Anatomy - structure and functions of the outer, middle and inner ear: scheme with description, bone name, photo, video. How, what functions is the human ear associated with his throat and nose?

Anatomy - structure and functions of the outer, middle and inner ear: scheme with description, bone name, photo, video. How, what functions is the human ear associated with his throat and nose?

This article describes the anatomy of the structure of the human ear.

Anatomy is a complex science. It describes the structure of the internal organs of the human body.

In another article on our website, read information about the anatomy of the structure of the human eye. It describes the features and there are schemes with a description.

In this article, we will consider the functions of the external, middle and inner ear with schemes and description, the reflection of all anatomical names. Read further.

Human ear is a general concept: the structure of the external, middle and inner ear, a scheme with a description, the name of the bones, photos, videos

Human ear - Symmetric organ, is located in the temporal part of the skull. Consists of three parts:

  • Outdoor ear - an auricle and a hearing canal or a passage
  • Middle Ear - Drum membrane and tiny bone
  • Inner ear - signals are processed there using the auditory nerve

The entire auditory system is welcome so that the brain receives information in an accessible way. Below you will find a structure in the diagram with a description, with the name of the bones.

Human ear
Human ear

Description of the structure of the outer ear:

  • In addition to the auricle, the external auditory canal and the eardrum of the outer ear has many other elements.
  • Below are: a lobe, an anti -cosque, a goat.
  • Approximately in the middle, there is a: a curl of a curl, a shell of a sink, a lower foot of a contravita.
  • There are: a triangular fossa, the upper leg of the contravate, a curl, the boom and hillock of Darwin.
Human ear
Human ear

Description of the middle ear:

  • Serves to transmit sound vibrations.
  • It consists of a drum membrane, the smallest bones in our body (hammer, anvil, stirrup).
  • The eardrum varies depending on the intensity of the sound.
  • The oscillations are accepted by a hammer, which is connected by a “handle” with a drum membrane.
  • Then the anvil is connected. She conveys the fluctuations with a strip. It, in turn, is associated with the oval window of the inner ear.
  • The middle ear only betrays sounds to the inner. Also, approximately 20 times reinforces the sound.

Interesting: And you knew that the total area of \u200b\u200bthe middle ear is equal to one square centimeter.

Description of the inner ear:

  • This department is engaged in the perception of sound and the transformation of sound into an impulse.
  • The snail is hidden behind the round and oval windows that separate the middle ear from the inner.
  • Lymph with a liquid near the snail is sensitive to fluctuations.
  • The end of the auditory nerve is used to transmit the signal to the brain.

It is necessary to remember important elements of the structure of the ear:

  • Auricle
  • Auditory channel
  • Eardrum
  • Hammer
  • Anvil
  • Stirrup
  • Window round and oval shapes
  • Divine
  • Snail
  • Auditory nerve
  • Semicircular canals

The designations in the photo above say that the outer ear has a bizarre cartilage shape. There is a lobe below - this is a bag of leather with adipose tissue. One of ten people, on the inside of the ear, has "Darwins Bugorok." All people were once with this hillock, but with the course of evolution it began to change and completely disappear. Also in the photo you can see the elements of all parts of the ear. Eustakhieva pipe is thin and horizontal, and the eardrum is similar to the gramophone of the old times. Snail is the last element of the structure. Another interesting facts:

  • Each person has an outer ear.
  • It can fit tightly to the head or vice versa - protruding. This phenomenon is called lopomic. The size also varies.
  • In animals, the outer ear plays a huge role, and in people on the contrary. In its absence, the auditory function would not have suffered particularly.
  • Since we practically do not move our ears, the muscles of the ears are atrophied, but a small percentage of the population can still move the ears. But even these movements are insignificant and the amplitude is small with movements up and down.

The auditory canal of the outer ear at the beginning is quite wide (you can put the little finger). By the end, this channel is narrowing. This element is considered cartilage, its length is 2-3 centimeters.

See more in the video Anatomy of the structure of the ear. This will help to visually perceive the information and absorb it well. Everything that is written above can be fixed again using this video in which everything is shown. Information is supported by a 3D picture. Each stage is shown more detailed.

Video: Anatomy of the human ear.

Functions of the outer, middle and inner ear

Functions of the outer, middle and inner ear
Functions of the outer, middle and inner ear

In addition to the auditory function, the outer, middle and inner ear of a person has many other opportunities, about which many are not even aware of. The ears were evolved from the vestibular apparatus, which is responsible for equilibrium. Now the inner ear is responsible for the balance, and there is the vestibular apparatus. To understand what it is and the functions of this organ, here is an explanation:

  • Imagine a runner that is engaged in late evening.
  • By chance, he stumbles on a wire that cannot be noticed.
  • If he had not had an “equilibrium apparatus”, then he could die or break the skull.
  • An adequate reaction in such situations: throw your arms forward, spring with them. This movement helps to facilitate the fall.
  • The vestibular apparatus worked unconsciously.
  • Also, a person walking through a narrow pipe or gymnastic log controls the position of the body with this organ.

The functions of each human ear are associated with their structure:

External ear- It consists of such departments:

  • Ear sink
  • External auditory passage
  • Drum membrane

The functions of this part of the body are as follows:

  • Sound capture, its conduct
  • Holding iron to secrete sulfur
  • Transformation of sound waves into mechanical

MIDDLE EAR - It consists of such departments:

  • Eustachian ear
  • The auditory bone, which in turn, consists of a hammer, an anvil and a ladder

The purpose of the middle ear is to enhance sound vibrations and leveling pressure on the eardrum.

Inner ear - It consists of such departments:

  • Snails with cavity and liquid
  • 3 semicircular channels


  • Transformation of sound into impulse
  • Adjusting body position using a vestibular apparatus.

The semicircular canals have the shape of an arc and are located at right angles to each other, one channel is in an upright position, and the other two in horizontal.

It is undoubted that the main function of the auditory system is sound perception. This is of great importance for people, since sounds help to navigate in space. For example, walking along the street, we hear the signal of the car behind and can skip it. Also with the help of sounds, people can communicate. In addition to visual and tactile contacts, the auditory is one of the important.

Interesting: Organized sounds are called "music." This type of art opens up the author’s feelings and thoughts for listeners.

Sound also directly affects the psychological state and inner world of a person, therefore, as a rule, the noise of the sea acts positively, and loud and unpleasant noises annoy.

Anatomy of the structure of the human ear: physics and characteristic with the functions of its help

Anatomy of the structure of the human ear
Anatomy of the structure of the human ear

Normally, a person hears the range of sounds from 20 to 20,000 hertz. But what is Herz? This is a physical quantity, with its help measure the frequencies of oscillations. Here is an explanation of the anatomy of the structure of the human ear from the point of view of physics - a characteristic of functions with its help:

  • Getting into the ears, the sound fluctuates in drum memos with a certain frequency.
  • Outings are transmitted by bones of the middle ear.
  • In order to understand what “vibrations” are to imagine girls who swing on a swing. Provided that in a second they can rise and sink, this is considered as 1 oscillation per second. The fluctuations of the eardrum and middle ear also work.
  • 20 hertz is 20 oscillations per second. This is considered a small number. In other words, this is a very low sound that people can hardly distinguish.
  • In order to understand what “low sound” is, you need to press the lower piano key. The sound that turns out will be quiet, deaf, thick, long and heavy for perception. And on the contrary: a high sound is perceived by the ear subtle, piercingly, briefly.

The real range of sounds that are perceived by the ear is not so large and precisely much less than indicated above. The range that a person hears easily already. For example, elephants hear sounds from 1 hertz, and dolphins perceive ultrasound (high sounds).

Interesting: Animals hear much better than people, but this does not mean that they have a better hearing. The advantage of people is the ability to analyze, and instantly draw conclusions from what they heard.

How, what functions is a person’s ear associated with his throat, nose, brain and skull?

Human ear is associated with his throat, nose, brain and skull
Human ear is associated with his throat, nose, brain and skull

The ears are associated with the nose, throat, brain and skull. Therefore, the cold or illness of these parts of the body can give complications on the human auditory apparatus. How, what functions is all connected? Here's the answer:

  • The Eustachian pipes bind the nasopharynx and middle ear. They help to balance the pressure in the eardrum outside and inside, otherwise the eardrum could suffer. This is especially true during the flight by plane.
  • The middle and inner ear are in the temporal part of the skull. This is one of the reasons why a person can hear the movement of his own eyeballs or hears his voice differently than it really is. The sound in such cases is transmitted through the bones of the skull.
  • Also internally, the ear, namely the auditory nerve, is associated with the separation of the brain, which is responsible for the analysis of sounds. These analyzers are placed in the upper side of both hemispheres.
  • The left hemisphere is responsible for the analysis of the auditory information of the right ear, and vice versa: the right hemisphere is responsible for analysis of the sound of the left ear. Their work is indirectly connected, because coordination is carried out using other brain departments.
  • This is the main reason why a person perceives sound with one ear, provided that another is closed.

The auditory perception of information plays a huge role in human life, but these functions differ from the functions of the auditory system of animals. The difference is associated with the needs and special abilities of people. Yes, a person’s hearing cannot be distinguished, as the most acute based on physical characteristics. It is worth noting that although animals hear better, they do not analyze the information received so well, because the brain of people is more adapted to quick analysis. Hearing helps transmit important information, human emotions and feelings, complex relationships, personal impressions and images. Alas, our smaller brothers are deprived of these abilities.

Video: Ear. Ear structure - developing cartoon for children

Video: Human Ear structure. USE Biology 2020. Webium, Daniil Darwin

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