How they make tattooing eyes with shading: the stages of the procedure. Eye tattoo - how much does it hold? Eye tattooing with shading: photo before and after, reviews

How they make tattooing eyes with shading: the stages of the procedure. Eye tattoo - how much does it hold? Eye tattooing with shading: photo before and after, reviews

Eye tattooing is becoming an increasingly popular procedure every day. Of course, girls are interested in how it is carried out and whether there is the effect that everyone is talking about. We will talk about this in our article.

Eye tattoo is something like a tattoo. Special technology allows you to create a persistent pattern that resembles makeup. Why is the procedure attracting girls? If only because they do not have to spend a lot of time on makeup. Most often today there is a tattoo with shading, which is performed in different ways. Let's talk with you about the features of this procedure, what the result looks like and how much it all costs.

Eye tattoo - how much does it hold?

How much eye tattoo lasts?
How much eye tattoo lasts?

The very first question that arises for those who decided to make a tattoo eye with shading - how much he is holding. Despite the fact that the procedure is done as a tattoo, the finished work is not kept all your life.

Such makeup of the eyelids is held in different ways, and largely the service life of the following factors depends:

  • How high -quality materials are used
  • Is the specialist experienced and what kind of technique he uses
  • If the skin is dry, then the makeup will last longer, and with oily it can “leave” very quickly
  • Affect the resistance of the sun's rays and the presence of artificial tanning
  • It is important to properly care for the skin in the early days of the procedure
  • One of the important indicators is patience. Когда появляется корочка сверху, то ее нельзя сдирать, потому что тогда краситель тоже снимется
  • One month after the procedure, it is advisable to make a correction in order to maintain the effect longer

If all conditions are respected and you will be careful for the centuries, then it is quite possible to maintain the effect for 1-3 years. If you do not need to save it for so long, then immediately tell the master about it. He will choose such materials that will come in a few months.

It happens that I want to remove makeup before. This is possible using chemical methods and neodymium lasers. A pair of procedures is enough.

Does it hurt to do eye tattooing?

Does it hurt to do eye tattooing?
Does it hurt to do eye tattooing?

The second question about the features that have eye tattooing with shading - is it painful to carry out the procedure? In many ways, it depends on the sensitivity of the person himself, but do not forget that the skin around the eyes is sensitive. Usually girls feel discomfort, but not severe pain.

As a rule, masters, in order to alleviate sensations, apply anesthetics, for example, applications. They provide sufficient anesthesia and do not fall into the blood.

It is not required to put injections, because the dye is introduced to a small depth, but sometimes cosmetologists resort to these measures when a woman has a very strong sensitivity.

How they make a tattoo eye with shading: the stages of the procedure

The tattoo of the eye with shading requires careful preparation, and the whole process begins with it. For the procedure, a special device is used, as well as the following materials:

Eye tattooing tools
Eye tattooing tools

Now, let's look at the procedure in stages.

Stage 1. Preparation and procedure

To begin with, the girl herself must prepare for the procedure so that there are no problems. This is done some time before the procedure.

  • A week before the procedure, stop taking the drugs if you use them
  • Refuse smoking, alcohol, coffee at least in a day
  • Tune in psychologically that the procedure will pass easily
  • Refuse eyelashes and cosmetics curls
  • Make a pigment perception test in advance to avoid allergies
  • If you wear lenses, then remove them before the procedure

Stage 2. Carrying out the procedure

  • Already starting the procedure, the master will remove makeup and treat the antiseptic zone for tattooing
  • Further, the arrows are applied with a special marker, similar to the pigment
  • Anesthetic is applied for pain relief
  • Now the apparatus according to the scheme is applied pigment
  • In conclusion, the master once again processes the zone with an anesthetic and smears a redness cream with redness

Stage 3. Care after the procedure

When the tattoo is completed, the woman herself should take care of the skin after the procedure. We will tell you more about the healing period separately.

Eye tattooing with shading - healing: care


When the procedure is completed, then the tattoo of the eye with shading requires care. The first days at the place of work will remain edema. When he comes down, a crust will appear. The main thing is not to remove it in any case.

You also have to comply with some rules during the healing period:

  • In the first week, do not use decorative cosmetics
  • Be sure to use ointment to heal the wounds several times a day
  • Try to keep water over the age
  • Do not triple your eyes with a towel or hands
  • Refuse contact lenses
  • Do not light up at least 4-5 days, do not go to the sauna and do not go to the open sun at all
  • If a sucker appears, wipe your eyes with a cotton swab with chlorhexidine
  • In a month, make a correction to enhance the effect and make the color brighter

After that, the procedure is carried out every 2-3 years. Here, see for yourself when the pigment will fade.

What is the eye tattoo: views

Types of arrows
Types of arrows

By itself, tattooing is different. As a rule, the master helps to choose the right type of procedure to make the face more beautifully and highlight its advantages.

  • Eye tattooing with shading on an overhanging eyelid

If you just want to smooth out the appearance visually, then the tattoo will rectify the situation. It is best for such work to choose a master who has similar works in the portfolio. By the way, you can achieve the best effect if you also make eyebrow tattooing at the same time.

  • Eye tattooing with shading

This type is the most complex and much depends on the desired result. Please note that you will have to spend more time and money on the procedure. The master will first make the arrows and then will be shaded. Pigments can be used different. Such a procedure among young girls is not too in demand, because then you will have to live with a single style. Basically, women are addressed after 40, who have already developed their own style.

  • The tattoo of inter -seal space
The tattoo of inter -seal space
The tattoo of inter -seal space

It may seem that the technique of execution is very simple and you can even trust a beginner. In fact, this is very difficult to do, because everything should look natural. The purpose of the procedure is to highlight eyelashes and artificial increase in density. If you make interspersed too thick, then they will look unnatural.

  • Arrows

They may differ in shape, length and so on. Sometimes an arrow is made on the lower eyelid. Basically, black paint and moderate lines are used for the procedure. Basically, masters look, first of all, at the client himself than to fashion trends.

  • Shadows

It is important not only the professionalism of the master, but also his fantasy. It is important to learn how to combine shades and colors correctly. It takes a few hours and is very expensive.

When choosing the right makeup, it is better to consult with the master. He, as a professional, should give recommendations and help choose the best option for your face.

Eye tattooing with shading: photo before and after

The tattoo of the eye with shading appeared relatively recently. Masters began to use new equipment and many clients are satisfied with the result. Here are a few examples, as it was before it turned out after:

Photo 1
Photo 1
Photo 2
Photo 2
Photo 3
Photo 3

It is important to understand that making tattooing is more difficult than other species. It is best to entrust this business to a professional so as not to spend money in vain and get the desired effect.

Eye tattooing with shading: Price

Many are interested in how much tattooing eyes with shading costs. Here, much depends on what materials and equipment the master uses. Its qualification is also very important. On average, the price is 4 thousand rubles, but, again de, it is necessary to clarify the price directly in the cabin.

Eye tattooing with shading: reviews

In general, of course, when the master is good and all the recommendations are followed, there are no reasons for negativity. The tattoo of the eye with shading causes many enthusiastic reviews, because the effect is really very good.

We offer to get acquainted with several reviews of girls who have already made their eyes tattooing:

  • Irina, 35 years old. I used to constantly draw arrows and tried to do it with shading. I really like the effect, and every morning now you do not need to draw arrows! They are even and beautiful. It remains only to apply a shadows and that's it! Now you can sleep longer.
  • Maria, 27 years old. I want to wish all girls to stop being afraid of tattooing and just try. Yes, sometimes you will adjust it, but it is not as painful as some describe. If you have found a good master, it will not hurt. The master makes an antiseptic several times for me and does not hurt anything!
  • Olga, 40 years old. They talk a lot about tattooing too, but I treat it normally. The arrows last long, so there will be no problems with the arrows. And with it you can hide the flaws! So!

Video: Permanent eye makeup. Tattooing eyelids with shading

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