Promotion - 50% discount for the first order for Aliexpress with the Tinkoff Aliexpress card: conditions, terms

Promotion - 50% discount for the first order for Aliexpress with the Tinkoff Aliexpress card: conditions, terms

We get the Tinkoff - Aliexpress card and save on purchases as on Aliexpress, and on other Internet sites!

Purchases on Aliexpress Probably made every Internet user at least once. Yes, and how can you not buy if it is the most popular site on the Internet, where you can buy absolutely everything directly from a Chinese manufacturer. Yes, and at the price of purchases! And if you are lucky - also with free delivery!

In this article we will tell you how to save even more - open the Tinkoff card - Aliexpress»And get a product with a 50%discount, or rather, get a return of half the cost of the first order.

If you have never done shopping on Aliexpress - Our article, which tells how to pass registration, as well as find and order the first product.

Promotion - 50% discount for the first order for Aliexpress with a Tinkoff card: conditions, deadlines

It is easy to arrange a card - just fill out the minimum shape on the official sitebank Tinkoff.

Promotion - 50% discount for the first order for Aliexpress with a Tinkoff card: conditions, deadlines
Promotion - 50% discount for the first order for Aliexpress with a Tinkoff card: conditions, deadlines

Thanks to the Tinkoff card - Aliexpress»You can simultaneously combine several channels of the cost of the goods:

  • Get cashback using traditional services Letyshops or ePN;
  • Get discounts using a mobile application;
  • Get discounts on shares, coupons, special cups, gift certificates and promotional codes;
  • Get one -time discounts from Tinkoff Bank;
  • Get cashback on a Tinkoff card;
  • Get a profitable conversion when paying with a ruble card and not to deal with converting when opening a dollar card.

But that's not all! When making the first payment by the Tinkoff card - Aliexpress»You can return 50% of the order amount. Tempting? Naturally!

The conditions are simple: from May 1, 2017 to July 31, 2017, apply for a Tinkoff -Aliexpress credit card (for those who do not like loans, you should not be scared, you can store personal funds on it and pay for the goods with your own money). After that, make an order for Aliexpress, and pay with the Tinkoff card - Aliexpress».

As a result, the bank reimburses you 50% of the cost from the first payment to the bonus account, but not more than 5,000 rubles (bonuses).

But this is not a one -time action! Subsequently, paying for Tinkoff - Aliexpress on Aliexpress, you get a 5% cashback on a bonus account, and paying in all other online stores you will receive a 1% cashback.

How to use the Tinkoff Aliexpress card to get a 50% discount on the first purchase on the Aliexpress website in points?

The instruction is simple:

  • We leave an online application on the Tinkoff website;
  • We go to the Aliexpress website and collect the order;
  • We pay with a card (for convenience in the future, the card can immediately be tied to the Aliexpress account);
  • Enter your Tinkoff Bank and monitor the accrued bonuses-cashbacks;
  • Gather 500 bonuses and more, after which you pay for a new order from Aliexpress with bonuses. The course is simple: 1 bonus is 1 ruble!

Video: Tinkoff AliExpress

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