The structure of the human nail on the arms and legs: scheme. Anatomy, functions and features of the structure of the nail plate of the hands and legs

The structure of the human nail on the arms and legs: scheme. Anatomy, functions and features of the structure of the nail plate of the hands and legs

Features of the anatomy of the nails on the fingers and legs. Streeting of nails and caring for them. Nail diseases.

Nails call the derivatives of the epidermis dense plates on the tips of the fingers and legs of the person (however, all primates have them). Despite the fact that they are deprived of nerve endings and do not hurt, the nails are indicators of the state of the whole organism.

Firstly, in order to look beautiful and have a stylish manicure, secondly, in order to understand in time what is wrong with health, you must be aware of the anatomy and the functions of nail plates on the arms and legs.

Structure and functions of nails

Nails are a unique part of the human body. Their anatomy is quite complicated, but by studying it, you can find out a few interesting facts.

The claws of the animal and human nails have a very similar anatomy.
The claws of the animal and human nails have a very similar anatomy.
  1. The closest "relatives" of nails on the fingers of the arms and legs of a person are his own hair, as well as the hooves of animals
  2. The horny protective plate consists of three parts: root (other names - matrix, matrix), body and free edge. The root is formed by living epidermal cells, and the body and free edge are dead
  3. The root part of the nail hidden under the skin, in the nail slit. We do not see. But its dimensions are not small, they make up a third of the visible part. The white semicircle, visible on the plate of the lower roller, is a continuation of the matrix. It is called Lunula
  4. The body of the nail rests on the nail bed. The average length of this part of the keratinized plate on the hands is 1.5 cm, width is 1 cm, thickness is 0.7 mm. On the legs are extreme phalanxes and, accordingly, the nail plates, on the first and other four fingers differ significantly in size, while the thickness of the plate on the thumb is about 1 mm
  5. The horny plate itself, of course, is devoid of blood vessels. But there are extremely many under it, in the nail bed. It is these vessels that feed the nail
  6. Between the plate and the bed is a thin layer of living cells, hyponichia
  7. Roluses are folds of skin located at the bottom and on the sides of the body of the nail. With a horn plate, they are fastened with a cuticle
  8. Matrix consists of living epithelial cells - onychoblasts. They are very intensively feed on blood, constantly divide and darken, forming a keratin protein, which consists of a dead part of the plate
  9. Matrix is \u200b\u200bresponsible for how the visible part of the nail looks - its shape, thickness, fortress, its growth rate, smoothness, so on. Injuries of the nail root directly affect the appearance of the plate
  10. The growth rate of the nail on the finger of the hand - up to 4 mm per month, on the finger of the leg - up to 3 mm during the same time. It is interesting that the growth process occurs faster in women. Also, more often the nails have to be cut in the summer
  11. The body of the nail, although represented by dead cells, is dense, shiny, elastic, has a pleasant pink shade, unless, of course, a person is healthy. This is due to the fact that between keratin contains sulfur atoms (cysteine), between its parts in the plate there are “gaskets” from fat and water. The pink color of the plate gives blood circulating in the blood vessels located under it
  12. The free edge of the nail can grow as strong and elastic, as well as how a person wants it. The classic manicure is characterized by a length of 2 to 5 mm. Nails - stylets with an unusual design can be longer. As the free end of the nail platinum grows, and takes the form of a spiral
  13. The free edge of the nail of the manicure gives various forms by firing
Classic forms of the free edge of the nail.
Classic forms of the free edge of the nail.

Important: there is a separate official science that studies anatomy and nail functions, and also is engaged in the diagnosis of their condition. It is called "Onychology"

Healthy, shiny, elastic, durable nails are needed to protect the fingertips.
Healthy, shiny, elastic, durable nails are needed to protect the fingertips.

The main function of the nails is to protect the extreme phalanges of the fingers from the negative effects of environmental factors, in particular, mechanical, chemical, vibrational, temperature, so on. Also, nails:

  1. Necessary to itch
  2. Help a person manipulate with various objects, giving the fingertips the necessary hardness
  3. Help a person tactilely evaluate the subject
  4. Are a means of self -expression

Yes, thanks to the possibilities of modern design, nails for a woman are a decoration comparable to clothes, accessories, jewelry. The ability to care for nails is also valuable quality for a man.

The singer Countess has a record long nails - 91 cm.
The singer Countess has a record long nails - 91 cm.

VIDEO: Anatomy and physiology of the nail

The tank looks like the structure of the nail on the leg: Scheme

Anatomy of the nail on the leg.

What does the structure of the nail look on the arm: Scheme

The scheme of the structure of the nail on the arm.
A detailed scheme of the structure of the nail.
A detailed scheme of the structure of the nail.


Noga and nail plate.
Noga and nail plate.

Anatomical structure of the nail and nail plate: photo

The scheme of the structure of the nail with a photo.

Circulus on the nail - anatomy

From the rollers around the body of the nail, a thin protective film, which is called a cuticle, grows around the fir -shaped plate itself.

Important: the cuticle consists of two types of cells - living and dead. Live cells are located closer to the skin folds, the dead - to the keratin plate. The dead part of the cuticle is easily damaged, starting with burrs, which quite often leads to inflammation of living areas of the skin around the nail

The cuticle performs a protective function.
The cuticle performs a protective function.

The main function of the cuticle is protective. The film is needed so that bacteria, dust, and other foreign bodies do not fall into the cracks between the nail and skin.
Onychologists and masters of manicure are still in disputes, whether it is necessary to remove the cuticle.

Earlier it was believed that a beautiful manicure with this film was simply impossible, and it was mercilessly cut off with scissors or bitten it with tongs. Today, the majority is inclined to the opinion that a living part of the cuticle is needed. The dead after softening with special means is removed using a cutter’s nozzle or gently pushed back with a stick.
Also, it is proposed to care for the cuticle with the help of:

  • baths
  • massage
  • special oils and creams

Nail structure and manicure

To work in the industry, it is necessary, in addition to having desire and abilities, to finish courses and get a certificate.

The master of manicure is obliged to know the anatomy of the nail.
The master of manicure is obliged to know the anatomy of the nail.

A huge number of manicure and pedicure courses in any city. Regardless of their value and duration, the first thing to get to know the future nail designers to get to know is the anatomy of the nail, its injury and disease. This block of knowledge is necessary for them to:

  • understand exactly what they will have to work with
  • protect customers from injuries and damage during manipulations from nails, and yourself from the troubles following these injuries and damage
  • answer numerous questions arising from customers

Important: by the way, knowledge of the characteristics of the structure of the nails should be in every person who makes a manicure for himself. After all, it is ignorance that becomes strong injuries of the plate, matrix, skin, and the introduction of infection during inept caring procedures. Often such troubles occur in children who are made by their parents

Here are a few questions that manicure masters hear especially often:

  1. Why do I have such short nails? This parameter is laid genetically. Matrix is \u200b\u200bresponsible for the shape of the plate. But external factors also affect the length of the nail plates. For example, the nails are “damaged” by parents when hyponichies are damaged in infancy, cutting them too short. Short nails are also often in those who had the habit of giving them
  2. My nails seem dense. But why do they often break? The fact is that the nail plates are very hygroscopic. Having filled out water, they thicken, but lose elasticity, and, accordingly, break. It is recommended to wear special gloves with frequent contacts with water
  3. My nails grow too slowly. Why? Heredity answers the speed of nail growth, again. It also depends on hormones. For example, pregnant women are quickly acquired by long nails. To increase the growth rate, you need: it is right and enough to eat; to go to the sun; take vitamins; do your fingers massage (this contributes to a more active nutrition of the matrix with blood); examined for the presence of cardiovascular and endocrine diseases, if necessary to treat them
  4. The nails are dead. Why is it painful for me to trim or file them? The nails do not hurt, because there are no nerves in them. Soreness occurs when traumatizing well -innervated hyponichia. This happens when the nail plates are cut too short. Either, on the contrary, the nails were long for too long, and hyponichia overgrown on them. To eliminate discomfort, it is recommended to lubricate the inner surface of the nail plate with oil and gently move the skin overgrown on it with an orange stick
  5. I dug a nail and he turned black. What will happen now? You can read about the bruises of the nail in detail in the article: Link

The basics of pedicure and the structure of the nail

Fingers on the legs are subject to extreme load in connection with the straightening and wearing of shoes. When making a pedicure, you need to think not only about aesthetics, but also about the health of the feet.

Pedicure will only work out if you know the structure of the nail.
Pedicure will only work out if you know the structure of the nail.

Here are a few rules:

  1. It is better to push the cuticle on the fingers of the legs, and not cut
  2. Nails on four small fingers can be cut short, "under the root." On the large length of the free edge should be about 1 mm
  3. To shorten the nail on the thumb, and it is thick, you need very carefully so as not to break it. If the nails have grown too much, it is cut, if moderately, they are sawn. Shorten the free edge from the corners, and not from the middle
  4. The corners of the nails on the fingers are not rounded, otherwise they can grow into the skin

Important: if during the pedicure procedure there was any injury to the nail or skin around it, you must use the antiseptic. The risk of developing the infectious process is great

Building and disease of the nail

Healthy nails are strong, elastic, smooth, translucent, pleasant color. Breediness, yellowness, dullness, furrows and irregularities indicate a particular disease.
The fragility of the nails is determined:

  • disadvantage of nutrition (deficiency of proteins and vitamins)
  • the destructive effect of water, household chemicals, other external factors
  • long stay in the sun
  • printing, playing musical instruments
  • the habit of pulling the varnish
  • onychomycosis (fungal disease of the nail)
Brown nails.
Brown nails.

The nail plate is faded and yellows due to:

  • smoking
  • cardiovascular, endocrine diseases
  • the use of some drugs
  • elderly
  • fungus

Unevenness and furrows on the nail plate appear if:

  • the root of the nail is injured
  • human nutrition is unbalanced
  • human has iron deficiency anemia
Furrows on the nails.
Furrows on the nails.

Putting nails is explained:

  • using household chemicals without gloves
  • lack of vitamins
  • habit of gnawing nails or pee
  • allergies
  • internal diseases
  • the fungus of the nail
Placing nails.
Placing nails.

About the fungus of the nail and the methods of its treatment are written here: Link

Nail fungus on the legs.
Nail fungus on the legs.

VIDEO: Nail disease

Can a person live without nails?

It so happens that a person has to live without nails. The reason for this may be:

  1. Heredity. Congenital complete or partial absence of nails is transmitted from generation to generation. A comprehensive congenital pathology is considered to be arthro-on-nsidigseplasia, in which a person does not have not only nails, but also patella, the bones of the pelvis and radiation bones are incorrectly formed
  2. Nails leave partially or completely due to diseases. Such ailments are psoriasis, lichen, bullous epidermiolysis, others
  3. Injuries of the nail plate, in which her nutrition is disturbed, and it departs. In this case, in the hands new nails grow in 4 months, on the thumb of the leg - in six months.
  4. The nail can also be removed surgically due to a fungal disease or infection

VIDEO: The structure of the nail and problems after the manicure. Answers on questions

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Comments K. article

  1. "It is interesting that the growth process occurs faster in women." Actually, Wikipedia is written exactly the opposite. And there is a link to research.
    Nails grow faster [2]:
    in men than women
    in summer than in winter
    On the work hand

  2. the sulfur is connected to molecules from S2 to S8.
    “This is due to the fact that between keratin contains sulfur atoms (cysteine), between its parts in the plate there are“ gaskets ”from fat and water. "

  3. And the last, "shorten the free edge from the corners, and not from the middle
    The corners of the nails on the fingers are not rounded, otherwise they can grow into the skin "

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