The anatomical structure of the human hand with the names: the name of the basic parts of the hand, features, photos

The anatomical structure of the human hand with the names: the name of the basic parts of the hand, features, photos

This article describes the anatomy of the structure of the human hand. You will learn everything about joints, muscles, tendons and skin.

Children study the structure of the human body at school, as well as such information may be needed by students on specialized education. The structure of each part of the body is complex. It can be difficult to learn their names.

Read all about the skeleton of man In another article on our website. This is cognitive and interesting information.

This article describes the structure of the human hand, with the name of the basic parts, features and so on. Read further.

The internal structure of the human body: the name of the basic parts of the right, left hand, features, photos

The name of the basic parts of the right, left hand
The name of the basic parts of the right, left hand

The internal structure of the human body is studied by such a science as anatomy. Hands - the upper limb of the human body that allows you to take objects, touch them and evaluate. Below you will find the name of the basic parts of the right, left hand and their features. The musculoskeletal limb consists of several fabrics:

  • Bones -A solid organ that performs the musculoskeletal function. Serves as a frame for all other elements of the hand.
  • Muscles - an organ that consists of muscle tissue. They participate in the musculoskeletal system and the transfer of nerve impulses.
  • Blues - an organ representing the formation of connective tissue. They fasten the skeleton of a person and internal organs.
  • Cartilage - elastic connective tissue. Inside the cartilage, there are no blood vessels and nerves.
  • Tendons - formation from connective tissue.
  • Blood capillaries - Thin vessels that participate in the process of blood circulation.
  • Nervous fibers - processes of nerve cells. Their main role to spread nervous impulses.

Like any complex structure in the human body, the right and left hand consists of basic parts. Look more in the photo above. Human arms departments:

  • Shoulder girdle
  • Shoulder
  • Forearm
  • Brush

Each zone has a connection with another department by means of the joint. This ensures the mobility of the upper extremities. In one hand of a person there is 32 bones.

The structure of the bones of the shoulder girdle of a person’s hand with names in pictures: skeleton, photo

The bones of the shoulder girdle of the hand of a person
The bones of the shoulder girdle of the hand of a person

The skeleton of the bones of the shoulder girdle of the human hand represents: two pairs of shoulder blades and clavicles, which provide support and motor activity of the upper limbs.

The structure of the bones of the shoulder girdle of the hand of a person
The structure of the bones of the shoulder girdle of the hand of a person

Below you will find a structure with names. Above in the picture, everything is visible and described in detail. The right and left shoulder blade resemble a flat triangular bone located from the back. She is slightly curved outward from the costal arches. The shoulder blade consists of several elements:

  • Upper angle
  • Upper edge
  • Cutting the shoulder blade
  • The neck of the shoulder blades
  • Medial region
  • Submarine fossa
  • Pomestic tubercle
  • Lateral edge
  • bottom corner
The structure of the bones of the shoulder girdle of the hand of a person
The structure of the bones of the shoulder girdle of the hand of a person

The lateral edge has a thickening for connecting with the head of the humerus. The lower corner of the scapula ends at the level of the eighth rib. On its axis there is a key bone, which has a connection with muscle fibers. The disposable tubercle on the shoulder blade allows you to make circular movements of the hands.


Another tubular bone belonging to the group of the shoulder joint is the collarbone. It is located in a horizontal position in the chest on the border with the neck. The bone serves the connecting link between the sternum and the shoulder blades. The collarbone supports the entire muscle frame of the shoulder girdle.

The structure of the muscles of the shoulder girdle of the arm, the function of the shoulder: description

The structure of the muscles of the shoulder girdle of the hand
The structure of the muscles of the shoulder girdle of the hand

The composition of the muscle tissue of the shoulder girdle of the hand includes such muscles:

  • Deltoid
  • Exceptable
  • Suspended
  • Subscapular
  • Big round
  • Small round

Here is a detailed structure and functions of the muscles of the shoulder and arms:


  • These are superficial muscle fibers that are above the shoulder joint.
  • In shape, it resembles the inverted Latin letters "Delta", from there its name came.
  • The structure of the deltoid muscle consists of three groups: spatular, acromial and keyboard.
  • Each component provides the movement of the hand in different directions.

Incredible muscle:

  • It resembles the shape of a triangle, which is located in the shoulder fossa of the shoulder blade.
  • She is responsible for leaving her shoulder to the sides.

Suspending muscle:

  • It resembles in shape a flat triangle located in the subcurular fossa of the shoulder blade.
  • Its main function is to extend the shoulder in the shoulder composition.

Podlopate muscle:

  • It is located in the central region, between the muscles of the chest and the shoulder.
  • She is responsible for raising heavy objects, and extension of the shoulder.

Big round muscle:

  • It is located from the lower corner of the scapula to the tubercle of the humerus.
  • In its structure, it resembles the shape of a square, but with a reduction it takes a rounded shape.
  • Its role consists in breaking the shoulder and rotation along the circular axes.

Small round muscle:

  • This is a continuation of a large round muscle with a similar structure and functionality.
  • Its location begins in the area of \u200b\u200bthe shoulder blade and reaches the large bone tubercle.

A more detailed description of the structure of the human hand muscles is described in the picture below:

The structure of the muscles of the shoulder girdle of the hand
The structure of the muscles of the shoulder girdle of the hand

Video: The muscles of the belt are true and shoulder: topography, structure, functions

The anatomical structure of the forearm of a person: skeleton, drawing

The anatomical structure of the forearm of a person
The anatomical structure of the forearm of a person

The forearm of a person’s hand belongs to the category of long bones. Its anatomical structure is simple. The skeleton has two departments:

  • Elbow bone
  • Radius

They are interconnected by inter -cell membranes. This is clearly visible in the picture. Read more:

Elbow bone - The paired body of the forearm of the trihedral form with the thickened structure at the top. The elbow bone is thinner to the lower part. She has three departments:

  • The upper tube bone. In this part, there is a block of blocking that has two processes: front and rear, as well as radiation cutting connecting processes to the radial bone.
  • Base (body). The department has a rounding over the front.
  • The lower section of the tubular bone. In this part is: the head, a scarf process and articular circle.

Along the entire length, it is covered with muscle fibers with the exception of the rear edge.

Radius - The paired body of the forearm of the trihedral form. She has:

  • Head - The widest and most thickened place on the upper end of the bone.
  • Shayka - The narrowing that is located under the head.
  • Bugristiness - place of connection of the tendon of the main muscle of the shoulder.
  • Shilled processlocated on the side.
  • Dorsal tubercle Located on the rear surface of the rounded tube bone.
  • Carpal joint surface - place of connection with the bones of the wrist.

The main function of the bones is the frame for the muscle layer, joints and cartilage, which provide motor activity of the hand.

The structure of the wrist of the human hand: Description

The structure of the wrist of the hand of a person
The structure of the wrist of the hand of a person

The wrist of a person’s hand is a department located between the bones of the forearm and the metacarpal bones. It has eight small bones, which are divided into two types: proximal and distal. Here is a description of the structure:

Proximal appearance has four types of bones:

  • Scapular -located in the front row of the wrist.
  • Semi -moon- Located in the second row from the radiation side. In shape, the bone resembles a crescent, therefore it got the name.
  • Triral- Located in the front row of the wrist. It has a convex surface.
  • Pea -shaped - Reminds an egg or oval in shape. It is located in the thickness of the tendons.

Distal department has four types of bones:

  • Bone-trapping It has a concave structure and is located next to the trihedral bone.
  • Trapezoidal bone Combines the bone - a trapezoid with five short tubular bones.
  • The head bone The largest wrist in size. It has a spherical shape.
  • Crooky bone Connects the head bone and the second row of wrist bones.

The main function of the wrist is the circular movements of the hand and its correct position.

Anatomy of the structure of the human hand: skeleton, bones, muscles

Anatomy of the structure of the hand of the human hand
Anatomy of the structure of the hand of the human hand

The skeleton of the human hand has the most complex structure. The composition includes 27 bonesthat are divided into groups:

  • Wrist
  • Pitani
  • Fingers

The bones are interconnected by cartilage fabric. Read more the anatomy of the structure:

Anatomy of the structure of the hand of the human hand
Anatomy of the structure of the hand of the human hand

Pitani - Five tubular bones that have no special names. They are simply numbered with Roman numbers I - v From the thumb to the little finger. The structure of each bone is divided into three sections: head, body and base. The head is connected to the bones of the fingers, and the base with the bones of the wrist.

The bones of the heel Similar to the joints with each other. The difference has only a third finger, which has an awl seal. All bones of the heel are interconnected by phalanges. The pickers performs a motor function and helps to hold objects in the hands.

Fingers - Everyone except the big has three phalanxes:

  • Proximal
  • Average
  • Distal

The longest phalanx is proximal, and short distal. The middle phalanx connects the proximal and distal department.

Anatomy of the structure of the hand of the human hand
Anatomy of the structure of the hand of the human hand

Sesam -shaped bones- They are located in the thickness of the tendons. Sesamid bones are located on the palmar surface, but in a number of exceptions they can occur on the back surface. Their main function is to increase the strength of the shoulder muscles.

Anatomy of the structure of the hand of the human hand
Anatomy of the structure of the hand of the human hand

Muscles and ligaments - They are responsible for strength loads and raising objects. The mobility of the hands and fine motor skills of the fingers depend on muscle tissue. The tendons and ligaments reliably fix the bones in a stationary state.

Video: brush muscles - detailed review 3D

The structure of the thumb of the human hand: bones and muscles with names

The structure of the thumb of the human hand
The structure of the thumb of the human hand

The structure of the thumb of the human hand: bones and muscles with names.

The structure of the thumb consists of two phalanges:

  • Proximal
  • Distal

At the end of the phalanges there is a bone plane that connects the phalanxes to the joints. The thumb has a wide variety of muscles in comparison with other fingers:

The structure of the thumb of the human hand
The structure of the thumb of the human hand
  • Short muscle diverting the thumb to the side
  • Muscle contrasting the thumb
  • A short flexor of the thumb
  • The muscle leading the thumb

There are no muscles in the fingers themselves at all. Flexible and extensor movements are carried out at the expense of the muscles of the palm and forearm.

The structure of the joints of the human hand with drawings: elbow, shoulder, wrists, fingers

The structure of the joints of the human hand with drawings
The structure of the joints of the human hand with drawings

The normal functioning of the musculoskeletal system is impossible without articular tissue, which is covered with a synovial shell and a joint bag. Here is the structure of the joints of the person’s hand with drawings - the elbow, shoulder, wrists, fingers:

The structure of the joints of the human hand with drawings
The structure of the joints of the human hand with drawings

The elbow joint:

  • It is divided into three departments: radiation, shoulder and elbow.
  • The wrist joint is a mobile connecting link in the bones of the brush and forearm.
  • In shape, it resembles an ellipse.
  • Performs a very important motor function - bending and extension of the brush.
  • The joint is strengthened by a large number of ligaments.
Human joint structure
Human joint structure

Shoulder joint:

  • It connects the bones of the shoulder with the shoulder blades.
  • Shoulder joint The most mobile joint in the body of a person, which allows mobile movements without stiffness.
  • The shoulder joint allows you to make circular movements, as well as flexion and extension of the hand.

The structure of the shoulder joint looks as follows:

  • The articular process of the shoulder blade
  • The head of the humerus
  • Joint slot
  • Acromion - acromic-key joint

There are many cystic joints, but are inferior in the size of the above. Therefore, in order to remember easier, they should be divided into several different groups. The classification of the joints of the brush looks like this:

Human joint structure
Human joint structure
  • Middle wrist joint - It is a connection between the first and second line of the bones at the base of the wrist.
  • Carpal-pathic joints - the connection of two rows of bones at the wrist with bones that lead to the fingers themselves.
  • Parleen-phalanx joints - Connection of the phalanges of the fingers and bones of the heels leading to them.
  • Interphalangeal compounds -There are on all fingers in the amount of 2 pieces (except for the large one, since it has 1 such compound).

Below is the structure of the tendons of the human hand. Read further.

Video: joints and ligaments of the brush

Anatomy of the structure of the human hand: tendon of the shoulder, forearms, wrists, brushes, finger

Anatomy of the structure of the human hand: tendons
Anatomy of the structure of the human hand: tendons

Tendons are connective tissue, which allows you to fully transfer the muscle load. Anatomy of the structure of the human hand - tendon of the shoulder, forearms, wrists, brushes, finger:

Tendons are divided into two layers:

  • Deep
  • Surface

Read more:

  • Each compound has its own bed, which is between soft fabrics.
  • The tendons provide soft sliding without friction and wear of the joints.
  • The ability of the hand to perform its direct functions depends on their state.
  • On the palmar part is the largest part of the tendons.
  • Superficial go to each finger of the hand.
  • Deep tendons end at the level of the nail phalanx.
  • The extensor tendons are on the back of the palm under a small fat layer.

Connections of tendons with muscle tissue occurs due to collagen structures that are fed with muscle fibers.

Human skin structure: photo with description

Human skin structure
Human skin structure

The skin is the longest organ in the human body. Its main function is to protect against external negative factors. You see a photo with a description above. Here is the structure of the skin of a person’s hands, it has three layers:

Epidermis - Thin horn layer that reaches the thickness no more than 0.05 millimeters. Epidermis cells produce keratin. The epidermis does not have blood vessels.

The structure of the epidermis includes:

  • The horn layer
  • Shiny layer
  • Grain layer
  • Sawdled layer
  • Basal layer

In the basal layer There are substances responsible for the production of melanin. This substance protects the skin from aggressive sunlight and ultraviolet radiation. The cells of the basal layer are constantly divided, which contributes to the renewal processes. Old cells modify their shape and pass the process of keratinization. They gradually exfoliate from the skin throughout human life.

Grain layer It has a diamond shape that is stretched parallel to the surface of the skin.

Derma -it means the inner layer of the skin, in which the sweaty and sebaceous glands are located, which play the role of cleansing the body from excess moisture and salts.

Hypodermis - This is a deep fat layer that protects against the cold and serves as a basic basis for the rest of the layers.

It is worth noting:

The skin of the palm It has distinctive features from all other parts of the body:

  • Increased wear resistance
  • There are no hair follicles and sebaceous glands in the palm of your hand
  • There are many sweat glands on the skin of the palms of the palms

The skin of the hands is the main defender of our body, so it needs to always pay special attention.

Nail structure on the hands of a person: Description

Nail structure on the hands of a person
Nail structure on the hands of a person

Human nails are the most unique part of the human body. The anatomical structure is complex, but by studying it, you can learn a lot of interesting things. The body of the nail is in the nail bed. Growth rate up to 4 mm per month. The nail is a dense, brilliant and elastic coating that has a pink shade if a person does not get sick. Read more about the structure of the nail in another article on our website on this link.

Video: bones of the upper limb

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