Is it necessary and dangerous to remove wisdom tooth? Removing the wisdom tooth: indications and contraindications

Is it necessary and dangerous to remove wisdom tooth? Removing the wisdom tooth: indications and contraindications

All about the teeth of wisdom: why are they called, treat or remove, indications and contraindications to removal.

In this article we will talk about the teeth of wisdom. We suggest sorting out the most scrupulous questions about the teeth of wisdom - to remove or not, to treat or immediately tear out with caries, inflammation and pain. The final decision is always made with a dentist, and our article is an introductory character in order to replenish the gaps in knowledge of this area.

The tooth of wisdom grows painfully - eight: is it needed?

Many proverbs, rumors, jokes and myths go about the teeth of wisdom. And it sounds very solid - a tooth of wisdom! Let's figure out what wisdom teeth are, why they got such a name and what to do with them if they cause discomfort.

What is a wisdom tooth? This is a multi-root dairy tooth 8, which grows much later than milk and even molars. For some, the process is painless and almost imperceptible, but the second half of humanity suffers greatly from the activation of eight teeth growth.

By the way, a person has four 8 teeth. But usually one or two tooth worries, and only in rare cases all four are painfully erupted.

Wisdom teeth in 3D projection
Wisdom teeth in 3D projection

Why is the 8th tooth called the wisdom tooth? This is a dairy tooth, but unlike its "neighbors" it either does not grow at all, or it does not germinate completely, but if they sprout, then in 99% of cases in adulthood (25-29 years). By this age, all the processes of the body reach a peak, and age is considered mature. This is a line between youth and the beginning of the aging of the body. That is why the tooth of 8 was called the wisdom tooth. And not because it possesses, what kind of special qualities that can give something to the owner.

Dentists unanimously report that if the tooth of wisdom grows correctly and painlessly, there is no reason for removal, and a person can live with wisdom teeth all his life. But if there are one or more indicators that cause pain and discomfort in a person’s life, do not suffer. Removing the wisdom tooth is an elementary basic procedure in dentistry, which takes place under local anesthesia and takes a minimum of time.

Removing tooth of wisdom: Indications

Indications for removing wisdom tooths:

  • Painful growth, severe inflammation and excessive discomfort from eights;
  • Ratinating 8 rock. Simply put-the improper growth of wisdom teeth, which is why the rest of the jaw is shifted and deformed. It is better to sacrifice one milk tooth than the gradual deformation of the molars;
  • If there are cysts in the lower jaw, And at the same time, 8 did not cut out, they are removed along with the cyst;
  • The presence of caries on the tooth 8-ke. The thing is that caries on milk teeth is treated worse, with many relapses, and most dentists come to the conclusion that it is easier to remove a dairy tooth than to carry out multiple “salvation” procedures;
  • Partial teething 8-ki, and a long inflammatory process associated with this;
  • The presence of pain in the trinity;
  • Any discomfort, pain, restrictions caused by the tooth of wisdom - pain during chewing, when drinking hot or cold drinks, singing, conversation, etc.;
  • If the tooth is 8-ka incorrectly, And because of it, the jaw is constantly injured.

So, we summarize: if you experience pain with the growth of a wisdom tooth, unambiguously remove.

The process of removing wisdom tooths
The process of removing wisdom tooths

Removing tooth of wisdom: Contraindications

Despite the fact that dentists usually “do not stand on ceremony” with wisdom’s teeth, before removal, they are weighed “for” and “against”, and with certain contraindications about the removal, there can be no question.

Contraindications of removal of wisdom teeth:

  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • All problems with the circulatory system and heart function;
  • Allergic reactions to anesthetic;
  • Hypertensive crisis;
  • The need to install a prosthesis or tire, while a wisdom tooth must be involved;
  • The absence of molars adjacent to the wisdom tooth, and the entire load of food chewing lies on it.

What does the root of the wisdom tooth look like: scheme

This section presents a diagram of a tooth of wisdom from the upper and lower jaw. Since the jaw became smaller in the process of evolution, and the number of teeth remains the same, 8 ki are located not like the rest of the teeth. It is with this that the teeth of wisdom often grow incorrectly, thereby forming inflammatory processes, as well as deformation of the rest of the jaw.

What does the root of the wisdom tooth look like: scheme
What does the root of the wisdom tooth look like: scheme


Do the teeth of wisdom be treated for caries and other diseases?

As we mentioned earlier, if the wisdom tooth is struck by caries - this is a direct indication for removal. The wisdom teeth have no important function in the body, and nothing fundamentally changes from their removal (unlike other teeth). But it is worth paying attention to the fact that when removing the teeth of wisdom affected by caries, it is also necessary to monitor other teeth, since they can also be affected by this disease.

Do I need to treat a wisdom tooth, or is it better to remove?

Depending on the situation, the wisdom teeth can be treated, because the last word always remains with the patient. But dentists are convinced that it is best to remove wisdom teeth. In addition, it is necessary to take into account how the teeth of wisdom affect the “neighbors” 7-ox and 6-OK. If 8 causes the jaw deformation, it is unequivocally remove.

Why is it dangerous to remove wisdom tooth?

Despite the fact that when identifying any problems with wisdom teeth, dentists recommend removing them, it is recommended to approach this issue carefully. Firstly, a dentist-surgeon is engaged in removing the wisdom tooth. It is this specialization that is competent in matters of removal, and the prevention of all kinds of complications.

Secondly, before removal, it is necessary to make an x-ray of the jaw so that the surgeon sees all sides of the problem tooth. Sometimes a cyst grows under the tooth of wisdom, and without an X -ray, the doctor will not find the problem, which will lead to repeated appeal to dentistry.

Replenishment when teething wisdom tooth
Replenishment when teething wisdom tooth

Despite the fact that the tooth of wisdom is milk, its removal is almost always a painful procedure. And therefore, removal is recommended under local anesthesia.

After removing the wisdom tooth, the hole is filled with blood clots that contribute to the healing of the wound. In the first few days after tooth extraction, it is not recommended to rinse the oral cavity so as not to wash the clots, and not to provoke inflammation. It is important to understand that blood clots tightly close the wound, and do not pass infection, pieces of food, etc. into it. Having rinsed the oral cavity, you remove the protective barrier and open direct access to the wound. Because of this, inflammation and decay of the hole may occur.

Another complication after removing the wisdom tooth is numbness. A few hours after leaving the dentist’s office, the effect of the analgesic disappears, and the test of aching pain, discomfort is the norm. If the jaw, tongue, cheeks remain numb for several days-this is a significant occasion to contact the surgeon dentist, who will conduct a second examination and diagnose the problem.

If the tooth of wisdom became inflamed, began to fester: what is dangerous?

To begin with, it is worth noting that the tooth of wisdom is a bone tissue that cannot rot. Moreover, if the tooth of wisdom is subject to caries, or grows in the wrong direction, then it can cause inflammation of the gums.

If inflammation is not treated, the next stage, decay occurs. The mucous membrane swells, blushes, it hurts to touch it, sores are formed on it through which pus protrudes. Inflammation with pus goes through two development scenarios:

  • The abscess, in the process of which the gum is inflamed and the pus can, both to perform and be inside. Later it develops into a phlegmon, which is only necessary for the surgeon to treat;
  • White pus actively protrudes on the gum and in the oral cavity. This is a progressive chronic process that must be immediately treated with a surgeon dentist. In the process of which antibacterial treatment is used, in combination with antibiotics.

Both cases are very difficult and require the observation of a specialist.

Complications after removing the wisdom tooth

The procedure for removing wisdom tooths is standard and rarely causes complications if the doctor does not violate. But there are a number of complications that may arise for various reasons. If they are present in the first few weeks after tooth extraction, be sure to consult a doctor:

  • Numbness of the jaw, cheeks, tongue;
  • Pus in the hole and on the gum;
  • After a week, inflammation and pain remains;
  • Fever and chills;
  • Bleeding from the hole, 2-3 days after tooth extraction;
  • Dry hole - most often appears among smokers. The wound is not delayed and inflammation is formed. After 2-3 days, acute pain occurs.

What will happen if you do not remove the wisdom tooth?

Distrust of medicine is a problem that has existed for many years, and has a lot of grounds. Therefore, when the dentist insists on removing the wisdom tooth, the question arises, but what will happen if the tooth of wisdom does not remove?

If a wisdom tooth grows correctly, does not cause discomfort and pain - no dentist will recommend it to remove it. But if caries is present on the tooth of 8-ke-the tooth should be pulled out so that caries does not switch to the rest of the teeth. It makes no sense to treat it.

Incorrect arrangement of wisdom tooths - the source of many problems
Incorrect arrangement of wisdom tooths - the source of many problems

If the tooth of wisdom grows incorrectly, deforming the jaw and causing pain and discomfort - the refusal of removal will only delay the trip to the doctor, but the worst thing is that such a decision can aggravate the condition of the teeth and lead to deplorable consequences. A shift of molars can adversely affect both the bite and to loosen teeth, which may fall out with mild injury.

If a wisdom tooth is a focus of inflammation, its removal is mandatory. With the development of an abscess or chronic inflammation, the tooth will still have to be removed, and the treatment will be delayed for many months.

Delete of wisdom tooth: reviews

Reviews about the removal of wisdom teeth:

  • Inga: A painful tubercle appeared on the gum, but if I did not chew on the right side, he was practically not sick. A month later, the situation was aggravated, and it was impossible to spend without an anesthetic and an hour. The dentist took a picture and said that a cyst had formed under the tooth of wisdom and we need to remove everything. Ten minutes and the problem is solved! In vain I was afraid!
  • Kirill: Upon a planned examination, the dentist discovered caries on the tooth of wisdom. He sent to the surgeon, who confirmed the recommendation of the first doctor and recommended taking a picture and delete the tooth. With new technologies, and anesthesia, everything went easily and imperceptibly. It was worse later, as it healed for a long time and painfully. Do not be lazy to go for planned examinations - this prevents much larger problems than mild discomfort from hospitals.

Video: removal of the wisdom tooth and what will happen after removing the wisdom tooth?

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