Innovative cosmetics for facial skin: description, new trends 2022-2023

Innovative cosmetics for facial skin: description, new trends 2022-2023

This article will talk about which today there are trends of innovative cosmetics for smooth and well -groomed skin. Learn about the new technologies for the production of such cosmetics as there are species.

It was always important for women to have well -groomed skin. It is according to this parameter that the age of the ladies is most often determined. Recently, thanks to various components and new production technologies, they began to make cosmetics, which can significantly change the condition of the skin for the better. New innovative cosmetics for facial skin is an excellent option for caring for yourself. Therefore, women even at a young age spend a lot of time on their beauty and use all sorts of creams, scrubs, gels for their facial skin.

Innovative cosmetics for facial skin: what relates to innovative cosmetics?

Innovative cosmetics for the face of the face are famous, because it is balanced and there are different components obtained as a result of the biotechnological method of production.

Placental cosmetics from Australia
Placental cosmetics from Australia

What relates to innovative cosmetics?

  1. SPA-cosmetic products for the skin.In other words, the hydrotherapy of the skin. SPA cosmetics is suitable for any skin type. In these tools in the form of masks, grasses, white, blue clay, minerals are usually present. There are many natural ingredients that quickly spoil, because of this they are used immediately after cooking. Such masks are made in beauty salons. The effect is noticeable immediately after the first application.
  2. Placental cosmetics.The main advantage of such cosmetics is that they are not allergenic and do not cause any addiction. They contain ingredients from the placenta. They are effective in the fight against aging. Cosmetics with placental elements is well absorbed, nourishes the skin, eliminates wrinkles, eliminates all kinds of toxins.
  3. Cellular products for the skin of the face.This type of cosmetics is similar to placental. In cosmetics, there are also cells of plants and animals. Another cell cosmetics are called informational. The cream is based on an element that is obtained by an artificial method. When the skin receives this material, then involuntary rejuvenation occurs, the body begins to produce collagen. Cell creams, masks have a high cost due to their contents. In order not to buy a fake, you should buy a product only in branded stores. There are risks to acquire poor -quality cosmetics.
  4. Oxygen cosmetics for the face.The basis of this cosmetics are microemulsionic compounds. They can reaction and dissolve CO2, oxygen. Moreover, they are there and deliver them with a shortage. Oxygen cosmetics are suitable for any age, since the process self -regulation occurs.

Examples of innovative cosmetics:

One of the well -known brands of innovative cosmetics is Denova products Royal Cosmetic Projects. In these creams there is the presence of vitamins A, C, E, natural components - a tea tree and microcapsules, which directly have an influence on the deep layers of the epidermis. Thanks to the innovative composition of cosmetics, the skin of the faces are less subject to harmful ultraviolet radiation. Products reduce the risks of cancer, have an anti -inflammatory effect, the skin of the face becomes smooth, without wrinkles.

Denova Projects for Facial
Denova Projects for Facial

Brand: Mirrait is also innovative in this industry, the means of various types are presented here, including facial care. Cosmetics contain natural ingredients that are obtained after the biotechnological process. In particular, these are: ingredients from tomatoes, components of fish caviar of sturgeon, salmon fish, bifidobacteria, mud (juice).

Mirra for the face
Mirra for the face

IMPORTANT:When choosing cosmetics, do not forget about precautions. After all, not all creams can perfectly suit your skin type. Also pay attention to all the little things so as not to buy a fake or cosmetics was suitable.

Innovative cosmetics for facial skin: innovative Korean cosmetics

Famous types of innovative cosmetics include Korean cosmetics. These cosmetics are gaining more and more popularity in the market of care funds. I must say that innovative cosmetics for the skin made in Korea will be released from the mass provided by European -made products, these are very high -quality creams, masks, etc. In addition, they have a beautiful packaging, a useful composition.

Korea cosmetics: TOP of the best innovative means
Korea cosmetics: TOP of the best innovative means

A lot of competition develops in this market, because manufacturers always improve their products to be always in trend. They release new items that cannot be found in other countries. And it is not surprising, because Asian women always care about their appearance, are ready to spend big money on this. The main attention is paid to three types of cosmetics: bleaching the skin, anti -aging effects, protection against bright rays of the sun.

Also, the production of Korean cosmetics can be divided into such types:

  1. Natural innovative cosmetics. Different oriental herbs are used here, which were used in ancient times. Plants such as peony, ginseng, Asian traditional mushrooms, licorice root, small crystals of gold, pearls and even birch juice are popular. Fermented Korean cosmetics can also be ranked here. All these funds have beautiful bottles and packages with bright colors of boxes.
  2. High -tech cosmetics. They are created using a biotechnological process, as part of creams there are peptides, retinol. The packaging differs from the previous color. It has a white or silver color. The price of this type of product is high, because cosmetics have great efficiency and are in great demand.

By modern standards, especially in the east, it is believed that the ideal of Korean beauty is leather, like glass. It should be perfectly even, luminous, translucent. There is cosmetics from the company K-BEAUTY: Class Skin. This series has many natural ingredients. They contribute to moisturizing and improving the color of the skin.  

Cosmetics for the face
Cosmetics for the face

Innovative cosmetics  conquers more and more users, Korean cosmetologists have developed many products based on medications, in this they were helped by dermatologists and specialist doctors. Despite the fact that there are various additives - this innovative cosmetics is not a medicine. Prices for this type of product are not high, it is available for wide masses.

Innovative cosmetics for facial skin - diamene: innovative or mineral cosmetics?

Popular innovative cosmetics for facial skin - Schwarzkopf & Henkel Diademineit is today very popular. Name Diademine means to wake the beauty of the skin. It is used in order to quickly remove all traces of tired, dry skin on the face. Diademine cream is applied abundantly for half an hour, then moisturized with a hot towel, and then cool.
Diademine face cream - daytime
Diademine face cream - daytime
  • Diademineknown in the market for about a hundred years. Produce funds of this series in France. At first - they were considered medical and implemented them in pharmacies. Only in the last century, in the 50s, they began to sell them in retail.
  • Innovative creams Diademinesatisfy all the requirements for protection, eliminate skin disadvantages and moisturizing. Products are made according to the principle of bio-mimetics. The ingredients in its composition have similar characteristics to the natural structure of the skin.

If you use the creams of this series, your skin will improve markedly, and all signs of old age will come from your face.

Next, see what are the series of Diademine products:
  1. Cleaning foaming pads of the series  Diademine.It is ideal to cleanse the epidermis. They give softness to the skin, can be used for washing.
  2. Cleansing, moisturizing napkins  series  Diademine.Even waterproof makeup will be easily removed, you will feel extraordinary freshness after applying the product.
  3. Lotion  Diademine.Effective for removing makeup from the face, also removes oily shine. The composition contains a cornflower extract, thanks to it, swelling is removed.
  4. Scrub series Diademine.This is a cream with polyethylene balls. Thanks to them, the skin is cleansed of disadvantages, alpha hydroxy acid promotes collagen production, and fruit acids retain moisture.
  5. DiademinePURITY -serves to eliminate inflammatory processes on the skin of the face.

IMPORTANT:Diademinewith a prebiotic, ladies with inflammations on the skin are suitable. Most often, it is still used by boys and girls with problematic skin. Due to the effect of the prebiotic, the epidermis is cleansed of harmful microflora, and beneficial bacteria remain.

Innovative cosmetics for facial skin: components that make up

Unlike familiar means, innovative cosmetics have a number of components, thanks to which its effectiveness improves.

Gel-peeling with particles of gold
Gel-peeling with particles of gold

The composition of innovative cosmetics -  biological materials, such as placenta extract. Cosmetologists know that the placenta includes active biological elements, there are enzymes, amino acids, and protein compounds. The composition of the placenta of the animal has the same structure as in humans. Using the biological material of animals, it is possible to noticeably rejuvenate the structure of the epidermis. Regeneration occurs, metabolism is balanced.

A positive effect on the skin due to the composition is manifested as follows:

  1. The water, saline balance, the skin feeds on the skin
  2. The skin becomes smooth, lifting is provided
  3. The skin of the face is rejuvenated, its color improves
  4. All sorts of inflammatory reactions are removed
  5. The tone improves, the aging of the skin is slowed down.

Thanks to the composition of the products, more precisely, the placenta extract is stimulated by renewal of the skin at the cellular level.

EGF: Epidermal growth factor. It is a protein substance, which consists of 53 amino acid compounds. It stimulates the production of young cells due to regeneration. Epidermis Growth Factor is used to combat wrinkles, pigmented manifestations. The skin is noticeably rejuvenated after applying the cream.

The manufacturer EGF was awarded the Nobel Prize, and it is not surprising, because thanks to the growth factor, the structure of the skin of the skin occurs.

Fulleren is considered A trap of free radicals.In another way it can still be called an allotropic carbon. Like a diamond, since it is formed by only one element. The opening of the substance was also awarded the Nobel Prize. This ingredient is not compared with anything, has a powerful property: to rejuvenate the epidermis, is able to penetrate into the deep layers of it, moisturize the face.

Face cream with full
Face cream with full

The chemical structure of the trap of free radicals is completely similar to the H2O structure. The action of Fullerena is as follows:

  1. It has an attractive property in relation to free radicals, is also able to neutralize them.
  2. It is able to eliminate all the dangers associated with the effects of ultraviolet radiation.
  3. Eliminates the process of aging of the skin, removes inflammation, narrows pores.
  4. Able to smoothing wrinkles, improves complexion, normalizes fat balance.
  5. For a short period of time (40 hours) restores the skin at the cellular level.

CoenzymQ.10. Also used to combat aging. It falls deep under the skin, helps to improve the functioning of cells and their rejuvenation.  Coenzym Q10 in nanocapsulas restores cell energy, supports the normal functioning of mitochondria and prevents age -related skin changes. Effectively protects against free radicals, enhances immune protection of skin cells, helps to moisturize the skin, smoothes wrinkles.

Face cream with coenzym Q10
Face cream with coenzym Q10

To make cosmetics help to cope with deep wrinkles on the face, only elite products from Japan should be used. There, Q10 is dissolved in water, which allows you to better penetrate the product into the skin, it will work for sure.

Complex of mineralsSKOne.Acts effectively at the cellular level. It has a healing force. It contains bones of apricot, plum, peach, nut. The product is also rich in minerals, there is potassium, iron, silicon, sodium, etc. The cream also contains vitamins of group A, C, B15.

It is produced in Japan. Thanks to the fruit component SKOnecream  favorably affects the skin of the face. It has restoration properties at the cellular level, improves metabolic processes in the body, activates cell production, and retains the skin from aggressive factors of outside exposure.

Innovative cosmetics for facial skin: what advantage does it have?

The properties of innovative face cosmetics speak for themselves. Women are ready to pay a lot of money so that their skin again gains its former freshness, dullness and the color improves. Let's look at what advantages of innovative cosmetics.

Advantages of innovative cosmetics:

  1. If there are bifidobacteria in the cream or scrub in the composition of the cream or scrub, then the growth of harmful microorganisms on the face is excluded. You will immediately notice how the rashes on the skin of the face will decrease. Which has a beneficial effect not only to the health of the skin, but also on the mood.
  2. Cosmetics do not contain various chemical fragrances, preservatives. Therefore, skin irritations will be much less found in girls than after other cosmetic products.
  3. Cosmetic products of innovative origin moisturize the skin of the face, still saturate it with so necessary oxygen.
  4. With the help of cosmetics, you will get rid of the early aging of the skin on your face, wrinkles will decrease, your age spots will pass unnoticed, the tone of the face will become perfect.

All the news of this season already have many positive reviews. Girls and women after the test of cosmetics, they say that the condition of their skin improves. And it is not necessary to wait a few days before the manifestation of any changes for the better. They are noticeable almost immediately. In this regard, the production of cosmetic innovative products stepped far ahead. Innovative technologies can improve the results of the use of cosmetics. Those who try to use innovative cosmetics will be ready to abandon the usual products, because it is much more effective.

Video: Innovative cosmetics for facial skin-new trends of 2022-2023

Video: Innovative cosmetics for facial skin - Korean cosmetics

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  1. I tried a lot of different masks, and not only them ... All sorts of superficial methods too. In fact, there is not so much sense of them, only if as a secondary measure. The basis is hyaluronic acid (I have from Evalar, because the price is adequate) and collagen. I combine external care products with internal, and the result is good))

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