Aliexpress for beginners - the procedure and conditions of purchases, the rules for registering and placing the first order, payment and tracking of parcels: step -by -step instructions. How to use the site correctly, make purchases on aliexpress: advice to newcomers

Aliexpress for beginners - the procedure and conditions of purchases, the rules for registering and placing the first order, payment and tracking of parcels: step -by -step instructions. How to use the site correctly, make purchases on aliexpress: advice to newcomers

Instructions for registration, search, payment and tracking of goods.

Aliexpress - The famous platform, which everyone is now knows about. This site offers low prices and a fairly high quality of goods. Here you can find both home products and devices for beauty. With the introduction of Tmall, buyers from Russia may not wait for their goods for a long time.

Aliexpress for beginners: why registration is needed, and how to register on the Aliexpress website - instructions, an example of filling out

Registration on the site is required. This allows:

  • Make orders
  • Track departure
  • Save the desired goods
  • Get discounts, cashback
  • Use coupons and special cups
  • In addition, you do not need to enter payment data and your home address a hundred times.

Registration Instructions:

  • Go to the site Aliexpress And in the upper right corner find the key " Registration", Pull the cursor on it and click" Register“, The registration form will open before you.
  • After that, enter your name and surname, as well as an email address in English. For the translation of the name, use translator translite. (In the frame, write the name in Russian and click on top of the frame "The word" In translite«)
  • Enter the password and try to remember it or write it down. Without it, you cannot enter your personal account.
  • Read more about how to come up with a password in the article How to make and put a reliable password on Aliexpress? What password to come up with the Aliexpress website: Example.
  • Enter captcha - code from the picture, which is lower. If the letters or numbers in the picture are not clear, click " update the code«.
  • After the introduction of all the data, click " Create your profile«
  • A password and a link confirming registration will receive you by mail
  • Pass this link and you are registered!
  • Below in the picture an example of filling out the registration form is given.
An example of filling out the registration form Aliexpress
An example of filling out the registration form Aliexpress

How to search and choose goods, things, clothes, shoes, a telephone for a catalog for Aliexpress, use the site?

There are several options for searching for goods. The most interesting thing is that in Chinese catalogs, the usual goods can be called quite strange. That is why it is more convenient to look for categories.

Ways to search for goods:

  • By categories. On the left side on the main page there are categories (in the picture below it is indicated by a pink oval). There it is worth choosing the main category. When hovering the mouse, subsections will shine a little to the right. There you can choose the product you are interested in.
  • In the search bar at the top where it is written "I'm looking for ...."(The picture below is indicated by the pink arrow). In this case, the name of the thing you need to find. For example, a white blouse or a road bag, and press the Enter key or a red magnifier icon at the end of the line.
Categories of goods and a search line on the Aliexpress website
Categories of goods and a search line on the Aliexpress website
  • Promotional goods. They need to be sought in sections " Burning goods«, «Almost for nothing". Below, the picture shows pink arrows, categories of goods in this section. The goods are replenished in this section 3 times a week - Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Categories of goods with discounts in the section Lasty Products
Categories of goods with discounts in the section "Lasting Products"

Be sure to use sorting filters, because A huge amount of goods will appear. In the picture below pink and green arrows and in the pink rectangle on the left are the sorting filters.

  • First, you choose the sorting in the menu, which is indicated by green arrows. For example, according to the rating of the seller. Unnecessary goods are cut off.
  • Next, select the sorting, which is indicated by pink arrows, for example, with stars by the number of orders. Again, the excess will fit off.
  • Next, sort the filters, which on the left is in a pink rectangle. For example in black. Again, excess products of a different color are eliminated.
  • And so on, on other filters, not forgetting to press the Enter key when choosing the filter.
Sort filters of goods for Aliexpress
Sort filters of goods for Aliexpress

How to place an order and fill out the delivery address to Aliexpress in English: Example

A lot of questions arise regarding the correctness of writing the address, name and surname English letters. In fact, this is not difficult. Especially if at school you did not miss English lessons. But even for people who understand little of this, it is not difficult to write your surname address. The instructions are given below.

Ordering instructions:

  • Choose the product you are interested in and add it to the basket by clicking " Add to Basket“If you want to see anything else on the site or” Buy now“If you are already ready to buy.
  • When pressing the key " Buy now“, The system will ask you to enter your address.

Filling out delivery addresses:

  • Fill in the column with the surname and name. Be sure to write your middle name, without it the Chinese do not send.
  • To do this, use the translator Translitewhich will help you write the name and address in English letters. You already know how to use it from the section on registration.
  • Select the country and the region in the delivery address from the drop -down list by pressing a small black triangle at the end of the line.
  • City, village, village translate through a translator Translite On the Latinite (English letters).
  • You do not need to transfer the street to Street. Your address should be understood by employees of Russian postal services. Therefore, write the street in the address UL., house - Dom, apartment - kV.,frame - Korp.
  • Next, fill in the column of the phone. There are no strict rules about this graph. Write your phone so that you can call from any city of any country.
  • The country's code in this column is the first number of your cell phone number. For Russia it is 7, for Belarus 375, for Ukraine 380.
  • If you filled something wrong, you cannot complete the order of the goods, the error will break out.
  • If everything is introduced correctly, you will receive a notification in the mail that you made an order.

Below in the picture, see an example, a sample of filling the delivery address.

Filling out delivery addresses to Aliexpress
Filling out delivery addresses to Aliexpress

Hereyou can find examples of writing an address from a computer.
Examples of writing address and features of ordering goods for Crimea, you can find here.

Which is better to choose delivery to Aliexpress?

Now the site offers a huge selection of delivery. The priority near the cost is the lowest price. Very often, sellers in the column set free delivery. Of course, in fact, the services of a logistics company will be paid by the seller, and the price of delivery is taken into account in the price column.

Delivery options:

  • Free. This is the option that the seller offers. It is so convenient for him or the separation of this logistics company is nearby. In addition, the cost of services is low, which is what the Chinese use. Among the most common posts are Singapore Post, China Post Air Mail, Hongkong Post Air Mail, SELLERS SHIPPing METHOD.
  • Paid. This is the delivery of famous transport companies such as TNT, DHL, EMS, FedEx. These are world -famous transport companies that offer a high level of service.

If for some reason you do not trust free delivery, you can choose yourself. Almost all products with your desire can be delivered by famous international logistics companies. Among them are EMS and DNL. You will pay the cost yourself, since the price of the services of these companies is not the lowest. More information about choosing a delivery method for Aliexpress, you can find here. 

Click on the key and you will see all possible delivery options
Click on the key and you will see all possible delivery options

How to pay for an order for Aliexpress with a bank card?

Pay purchases on Aliexpress simply. Of course, the first time you have to sweat and figure it out. But the second payment will be much faster.

The main payment options:

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • Maestro
  • electronic wallets
  • cash
  • We will give the easiest way to pay for a credit and debit bank card without interest.

Payment instructions by bank card:

  • After placing the order, you will display a form with a request to choose a payment method.
  • Choosing payment by bank card VISA
  • The payment form will open, as in the picture below.
  • Accordingly, you will have to take the card in your hands and rewrite everything from it without errors: the owner’s name, card number, validity period and three -digit card security code, which is located on the back.
  • After that, click " pay now«
  • A SMS with a code, which must be entered in the opening window opened, will come to the phone to which the card is attached.
  • Click again to confirm the fee.
  • Your order is paid.
Form of payment by bank card on Aliexpress
Form of payment by bank card on Aliexpress

If you do not have a VISA card, then the order can be paid in other ways. This can be done even with the help of electronic money wallets. Many pay for goods through Yandex money or webmani. To do this, when choosing a payment, you need to rearrange the icon on " other methods". After that, select the necessary option from the list.

Other payment methods:

Read more about each of the methods is quite simple. It is necessary to click on the link of the required option above.

How to look at the track number and where to track the parcel with Aliexpress?

Parcel tracking instructions:

  • After you make payment, your payment will be checked.
  • Further, after checking and sending an order, the seller will provide you with a track number
  • You can see it in the folder " My orders", Next to the right order, press the button" Read more“, The picture below is indicated by the pink arrow.
  • After clicking, you will see a long number consisting of numbers and title English letters.

  • On the right, there is a button from the order " Check tracking". By pressing it, you can immediately see tracking, as in the picture below.
Tracking the parcel for Aliexpress
Tracking the parcel for Aliexpress
  • Sometimes in this line the information on tracking the goods is updated very slowly.
  • Therefore, it is best to monitor the location of the parcel in the logistics company to which it is sent.
  • Below the track track in the tracking column can be found a transport company.

But the goods are not always monitored to the very end. Accordingly, it is best to use universal sites for tracking. They provide information on the location of the parcelBoth in China and in Russia.

Universal sites to track parcels:

Aliexpress for beginners: tips

Video: advice to newcomers Aliexpress

Aliexpress is an excellent site for the whole family. Here you can find products for home, adults and children, as well as equipment and gadgets.

Video: Registration for Aliexpress

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