for storage?

Why is it necessary to withstand carrots in the soil for a long time? The fact is that most of the mass of carrots increases just in the autumn period, when the air temperature is 7-10 degrees. At this time, due to cool weather, all juices from the tops go to the root.

When to dig carrots for storage:

  • Thus, part of the nutrients simply flows from the leaves and stems into the root. During this period, carrots begin to grow and increase actively. But when the temperature is reached + 5 and below, the outflow of juice stops, metabolic processes in root crops, as well as the tops stop.
  • Thus, the vegetable stops in growth. More than this period of this period to withstand carrots in the soil simply does not make sense, since it no longer grows and does not pour nutritional components. 
  • When choosing the time to collect the crop of carrots, it very often focuses on the lunar calendar. Hereyou can find the lunar calendar of harvesting in Belarus, Russia, Kazakhstan
Generous crop
Generous crop

As you can see, carrots- this is A very useful vegetable that contains a large amount of vitamins. In order for the root crop to contain a huge amount of nutrients and components, the timing of harvesting is important. 

Video: When to dig carrots?


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