How to pay for the goods for Aliexpress through Kiwi wallet in Russian: instructions, commission. How to tie a kiwi wallet to Aliexpress? Kiwi or Yandex.Money to pay for purchases for Aliexpress: which is better?

How to pay for the goods for Aliexpress through Kiwi wallet in Russian: instructions, commission. How to tie a kiwi wallet to Aliexpress? Kiwi or Yandex.Money to pay for purchases for Aliexpress: which is better?

Kiwi wallet is very convenient for payment for Aliexpress. Read in detail in the article.

To date, services for the purchase of goods on Aliexpress Millions of people around the world use. Each of them chooses a convenient way to pay for goods.

  • Aliexpress It offers several ways, you only need to order the goods, and you can pay for the goods by pressing only one button - conveniently and quickly.
  • Read this article on how to pay for the goods with a kiwi wallet. Which payment is better - through Kiwi Or Yandex wallet?
  • If you are not registered for Aliexpress, then read the article on our websiteHow can this be done without spending a lot of time. You can also register yourself if watch the video instructions on this link.

How to pay for goods for Aliexpress through kiwi wallet in Russian: Instructions

So, you already know what you want to buy at the largest trading platform, and also registered here, then it remains only to place an order and pay for it. How to pay for the goods on Aliexpressthrough Kiwi Wallet in Russian? Instructions:

Click on the product icon if you are in the general search. If you are already on the product page, then immediately click on the button " Buy».

How to pay for goods for Aliexpress through kiwi wallet in Russian: Instructions
How to pay for goods for Aliexpress through kiwi wallet in Russian: Instructions

On the next page, check the details of the order. You had to choose the color and size of the goods, and the home address is also indicated on this page - check if everything is correctly filled out. Then click " Make and pay».

How to pay for goods for Aliexpress through kiwi wallet in Russian: ordering
How to pay for goods for Aliexpress through kiwi wallet in Russian: ordering

The next page is a choice of payment method. Click on the icon here Kiwi Wallet, enter the phone number below (it is a kiwi wallet number) and select " pay now».

How to pay for goods for Aliexpress through kiwi wallet in Russian: Payment process
How to pay for goods for Aliexpress through kiwi wallet in Russian: Payment process

On the new page you will be asked to enter the code that should come to the SMS. Enter it and click " Proceed».

How to pay for the goods for Aliexpress via kiwi wallet in Russian: Payment from the wallet
How to pay for the goods for Aliexpress via kiwi wallet in Russian: Payment from the wallet

After that, you will see the inscription that the payment was successful. FROM Kiwi It is convenient to pay for the wallet, since the system itself gives tips, what and where to enter, what and when to do. Now your product is paid, it remains only to wait for confirmation of payment and then the delivery of goods to your city.

Payment Aliexpress via Kiwi Kid: Commission

When paying for goods on Aliexpress Through the kiwi wallet, the commission is not charged if payment takes place in dollars. But as you know, recently all prices for Russians have been transferred to rubles, so you will pay 2.5% of the commission. In addition, when converting currencies with Kiwi The wallet will blame a little more money than when paying in another way. This is due to the fact that the exchange rate on Aliexpress It differs in official banking.

How to tie a kiwi wallet to Aliexpress?

First you need to register in kiwi system on this link. Click in the upper right corner " Create a wallet».

How to tie a kiwi wallet to Aliexpress: Registration
How to tie a kiwi wallet to Aliexpress: Registration

Next, follow the instructions on the site. When you create a wallet, it will be tied to your number. To tie the kiwi wallet to Aliexpress, specially does not need to do anything. On the trading platform, everything happens in automatic mode during the first payment of the order with Kiwi wallet.

Kiwi or Yandex.Money to pay for purchases for Aliexpress: which is better?

Kiwi or Yandex.Money to pay for purchases for Aliexpress: which is better?
Kiwi or Yandex.Money to pay for purchases for Aliexpress: which is better?

In the list of possible payment for Aliexpress There is a payment by Yandex wallet. You can choose, pay for kiwi or Yandex system. But first, let's figure out what is better: kiwi or Yandex money To pay for purchases for Aliexpress. Both of these systems have their pros and cons.

It is worth noting the advantages of both systems. These include the following:

  • The process of payment is instant - in a couple of clicks.
  • You can replenish these wallets in terminals that are in banks, supermarkets and other points of service.
  • The method of payment through electronic wallets is popular among those people who do not want to show the data of their plastic card on the entire Internet.

When paying Yandex.Money There are no minuses. When paying orders with kiwi, there are some disadvantages:

  • The payment process is confirmed using SMS messages. He takes some time.
  • If you are returning the goods, then the money will return to the dollar account of the kiwi, which may not be quite convenient.
  • Many mobile operators charge a commission when replenishing the wallet from the phone number.
  • Some regions of our country are not able to use for payment for Aliexpress Kiwi with a wallet, for example, Crimea.

Despite the presence of all these shortcomings, many buyers Aliexressress All the same, they choose a kiwi system for payment of goods. This is due to the fact that I do not want to open a new wallet, for example, in the Yandex system or consider it more reliable and convenient.

Video: How to pay Aliexpress through kiwi?

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