Botox - allergies or contraindications, side effects: features. Botox's side effect on his forehead, on the face, in front of his eyes, near the mouth - how does it appear? Is an overdose of botulinum toxin and what to do with it?

Botox - allergies or contraindications, side effects: features. Botox's side effect on his forehead, on the face, in front of his eyes, near the mouth - how does it appear? Is an overdose of botulinum toxin and what to do with it?

From this article you will learn what the consequences of Botox injections can be and how complications are manifested.

Many girls are attracted by the possibility of eliminating wrinkles using Botox injections. But the question is, what are the complications of this procedure? What can you encounter? Let's find out what consequences can be after this procedure.

Botox - allergies or contraindications: Features

There are situations when a specialist recommends refusing to carry out the procedure, because the complications after Botox in a woman can manifest itself clearly. The fact is that there are some contraindications. By the way, often in the reviews you can see that experts do not talk about it. This behavior is unacceptable.

So, among the main contraindications stand out:

Botox - contraindications
Botox - contraindications

In addition to the above reasons, you cannot do injections if you drank a lot of aspirin or alcohol during the day before the procedure. If you do not take into account this fact and do not warn a specialist about it, then the consequences will be deplorable.

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Botox side effects on the human body - what are there?

Although the absence of contraindications and compliance with the rules of administration of the drug allegedly gives a guarantee of security, yet complications after Botox are possible. You just look on the Internet and read the reviews. What the girls just do not tell, it even becomes scary. Indeed, among the side effects and edema, and pain in the place of injections, and a deterioration in well -being and much more.

In fact, every specialist, even a professional can make a mistake. As practice shows, even with a slight deviation in the amount of the drug, you can get a distorted face.

Botox side effects
Botox side effects

When the substances are introduced a lot, the girls often note the omission of the eyebrows. The muscles relax and cannot control the situation.

Sometimes after Botox the eyelids fall, the muscles of the lips relax. And because of eye paralysis, vision problems may occur.

By the way, very often on the Web make fun of those who become a stone face after the procedure. Without emotions and smiles. This is also a side effect of Botox, but it passes. In any case, no one wants to pay a lot of money and then go to amuse others, so you should be careful and choose only proven salons. Let's take a closer look with you in more detail that can manifest itself after Botox.

Botox's side effect on the forehead - how does it appear?

When Botox injections are placed in the forehead, some side effects may appear. First of all, the forehead itself can hurt for several days. This is a normal phenomenon, but only if you are not worried about the increase in temperature, redness, itching. Typically, such complications after Botox occur during the reaction of the muscles to the procedure. By the way, pains can be accompanied by a slice, heaviness in the nose and, as it were, in the head. Depending on the correctness of the procedure, symptoms pass within 1-2 or 10 days.

What to do if there are traces after Botox injections, the injections are hurt?

Small complications after Botox can appear in the form of pains of the injection site or it may be noticeable. It usually goes away a couple of days after the procedure. This is a natural reaction of the body and you should not be afraid of it. As a rule, pain appears in those people who have too high sensitivity. The pain passes itself, but the doctor can write out an anesthetic, for example, Ibuprofen.

Parts of injections after Botox hurt
Parts of injections after Botox hurt

Dyspepsia, nausea after Botox: Features

Complications after Botox in the form of nausea, headache, weakness and fever appear in 10% of cases. Again, this is a reaction to toxin, with which Botox is. Usually for 48 hours, well -being is restored.

It happens that nausea bothers strongly. In this case, it is worth abandoning the usual nutrition and while switching to sour -milk products and water with lemon juice.

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Can age spots appear after Botox?

One of the interesting side effects is age spots. These complications after Botox are not even manifested as a result of the procedure, but if the rules are not observed after it. The fact is that you can’t sunbathe and go out to the too bright sun when you just passed the procedure. This rule must be adhered to for 2 weeks. Otherwise, pigmentation may appear.

Can there be asymmetry, face skew after Botox?

When a specialist conducts a procedure, he can get into the zygomatic muscle. Or make a puncture lower than necessary. Or the drug itself will spread to the zygomatic muscles. In this case, complications arise after Botox in the form of asymmetry of the face. This applies to situations when Botox is working on the cheekbones.

If a specialist from the lower third person works, then any error can lead to asymmetry of the corners of the lips, grin and so on. The complication can be eliminated if you make adjusting the injection into the muscles and relax the same same, but on the other hand.

Facial asymmetry after Botox
Face asymmetry after Botox

It happens that it is not possible to correct asymmetry. Then you can weaken the effect of the drug. For this, B vitamins are used, which can improve blood microcirculation.

Can Botox take places, cones?

It happens that complications after Botox appear in the form of cones. Then it seems that the effect seems to be in places. The cause of such an uneven distribution is an incorrect dose or surface administration of the drug.

Since Botox under the skin was not distributed evenly, it manifested itself in different places where the muscles relaxed. And where they are tense, nothing manifests itself. The problem can be corrected using additional injections. More seals can be eliminated by special massage. It happens that cones can signal the development of infection, then another treatment will be required.

After Botox, dents on the forehead - what to do?

It also happens that complications after Botox appear on the forehead in the form of dents. In this case, the funds have been introduced enough, but the wrong place for this has been selected. The fact is that one muscle is paralyzed and the other relaxes. It is also possible that too much the drug is administered or the recovery rules are violated - a dream in a pillow, massage and stay in the heat.

Often dents appear as a result of increased operation of facial muscles, which were not used before the injection. After the procedure, a person can frown hard, smile and so on. The fibers are activated, which before that were not so active and they are tone. As a result, dents appear.

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Heaviness in the forehead after Botox - when will it pass?

As a rule, the severity in the forehead after Botox does not bother for long. Such complications after Botox often cause panic in girls, because they have swelling and even hillocks the next day. Of course, after a few days the effect disappears and everything becomes as it should be. So it is worth suffering a little and everything will be fine.

Heaviness in the forehead after Botox
Heaviness in the forehead after Botox

Could you get sick, dizzy, constraught your brains after Botox?

Most often, complications after Botox appear precisely in the fact that the head begins to hurt or dizzy. Moreover, there is a feeling of stiffness. Such a reaction is quite natural, because in your body there is a toxin and you need to get used to it.

Another headache can bother when the muscles rebuild their work. This happens when neighboring muscles take on the work of those blocked. The pain will remain until the muscles adapt to work and new load. Patients are often prescribed massage and analgesic. Within a few days, the pain passes.

Botox injections in the forehead: consequences on the eyes

Very often, complications after Botox appear before our eyes. If you look at the photos of girls on the Internet, who touched this - it becomes quite scary, especially since the eyes are a very important part of the body. There are several main complications:

Ptosis after Botox
Ptosis after Botox
  • Ptosis. This is nothing more than a sagging of the century. It can be complete or partial. A person simply cannot open his eyes. The reason for this phenomenon may be the spread of Botox beyond the injection or exceeding the dosage. This complication rarely occurs and in the previous state the patient returns after a few months. In a mild form, ptosis hurts only eyebrows, and due to their high location, creases may appear on the forehead. Some inexperienced doctors administer additional doses to smooth the muscles. This leads in the end to the omission of the eyebrows. The eyes, although it will open, the patient's appearance will be spoiled.
  • Swelling and bags under the eyes. Injections always injure the skin and in response the body delays fluid. As a result, swelling appears and there is nothing wrong with this. But in some cases, this behavior of the body may indicate serious disorders in the functioning of muscles or blood circulation. The complication does not appear immediately, but after about a week. By the way, swelling often appears if you often bend or take alcohol. Edema is removed by lymphatic drainage or physiotherapy. Please note that after edema, the effectiveness of the procedure is reduced.
  • Diplopia (double in the eyes). It appears when the drug spreads around the circular muscle. It paralyzes the rectus lateral muscle, which leads to strabismus and double in the eyes. The reason for the complication is a violation of the rules of conduct after the procedure. You must make a vertical position for several hours, and not lie. Otherwise, you will find such a complication or asymmetry of the face. It passes on its own as the effect of Botox in the body decreases.

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Can there be temperature after Botox?

Each organism is unique and complications after Botox can appear differently. Sometimes the temperature rises after the procedure. You must understand that Botox is a toxin to which the body can react accordingly. It can be nausea, dizziness and much more.

The temperature after the procedure can also rise. If it is small, then you can observe your condition for some time, but still this indicates some processes in the body that it resists. When the high temperature rises, it is better to call an ambulance. Such a reaction of the body is not considered the norm.

Botox injections and a change in taste in the mouth - can it manifest?

Botox on the lips
Botox on the lips

Usually, complications after Botox do not include a change in taste sensations. But other unpleasant symptoms can appear - difficulty breathing, suffocation, and so on. All this indicates the development of the allergic process. In this case, it is recommended to drink an allergy agent and immediately call an ambulance.

Is an overdose of botulinum toxin and what to do with it?

It happens that the doctor introduces the patient more than Botox than required. In this case, in almost 100% of cases, complications arise after Botox. If urgent excretion from the body is not required, then it is enough just to start actively moving - do exercises, go to the gym, bath or sauna. Each of these measures increases blood circulation and, accordingly, Botox is absorbed.

By the way, it is recommended to use enterosgel in the amount of 1 teaspoon in the morning and in the evening an hour before meals or after. This drug removes all toxins from the body and it has no contraindications.

Why does his face swell after Botox: Reasons

Complications after Botox in the form of edema can be normal. After all, your body was damaged and injured with the introduction of the needle. In this case, observe your condition for two days. Gradually, edema will decrease and will disappear after a few days.

Swelling after Botox
Swelling after Botox

If we talk about pathology, then it does not appear immediately. As a rule, this happens after 7-10 days. At this moment, Botox is activated and begins to act on the muscles. As a result, they relax. From here there is a violation of blood circulation and lymph, liquid is built up and swelling appears.

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Bruises appeared after Botox - what to do?

When the cosmetologist performs the procedure, he should use not only high -quality drugs, but also disinfectants to prevent possible inflammation. It is important that syringes should have an ultra -thin needle. It is with its help that the procedure does not cause pain and the vessels are not damaged.

However, it is not always possible to achieve the effect, because there are a lot of capillaries and blood vessels in the skin. Hence, such complications appear after Botox as bruises.

The doctor is not always to blame, sometimes the fault of the patient himself. It happens that the vascular wall is thin when any touch leads to bruises more. Girls, knowing about such a feature, do not consider it necessary to say about her a cosmetologist. But in such situations he makes a special cooling mask so that bruises do not appear and blood quickly stops.

There are other causes of hemorrhages, for example, diseases in which blood clots form, or a thin wall of blood vessels is made. In such diseases, the procedure is completely contraindicated.

Can the distant consequences of Botox manifest in 10 years?

Some suggest that complications after Botox can appear after 5-10 years. You may not worry that something will appear. In such terms, complications are not manifested. Long-term consequences are possible, which can last 2-3 weeks. It can be weakness, slowdown in the pulse, poor health, rash and itching.

Botox - errors of patients and doctors: what are there?

Errors when using Botox
Errors when using Botox

Often, complications after Botox arise just due to the mistakes of doctors.

They are as follows:

  • The drug is administered into the inappropriate zones. They react inadequately to relaxation and therefore the oval becomes asymmetric and the contours change.
  • The dose of the drug is incorrectly selected, that is, if a little drug is administered, then there will be no effect. Well, if the doctor introduces a lot, then the face will become like a mask - motionless.
  • The doctor may ignore or not know the rules for subcutaneous diffusion, and this can lead to the spread of the drug under the skin in unsuitable areas. If the substance accumulates in the area of \u200b\u200bthe eyes, then they begin to swell and ptosis can develop.
  • The specialist grossly violates the rules of the procedurewhich leads to various kinds of undesirable consequences.
  • The drug does not give an effect, because Due to improper storage He lost his properties.

It also happens that the patients themselves make mistakes. It is also important to know and not to do:

  • During the first few hours, do not go to bed and try to maintain a vertical position
  • Do not tilt the body for a long time. That is, you should not tilt your head down
  • You can not take hot baths, go to the sauna, sunbathe for a couple of weeks after the procedure
  • You can not drink alcoholic drinks because they thin the blood
  • In no case should you rub your face, especially the injection site
  • During the recovery period, you can not drink strong antibiotics

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How long does it take to wait after Botox to plan a pregnancy?

Complications after Botox may not appear. As a rule, doctors do not prohibit injections if the pregnancy does not occur. However, many are interested in what time you can plan pregnancy?

Pregnancy after Botox
Pregnancy after Botox

In general, Botox does not accumulate in the body and already on the 21st day it cannot be detected in the blood. Accordingly, a month after the last injection you can get pregnant, because the drug in the body will no longer remain.

After what time is Botox dissolved?

As we have already said, complications after Botox pass gradually and is due to the fact that Botox ceases to act on the body. The drug itself leaves in itself in a month, but the effect persists for up to six months. It all depends on individual characteristics.

By the way, the effect of the effect depends on the frequency of the procedure. If you do it more often three times a year, then the fabrics will get used to it and the effect will no longer be the same as before. Accordingly, the procedure will have to be carried out more often. You will feel when Botox leaves the body. You will completely restore facial expressions and the muscles in the areas where injections were made will be reduced.

Botox on the face - negative effect: photo

Complications after Botox are often manifested in girls when they choose unprofessional doctors or dubious clinics. On the Internet you can find a lot of photos that are posted by displeased girls and sometimes the effect is very horrified. Keep in mind not to be in such a situation, choose only proven clinics, and also follow the rules of skin care after the procedure.

Complications of photo 1
Complications of photo 1
Photo complications 2
Photo complications 2
Photo complications 3
Photo complications 3
Photo complications 4
Photo complications 4

Botox side effect: reviews

There are many forums on the network where girls leave their reviews. There they also tell what complications they had after Botox. There are those who are completely satisfied with the procedure and make it regularly.

Review 1
Review 1
Review 2
Review 2
Reviews 3
Reviews 3

Video: swelling after Botox

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