How to make and put a reliable password on Aliexpress? What password to come up with the Aliexpress website: Example. How to save the password to Aliexpress?

How to make and put a reliable password on Aliexpress? What password to come up with the Aliexpress website: Example. How to save the password to Aliexpress?

How to come up with a reliable password for Alienspress?

The largest trading platform Aliexpress Realizes it realizes many different categories of goods in many corners of the planet. On the largest marketplace, you can find everything you want. But in order to start ordering goods in a Chinese online store, it is necessary to go through the registration process mandatory for new and regular customers.

  • Without it, make purchases for Alienskress you can not. However, without knowing certain nuances, filling out a simple, at first glance, registration form can become problematic.
    But not only this is concerned with new customers.
  • Since payment of goods for Alienskress It is carried out using a bank card tied to the page on the site Aliexpress, then not only the owner of the card, but also the attackers can use the money.

What difficulties can I encounter during registration on Alienskress? How to come up with a password for entering the trading platform so that it is reliable, but at the same time did not just answer paranoid parameters? Consider all issues related to creating a reliable password on Aliexpress.

How to create a reliable password for Aliexpress?

If you are an unregistered user, then read the article on our site about the first order Or on Aliexpress Explore video instructions yourself and register on link.

To start the registration process on Aliexpress , you need to open the site and find the "Register button". It is not difficult to find it: it is located in the left corner of the upper part of the page.

After pressing the button informing about the start of registration, the future client Aliexpresshe must get a login and password. You can do this in two ways:

  • With the help of a social network "Facebook". The user does not need to indicate his personal and contact details in a special form. The identity can be confirmed by entering the login and password.
  • Having created a personal account on Aliexpress. This method will take you more time, because you will have to enter information into an empty form.
How to create a reliable password for aliexpress

Recommendations for filling out the registration form:

  • Enter in the field " Email Address " Data on the existing and current email address is necessary. If you did not create an electronic box before, then now you will have to catch up and comprehend the subtleties of obtaining an email address. The process of obtaining an electronic box involves the introduction of an invented name and passing a simple registration procedure.
  • The next line has a name NAME. Here information is made about the name and surname to confirm the personality. The information should be indicated with the title letter.
  • After that, we move on to the most important and complex stage of registration - creating a password. You need to enter it in a line " Create Password ". So that later there are no difficulties with confirmation of the password, prepare a sheet of paper on which you will write down the sequence of letters, the numbers of the invented password.
Not only its owner, but also attackers can use the money of the bank card

The main methods of generating a reliable password

  • The most unusual solutions can be an option that is not a hacking password. Lamp and digital values \u200b\u200bare used to create a password. The minimum number of characters that the password should consist is 6, the maximum - 20. But if you select a password out of all possible 20 signs, then this will not ensure its reliability.
  • An excellent password will be one in which the hashtags of MD5 are used. To generate such a complex sequence of characters, it is necessary to perform the following: in the first part of the password, enter the word, and in the second - copy the finished password. In this way, no professionally filled hacks are terrible.
  • The password created in the above way is simply impossible to remember. Therefore, it is necessary to write it out on a separate sheet of paper. In the Word Document, it is unsafe to maintain the data to enter the Aliexpress website: scammers can use them to pay their own purchases using data from a foreign bank card.
  • If you are all invented password options do not meet security requirements, then it is better for the user to download a special program. With its help, you can create and store reliable passwords. However, here the user expects a bustle around inventing one main password.
You can come up with a password that no program can choose

The most common hacking methods:

Not knowing how important it is to come up with a reliable password for entering the world -known trading platform where innumerable advantageous transactions are made, the user risks becoming a victim of attackers.

To understand the entire depth of the problem, we will talk about the hacking methodology and the methods that attackers use to get passwords:

  • Logical guessing. The use of the method is possible in systems with a large number of users. Aliexpress is just part of the category of such systems. Fraudsters use the most common ways to generate password: login, plus several digits, plus two more characters, again a login or in a reverse sequence. This logic in compiling a password applies to all users. A large number of users in the system guarantees that sooner or later fraudsters are lucky and they will be able to guess the password.
  • Attack by enrage in the dictionary. The method allows you to get passwords in the case of a database drained from the drift server. This method of hacking is used in combination with the replacement of letters (typos), by substituting symbols or words at the beginning or end of the password, using part of the word instead of prefix or suffix.
  • Fraudsters use the method of introducing a dictionary, carrying out a set in the wrong laying of the keyboard (for example, words in Russian are introduced by English letters).
  • Another method from the arsenal of attackers is to overcome according to special tables of drove passwords. This method is considered the most advanced among other options for hacking passwords. It can be used in the case of already generated hashes. From the attacker, it is only necessary to find a password corresponding to the hash in the database. This method allows you to get the password very quickly, even if attackers use weak machines. Owners of short passwords have no chance of maintaining their data.
What are the methods of hacking the password

Other modern ways to hack password:

  • sociotechnics and social engineering
  • using Keylogger’s
  • sniffer
  • troyans

Signs of stable password for a hacking password:

  • Long password. It implies a large number of different characters. The 15-symbolic password is considered optimal, but you can make a password out of more characters.
  • The password in which there are no vocabulary words.
  • The password, when creating which parts of common passwords are not used.
  • The password compiled not according to the template used to create passwords. For example, when users use a logical algorithm for creating a password (“PO777Ps”, “175@PRO@21” or even “Q3W00E4R5T6”).
  • A reliable password is considered a stochastic sequence of different groups of characters. To create such a password, lowercase letters are used in combination with capital, the password includes numbers and punctuation marks.
  • It is difficult to remember a difficult password, and any other, if you have to often set passwords on various resources. This is not due to poor memory. It’s just that our abilities to memorize non -coherent information are quite limited. Therefore, it is better to prepare a sheet of paper nearby and write down the invented password.
It is difficult to remember a complex password, because it must be written on a separate sheet of paper

How the password should look like Aliexpress: Examples

Ways to make reliable passwords that can be remembered:

  • a logical or associative series is compiled
  • the password is invented in the form of distorted words
  • the name of the domain is connected to the previously invented login ("Goouserglcom", "Umailruser")
  • the standard phrase (“Passgoogleru”, “Passhabrahabrru”) is attached to the name of the domain.
  • the English layout is used when writing Russian symbols (an apple in the snow -"Z, Kjrj Yf Cytue")
  • in ordinary words, words or parts of words are rearranged (obscurantism - commercial, joy - grow)
  • and here is an example of a password created using the shocking absurd technique: "My bed has swallowed my trembling body"
  • to remember a complex password, you can write it into a mobile one, having come up with the name of such a “subscriber”
How to register for alienspress
How to register for alienspress

Knowing some facts relative to passwords, you will significantly complicate the life of the crackers:

  • try not to use the number 1, since it is most often found in compiled passwords of letters and numbers
  • come up with passwords from more than 6 characters
  • include both lowercase and capital characters in the password
  • do not use combinations in which the numbers are located sequentially in an increase in the order - "56789"
  • the developed programs for selecting a password check more than a million combinations during a second
How to save the password
How to save the password

How to save the password to Aliexpress?

After all the fields of the registration form, including the line with a password and with the introduction of the code from the picture, will be filled, you need to put a check from the point “Save membership on Aliexpress”. After clicking on the “Create your profile” button, the entered data is saved in the Aliexpress system.

Video: AliExpress Lesson No. 1 Registration on the site. Filling the address for delivery

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  1. Instead of giving a link to a password generator suitable for Aliexpress, the author of the article fools everyone's head

  2. How to get a password for aliexpress

  3. Need requirements for password for aliexpress

  4. Need requirements for password for aliexpress

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