How to visually reduce your nose with makeup: step -by -step instructions, recommendations of stylists, photos

How to visually reduce your nose with makeup: step -by -step instructions, recommendations of stylists, photos

Thanks to the development of the beauty industry, anyone can get the desired oval of the face, nose or lips. And, in order to see the perfect reflection in the mirror, it is not at all necessary to lie down under the surgeon knife or work out incomprehensible fluids into the body.

We arm ourselves with basic knowledge, a set of hands and proofreaders, and draw the perfect face right now! Believe me, even if you do not have an artistic talent, it will not be difficult for you to fulfill the methods below, the main thing is desire and a little zeal.

How to visually reduce your nose with makeup: step -by -step instructions

  • Very often, the reason for the discontent of girls becomes nose - Either it is not straight enough, then the width is not the same or the length. But in each case, you can adjust the shape of the nose with the help of light -legged techniques, which will be discussed further.
  • All girls are endowed unique special beauty, Each of them is beautiful with its individuality. But imposed stereotypes about ideal and symmetrical beauty, which are largely unattainable, often cause a low self -esteem of girls, and their life turns into a joyless existence.
  • If you know about it firsthand, and some features of the face or body are thrust into the abyss of despondency and make the unfortunate one, it means the time has come to act.

So, step -by -step instructions how to visually reduce your nose with makeup:

  • Step 1. Choose contouring agents. If the technique of darooner-lights for you is still a novelty, then eminent masters in the Make-AP industry are recommended to start using flood texture means. They lie down in a more natural way and are easier to shame. Do not forget about the use of quality makeup brushes. A good brush with a natural pile is the key to creating the most smooth transition of powder funds on the face.
  • If you are ready for more radical actions and have already “filled” the hand in technology a little, then choose creamy products. They give a denser coating, hold longer, but more difficult to shake. With creamy textures, it is somewhat more complicated because they are shaved with fingers or special sponge, or several types of brushes, which requires certain skills.
  • As for the color, you need to take into account many nuances. For example, if you do not know exactly what is the main shade of your skin, you cannot adequately choose both obscuring and clarifying agents. Therefore, you will come in handy for the first time palette with 12-15 shades, of which, by trial and error, you can choose the perfect set. After that, you can go to minimalism and choose a set of 3 funds: blush, armor and highlighter. This minimum set will help you perform basic makeup for any reason, but you need to have a certain experience in applying all these stages.

The clarifying agent should be 1-2 tones lighter than the natural shade of the skin, and the darkening-1 tone is darker. Otherwise, contouring will be very striking and look inappropriate.

  • If you need to achieve the most natural look, then choose the products without unnecessary shine, radiance or mother of pearl, only matte products will look good with bright daylight. Leave shiny and radiant cosmetics for evening outputs or photo shoots.
  • The color that we will obscure the undesirable zones of the nose should perfectly coincide with the color of our own shadows on the face, which means it is on the darkened areas of the face and you need to focus when choosing a shade. Most often, the color of the natural shadow has a cool brown-gray shade. Golden brown shades are suitable only for very tanned faces, and the orange underon is generally rarely used for contouring purposes.
  • Step 2. The most important contouring rule - A well -prepared face. Therefore, it is very important to take care of the skin daily, feed it and moisturize, clean it from cosmetics. After the annual ritual of cleansing and moisturizing, you can begin to apply the base. The choice of the base is strictly individual, and, as a rule, occurs by trial and error, and this is the topic for a separate article. Now suppose that the base is already at hand. Therefore, we apply the usual base - whether it is a set of concealers or a light tonal veil, depending on what is needed for you.
  • The base will be needed in order to visually align the skin tone, hide the shortcomings, if any, and create initial conditions so that makeup holds smoothly and for a long time. Moreover, if it is planned to apply powder funds for contouring further, then it is necessary slightly drink your face. And if the contouring is performed by cream textures, it is better to apply them to the cream base so that the products are more smooth and do not roll.
  • And finally, a small life hack to visually reduce the nose with makeup - As a darkening agent, you can even use a car zagar. It must be applied according to the rules of contouring, but on a clean face, before applying the main tone. So, the shadows will last better and the face will look as natural as possible, not overloaded with makeup. However, it will be difficult for a beginner to perform contouring in such a technique, because the auto tan does not forgive mistakes, it will be difficult to wash off if something goes wrong.
  • Step 3. Determine the form. To well understand what needs to be hidden and what to emphasize, it is necessary to conduct a detailed analysis of your appearance. In the picture below, you can see the perfect proportions and the ratio of parts of the face with each other. This knowledge will be very useful to us for the further execution of makeup so that you understand exactly what you need to focus on, conducting darkening or lightening lines.
  • Step 4. We proceed to the contouring. Do not forget about high -quality brushes - they should be a high class, otherwise it will be very difficult to perform good shading, especially a beginner.
  • At this stage, we begin to apply lighten elements that will help to give your nose the desired shape.
  • At the previous stage, we have already determined what types of nose are. And now, we will tell you a detailed action plan for each option.

How to make a nose, nose wings visually smaller, hide a wide, large, long nose, with a hump with blush, corrector, cosmetics: instructions, tips, photos

  • So, if you have too much long nose, then you can reduce your nose with makeup. To start, skall the tip of the nose. In the ideal version, the nose ends where the upper boundary of the nostrils passes visually. All that is below this alleged line is darkened. Further, a dark line should be drawn in a dark tone, which will connect the lower edge of the upper eyelid to the side of the back of the nose.
  • Such a trick will shift the accents, and it will visually seem that the nose does not start from the eyebrows, but from the eyes, which means it looks much shorter. On the back of the nose, apply a line of light tone and tightly blend the border.
  • The approximate scheme is shown in the photo below.
Correct darning
Correct darning
  • If a the nose looks too short, then it is necessary to apply the opposite tactics, indicate with darling the line from the eyebrows to the side sections of the nose, which will visually stretch the length. On the back of the nose, by tradition, we apply a highlighting agent, and put the point of a light shade on its very tip, after which we are well pulled out.
  • If nature has also awarded you kurnososta, then you can also darken the partition between the nostrilsto hide this zone. But star makeup artists unanimously claim that snub -haired girls always look younger than their years, since this shape of the nose gives periocracy to the look, and, undoubtedly, a certain individuality.
We lengthen
We lengthen
  • If you have too wide  nose, then it is necessary to start with a thin clarifying accent line on the back of the nose. The width of the line should be about 4-5 mm, and the remaining parts are smoothly darkened and thoroughly shaken. This technique will create a visual line and the nose will look thinner and more elegant.
  • If yours the nose is thin, clearly defined, then for makeup you need only a light shade. Draw a straight line with a brush along the back of the nose, not slightly bringing it to the tip, and gently blend to the edges.
For narrow
For narrow
  • If a the nose has a hump, then for its correction it is necessary to do all the same operations - slightly darken the wings of the nose, draw a line with a light powder on the back of the nose, but directly to work the hump of the nose with a matting powder in order to avoid unnecessary accents.
Remove the hump
Remove the hump
  • If the shape of the nose is potatoes, then when applying makeup, it should be acted as follows: first we carry out a clarifying line in the center of the nose, and then darken everything else with the help of a product, darker shades. The most important condition is to distract from the existing state and imagine what you want, on the basis of which to conduct a brightening line, and everything else is to darken.
  • If the shape of the nose looks curved, it is necessary to adhere to the next technique - we draw a flat line on the back of the nose, not paying attention to its natural bends, and then obscure everything on the sides and shade, emphasizing the directness of the line, and hiding the shortcomings.

How to visually reduce your nose with makeup: recommendations of stylists, photo

Makeupian advice on how to visually reduce your nose with makeup:

  1. If you do fACKENT MACKAY on the lips, this will help to distract attention from the nose, and it will become less noticeable.
  2. Juicy blush, applied from the dimples on the cheeks and stretched out on the temples, will also distract attention, but choose the shade in brownish-bronze tones.
  3. Excellent technique distraction from the nose They can also become beautifully defined eyebrows - The shape of a semicircle and medium thickness. It is better if the bend of the eyebrow is somewhat closer to the temple, and not clearly in the middle.
  4. You will also come to the rescue proper eye makeup, in which the external corners of the eyes will be emphasized, and the inner corners are painted with a light glee shade of shadows. Thus, you can achieve the effect of narrowing of the nose, due to the visual increase in the distance between the eyes.
  5. There is another trick - do hairstyle with volume on the back of the headAnd then the nose will look smaller and shorter. However, remember that when choosing a hairstyle, it is very important to avoid a straight long bang, which attracts too much attention to the nose. But a more transparent, finished (as if “torn”) bangs gives the whole face, including the nose, a lighter look.
Miracles of makeup
Miracles of makeup
Reduce the width
Reduce the width
For the wide
For the wide

But in general, if you refresh the knowledge of the geometry of the face, and proceed from the fact that the length of the perfect nose is equal to the height of the forehead, then cutting the bangs at the desired height, you can form such a visual perception of the nose that you need. In other words, you can open your forehead as much as you want to see the length of your nose.

And a little more about the geometry of the face. The ideal nasal width is equal to the width of the distance between the eyebrows. Therefore, in order to visually make the nose less wide, you can reduce the distance between the eyebrows, and then the nose will seem already what it really is.

Video: Reduce the nose with makeup

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