Acromic-key joint: shape, structure, anatomy, blood supply, movement, muscles, ligaments, classification, functional features, characteristics. Acromial joint diseases: dislocation, arthrosis, deforming osteoarthrosis, gap - treatment

Acromic-key joint: shape, structure, anatomy, blood supply, movement, muscles, ligaments, classification, functional features, characteristics. Acromial joint diseases: dislocation, arthrosis, deforming osteoarthrosis, gap - treatment

This article describes the structure of an acromial-key joint.

There are many bones in the upper shoulder zone. All of them are interconnected by connecting nodes that perform complex functions.

  • One of these compounds includes acromial-key joint (ACC). This node, consisting of complex elements, provides the movement of the hands.
  • The acromion with the end of the scapula is connected using muscles and ligaments.
  • Their functions can be limited if there is an injury or the risk of a disease.
  • Read more about the structure and illness of this department of the body, read on.

Acromial-key joint: shape, structure, anatomy

Acromial-cloth node
Acromial-cloth node

Acromion is a coywest process in the scapula. This bone part, along with the shoulder clavicle end, create one simple, flat, but mobile node. The hyalin circle shares this joint into 2 cameras.

The basis of joint, consisting of a dense bone, is immobilized, since its functional feature is to ensure a highly stable and controlled hand movement.

  • The unique structure of the node helps that the clavicle is an excellent stabilizer of the hand.
  • It controls the movement of the hands, which allows a person to play sports without receiving additional and undesirable loads on the joint.
  • Such stiffness of the node allows you to perform accurate and active manual movements.

Due to the fact that our limbs are mobile and constantly move, this helps to 80% provide their health and the front supporting apparatus along with the articular surface. The rest depends on the genetic predisposition to the ailments of cartilage nodes and excessive loads on the articulation itself.

Acromial-key joint: classification, characteristics

According to the classification in medicine, this joint is simple, complex, flat, combined and multi -axial. The characteristic of the AK-Uzla according to the plan will look like this:

Characterization of an acromial-key node
Characterization of an acromial-key node

Such a characteristic is used by doctors when describing the joint in the medical language. In ordinary words - on the one hand, it is a simple joint, but at the same time it plays an important role in the functionality of the upper limbs and serves as a real shock absorber during their movement.

Acromial-key joint: muscles, ligaments

Links of an acromial-skid node
Links of an acromial-skid node

The muscles and ligaments provide the joint with additional strength. Thanks to them, the node is fixed in the correct position, and in this case there is a slight probability of complex injuries.


The capsule of the AK-Uzla, consisting of fibers, is attached to the edges of the node and strengthened with two binding fabrics-strips:

  • Acromic-key - performs the function of connecting the acromion and the clavicular end of the entire joint.
  • Cracute-key a bunch - These are two connecting beams, which in turn are connected by trapezoidal and conical ligaments.

But these internal node stabilizers are not the only ones in this department. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe AK-Uzl, fibers pass, which form a belt with the connection of the shoulder line, interwoven into the capsule of the node. Such fibers include the coravoid-acromial ligament, as well as the elements of the scapula.

All the voids between the rough fibers of the shock absorbers are filled with fat tissue. This is an excellent environment for the extinguishing of all kinds of vibrations, and it also acts as the protection of solid elements of the AK-Uzl from various kinds of damage.


The functions of the muscle tissue of this area are complex and diverse. Near the AK-Uzl there are such muscles:

  • Deltoid
  • Exceptable
  • Suspended
  • Small and large round muscle
  • Subscapular.

Deltoid Located above the shoulder. She helps to bend and unbend her hands. If the rear and front of the muscles work alternately, then the hand bends. If there is a tension of the entire tissue of the deltoid muscle, then thanks to this a person can take his shoulder back.

Incredible and pious muscles They help to bend and unbend the shoulder, not allowing the joint capsule to get pinched. These muscles simultaneously with the movement of the shoulder are pulled and protected from injury not only the capsule of the node, but also other elements of the joint.

Big and small muscles Allow the pronation and supination of the shoulder girdle. Many -fingered the submarine muscle It has excellent lifting force. All these and other muscles located near the AK-Ozla also serve as the adolescents and flexors of the forearm and other parts of the body of the shoulder girdle.

Acromial-key joint: movements, functional features

Functional features of AK-Nazla
Functional features of AK-Nazla

The collarbone connects to the sternum - firmly and motionless. Thanks to this structure, a long bone is a hand -up, which helps to easily perform such movements:

  • Raise the limbs up.
  • Perform different movements with your hands over your head.
  • Grip in the upper castle.
  • Bring your hands behind your back, fastening them with each other.

Behind, at the level of the belt of the upper extremities there is a blade. It consists of a flat large bone, which stabilizes the two largest nodes-the shoulder and the AK-Sustain. These nodes, along with ligaments and muscles, allow the hands to perform such complex directional movements:

Ak-Ozla movements
Ak-Ozla movements
  • Rotation of a straight hand.
  • Distribution of straight hands back.
  • The rise of the upper extremities is above the head.
  • Performance of the pronation and supination of the shoulder.
  • Bringing direct limbs in front of the body.

A special disk that divides the AK-Ozel into two parts, increases the possibilities and allows hands to move in three planes. The complex structure is made in such a way that the bones of the node do not fit each other tightly. This allows the shoulder girdle to perform movements with a good amplitude sufficient for the normal functioning of the hands in the necessary directions.

Acromico-key joint: blood supply

Blood supply to the ACC
Blood supply to the ACC

The blood supply to the AK-Nazla is carried out by subclavian vein. It passes through two points of the joint: from below - at a distance of 3 cm inward from the coy -shaped process, on top - 3 cm down from the edge of the clavicle from the side of the chest. In infants, this vein passes through the middle of the clavicle, and only by the age of 5 will it change the location and will be at two points, as in adults.

The subclavian vein is located as if obliquely in relation to the center of the body. During movement, the topography of this vein will not change, since its walls are associated with ribs and clavicle bones, as well as with muscles in this area. The outflow of venous blood is performed along the vascular grid, which is located in this area.

Acromial joint diseases and their treatment: dislocation, arthrosis, deforming osteoarthrosis, rupture

Arthrosis ACS
Arthrosis ACS

The anatomy of the AK-Nazla is aimed at fulfilling the main function of this part of our body-reference. Under the influence of external negative factors, this functional feature can be impaired. Because of this, such joint pathologies appear:


  • They occur under the influence of external factors: blows, injuries, and so on.

Blorious breaks:

  • The appearance of pathology is facilitated by injuries, falls, sports loads.
  • Dislocations of the node and ruptures of the ligaments usually go nearby, since the displacement of the joint is impossible without violating the integrity of the ligaments.
  • Accordingly, if the ligament is broken, then the dislocation follows, and if the dislocation occurs, then there will be a rupture of the ligaments.

Arthrosis, osteoarthrosis:

  • It develops from improper treatment of sprains, dislocations and other injuries.
  • The cartilage exfoliates from the bone, the spiked bones grow, which entails soreness in the joint and the appearance of a local inflammatory process.

With dislocations and bursts of ligaments It is recommended full rest for the joint, no loads for a month or even more, depending on the severity of the disease. The doctor may also prescribe painkillers that fix the dressings, immobilization with orthosis and other conservative treatment.

Arthrosis of the ACC with the destruction of cartilage
Arthrosis of the ACC with the destruction of cartilage

Important: In rare cases, surgery may be needed.

Dislocations and ruptures of the ligaments must be immediately treated. If such pathologies develop in arthrosis, and then, if you run arthrosis, then the degree of degeneration will constantly increase, and the pain will only intensify. As a result, the mobility of the joint is limited to the contracture. Therefore, it will be difficult for the patient to even move the limb or just cross his hands. Treatment in this case is only surgical.

It's important to know: Inflammation in the form of arthritis is rare, since this node is surrounded by soft tissues and infections are almost impossible to penetrate into the capsule.

On the one hand, an accele is a simple joint, flat bone and small cartilage. On the other hand, it is a complex design that plays a huge functional role in our body. Like all other joints, AK-observation should be protected from dislocations, sprains and the development of other diseases, so that there are no health problems in the future.

Video: Connection of the bones of the upper limb belt

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