How to make shellac for yourself: instructions step by step, photo, ideas for manicure

How to make shellac for yourself: instructions step by step, photo, ideas for manicure

How to make shellak at home yourself? How not to spend a large amount of money for the services of an experienced specialist? You can find out about this and much more from the following material.

Shellac is a new manicure technique. It is not as harmful as the classic way of building nails. At the moment, the application of gel polish is rapidly replacing other methods of design and processing of the nail plate. Many ladies of different ages who try to monitor fashion use the services of manicure masters when they want to make shellac. No matter how difficult the process may seem, you can do it yourself at home.

What is shellac?

Shellac is a logical sequential way to build gel nails. During the procedure, a set of polymers is used, each of which has the properties of both varnish and special gel.

The composition of the coating on the nails includes the following components:

  • Film former. This substance, when it freezes, forms a dense coating that is not terrible of any mechanical influences. The component is considered the basis of any type of shellac.
  • Photoinator. This substance absorbs the sun's rays, thanks to it, the varnish freezes faster.
  • Pigment. A shade that is the main component of Shellac. With the help of pigment, the nails can be given a certain shade.
  • Dilutors. The components that allow you to regulate the consistency of the varnish.
  • Additives. These components enhance and regulate the quality of the varnish. Thanks to additives, the color becomes more intense, resistant to washing.
  • Shellac outwardly resembles a medium -serious mass. The color of this mass can be different. It all depends on the pigment present. In order to get a new, unusual shade, you can immediately mix a few gel polishes.
  • The varnish dries due to the special UV lamps. The coating that dries under a different influence is not very stable. Shellac has increased strength. It is able to persist for at least 14 days, while maintaining, at the same time, its own original appearance.
Type of manicure
Type of manicure

What you need for manicure by shellac: important tools, materials

For a manicure by shellac there is a basic kit that includes tools and materials. Thanks to this set, you will make an exquisite manicure yourself at home:

  • Lamp uf. The power of such a bulb should be 36 w. If you have a lamp with lower power, the varnish can begin to exfoliate over time. Therefore, you will get an ugly manicure.
  • Deafer. Most often, such substances are sold in the same store as all composite shellac. If you cannot find this, use ordinary medical alcohol.
  • Basic coating. Try to choose the basis of high quality.
  • Shellac the necessary color.
  • Finish coating. You also need to choose high -quality material.
  • Orange wand.
  • Napkinswho do not have a pile. The fact is that a manicure may deteriorate due to the pile. You will have to remove the shellac layer, and then apply it again. You will need napkins to remove the sticky layer at the final stage.
  • Liquidwith which shellac is removed.

During the choice, pay attention to the CND brand. The company sells high -quality material for the creation of shellac. The fact is that the manufacturer is responsible for the quality of its own products, gives a guarantee for each product.

Basic and additional materials
Basic and additional materials

You can, of course, buy a lower quality material. But with such products you may not get a beautiful, persistent manicure. If you save, you will not be able to get an excellent result - a beautiful, persistent, exquisite manicure.

How to make a shellac nails correctly: preparatory stages

So, having prepared all the necessary tools and materials for manicure by shellac, you can start preparatory stages. They include the preparation of nail plates.

Preliminary manipulations consist of the following stages:

  • Process the cuticles on fingers.
  • Form the one form of nailswhich you like best.
  • Pull out nails. This procedure is considered mandatory. Thanks to it, shellac and the surface of the nail plate are better.
  • Process Nails with an antibacterial agent. It degreases nails, ensure even varnish.
  • Apply A layer of basic coating.
  • Warm up Nails under the UV lamp to fix the gel polish. The duration of warming should be approximately 30 seconds.

Shellac at home for beginners step by step: covering with the base

Covering nails after their preparation begins with the application of the base. This layer protects the nails from the negative effect of the pigment layer. In addition, the base makes the clutch of varnish and nail much better.


Apply the base according to the following instructions:

  • Paint the left edge of the nail plate.
  • Paint the right edge.
  • Apply the base in the center of the nail.
  • Before proceeding to the next stage, make sure that the edges of each nail are carefully “sealed”.
  • Thanks to this technique, you evenly distribute the base on the nails without hooking the skin.

The entire processing procedure consists of such stages:

  • First, a container with the base is slightly twist. So you will warm up the base, after which it will go even on the nails evenly.
  • Apply the basis. Make sure that the layer is not too thick. Otherwise, the base will freeze longer, which is why unwanted spots may occur on the nails.
  • Dry your nails throughout 30 seconds.

How to apply shellac?

This layer makes the nails of the color necessary for you. To apply shellac correctly, act according to the following instructions:

  • Apply a thin layer of the product. Do not seal the edges of the nails.
  • Dry Shellac under a lamp is approximately 3 minutes.
  • Next, apply repeated shellac. You can apply the same varnish or use a different color. With this technique, an original, unusual pattern is obtained.
  • Hold the painted nails under a special lamp for about 3 minutes.

Consider the fact that each layer of shellac should be thin enough, otherwise the varnish will begin to swell, bubbles will form under it.

The layer should be thin
The layer should be thin
  • Before applying varnish, check in what condition it is - the product should not be very thick. The varnish can deteriorate over time if you are not storing it incorrectly.
  • Make sure that the cap on the tube is well twisted. Store the varnish only in a dark place where the temperature is no more than +25 ° C.

Manicure Shellac: How to apply decorating elements correctly?

The scheme and methodology for applying decor during manicure by shellac is almost no different from decorating nails for manicure with ordinary varnish. But here, after applying the jewelry, you must also re -cover your nails with a finish layer of varnish.

The decor on the nails with a shellac manicure may look in the form:

  • Ribbons, stripes.
  • Ornaments.
  • Various patterns.
  • Images.
  • Applying several shades of varnish at once.
  • Sparkles and so on.
Sparkles and powder
Sparkles and powder

The final stage of the manicure by shellac - applying the top

During the final stage of the manicure, shellac is applied the last layer - the top. This procedure is performed as follows:

  • Apply top thick layer. Seal with a top every open edge of the nails. So color varnish will be in a closed “vessel”.
  • Dry nails. The drying duration under a special lamp should be approximately 2 minutes.
  • Take a pile napkin and a special remedy. Remove the sticky layer.
  • If you do not have a sticky layer to remove the sticky layer, acetone or ordinary alcohol is suitable. But these substances can ruin the manicure. Therefore, use them extremely neatly.

How to properly apply shellac at home: secrets

It is sometimes very difficult to make the nails beautiful, especially if it comes to shellac. If you are a beginner, you can use the detailed instructions above, but you may not be enough for you. After all, you are not familiar with those secrets that real professionals know.

So that you get the perfect manicure, experts recommend using the following tips:

  • To distribute sparkles evenly On the surface of the nail, mix them with a small volume of transparent base. Mix the mixture thoroughly, then apply jewelry with a repeated layer on the nails.
  • So that the manicure lasts longer, the shellac apply a thin layer. Do not touch the cuticle To make a manicure look neatly.
  • To do french manicure, Do not use stencils. After all, after drying the varnish, it will be difficult for you to remove them. If you begin to shoot stencils before the gel dries, it can grow up.
  • If you use shellac to build your nails, do not cut off completely the nail. Just a little of him pull out.
  • To remove the cuticles, the masters are advised to use a special tool. However, if the cutics are not very noticeable, then take orange stick, With the help of her, push the cuticles on the fingers.
Home instructions
Home instructions
  • Buying UV lamp, pay special attention to the power of the technique. The best option is the lamp 36 watts. In this case, the varnish will dry out quickly enough.
  • Make any correction under such a mandatory condition - the nail plate should be dry. Even a sparing saw will not be able to keep wet nails intact.
  • Use oil for the cuticle everyday. Apply it in the morning, then in the evening. Only in this case, there will be no burrs on your fingers.
  • Before visiting a beauty salon, to start, treat your nails. If your nails are sick, because of shellac, the problem will only aggravate. The nails will begin to break, to sprinkle, the appearance of the fungus is not excluded.
  • Do not apply hand cream before you do shellac.

The advantages of manicure by shellac

As you could understand, shellac has many positive aspects. Among them we will highlight the following:

  • Shellac on short nails also looks good like on  long nails. This method makes it possible to paint the nails to the required length.
  • Since shellac is considered a natural remedy, thanks to it strengthened nails, they stop break.
  • Shellac can hold out on the nails long enough. Many women go with such a manicure for almost 3 weeks.
  • In order to remove shellac, you need a special tool. This means that the nails covered with this method are not afraid of various household chemicals.
  • Thanks to shellac, the nails become shiny. The splendor on them can last a fairly long period, not dull over time.
  • Firms that produce products for shellac are trying to carefully monitor fashion. Therefore, the palette of varnishes is regularly replenished. On sale you can always find classic shades and bright, interesting, avant-garde tones of gel virtues.
  • The main advantage of shellac - this method of dyeing nails is considered completely safe. There are no formaldehydes in the main compound shellac. That is why such a manicure can do not only girls prone to allergies, but also pregnant.
  • If you suddenly tired of shellac, you can rent it yourself at home. To do this, purchase a gel polish remedy in a specialized store in advance. Then carefully study instructions for beginners, and only after that clean the nails from the varnish.
Depends on the mood
Depends on the mood

The disadvantages of manicure by shellac

Everything that exists on our planet has negative aspects. Shellac was no exception. There are few disadvantages of the manicure, but you should definitely know about them:

  • Shellac procedure is enough expensive. Correction can also cost you a decent amount. Therefore, if your nails grow quickly, come to terms with the fact that additional costs may expect you.
  • The next negative side of Shellac is as follows-despite the fact that manufacturers assure that the coating is very durable, the nails can expand due to high temperature, and then decrease, return to the initial sizes.
  • Due to warm water during washing dishes, the adoption of the bath, the nails can be deformed, as a result of which micro-bursts arise on the coating. Due to such cracks under the varnish, dirt provoking the development of bacteria.
  • Shellac can stay on the nails for a long time Therefore, microbes have a lot of time to develop, damage to nails. If you want to avoid such consequences, try to do all your homework in gloves.
The service is expensive
The service is expensive
For a long time, socks can contribute to the development of bacteria
For a long time, socks can contribute to the development of bacteria

How to make a manicure with a shellac "cat's eye"?

This type of manicure is considered very popular. Using a varnish in the procedure, in which there are metal particles, you can create unusual ornaments resembling the eye of a cat.

For this design, prepare the following materials:

  • Varnish. It should be green.
  • Magnet.

If you do not have a special magnet, then take the usual one.

Cat eye
Cat eye

The process of creating such a manicure consists of the following stages:

  • For shellac, prepare your nails, apply the base.
  • Dry the base under the UV lamp.
  • Apply special green varnish, also dry.
  • Apply the varnish again, bring the magnet to it. Particles of metal will form an unusual pattern.

If you bring the magnet with an edge, then you will get a drawing in the form of strips. Having twisted a magnet, you will get an interesting ornament resembling a cat's eye. At the very end, cover the varnish with a top.

Video: Cat's Eye Shellac

Shellac: French manicure

Shellac French with this method follow the following instructions:

  • Initially remove the cuticles, give the nails the desired shape, remove the greasy layer.
  • Apply a primer.
  • Next, cover the nails with a thin layer.
  • Dry your nails under the lamp for about 3 minutes.
  • Remove the sticky layer with a special napkin, which is formed after drying.
  • Paint your nails with the desired color.
  • Carefully draw "smiles."
  • Cover the nails with the base.

The creation of shellac at home is an easy procedure even for beginners. If you follow our instructions, you will definitely get a beautiful manicure.

You can find out more about the manicure here:

Video: French-policeman at home?

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