What is better ozone therapy or carboxytherapy, baroqueer, plasmapheresis, VLLL, mesotherapy? Carboxitherapy and ozone therapy: What is the difference? Is ozone therapy compatible with mesotherapy: reviews

What is better ozone therapy or carboxytherapy, baroqueer, plasmapheresis, VLLL, mesotherapy? Carboxitherapy and ozone therapy: What is the difference? Is ozone therapy compatible with mesotherapy: reviews

Today, being healthy is not just useful, unless, of course, it can be said, but also fashionable. That is why medicine and cosmetology offers a huge number of different procedures that help our body become healthier and more beautiful, and we will talk about them.

In today's article, we will talk about such procedures as ozone therapy, carboxytherapy, barocamer, plasmapheresis, intravenous laser blood irradiation and mesotherapy, we will compare them, as well as draw conclusions which of the procedures is better and safer.

Ozonotherapy: indications and contraindications, reviews

Ozonotherapy is a relatively new physiotherapeutic procedure during which the cells of the body are saturated with ozone. The process of saturation of cells can occur in different ways: subcutaneous and intravenous injections, external use, oral consumption.

So what is this procedure? Thanks to ozonotherapy, metabolic processes are launched in our body, cellular immunity increases, pathogenic flora is killed, and the skin condition improves, its regeneration occurs.

Ozonotherapy - indications for such a procedure are as follows:

  • Ailments of the cardiovascular system, for example, increased blood pressure, thrombosis with inflammation of the vein wall and the formation of a thrombus covering its clearance.
  • The ailments of the kidneys and urinary tract, for example, inflammation of the bladder, inflammatory diseases of the kidneys with various etiopathogenesis.
  • Various skin diseases and nail diseases, for example, cellulite, chronic inflammatory skin disease.
  • Diabetes.
  • Ailments of the joints.
  • Eye diseases, for example, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye.
  • Gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Ailments of the reproductive system.

This procedure is also carried out to eliminate:

  • Different rashes on the body
  • Edema
  • Scars and stretch marks
  • Vascular mesh on the body
  • Second chin
  • Improving the condition of the skin

Ozonotherapy also has contraindications:

  • Firstly, this is allergic reaction On the current component - ozone.
  • Ailments of the cardiovascular system and thyroid gland in the exacerbation stage
  • Inflammation pancreas
  • Poor blood coagulation
  • Convulsions
  • Internal bleeding
  • Any inflammatory and infectious ailments in the aggravation stage
  • Pregnancy. But it is worth saying that sometimes even during the period of gestation, this procedure is carried out, however, only strictly as prescribed by a doctor

Talking about ozone therapy, I must say about the advantages and disadvantages of this procedure:

  • Advantages of the procedure It is that it stimulates the operation of our immune system and promotes skin regeneration, improves its condition.
  • Among the main shortcomings, a fairly large list of side effects, contraindications, as well as the application of the procedure in those areas in which its benefits and harm are not fully studied. Side effects include headache, blood thinning, intoxication, internal bleeding, etc.

As for real reviews about ozone therapy, they are completely different:

  • People who have passed this procedure note that it is very available and effective. It improves the general condition of the body, improves the skin, makes it more elastic, elastic and beautiful. The procedure also helps to eliminate fat deposits on the body.
  • Moreover, some patients note that ozone therapy is very Painful procedure, After which bruises often remain. The effect is not noticeable immediately, but only at the end of the entire course. There are many contraindications.

Video: 2 interesting minutes about ozone therapy

Carboxytherapy: testimony and contraindications, reviews

Carboxytherapy is a procedure that helps a non -surgical method to solve aesthetic problems by exposing the skin with carbon dioxide.

  • The essence of carboxitherapy It consists in introducing carbon dioxide into the body. The procedure is carried out by applying a mask or introducing the current component into the body using a thin needle
  • When conducting carboxitherapy, the body appears excess of carbon dioxide, And this, in turn, causes strong oxygen starvation. As a result, the process of blood circulation is significantly increased in the body, and this helps to increase the concentration of oxygen in tissues, the launch of regenerative processes.
The essence
The essence

Indications for carboxytherapy are the following:

  • Omolating the skin, improving its condition.
  • Elimination of cellulite.
  • Elimination of edema, stretch marks, blue circles under the eyes.
  • Elimination of the second chin, acne and rash.

In medicine, such indications are distinguished for this procedure:

  • Headache.
  • Insomnia.
  • Ailles of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Osteochondrosis.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular, endocrine system and neuralgic ailments.
  • Spasm of the vessels of the hands in response to the effects of cold or emotional stress, causing reversible discomfort and a change in skin color.

Contraindications to carboxytherapy are the following:

  • The period of bearing a baby and breastfeeding.
  • Hypertension.
  • Anemia.
  • Infectious and inflammatory processes in the aggravation stage.
  • Thrombosis with inflammation of the vein wall and the formation of a blood clot that covers its clearance.
  • Liver and kidneys.
Breakthrough in cosmetology
Breakthrough in cosmetology

Carboxitherapy reviews are as follows:

  • This procedure makes it possible to quickly and in 90% painlessly transform the skin and other parts of the body. The skin becomes fit, elastic. At the same time, a slight decrease in volumes is noted. Judging by the reviews, with the help of carboxitherapy, you can quickly remove the second chin.
  • At the same time, they note that effect from carboxitherapy It does not last long, sometimes it hurts and after the procedure small swelling appears. Almost everyone notes that carboxytherapy is a very expensive procedure, and based on the fact that the effect of it does not last long, this is a big minus.

Video: About carboxitherapy from a doctor

Barocamer: testimony and contraindications, reviews

When some pathology appears in our body, the sick organ begins to receive much less oxygen and as a result of this the so-called oxygen starvation develops:

  • This condition is very dangerous for our healthTherefore, it must be eliminated.
  • This can be done in a variety of ways, however, a baroque is one of the most effective.

In addition to the fact that the baroque is used in medicine, it is also used in cosmetology. In cosmetology, it is used with such purposes:

  • Rejuvenation, slowing down aging processes
  • Health
  • Getting rid of extra pounds
  • Detoxication
  • Improving the condition of the hair
  • Improving the general condition of the body

So, what is the Barocamer procedure:

  • The essence This procedure is to literally nourish our body with oxygen.
  • Due to the fact that in the barorammer increased atmospheric pressure, Oxygen penetrates the tissue much better.
  • With the help of this procedure, the organs are warmed by oxygen, and this, in turn, helps to resume their functions, eliminate pathogens.
Pressure chamber
Pressure chamber

Indications for hyperbaric oxygenation (this is the name of the procedure that is carried out in the baroacmer) is as follows:

  • Cardiovascular ailments, for example, heart rhythm, heart failure.
  • Gastrointestinal disease, for example, ulcers, intestinal diseases.
  • Liver diseases, for example, liver failure.
  • Diseases of the central nervous system such as the CTM, ischemic stroke.
  • Eye diseases, for example, optic atrophy.
  • Ailments of the endocrine system, for example, complication of diabetes.
  • Pathologies in obstetrics: intrauterine oxygen starvation of the fetus, threat of termination of pregnancy, infertility.
  • Elimination of wounds of different etiologies.
  • Decompression disease.
  • Radiation lesions.
  • Before and after surgery to improve surgery and early healing of the wounds.
  • Also, athletes often pass this procedure. This gives them the opportunity to quickly recover after hard training.
  • And also to improve the condition of the skin (becomes elastic and elastic), hair (the structure improves, brittleness is eliminated, the loss ceases), and increase the efficiency of other beauty procedures.
  • Losing weight and correction of the figure.
  • Improving metabolism and elimination of fatigue.

Despite its effectiveness, such a procedure has contraindications. Among the main:

  • Hypertonic disease in severe form.
  • Viral and inflammatory ailments in the aggravation stage.
  • Oncology.
  • Epilepsy and parkinsonism.
  • Fear of closed space.

Regarding the reviews, we can say that, unlike the two previously described procedures, they are mostly positive here:

  • Patients note that after hyperbaric oxygenation, the healing process of wounds is accelerated.
  • Sleep improves, appearance. The skin becomes more elastic and elastic.
  • Improves general condition of the body.
  • The condition of the hair, nails improves.
  • The procedure is completely painless.

Of the shortcomings of the procedure, only the following are distinguished:

  • Price.
  • There is no available in all hospitals and salons.
  • A long-term stay in the baroacer can cause discomfort due to the fact that you have to lie in a closed space.

Video: Is the baroque useful so useful?

Plasmapheresis: what kind of procedure, indications and contraindications are these

It is worth saying that plasmapheresis is exclusively a medical procedure that cannot be carried out in order to simply improve the condition of the skin, hair.

  • This procedure is the process of blood fence, followed by its division into cell mass and plasma. In this case, the cell mass is diluted with saline and returned back to the body, but the plasma that contains toxins and other, harmful substances for us is destroyed.
  • It is also worth noting that not all blood is filtered with plasmapheresis, but only some part of it. The volume of blood treated depends on the weight of the person, the state of health and other factors.

Plasmapheresis is shown for:

  • Excretion from the body toxins, slag and microbes.
  • Removal of inflammation factors.
  • Removal of substances that condenses blood.
  • The excretion of excess hormones from the body and the restoration of the body's sensitivity to drugs, hormones.
  • Treatment of psoriasis, dermatitis, dermatoses, rash.
  • Treatment of cardiovascular diseases, for example, angina pectoris.
  • Treatment of liver diseases, for example, cirrhosis.
  • Treatment of metabolic disorders, which lead to diseases such as diabetes, gout.
  • Treatment of blood ailments.
  • Treatment of diseases of an autoimmune nature.

Plasmapheresis is a serious procedure that cannot be carried out only at the request of a person and which has a number of contraindications:

  • Stomach ulcers with bleeding.
  • The instability of the blood coagulation system and the underdeveloped peripheral venous network, but these two contraindications are relative.
  • Infectious and inflammatory ailments in the aggravation stage.
  • Purulent processes, abscesses.
  • Tumors.
  • Age older than 75 years.

Such a procedure, as you already understood, cannot be compared with previously described, since it does not apply to beauty procedures. Yes, of course, the plasmapheresis helps to solve the problems with the rash, some skin ailments, but it is not aimed at solving aesthetic problems, but at eliminating diseases and concomitant conditions.

Reviews about the plasmapheresis are as follows:

  • The procedure removes toxins and toxins.
  • Cleans blood from antibodies.
  • Improves immunity.
  • Lights thick blood.
  • The procedure is practically painless.
Lighting and purification
Lighting and purification

There are also negative reviews:

  • The cost of the procedure.
  • After the procedure, nausea and dizziness were observed.
  • It has side effects and does not always help.

Video: who needs plasmapheresis?

VLOK: Indications and contraindications, reviews

Vlok or intravenous laser irradiation of blood is a procedure that consists in the effects of laser radiation on blood cells. Despite the popularity of this procedure, some experts call its effectiveness into question.

It is believed that the clock has the following effects on the human body:

  • Anti -inflammatory.
  • Anti -allergic.
  • Anesthetic.
  • Calming.
  • Immunostimulating.

VLOK - there are many indications for such a procedure:

  • In gynecology and obstetrics This is the treatment of infertility, endometriosis, etc.
  • In dermatology - Dermatitis, eczema, herpes, etc.
  • The cardiovascular system: angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, thrombophlebitis, etc.
  • Digestive system: cholecystitis, pancreatitis, acute intestinal obstruction, etc.
  • Neurology: VSD, neuroinfection, etc.
  • Pulmonology: Pneumonia in an acute form, abscessing pneumonia, bronchial asthma, etc.
  • Dentistry: Inflammation of the supporting apparatus of teeth, acute pushed purulent inflammation of the fiber spaces.
  • Endocrinology: Diabetes mellitus, deficiency of thyroid hormones.
  • Urology: Non-specific inflammatory process with a predominant damage to the bowl-lighting system of the kidney, inflammation of the urethra.
  • Cosmetology: To eliminate dermatological problems.

The procedure also has a number of contraindications:

  • The presence of tumors in the body
  • Infectious ailments in the aggravation stage
  • Increased intraocular pressure and damage to the optic nerve
  • Outnels
  • Actinomycosis
  • Active tuberculosis

Reviews of intravenous laser blood irradiation are as follows:

  • Some note a positive result and improvement of the general condition of the body, an increase in immunity. They also note the elimination of some skin problems. The advantage of the procedure is called painlessness.
  • But there are negative reviews. Some people note that they did not notice any improvements after the draw. At the same time, the procedure is very expensive.

The VLOK, like plasmapheresis, is carried out only as prescribed by the doctor and after consulting him. This procedure does not rejuvenate the body, its goal is to eliminate the ailments and improve the work of the human immune system.

Video: How is the VLOK procedure going?

Mesotherapy: indications and contraindications, types, reviews

Mesotherapy is a popular and demanded medical procedure today. Its essence is to introduce the surface and middle layers of the skin of therapeutic cocktails. Mesotherapy helps tighten the skin, strengthen the vessels and restore the metabolism in the tissues.

Mesotherapy is a sufficiently serious procedure and has its own indications and contraindications. The testimony includes:

  • Cooperosis
  • Rash
  • Wrinkles, flabby skin
  • Cellulite
  • Striya
  • Swelling
  • Excess fat deposits
  • Warts
  • Hair loss
  • Scarring

Contraindications include:

  • The period of bearing a baby, breastfeeding, menstruation.
  • Infectious and inflammatory ailments in the aggravation stage.
  • Some diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Hemophilia.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Allergy to active substances.
  • The presence of a pacemaker.
  • The tendency to the growth of connective tissue in the place of injury.
  • The presence of stones and sand in the gall bladder and bile ducts due to a violation of metabolism in the body.
  • The defeat of the glomerular apparatus and the parenchyma of the kidneys of various etiologies.

Please note that the presence of at least one disease or condition is an absolute contraindication to mesotherapy.


We will also briefly talk about what types of mesotherapy are:

  • Manual injection mesotherapy. This procedure is carried out manually. Its advantage is the accuracy of intradermal injections.
  • Hardware injection mesotherapy. Such mesotherapy is carried out using special equipment, such as a mesoinjector, a mesoroller. The advantage of this type of mesotherapy is the economical use of a cocktail, less pronounced pain and the speed of the procedure. But there are disadvantages, this is the impossibility of high -quality processing of delicate zones, for example, around the eyes.
  • Bezijection mesotherapy of the face. With this procedure, drugs enter the skin when exposed to it with heat, radiation, electric shock. Here it is worth highlighting laser, oxygen mesotherapy, as well as ionomesotherapy, cryomezotherapy.
  • This procedure refers to cosmetic, so it can be compared with ozone therapy and carboxitherapy.

Carboxitherapy and ozone therapy: What is the difference?

Carboxytherapy and ozone therapy - Two very popular and popular procedures, which are very often compared with each other. To figure out what is the difference between them, and which procedure is still more popular and effective, we suggest that you analyze the table below.

Characteristic Ozonotherapy Carboxytherapy
Active substance Ozone Carbon dioxide
Method of introduction/application It can be administered intravenously, under the skin, into the vagina, rectum, stuck on the body Can be inserted under the skin, intradermally and is overlaid on the skin in the form of a mask
Where is it used? In cosmetology, phlebology, traumatology, surgery, gynecology, urology and proctology, neurology, dermatology and orthopedics In cosmetology, dermatology, neurology, phlebology, urology, gynecology, orthopedics and sports medicine
Preparation before the procedure Does not require special training, only consultation with a doctor Does not require special training, only consultation with a doctor
Restrictions after the procedure Within 2-3 days, and preferably a week, you need to refuse to go to the bathhouse, sauna, solarium and pool. Also at this time you can not sunbathe in the sun After the procedure for 4 hours. you cannot wet the place of administration of the drug
Anesthesia During the procedure, it is possible to use analgesic cream, ointments Anesthesia is not carried out
Sensations during the procedure Burning of the skin and its bursting may be felt Tingling and pinching under the skin may be felt, its stretching
Side effects Migraine, convulsions, impaired visual function, acute hemolysis In the case of injection of the drug, the possible complications are possible: redness and burning at the place of administration of the drug, small edema, bruise. In the case of non -invasive carboxitherapy, as a rule, there are no side effects
Age restrictions

No, but experts recommend doing the procedure no earlier than 25 years


No, but experts recommend doing the procedure no earlier than 25 years


Is the procedure allowed during pregnancy? Yes, according to the doctor's testimony



Does the procedure have a disinfecting effect? Yes Not
Does the procedure reduce body volumes? Yes Yes, but insignificant

Carboxytherapy differs from ozonotherapy with the active substance, some methods of introducing the component, and some areas of application. These procedures are also characterized by side effects, sensations during their conduct and contraindications.

As you can see, these procedures have similarities and differences. It should be noted that ozonotherapy He copes much better with acne, while carboxytherapy more effectively eliminates striae, wrinkles, bruises under the eyes, cellulite. The main difference is soreness, carboxytherapy is a less painful procedure.

Is ozone therapy compatible with mesotherapy: reviews

Previously, we have already described such procedures as ozone therapy and mesotherapy. As for the compatibility of these procedures, they are compatible.

  • Mesotherapy, as a rule, it is not a monotherapy, so it is sometimes not only possible to combine it with ozonotherapy, but also necessary.
For beauty it is better to combine
For beauty it is better to combine
  • Ozonotherapy It copes well with the total excess of body weight, but very often ineffectively affects fat deposits in “secluded places”. Such places include the area of \u200b\u200bknees, gallife, back, “withers”.
  • These are the places that need to be worked out with mesotherapy.
  • In the complex, these two procedures will give more persistent and noticeable result.
  • So, today we talked about many popular and demanded procedures that are aimed at improving health and appearance. Therefore, now you can easily answer the next question: "What is better ozone therapy or carboxytherapy, barocamer, plasmapheresis, VLOK, mesotherapy?".
  • Firstly, each of these procedures is good in its own way, each has a number testimonies and contraindications, which means they should pick them up purely individually and with the help of a qualified specialist.
  • Secondly, such procedures as plasmapherez and VLOK It is impossible to compare with the rest, since they do not relate to cosmetological, although they solve some aesthetic problems.
  • In any case, when choosing a procedure, be guided by the recommendations of cosmetologists and doctors, since it is unsafe to make a decision on the need to conduct a particular procedure on your own.

Video: Mesotherapy effectiveness


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