A fashionable trend for girls is to shave their face. Is it worth shaving your face, why do it?

A fashionable trend for girls is to shave their face. Is it worth shaving your face, why do it?

In this article we will talk about whether the girls should shave their face. Recently, the procedure has become a fashion trend. It is no secret that many stars use this method to improve skin condition. Next, we will consider in detail all the pros and against this process.

Both men and women use a razor, not without reason in cosmetics stores you can find objects for both sexes. However, men usually shave their face with this accessory, and the girl usually does not dare to use it for the beauty of the skin of a girl. Although a fashionable trend for girls to shave their face is now gaining more and more popularity not only abroad, but also in our country. Many cosmetologists even advertise a new trend - dermapapaplast, argue that the procedure is very useful for the skin.

Tender for girls - shave face: History

In general, dermaplaning was the first to use Japanese women. And they have been using this procedure for more than one century. Despite the fact that their skin is rarely “inhabited” by many noticeable hairs, they still shave their face to eliminate the thin, invisible hairs and their skin became smooth. It is interesting that Marlene Dietrich, Marilyn Monroe, was knew about this technique, and successfully used it.

Why shave your face?
Why shave your face?

Those who applied properly shaving technology know that the skin after the procedure becomes silky, soft and very smooth. The epidermis has an ideal structure for applying makeup, visually, after visiting the makeup artist, a woman looks several years younger.

After all, a thin blade carefully removes not only a soft fluff from the face of the ladies, but also removes the dead cells of the epidermis. Even scrubs cannot compare with such shaving. Therefore, even in antiquity, even young Japanese girls learned to shave their face correctly so as not to injure the upper layers of the skin.

For the first time in Europe they learned about dermplaving in 2011, and in 2016, bloggers tried what it is and what results can be obtained. Huda Kattan gave an impetus for shaving the face with girls with a thin blade. It is interesting that an ordinary men's machine for such a lesson is not suitable, only a razor with one sharp blade should be used, and use a certain tactic for the shaving process.

Tender for girls - shave face: pluses for skin condition

The last trend trend for girls is to shave their face, associated precisely with a new fashion trend. In addition, many bloggers on their examples have proved the effectiveness of the method. Some of them argue that thanks to technology, it is enough for girls to use makeup and it is not necessary to use photoshop for perfect photos.

All tonal foundations are perfectly and evenly on the face, especially for powder. After all, it is she who emphasizes the smallest irregularities of the epidermis, hairs and other disadvantages of different areas of the skin.

Facial dermapapapapamaplam
Facial dermapapapapamaplam

There are also positive characteristics for shaving face to girls:

  1. Dermplaning is a mechanical process, which is the removal of dead cells, it is better than a simple scrub, effective for aging facial skin. It is precisely why women of Balzac age are more often used.
  2. Those who watch themselves periodically do peeling. Here shaving can also be associated with this procedure. After the soft removal of the dead particles of the skin, the epidermis is updated and its rejuvenation.
  3. In addition, as mentioned earlier, thanks to shaving your face, you can get an even tone. Cosmetics of equals are placed on the face and the girl looks perfect, small scars are aligned.
  4. If there are antennae, then thanks to shaving them will not. That's just this procedure must be performed regularly.

Despite all the positive characteristics of the process, dermplaining has other features that should be taken into account by women. It is not recommended to shave their face for girls with particularly sensitive skin. You can not carry out the procedure with a pronounced acne so as not to harm. Yes, and applying shaving creams for rashes on the face is also not recommended. And this is a prerequisite for the process of dermplaining. Therefore, it is better for girls with sensitive skin to do chemical peeling with a competent cosmetologist.

IMPORTANT: Not all cosmetologists advise shaving faces, because fluffy hair has certain properties. They protect the epidermis from changes in temperature, dry air, ultraviolet radiation, weathing and other aggressive nature factors that adversely act on the skin of the face.

The trend for girls - shave their face: how to shave correctly?

If the girl decided to try a fashionable trend for herself - shave her face, then you need to take into account all the subtleties of this process. Do not cross this thin line between the usual extinguishing and dermplaming. After all, after the usual shaving, the hairs can grow tough, dark.

If you shave correctly, then you will not reach the effect of hairs, when they become dark and hard. Thin blades injure the surface of the epidermis no more strongly than other types of mechanical exposure to the skin of the face.

Beauty trend - shave face
Beauty trend-shave face

IMPORTANT:Facial dermaplaning is carried out with a soft razor, which can be found on the Internet. It is almost impossible to damage the deep layers of the epidermis, and it is very acute. You can also not shave more than the due date, when it is dull, otherwise the bristles are provided to you.

If you shave the face of the girls, then doing it is worth it right. It is also important to exclude the contraindication to the procedure - the presence of skin problems.

A certain sequence of actions and rules should be remembered:

  • Before using a special razor, slightly moisturize the skin of the face, for this, use the basic product. Put it and give the cream a little to nourish the skin.
  • In the same area, in no case do not spend a razor several times. This can adversely affect the epidermis.
  • When you finish the procedure, be sure to moisten your skin with a nutrient, for such a thing a gel, cream is suitable.

Do not shave your face more often than twice a week so as not to aggravate the problem. And there was no further increased hair growth on their faces, as some women complain in the reviews.

Tender for girls - shave face: reviews

According to the reviews of the girl who decided to shave their face very often complain that after shaving they often grow hard, dark hair. And all this is because they do not fulfill the rules of dermaplane.

Face care
Face care

Also, many experts are critical in relation to a new fashion trend. Cosmetologists argue that, nevertheless, it is advisable to use peeling and masks, scrubs, etc., to improve and rejuvenate the skin. Indeed, thanks to shaving, the skin on the face becomes rough, as a result of the process, age spots and many other problems can appear.

Ivanna, 29 years old:

I never had shaved my face before, until I found a fluff over my upper lip on her face. I read about shaving my face and decided to take a chance. I bought myself a special razor, shaving cream. Well, a month has passed, and no, my hairs did not turn into rough bristles, but you need to shave them two to three times a week. Be sure to use a moisturizing gel. I have an al-era. The skin is smooth, I do not feel that she began to rude, on the contrary, softer.

Sofia, 44 years old:

I do not advise anyone to shave your face so that your skin begins to rejuvenate, especially if you are prone to increased vegetation of the hairs on your face. Better go to the cosmetic salon and make laser depilation, albeit expensive, but you will not then grow dark bristles. I tried to shave, I did not like, then what I then achieved, I had to do depilation.

As you can see, opinions diverge not only among experts, but also among those who have experienced the process on themselves. Nevertheless, many cosmetologists advise using peeling for the smoothness of the skin or make scrubs on the face with proven creams. And with shaving the face should be careful. You can not leave the wounds on the skin, otherwise scars form.

You can also familiarize yourself with the following material on such topics:

Video: trend for girls - shave face

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