The harvesting of the basil for the winter at home are the best storage methods. How to choose the right, freeze, drift, pick up, marin the basil, cook pasta, mashed potatoes, sauce, basil oil for the winter?

The harvesting of the basil for the winter at home are the best storage methods. How to choose the right, freeze, drift, pick up, marin the basil, cook pasta, mashed potatoes, sauce, basil oil for the winter?

From our article you will find out in what ways you can prepare the basil for the winter at home. We will also introduce you to not quite standard recipes for the harvesting of basil.

Basil is a very tasty, spicy spice that can be added to almost all the first and second dishes. But since we live in a climatic belt with cold and long autumn and winter, we can use it fresh only a very short period. But still there is a way out of this situation. If you try to prepare the basil for the winter for the future, you can enjoy its taste and aroma all year round. About how to do it correctly and will tell our article.

Which basil is suitable for harvesting for the winter: types of basil

Types of basil suitable for workpiece for the winter
Types of basil suitable for workpiece for the winter

Beginning gardeners are accustomed to believe that in nature there are only two types of basil - purple and green. They have a very pronounced spicy taste and aroma and, most importantly, are unpretentious in care. But at the moment, breeders have brought a lot of varieties with interesting taste and aromas. Many of them are ideal for harvesting for the winter.

Types of basil, suitable for the workpiece for the winter:

  • Fragrant. This type of basil has a very noticeable pervious aroma and a barely noticeable tip. When flowers appear on the plant, in addition to the pierced aroma, menthol also appears. The leaves of the fragrant basil is very large, so it is more suitable for drying.
  • Clove. As the name is already clear, this type of basil makes the aroma similar to the habitual seasoning - cloves. True, it is less bright, but still noticeable. The leaves of this species are not very large, so most often it is used to make sauces and basilic paste.
  • Clorful-first. This species has a combined aroma. If you rub the leaf in your hands, then you can feel both the smell of cloves and the smell of pepper. It has a medium -sized leaves that are suitable for freezing, and for drying, and for blanching.
  • Citric. If you love citrus notes very much, then choose this type of basil for the harvesting for the winter. The main advantage of this variety is that it can be added to drinks, pastries and various mousses. In addition to lemon aroma, basil will give a light sourness.
  • Vanilla. This variety is suitable for using desserts. For the harvesting of basil for the winter, you can use leaves, flowers, and stems. Leaves can be added to baking, and you can cook tea from dried stems and colors.
  • Caramel. Another view that is suitable for adding to desserts and sweet drinks. This species has a pronounced aroma of fruit caramel. In this case, you can use not only leaves, but also flowers for the harvesting of basil for the winter.
  • Marinade. It will be an ideal addition in the preparation of various marinades. This variety belongs to pepper types of basil. It makes a noticeable anise aroma. For maximum preservation of the aroma, it is best to dry it with a bundle or leaves. A little lower you can find out how it is done correctly.
  • Menthol. It can be a great replacement for mint. Fresh menthol aroma is not very manifested. But if the basil is added to warm food or liquid, then the aroma will become very bright. This species is best dried or frozen, and only then add to food.

How to assemble and prepare the basil for harvesting for the winter?

Preparation of a basil for harvesting for the winter
Preparation of a basil for harvesting for the winter

IMPORTANT: If your goal is the most aromatic bass blank for the winter, then, if possible, try to collect leaves before flowering. As practice shows, as soon as inflorescences appear on the plant, the taste and aroma of green mass worsen noticeably. And if you dry such leaves, freeze, marinate, then the taste of the workpiece will turn out not so bright and saturated. This is especially true for some varieties of basil - lemon, clove, caramel, menthol and vanilla. In these species, characteristic notes disappear almost completely.

If you want to take juicy leaves from the bushes of basil all season, then regularly bring the top of the top. This procedure will help to slow down the development of inflorescences, as well as strengthen the formation of lateral shoots with leaf. Well, now let's talk directly about the preparation of raw materials for harvesting for the winter.

To begin with, you will need to carefully tear the desired portion of the sheet from the bush, and bringing it home, rinse as thoroughly in water. You can immediately put them in a colander and just put it under a stream of water. After this manipulation, you will need to leave the basil in a colander for a while so that excess fluid escapes it. While this will happen, prepare a place for more thorough drying.

To do this, spread a cotton towel on the kitchen table or simply lay out paper napkins. Put on them the leaves of the basil with a thin layer and wait for them to become completely dry. This stage can not be carried out if you blanch or pickle basil.

How to dry the basil for the winter with a bundle and leaf?

Drying Basilica for the winter with sheet
Drying Basilica for the winter with sheet

As you already, probably, understood to dry the basil for the winter in several ways. Only you, but I want to say that the preparation of raw materials with a leaf will be preferable if the raw materials should be quickly dried quickly.

Drying Basilica for the winter with a leaf:

  • First prepare raw materials for drying
  • Collect the leaves, rinse and dry on a towel
  • Cover the baking sheet with parchment paper and slightly warm it in the oven
  • Adjust the oven literally 30-45 degrees
  • Put the leaves on a baking sheet with a thin layer and straighten them into the oven
  • When the mass decreases in size by 2 times, you can increase the temperature to 70 degrees by 5 minutes
  • After that, the oven must be turned off, the basil is left in it until it cools completely
  • Dry raw materials after cooling should be immediately transferred to a dry hermetically closing container

IMPORTANT: If you wish, you can dry the basil in an electric dryer. In this case, you will also need to carry out standard preparation of raw materials, and then put it with a thin layer on the pallets. As soon as this is done, we set a temperature of 35 degrees and calmly go to go about our business. In an hour, it will be necessary to return and change the pallets in places. After about 4 hours, you will receive a spicy basilic seasoning.

Drying Basilica for the winter with a beam:

  • First, cut the basil stems, rinse them under running water, and slightly dry
  • Fold the stems in a bundle and fix everything with an elastic band or ordinary thread
  • Bunches can be string on a stronger thread and hang under a canopy on the street or opposite the window in the room
  • The place of drying should be chosen so that direct sunlight does not fall on the raw materials
  • To dry in this way the basil will be about two weeks

IMPORTANT: Before sending bunches for storage, be sure to check if they are well dried. To do this, pick up the stem and try to break it. If it breaks easily, raw materials can be removed from the thread. If the stem is bent, then the basil is still completely dried.

How to freeze fresh basil for the winter?

Basilica freezing for the winter with sheet

Fresh basil froze for the winter is very simple. You need to collect raw materials, rinse it and dry it. Drying the sheet must be paid special attention as if you lay a wet sheet in the freezer, then in the end you get a slightly watery workpiece. To prevent this from happening, be sure to wait until the basil is completely dry, and only after that send it to freeze.

To do this, lay out the basil on a tray or a large plate, after placing a food film on a container. Lay the leaves in one layer and it is desirable that they do not contact each other. When the basil is frozen, transfer it to a container with a lid and store it in a freezer.

How to freeze the blanched basil for the winter?

Basil freezing for the winter
Basil freezing for the winter

IMPORTANT: If you want the basilin to retain its bright green or purple after blanching, then be sure to prepare ice water in advance and after heat treatment immediately lower the raw materials into it. This will not allow the basilica to fully prepare, and it certainly does not replace its natural color.


  • Wash the basil leaves and let the excess fluid drain a little
  • Cool water in advance or simply add an ice cube to it, and have it at the stove
  • In small portions, we lower the basil into boiling water, literally for 10-15 seconds, and immediately transfer to ice water
  • When it cools completely, dry it on paper napkins
  • We lay out the finished raw materials on trays and send it to the freezer
  • After freezing, the raw materials can be folded either in a container with a lid or in a sealed bag
  • If desired, the blanched basil can be folded into compact molds or sealed bags, and frozen in this form

How to pick up the basil for the winter?

IMPORTANT: When harvesting basil for winter, it is important to consider that in this case a sufficiently salty product will be obtained, which will need to be used carefully. A large amount of basil in food can make it too salty and not very tasty.

The saline of the basil for the winter takes some time. Since you will have to wait several times to fill the container while the raw material works the juice and seals, you can spend even all day on this. But first, be sure to conduct standard training. Rinse the leaves and be sure to dry them. If you do not dry the raw materials, then in the end there will be too many liquids in the container, and you will not be able to make the so -called salt cork.

The saline of the basil for the winter:

  • First, sterilize the container in which you will lay the sheet
  • It can be laid both whole and chopped
  • True, if you choose the last option, remember that it is better to tear the basil with your hands
  • If you cut it, the fibers of the leaves will oxidize, and this will slightly change the taste of the workpiece
  • Sprinkle the bottom of the jar slightly
  • Lay a layer of basil on top of it
  • Sprinkle it again with salt, and then put the layer of raw materials again
  • Fill the container completely and let it stand for a couple of hours
  • During this time, the basil will let the juice and settle
  • You will need to repeat all the manipulations until the container is completely filled
  • You must make sure that there are no voids in the container, and the basil itself was slightly compacted
  • Когда тара будет заполонена, присыпьте заготовку толстым слоем соли и прикройте крышкой
  • Solder basil must be stored in a cool place

How to marin the basil for the winter?

Recommendations for pickling basil for the winter
Recommendations for pickling basil for the winter

The bassage of basil for the winter in this way will help you get a product, which in the end can be added without any preparation to salads, the first and second dishes.

Recommendations for pickling basil for the winter:

  • We carry out standard preparation of raw materials
  • Sterilize the container and let it dry
  • Put water on the stove, salt it, pepper and bring to a boil
  • Add a little citric acid to it
  • The marinade should turn out to be slightly sour and moderately salty
  • In dry containers we lay peas pepper and leaf leaves
  • We blanch the basil and tightly put it in the container
  • When it is filled, pour everything with a slightly chilled marinade, and roll up with lids
  • After cooling the workpiece, we remove the workpiece in a cool place

How to make a paste from a basil for the winter?

Basil paste for the winter
Basil paste for the winter

The basil, prepared in the form of a paste, can be used as a spicy sauce for Italian paste, pasta, draw, or prepare an original sauce on its basis. In this case, you can combine various varieties to get a more interesting taste. So you can take an ordinary fragrant basil and add lemon, clove or menthol to it.


  • Rinse and dry the basil of the desired varieties (approximately 500 gr)
  • Fold it in a blender bowl, add a couple of spoons of vegetable oil and salt to taste
  • Cross all ingredients into a homogeneous mass
  • Add a couple of spoons of oil again and mix again
  • Lay the resulting paste into pre -sterilized glass jars
  • Store the workpiece in the refrigerator

How to prepare basilic oil for the winter?

IMPORTANT: It is advisable to use a similar workpiece for 3 months. As practice shows, approximately such a period of basilic oil remains as fragrant and useful as possible. The more it is stored, the less dressed up the piquant aroma and taste become.

Preparation of basilic oil for the winter:

  • Fasten the glass jar and cover in advance, which you will close it
  • Rinse the basil, pour boiling water and tear with your hands on smaller pieces
  • You will need approximately 100 g of finished raw materials for a half-liter can of oil
  • Put the basil in the jar, slightly add it and ceilings, or open it with a spoon so that it let the juice
  • Pour the mass to the top with vegetable oil and close the lid
  • Send the refrigerator
  • About 14 days the oil will be infused
  • All this time do not forget to shake the contents of the container 2 times a day

How to prepare a basil sauce for the winter?

Basil sauce for the winter

This interesting sauce can be a wonderful replacement for the usual ketchup. You can store such a workpiece in a frozen form or immediately after preparation, decompose into a sterile container and sent to the refrigerator.

Components for making a basil sauce for the winter:

  • Bulgarian pepper - 300 g
  • Onions (green feather) - 150 g
  • Purple basil - 400 g
  • Vegetable oil - 100 ml
  • Salt to taste
  • Juice of half lemon


  • Wash all the ingredients, dry and chop
  • It is necessary to dry the way as excess fluid in the workpiece will reduce the shelf life
  • Prepared basil, onions and pepper add into a blender bowl
  • Salt and add half of the vegetable oil
  • Kill everything into a homogeneous mass and transfer to a previously sterilized container
  • Gently pour the remaining oil on top of the mass, and immediately close everything with a lid

How to prepare the flowers of basil for the winter?

Basilica flowers for the winter
Basilica flowers for the winter

Many gardeners try to break the flowers of basil as they believe that there is no benefit from them. In fact, even this part of the basil can be harvested for the winter. In view of this, if you did not have time to carry out pinching in time and inflorescences appeared on the basilic bushes, then do not be discouraged and carefully cut them. They can be dried, and then used in the preparation of teas, decoctions and tinctures.


  • Cut the inflorescences and inspect them for the presence of small bugs
  • Rinse them under running water
  • Dry and lay out a thin layer on a tray or on a larger dish
  • Put them in a dark place with good ventilation
  • Wait for complete drying, and then put in a glass container

Basil's harvesting for the winter: the best and simplest recipes

Acute green seasoning
Acute green seasoning

As you already, probably, understood the basil can be prepared in different ways. All of them will help to extend the shelf life of spicy blowing and will give the opportunity to enjoy a piquant taste and aroma all winter. But now we will introduce you to recipes that will allow you to diversify the winter menu even more.

Spicy green seasoning


  • 200 g of basil greenery
  • 100 g of greens parsley
  • 50 g of celery greenery
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • 1 tsp hops-sunels
  • Salt 100 g


  • Wash all the greens, dry and chop the blender
  • Peel the garlic and pass through a garlic coder
  • Add garlic, salt and hops to the mass
  • Mix everything thoroughly, put in sterile containers

Walnut-basilic paste


  • Nuts - 300 g
  • Basil - 300 g
  • Vegetable oil - 150 ml
  • Salt to taste
  • A pair of garlic cloves


  • Peel the nuts and chop the blender almost to flour
  • My basil, dry and also chop into a homogeneous mass
  • Mix both masses in the bowl of the blender, add salt, garlic and vegetable oil to them
  • Interrupt everything until smooth and lay out in hermetic jars (sterilized)

How much can the bass blank?

As for how much the basil can be stored, then everything will depend on your chosen method of harvesting. So, for example, if you freeze or dry the raw materials, you can safely use it at least 6 months.

If you carry out a pickle, then you can only use such a basil 4 months. After this time, salt will change the taste of the product, and it will become less fragrant. Well, if you will use garlic, onions and vegetable oil for the preparation of blanks for the winter, then they will be approximately suitable 3 months.

Video: How to freeze the basil for the winter?

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